วันจันทร์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Rationalizing Frequency Pollution Sciences and Academic Debates

Author : Lance Winslow
Many people sense that perhaps modern human civilizations have been over bombarded with frequency pollution. Everything from Microwaves, cell phones, radio transmissions, radar, power lines and electronic handheld devices for entertainment have been targeted as potential problems for the human biosystem.Problems for the heart, brain, nerves and even the cells themselves have been discussed and debated in academia, some studies funded by cell phone companies and communication corporations and others by healthcare interests.It is for this reason that an online think tank recently addressed this subject, but this entire subject is very interesting one I might add; both the problems with science, funding and ego and that of the your question of frequency pollution of cell tower emissions, things like HAARP, radar, etc. And many good things come of all this of course, it is just a matter of proper modulation and consideration of how everything is inter-related and works together.In fact all these topics bleed together but science is so fractionalized by category that it makes for a real problematic issue in how modern humans and society has chosen to use their brains and educate little up and coming human being children to use theirs. And thus the rule of unintended consequences occurs when linear thought migrates to work in pure categories and boxes. So there is a little philosophy for you and the reason for the need for more abstract, multi-disciplinary and renaissance human thinkers.I believe that increased life expectancy is the answer to this dilemma, allowing humans more time to learn more types of sciences and better inter-brain communications in real time thought transfer to help all the worlds human knowledge to work together. That is the answer really, but the fine line between individualism and collectiveness must be observed in the human species or it cannot work.Wow, how did I get on that subject so fast? Maybe I should call Ray Kurzweil, Bill Bryson, Arthur C. Clark or Stephen Wolfram to finish off this subject for me? Or we can just move it to a different thread and continue the philosophy of taking the human race to the next step and we can solve all these little issues of Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Frequency Pollution, Human Bio-system perfection and merging our best efforts in science and technology. Consider all this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Keyword : Rationalizing Frequency Pollution, Sciences and Academic Debates
