วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

You Won't Succeed Without This Business Secret

Author : Matt Sherborne
At some time in the life of almost every person there comes the urge to establish a business of their own. Not very many ever attempt to do so, but it's a fact that most of the large businesses of today were created from the individual enterprise of one person.There are at least three choices open to ambitious entrepreneurs through which they may enter into business. First, the founding of an entirely new business; Second, the combining of two or more established businesses through the introduction of some new plan of operation; Such as the production of a new product, a new advertising technique, or a better plan for marketing the product. And third, becoming a part of an already established businessThe idea to establish a business brings with it two questions. What line of business, and how to finance it. Generally success is more certain in the line of business in which you have the largest experience. It also helps immensely when the line of business chosen closely reflects your personal interests. There's nothing more rewarding than operating your own business that consists of something you truly enjoy. However, the most important thing to consider when selecting a line of business is demand.All business rests ultimately on human wants, and these are satisfied by goods, either commodities or services. Without human wants and their satisfaction by goods produced in the business world there would be neither motive nor recompense for business activity. Every successful business person today is producing something that the public desires or that he can persuade them to desire, in order to satisfy some want.Your new business enterprise will need capital funds. The total amount of funds with which a business enterprise conducts its operations is known as its capital. Ordinarily, anyone wanting to start a new business enterprise has two general sources from which they can draw capital funds. First, they may resort to their own accumulated savings or the savings of their individual friends who are courageous enough to invest their money in the enterprise; or second, they may have to apply for a loan from the bank.Expressed in a slightly different fashion, capital for a business enterprise may be raised entirely by the owner out of his own savings, or conforming to the more general practice, part of it may represent the investment of the owner's savings and the remainder represents loans from a bank. The proportion of the total capital funds contributed by the owner of the enterprise or loaned by a bank is governed by the history of the enterprise.Generally a bank will not assume the whole risk of the new business startup by lending all of the capital needed. On the other hand, were the business is established and has consistently demonstrated its earning capacity over a period of years, additional capital for which a need can be shown can usually be obtained from a bank.Which ever method you choose to start up your future business you should be absolutely sure to follow your passions. Decide what drives you; what is your biggest motivator? Once you figure that out, you will have made a giant step toward starting the business, and your future.Matt Sherborne is the author of Get Rich Trading Ecurrency and Explode Your Ad.
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Keyword : business, marketing, advertising, promotion, pr, sales, company, best, motivation, advice, ads, win
