วันเสาร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Copywriting Skills can Improve eBay eBook Sales

Author : John Thornhill
Having a perfect title, a great auction template, a good price and a well-conceived plan regarding how to handle inquiries and effectuate sales sounds like a recipe for success for any eBay eBook seller. However, there is one component missing. In order to really make one's sales numbers jump, there is a need for copywriting talent.Copywriting refers to the writing of sales copy. In the case of eBay sellers, this involves all of the information provided in your auction. This is what potential customers see and read when making their decision on an eBook. In many cases, they can choose to buy that product from a variety of vendors. Why should they choose you? In some cases, they may not be sure the eBook in question is exactly what they want. Why should they buy that eBook? Often, buyers have heard about scams and raw deals in the eBook field. Why should they trust you?Good copywriting answers those questions for the prospect. It sets them at ease, sells them the product and closes the deal. A seller with a perfect system, the greatest eBook ever and a low price will still find sales difficult without good copywriting within the auction.How does one develop good copywriting skills? Unfortunately, the answer does not involve a quick or easy solution. Practice and training are usually the source of the best copywriting.This does not mean that the average eBook seller is out of luck, however. Remember, most of the competition is unskilled at copywriting, making any gain in knowledge on the subject beneficial. Additionally, there are a variety of guides, hints and tips freely available online for those who are interested in improving their copywriting skills.Don't expect to master copywriting overnight, however. The process of writing effective ad copy involves writing skills along with an understanding of persuasion and the consumer psychology. What may appear to be simple is actually deceptively complex.For those who are serious about the eBook selling business, hiring a freelance copywriter may be a great idea. Some successful eBook sellers employ copywriters for virtually every project. Others rely on their expert assistance only a few times in order to get a good idea of how to write sales copy that produces results.Good sales copy can be the difference between a rousing success and a horrifying failure. Too often, we convince ourselves that our education or life experience qualify us to write our advertising copy. We frequently don't even realize just how much room for improvement exists in our own stabs at copywriting. This oversight is one of the mistakes an eBook seller can make. As the marketplace begins to crowd, finding ways to improve the performance of an auction becomes essential. One of the best ways to help is by making sure your auction features the kind of copywriting that truly leads people to make purchases.Copyright 2006 John ThornhillJohn Thornhill is an eBay powerseller and trades on eBay under the username planetsms. If you really want to succeed on eBay with information products visit http://www.planetsms.co.uk/member_offer.htm
Category : Business:E-Books

Secret Cyprus

Author : Lynda Burke

When most people think of Cyprus, they think of sand, sea, boat trips, cocktail bars and a confusing mix of restaurants. This is not a bad thing and is definitely what a lot of people are looking for or they would not be happy to return year after year. But, there is more and I have found it. It entails luring you away from the coastal resorts to discover the 'Secret Cyprus'.After having travelled to Cyprus many times I decided I was bewitched by the people and the Mediterranean way of life. Having seriously decided that I would like to make Cyprus my home, I resolved to discover what this beautiful 'Island of Love? was all about on my next Paphos holiday. The warmth of the Island in mid-March was a shock after arriving from the freezing climes of England and the colours in the fields and the full banana plantations were a respite from the bustle of city life. I decided to check out a holiday in the villages and short-listed my choice to Kathikas, Anarita, Tsada and Episkopi. I chose these because they all have a traditional village square and I was eager to experience the real Cypriot way of life.The contrast between spending my Paphos holidays in a village rather than close to the coast could not be more acute. I was away from the all-night karaoke bars and the tourist shops selling a confusing mix of Cyprus lace, sweet delicacies and t-shirts for grandma to buy for the kids back home.The villages of Episkopi and Kathikas are a reminder of what Cyprus living is really all about and the locals still go about their daily business, quite oblivious to what is happening on the coast 15-20 minutes drive away. Having said this though, they are more than happy to see any day trippers and will make every effort to supplement their income by selling local produce such as fruit, vegetables, lace, and of course their home made Commandaria (sweet Cyprus wine).I made my accommodation selection from a variety of villas to rent Paphos and opted eventually to stay in Kathikas Village, which is approximately 15 minutes drive from Coral Bay and 20 minutes drive from the pretty fishing port of Latchi in the other direction. I hired a car though and made sure I visited all these villages during my stay. They all have attractions of their own and charms that tug more at the senses than the purse strings. For a start, the climate is cooler in summer, they all have a central village square and church around which life revolves. I even stumbled across the unexpected family run Sterna winery and was made very welcome to try a tasting and sit a while to hear the fascinating story of the cellar history. Episkopi village entrance is dominated by a steep rock face displaying the full bodied colours of Cyprus soil. The traditional structure of the village remains largely unchanged and the roads are narrow and often steep. I was entranced to see working donkeys carrying crops of oranges from the fields. The landscape in this area reveals a stunning display of oranges, limes, lemons, grapes and almonds.Anarita and Tsada are not so far inland, in fact only a 5 to 10 minutes drive from a beach or golf club if you feel you still need to feel sand between your toes or take the challenge of an unfamiliar course, but all still have the allure of village life and the locals will extend their welcome in the village tavernas if you wish to try a Cyprus Meze or any local speciality. All these villages exhibit a community spirit and it is fascinating to watch the older gentlemen of the village gather at the local coffee shop to play cards, backgammon or set the world to rights. I have yet to pass through any Cyprus village without seeing the elderly locals sharing a tale or having a laugh.A failure of imagination or knowledge means that we often park ourselves where it feels familiar and amongst others from our own Country which often leaves us wondering why we traveled abroad, apart from the sun, obviously. Take the challenge, discover ?Secret Cyprus? and experience some real Cyprus living in the villages. Lynda Burke owns and operates the website www.rent-a-villa-in-paphos.com and now lives and works in Paphos, Cyprus.

Category : Travel Abroad

วันพุธที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Sugar-Free Holiday Candy Poses Hazard for WLS Patients

Author : Kaye Bailey
The winter holidays bring a multitude of dietary challenges for any health conscious individual. For the weight loss surgery patient (WLS), who must avoid sugar intake, the season can be frustrating. Sugar intake is a real concern for people who’ve had gastric bypass, in fact most patients fear sugar. The foremost fear isn’t weight gain, it’s dumping. Foods containing sugar pass too quickly through the small pouch, they are rapidly absorbed and cause insulin levels to drop resulting in dumping syndrome.Some WLS patients will turn to sugar-free candies to replace to old traditional sugar laden favorites. But the sugar-free candy comes with a price too. It contains sugar alcohol which is known to cause gas, bloating and diarrhea. In addition the candy can be consumed slowly in large quantity and often results in severe discomfort for the WLS patient. Patients who have consumed excessive quantities of sugar-alcohol products report an initial dull tummy ache. The tummy ache soon becomes severe bloating, cramping and gas. One woman reported pain so severe she begged to be taken to the hospital fearing she may soon explode.There is not much to do in the case of excessive consumption of sugar-free products except wait-out the uncomfortable symptoms. Some patients report relief after taking an anti-diarrheal products containing bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol). Other patients have found relief from eating saltine crackers in moderation.Candy that contains Mannitol, a common sugar alcohol extracted from seaweed, bears this package warning, “Warning: excessive consumption can cause a laxative effect” Mannitol is found naturally in pineapples, olives, asparagus, sweet potatoes and carrots. It’s about 60% as sweet as sugar, so more product is needed to replicate the sweetness of sugar. Mannitol lingers in the intestines for a long time and therefore causes bloating and diarrhea.Sugar alcohol can also be called Sorbitol, Xylitol, Lactitol, Isomalt and Maltitol.The American Diabetes Association claims that sugar alcohols are acceptable in a moderate amount but should not be eaten in excess. In addition, weight gain has been seen when these products are overeaten. For gastric bypass patients generally the key, as in all eating, must be moderation. And of course, we can always rely on the old advice of conventional dieters, “Hungry for something sweet? Reach for a piece of fruit.”Kaye Bailey © 2005 - All Rights ReservedLivingAfterWLS
LivingAfterWLS Blog
Category : Ecommerce

Tell Me - Do You Really Like Being Fat?

Author : Joanne Reid
Once upon a time, I fretted about going to a family wedding because I was â€" gasp â€" 142 pounds. I am five foot three. The ideal weight for me was 115 pounds using that old rule of thumb for women â€" 100 pounds for the first
five feet and then five pounds per inch after that. I think I was a size 11.I still remember the dress I wore. Red and
white squares in a very 70s pattern. Just past the flower child stage and
slightly reminiscent of the art deco style. I was almost sick at the thought of
going to the wedding looking like a whale. Ha ha ha ha. If I knew then what I
know now, it would have been sheer joy. Today, my goal is to get down to 150
pounds.I really chunked up in my thirties and decried
the paternalistic pressures to be thin. I embraced my voluptuousness. I was
healthy. What more did I want?Well, I can tell you now what more I could have
wanted? I could have wanted the kind of sense of self that would allow me to
say to the men I met, hey, just because I am fat does not mean I am willing to
settle for second best. I could have wanted to believe my own b.s. about my
size. I could have wanted my blood pressure to remain low. I could have wanted
to be taken seriously when I went into the boss’s office to say I had a problem
with a co-worker. (It was really bad and I had to say something. She was and is
a very slender and attractive woman and that was the issue as far as the boss
was concerned. The real issue was something else entirely but as I stood there,
I saw myself as my boss saw me. Wake up call!! Woo hoo. Reality calling Joanne.A long time ago, ironically, I studied
nutrition at university. Right up to the point of taking chemistry courses to
understand it. I should have studied psychology as well. I know the facts of
life. Garbage in â€" big fat bum.The one thing I did do right is know that just
because I am plus size, I need to wear pretty things. Still I have trouble
finding pants that fit. Short legs, wide hips. Ha. Wide, did I say? Well. I was
visiting this buddy of mine who is a creative genius with the sewing machine and
asked him to measure me up for pants. Hips? Fifty-four inches. And I was
mortified at the size 11 dress I wore to that wedding so long ago. Where did I
go wrong?I intellectualized myself into all kinds of
nonsense so I have begun to intellectualize myself out of the same nonsense. I
have tried so many diets over the years, I consider myself just about an expert
in what works and why. Over at my Chaos Queen site,
http://chaosqueen.biz, I share my best research with you, along with some
ways to look gorgeous while you work your way into fine shape.Joanne Reid’s reviews of the best and worst diets can be read at http://chaosqueen.biz. It’s her opinion that as the Chaos Queen, everything is her business. Her sisters are too grown up now for her to boss around and for some reason, her friends have all taken assertiveness training and smile nicely when she offers advice on how they should run their lives.
Category : Happiness

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why Do You Run?

Author : Mary Desaulniers
It is a simple question from a seven year old that starts me on a life review. "Why do you run?" she asks when I stop for lemonade at her make-shift stand, the one sporting a sign that warms my heart: " lemonaid 10 cents."But I can't answer her. For several seconds, I sip at the cup and smile at her sun-freckled nose."Why?" she asks again."It makes me feel good," I reply, tossing the paper cup into the garbage pail, glad that I can slip away without saying more. Her question unsettles me though. The answer I have so glibly thrown at her does not seem to ring true.Why DO I run?I have been a runner for 27 years, yet I am hard pressed to say exactly what makes me run. My first turn around the local high school track was motivated by sheer vanity. Having gained over 40 pounds with the birth of my first child, I was determined to make running the means to an end. I shed the pounds, but found in the process of doing so a new enthusiasm. Those were heady late twentysomething days when running seemed more like a cult than a sport—part of the Brave New World of Fitness that made me feel like a colt. It made me feel sleek, toned and fit, filling me with a kind of coltish momentum, as though I were riding the crest of a fast, furious wave.Ten years later, I was still running, but the momentum had slowed to a trot. With a second child and a full-time job, I found a different reason for running: it was now my way of slowing down the pace, my refuge from the frenetic rush of schedules and deadlines. Feeling more like a cow than a horse, I ran to be still, allowing the rhythm of a body in motion to be a kind of stabilizing grace. During those years of music lessons, daycare and baseball practices, running became my still point in a turning world.Twelve years later, when my husband fell terminally ill, I ran to stop the pain from swallowing me whole. I ran against the pain and through the pain, sometimes weeping, sometimes cursing as my legs carried me numbly over stones and rubble. When my husband passed away after an eleven month battle against an illness that had the upper hand from the very beginning, I ran to make peace with the pain. Somehow in the echoes of my falling steps, I found a rhythm that seemed at one with the sky—stars suspended in darkness that made brilliant their light. And I realized that there was not much difference between this world down here and the one up there: we leave the way we live because nothing shines brighter than a dying star.Now in my fifties, I am running more than ever. I can't help but sense that the question "Why do you run?" seems beside the point. I cannot live without running; it has become as much a part of me as breathing is. I run because running has been the only constant in my life, the only thing that hasn't changed or has survived despite the change. My children are now grown, my eldest son the father of two. We have new additions to the family, even as my husband has moved to a different peace. I have changed; my hair has greyed and my body has shifted to a more matronly cast. I forget recent events, but my memories of the good old days are etched forever in stone. No longer the colt nor the cow, I have the permanence of time. Change seems no longer a menacing beast because I know I have been blessed—blessed with life in whatever form it takes. And I know I will survive in whatever form I take. I know because there is nothing in this world—nothing-- that can beat the beauty of a cool, steady run.Come to think of it, my answer to the little girl is not quite so glib after all.Why do I run?Because running has made me feel good. It does so still and God willing, it will make me feel even better in years to come.Copyright 2005 Mary DesaulniersA runner for 27 years, retired schoolteacher and writer, Mary is now doing what she loves--running, writing, helping people reclaim their bodies. Nutrition, exercise, positive vision, and purposeful engagement are the tools used to turn their bodies into creative selves.You can subscribe to Mary's newsletter by contacting her at http://www.GreatBodyafter50secrets.com or visit her at http://www.GreatBodyat50.com
Category : Recreation-and-Sports:Running

Microsoft SQL 2000 Disaster Recovery with SANRAD V-Switch - Planning Guide

Author : Efrat Aharoni-Levi
IntroductionDesigning a disaster recovery system requires planning and consideration of the available options that will best fit your company's needs, SLA and budget.With SANRAD DR Solution there is no need to use Log shipping (which requires extra recovery steps) or Microsoft SQL's built in replication mechanism (which requires the configuration of a publisher and a subscriber). SANRAD DR makes the data and transaction log available to the SQL server on the remote site for immediate use. Even if there is no SQL server on the remote site, once built after a disaster, it will be able to access the data immediately with minimum recover time. SANRAD DR solution is a "hot standby solution" when there is a server on the remote site and a "warm standby solution" when there is no SQL server on the remote site (which will be built after a disaster).This guide will help you design Disaster Recovery plan for Microsoft SQL 2000 in conjunction with .
The guide assumes that you have basic knowledge of SANRAD V-Switch and MSSQL 2000 Administration.Disaster Recovery Planning For Microsoft SQL 2000
This section discusses both general and MSSQL specific considerations that need to be addressed when designing a disaster recovery solution combining and Microsoft SQL 2000.General Considerationssolution allows for flexibility with Microsoft SQL 2000 disaster recovery design.
The most influential factors affecting design consideration are:
• Budget limitations
• Recovery Time Objective (RTO) requirements (the time until the data is back online)
• Recovery Point Objective (RPO) requirements (the amount of data that can be lost)
• Network bandwidth between the local site and remote site
• Replication method: Synchronous versus Asynchronous
• Replication frequency (only for Asynchronous replication)
• Initial volume synchronizationRTO (Recovery Time Objective)
• With high level RTO, duplicate hardware is required to allow quick recovery making the solution more costly.RPO (Recovery Point Objective)
RPO requirements are best defined by the amount of data that the company is willing to lose.
• High level RPO requires more bandwidth for both Synchronous and Asynchronous replication.
• Low level RPO requires less frequent replication and smaller bandwidth.
Network Bandwidth between the Local and Remote sites
Bandwidth between the sites is generally the most crucial factor affecting the replication component of a solution.
• T1 (1.5Mb) links impose less frequent data replication and the use of asynchronous replication methods.
• T3 (45Mb) links or a 1Gb links allow frequent replication and the flexibility to choose between synchronous replication or asynchronous replication methods.
Replication method
When considering which replication method to choose it is important to remember:
• In Synchronous Replication the I/O commands are written to the local disk and to the remote volume at the same time. Every IO command requires an acknowledgment from both the local and remote sites before the next command. Consequently, synchronous replication is best deployed with a high bandwidth connection in order to allow the remote acknowledgment to arrive back to the local site as fast as possible and the replication can run faster.
• In Asynchronous Replication the I/O commands are written to the local volume and local journal volume which in turn is replicated periodically to the remote volume as periodically defined by the user. Consequently asynchronous replication can work well with lower bandwidth (minimum recommended for Microsoft SQL 2000 replication is 1.5 Mb).
• For Asynchronous replication, you must decide the data replication frequency. There are three factors that must be considered:
1. The size of the network bandwidth between the sites.
2. The amount of data changes that need to replicate each time. For example, large amounts of data changes take longer to replicate using T1 links.
3. The RPO requirements.Initial Volume Synchronization
solution can be used to protect existing production Microsoft SQL 2000 data. solution supports both online and offline synchronization. When using with existing Microsoft SQL 2000 data, an Initial synchronization of the Microsoft SQL 2000 volumes on the local site to the remote site must be performed.The initial volume sync method depends on:
• The size of the volumes needed to be synchronized.
• The network bandwidth between the sites. For example, the bigger the volume size, the longer it will take to synchronize over a T1 link.
Online synchronization starts immediately when replication is started and uses the same network link that will be used during the replication.
Offline synchronization is a manual process where prepares the volumes on the primary site and the user must copy the data to the remote site. It is the user's responsibility to make sure the volumes on the remote site are synchronized.
Microsoft SQL 2000 Considerations
Any Microsoft SQL 2000 Disaster Recovery planning should (at the very least) consider the following requirements:
• Quick access to the most recent copy of the Microsoft SQL 2000 database and the transaction logs. In a disaster situation provides fast access to the most recent replicated data on the remote site.
• The Microsoft SQL 2000 database and its related transaction logs must be replicated together to the remote site. uses consistency groups to ensure simultaneous replication of all volumes assigned to a consistency group.SANRAD is a leader in IP Storage Networks enabling organizations to effectively Access, Share & Manage Stored Data across Standard Ethernet Environments.SANRAD delivers simplified networked storage with excellent price/performance by coupling open IP storage connectivity with comprehensive network-based data management using IP Storage Area Networks (IP-SANs).With SANRAD, organizations of all sizes can leverage the benefits of networked storage to link employees and clients with stored data for full storage availability, flexible and scalable storage using an economical Ethernet (IP/SCSI) network.
for further reading:
Category : Computers-and-Technology:Data-Recovery

How To Get Profits From Your &#39404 Page Not Found&#39 File

Author :

st, 1969

Living In Fear Of Mesothelioma

Author : John Moore

Living In Fear Of Mesothelioma First of all, you may be wondering what mesothelioma is, and why I should be scared of it ?..... Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is the medical name for cancer of the lung, and is usually caused by exposure to asbestos. Symptoms my not appear for up to 50 years or so after exposure to asbestos, and people who haven't had any contact with asbestos for many years, are now showing signs of having this deadly disease. The symptoms are usually shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains and feeling very tired. Why should I be scared of it ? As a small child, I used to live near a factory which used asbestos to make fire-proof products and other insulating materials for the building industry. I believe that asbestos was also used in the manufacture of break linings. I can remember seeing the asbestos dust that spewed out of the factory covering the surrounding area (including part of our school playground) with this deadly snow like powder. Of course, as we were just kids at that time, we had absolutely no idea just how deadly this dust was. We even played in it completely unaware of its dangers. The Horror Came Later. It wasn't until years later after the factory had been closed down, that we began to see the full horrors of this white snow looking powder, we had played with as children. By this time I was much older, and the dangers of asbestos had been given massive coverage by the media, so I was now aware of what could happen to myself and hundreds of other people who lived in the same area as this factory in years to come. TV Documentary. This factory received national television coverage, and on one program they interviewed families who had suffered due to the problem of asbestos. I was shocked to see that I knew some of the people who had lost family members due to developing mesothelioma, in fact I actually went to school with some of the people who took part in the program. The program showed old photographs of the area around the factory (including my old school) covered in powder, and it really did look like it had been snowing. When you see all of this on television it really does make you just a little bit worried, especially when you have been in contact with asbestos like I have. Treatments. If mesothelioma is diagnosed early enough, a cure is possible with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. However, in the case of a more advanced illness a cure is not possible, but with the right treatments the illness can be slowed down dramatically and medication can be used to ease any pain. X-Rays. As a precaution I did have x-rays a few years ago just to put my mind at rest, and thankfully they we all clear. The doctor recommended that I should have x-rays on a very regular basis just to be on the safe side. So, at the moment everything is ok, but I will always be just a little bit worried of what might happen in the future. Thank you for reading my article - Author John Moore. For more help and information, please use my linkhttp://www.online-mesothelioma-guide.com

Author - John Moore - Please use my link http:www.online-mesothelioma-guide.com

Category : Cancer Treatment and Prevention