They're really are powerful million dollar opportunites everywhere.Ok, let me explain.I jumped on a flight to Miami late yesterday for some business stuff and I do what I always do:Grab as many new business magazines as I can possibly find for the trip.I have to admit, a few hours to read in 'peace and quiet' is awesome.Onward.We were about 15 minutes in the air and I started reading a really interesting story.I was reading it thinking, there are great opportunities everywhere to improve ourselves and our finances, we just need to see them.Let me explain.I was reading about Mike Butler."Who's he?" I said the same thing, never heard of him, but here's what he's doing and here's what we can learn to improve ourselves.Mike's been in the PR business for a few years and over the last few years isolated a PROBLEM.He saw how small businesses weren't getting the attention big businesses were getting from PR firms.He saw there was a PROBLEM in what they could afford, because so many of the PR firms fees were so high. He saw the PAIN in small business owners trying to get the word out about their businesses.Follow me here because here's his 'genius moment' and here's what you can learn.Seeing the PROBLEM, Mike just started the first ever PR STORE.Yes, a storefront in malls across the country and SOLELY focuses on helping these small business owners with PR and marketing.His business is flourishing.His clients love him.No one has ever tried to sell PR and marketing through a retail store, but Mike Butler saw an OPPORTUNITY.Here's a few tips you can use to find and profit from your own million dollar opportunities.1) Find a PROBLEM - Mike Butler saw that small business owners were 'getting beat up' by big companies in the PR world. He knew that where there was a problem, there was a potential opportunity.All of business is about SOLVING someone's problems.Lawyers solve legal problems.Dentist solve teeth problems.It's all about solving problems.Whenever we work with a client in helping them solve a problem, we have them ask certain questions.These questions always help you get the clarity that wil help you find the million dollar opportunities all around you. You can then use them to make a bunch of money, just like our other clients. You can get these powerful questions when I walk you through how you can find million dollar opportunities in 'The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop'2) Start Small - Mike Butler started with 1 store.
He started small. Sure, he had aspirations for dozens of stores, but it all starts with that first step.
You need to find your 'core idea', what you're going to focus on and take that first step like Mike Butler did.
So many people lose so much money because they want to make $25,000 before they make $1,000 and they never get off the ground.3) Find A Market That's Aware And Hungry To Solve The Problem -Mike Butler knew that small business owners were HUNGRY to solve the PROBLEM. They wanted more clients, they wanted more business.Too many people start making products only to later find out there's no one hungry to buy them.I always take certain steps to make sure I'm not trying to sell to a market that doesn't want to buy. This process can save you a fortune and in turn make you a fortune.I'm not sure anyone else teaches this, but that's why I included it in 'The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop'.Let's wrap up here.
1) Find a Problem.
2) Start Small
3) Find a Hungry Market.This is how Mike Butler started and this will help you find an opportunity that you can profit in.
In 'The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop,' I'll walk you through steps 4-7 that will put all the pieces of the puzzle in for you. You can make a fortune when you know the process.It's time for you to ACT.Let's get going.Talk to you soon.Mike LitmanMike Litman's Success Secrets
Mike Litman is the co-author of the #1 Best-selling book Conversations with Millionaires. Over the last 3 years, Mike has unleashed the greatness of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Networking Times Magazine called Mike Litman 'a modern day Napoleon Hill' and at the age of 30 he's already shared the stage with well-known speakers such as Jim Rohn, Mark Victor Hansen and Bob Proctor and Jay Abraham.
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