วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Fraud

Author : Max Bellamy
The lowest prices for stocks. Free iPod. Free trip for two to the Caribbean. Free television sets. Free personal computers. Do all these sound too good to be true? Well, they probably are. Larger-than-life promos are just one of the many types of fraud.Fraud is rampant. It can be committed through many methods, phone, mail, and the Internet, and you need to learn all you can about it to protect yourself.A person has committed fraud when he tricks or deceives someone for his personal gain. Fraud defined in legal terms is much more specific, and varies between jurisdictions, such as theft by deception," "larceny by trick," or "larceny by fraud and deception."Generally speaking, it is any crime or civil wrong that involves some deception executed for gain and practiced on the victim. In the eyes of the law, a person has committed fraud when he deliberately deceives another individual or group for the purpose of impairing them. People commit fraud usually to unjustly obtain property or services from another. The use of forged object is also considered fraud.Fraud is also considered a civil law violation, called a "tort."A person commits a tort when he or she makes a false representation of a fact to the detriment of another individual or group of individuals who put faith in that fact.Perhaps one of the biggest fraud cases in history was pulled by Alves dos Reis of Portugal, regarded as the biggest counterfeiter of the 20th century. He forged legal documents in the Banco de Portugal to be able to print legal escudo banknotes - about 100,000,000 PTE all in all.One of the most popular intellectual fraudsters is Oscar Rosales, who plagiarized and deliberately misrepresented his work in attempts to land a national medical research grant. Rosales was a cardiologist and also a lecturer at the Yale School of Medicine during that time.Fraud provides detailed information on Fraud, Fraud Protection, Investment Fraud, Credit Card Fraud and more. Fraud is affiliated with Identity Theft Insurance.
Keyword : Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Fraud Protection, Investment Fraud
