วันจันทร์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Parapsychology: Maximizing Effectivity Of Targeted Controlled Remote Viewing Techniques

Author : Jim Ray
Individuals with a solid working knowledge of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) have undoubtedly encountered the "plateaus" experienced at various levels throughout the ability's development.Successful employment of CRV to identify characteristics of past, present, or future events depends heavily on the viewer's ability to transmit retrieved data between the subconscious/conscious divide. As a viewer becomes acquainted with the process long-term, he or she can begin to maximize the effectivity of their CRV sessions using the following methods:* Begin CRV sessions without the target in mind. Preconceived expectations of the target event or beacon, usually brought about by informal preliminary focus on the target, will muddle the session and oftentimes result in inaccurate data retrieval.* Differentiate between intra-personal thought and CRV target data. Increased accuracy of retrieved data is a result of the suspension of cognitive analization of the data as it is retrieved. Basic data commonly retrieved during a CRV session may include, but is not limited to, environment temperature, sounds, colors, illumination, and shapes. Advanced viewers may retrieve information including specific geographic locations, objects, text, audible words or phrases, and even knowledge, memories and emotions experienced by human beacon(s).* Expand your optics range beyond that of traditional peripheral vision. Though difficult for novice viewers to grasp initially, expanding the optics range beyond that of the traditional physical vision range is imperative to increasing the volume of useful data retrieved. Scan each visual using a broad, sweeping rhythm, first left to right, then top to bottom. Advanced viewers may also be able to zoom in on objects or actions, allowing for retrieval of more specific datum.* Reenter consciousness very, very slowly. Attempting to aggressively revert back to a conscious state (any frequency above Theta) after a session to record data will result in at least a partial, if not significant loss of the data retrieved. Do not fear losing the information during transition. Instead, "trust" the mind to retain the data retrieved after the session is complete.* Employ simplistic biochemical enhancements. Implementation of simplistic biochemical enhancements such as incense, white noise, or an optical brainwave stimulator bind the synaptic pathways, permitting for stronger cohesive relay of target data over the subconscious/conscious divide.* Maintain a healthy physical diet regimen. Diets high in alcohol, carbohydrates, or glucose (sugar) promote conditions conducive to development of free radicals, which cause cellular damage and interfere with the body's interaction with etheric energy. A solid combination of physical activity and healthy food choices will help maximize data relay potential.In addition to the above recommendations, identifying a secure, comfortable environment in which to perform CRV sessions will also ensure maximum results from each session.Development of natural parapsychological capabilities such as CRV can be achieved by anyone willing to put forth the patience and effort required to identify and harness the ability. Refinement of the skillset can lead to a greater understanding of existence in general, as well as the capacity of the human psyche.Jim D. Ray is a parapsychologist with a diverse background in multiple subject concentrations, including business, psychology and parapsychology, criminal justice, philosophy, education, internet technology, and vocal performance arts. Jim can be reached by e-mail at: jray@web-presence.net.
Keyword : parapsychology, remote viewing, controlled remote viewing, crv, jim d. ray, jim ray
