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Classic Care Sale Details

Author : Harvey Ong
Collectors and ordinary people alike know what it feels like to get into a classic car. That sense of nostalgia, that sensation of traveling back to a long-gone era of automotive design. There is a very good reason why classic cars are so highly valued and prized by collectors. A classic car sale can be a very taxing event to get to, especially if one is selling to an experienced collector of those nostalgic machines. A classic car sale can very often depend on how much the seller knows about the details of the car that he is trying to sell.To find a classic car in good condition is rare; finding one in truly good condition is nearly impossible. Yet, all too often, a classic car sale can depend on the external condition of the car in question. Collectors and enthusiasts tend to look over the outward appearance of the car. These people will scrutinize every inch of the automobile and the ones that truly know their stuff will mentally compare what you're selling to the image of the car when it was fresh from the factory. Some of the more devoted fans will even examine the underbelly of the car, or the engine, in order to see if it still fits under the original specifications of the manufacturer or if there have been alterations. Depending on the tastes of the individual prospective buyer, that may or may not break the sale right then and there. For the most part, a well-maintained and dutifully restored classic Chevy Impala, at a reasonable price, is easier to sell than a Chevy Impala that has been modified for drag racing or for modern driving.Another consideration in potential buyer's minds that can make or break a classic car sale is the price. Humans, by nature, love bargains and car collectors are, generally, no exception. For the most part, they are aware of around how much the price of the car they're interested in and will attempt to haggle in order to get a price that fits their budget, but not straying too far from the estimate. Most sellers are also aware of the value of a car, though like art, these values are best summed up as rough estimates rather than hard, stable prices. It is at the negotiation table that both buyer and seller attempt to outwit the other to get an advantage. However, the fluctuating prices and overall lack of selection tends to favor the sellers rather than the buyers.The classic car sale can be dangerous because it can be accurately described as a seller's market. The prices fluctuate constantly and there is hardly any consistent pattern with regards to pricing, so a seller can easily manipulate it to his advantage. A typical tactic is to subtly remind the buyer that the price is current and it may not be that way the next time he finds a car of the same make and model for sale, provided he does find one. It is also more common for sellers to casually mention that while a buyer might find the same make and model for a lower price, he is unlikely to find one in his area. However, as daunting as that may sound, a majority of sellers are willing to negotiate for a fairer price with the buyer, especially if the model of car that is being sold is not the popular model of the time.A classic car sale can be a complicated and daunting prospect, but it does not have to be that way. If you're the buyer, be prepared to inspect the car thoroughly and to engage in haggling and negotiations over price. If you're the seller, make sure that you've managed to keep the vehicle well-maintained and be prepared to go defend your asking price in the event that your prospective buyer wants to re-negotiate. The market for vintage automobiles can be a tight-knit place but a classic car sale does not have to become an ordeal for buyer and seller alike.For more valuable information on Classic Car Sale, please visit http://classifieds.itrustmotors.com//cgi-bin/classifieds.cgi?db=classic
Keyword : classic car sale

The History of Honda's Classic Acura

Author : Harvey Ong
The classic Acura was one of Honda's biggest gambles. Japanese vehicles had a reputation for being economical above all else, putting functionality over form. Thus, when Honda unleashed the Acura on the Western market, the sense of shock at seeing a Japanese luxury vehicle took a while to die down. Some might argue that the classic Acura design generated a shock that never really died down. After all, the arrival of the Acura heralded the release of more Japanese luxury vehicles into Western markets, something that had been previously unheard of.Debuting in 1986 after nearly ten years of development and design, Honda released the Acura, which became a success. In 1990, Honda announced plans to expand their manufacturing and research operations in the US, the company's primary market for the classic Acura. At the same time, plans are set into motion dealing with how to release the Acura into other markets, such as Canada and Europe. In 1991, Honda successfully released the Acura into the Hong Kong market, as well as integrated new technology into the design to improve performance. Unfortunately, design problems led to slower sales in the mid-1990s, which prompted Honda to both reduce production and attempt to do a major re-tooling of the overall design of the vehicle. However, at the same time, the niche market of import tuners were drawn to the Acura because it was easy to modify.The classic Acura designs were eventually revamped in 2000, which did away with what many described as bland design elements. The new designs, combined with technologies to upgrade the performance and fuel efficiency, and decreased costs, allowed Honda to once again make the Acura one of the main import luxury vehicles in the market. Combined with the retained ease of modification that attracted car tuners to them in the previous decade, the effect was a startling resurgence to the initial strong showing that the Acura made when it was first introduced to the market. Later models followed the concept of a luxury vehicle at an affordable price, with good features and some customization options. So far, the strategy has been successful.In 2004, the classic Acura designs were revamped into the Acura TSX for the European market. Apart from the upgraded design and internal systems, it was also given four-wheel drive and a 4-cylinder engine. Minor modifications were made to make the Acura TSX more suitable for the European market. The new design was received well by the market and quickly became one of the premier import luxury cars in the European market at the time.However, certain features like rear wheel drive and V8 engines, have become prominent among the competitors of the classic Acura. Honda currently is sticking to its guns in maintaining the simple but elegant design, combined with functional technologies and systems. While opinions vary, there is some worry over the fact that the latest models have not been as tuner-friendly as previous ones. Some speculate that Honda will have to once again rethink the design of the classic Acura in order to keep up.For more valuable information on Classic Acura, please visit http://classifieds.itrustmotors.com//cgi-bin/classifieds.cgi?db=classic
Keyword : classic Acura

Take a Ride to the Future In A Hybrid Car

Author : Lee Dobbins
Utilizing the latest in advanced technology, hybrid cars might just provide a glimpse into the future of automobiles. Hybrid cars sport sleek and futuristic looks, but these cars aren't just for show. These scientific marvels make use of both electric and gas power to make for a cleaner, more cost efficient, and environmentally friendlier car.As the world's supply of oil inevitably runs out and the prices of gasoline continue to skyrocket to staggering new heights, more and more people have begun to look for an alternative way to power their cars, as well as to save some money. Thankfully, the rise of hybrid cars are providing a much needed solution to these problems and more. The popularity of hybrid cars continue to grow as more people begin to realize the many advantages that hybrid cars hold over conventional ones.So, what is a hybrid car and how does it work?As the name suggests, hybrid cars utilizes a combination of different technologies. Hybrid cars use an electric propulsion system together with of a gas propulsion system to great effect.Hybrids cars consist mostly of the same basic parts as normal gas cars. They contain a gasoline engine, a fuel tank, batteries, and a transmission. The difference is that hybrid cars also contain an electric motor and in some cases a generator, that work in conjunction with the gasoline engine to run the transmission.A hybrid car can work in different ways.In a parallel hybrid system, both the gasoline engine and the electric motor are connected to the transmission. The car alternates between the two and sometime uses them together. It typically works by using the electric motor to power the car at lower speeds and once the car reaches a certain speed, the car will automatically switch to the gasoline engine to give it extra power.Other cars use what is called a series hybrid system. In this method, the gasoline engine is used to power a generator. The generator is responsible for charging the batteries that power the electric motor, which in turn, turns the transmission causing the car to move. The gasoline engine in a series hybrid never actually runs the car directly.Some of the later hybrid models have a feature that stores up the kinetic energy that is built up when braking and uses it to further charge the car's batteries.The biggest advantage of a hybrid is that it uses a lot less fuel than normal cars. Hybrid owners will be very happy with the mileage that these cars are capable of.It also helps that hybrid cars tend to be built with lighter materials like aluminum and plastic. The engine is also typically smaller and specially designed to consume less fuel.Environmentalist will also be very pleased with hybrids seeing as how they emit far less air pollution. Using a hybrid car helps makes our world a cleaner and more beautiful place to live in.The government is also very fond of hybrid cars. So much so that they're offering buyers tax incentives and other benefits. In some states, hybrid car owners can drive their hybrids in the high occupancy lane, even if they're all alone in their cars.The earlier hybrid car models tended to have unique and special designs, but as more and more manufacturers are catching on to the hybrid craze, they have begun to create hybrid versions of their normal cars. The Honda Civic Hybrid for example, looks more or less exactly like a regular Civic.Buying a hybrid car will inevitably cost more than a regular one. However, the money that is saved from the lower fuel consumption, along with the tax deductions will eventually make up for the extra cost of a hybrid. Those who drive frequently will be the ones that benefit most from this.With all the of the benefits that hybrid cars give, it's no wonder that they're so quickly gaining in popularity. Hybrid owners figure that it's an excellent way to save money on gas and it gives them a good feeling, knowing that they're making a difference in the environment.So those who are in interested should go seriously consider owning one and join the ever growing number of people who are stepping into the future with hybrid cars.Lee Dobbins writes for http://hybridcars.unique-articles.com where you can get more news and information on hybrid cars.
Keyword : car, automobile, auto, hybrid car, electric car

Looking For An Affordable Car?

Author : Anthony Lee
The average price of a car in the market fetches at $16,000. This is more than what some people earn in a year which is why many can't afford to buy one. Getting a car loan can work but given that there are other expenses to think about, this is still not a viable option.Does this mean that the person will never be able to own an automobile? Not necessarily because there are options. One, instead of getting a new one, it might be better to get a second hand car instead. The second option will be checking it out what is available in a seized auto auction.Creditors and law enforcement agencies are mandated by law to sell off things that have been seized so there is space for new items that are coming in. There are a lot of things that person can get here and not only automobiles but also television sets, furniture, computer, sounds systems and jewelry.Most auctions are advertised in the newspaper, posted in bulletin boards in the park or church or online. The prospective buyer will be allowed to inspect the vehicle to check if is in good condition then submit a sealed bid that will be opened later on or make an offer during the auction.The automobiles are usually sold on an "as is" basis. This means it cannot be returned or refunded. There is also no warranty on it like those offered by a car dealer.Should the customer really want the car, it is best to check how much it would cost to have it repaired or restored. In most cases, the costs is still cheaper than buying it off from a dealer's lot.Most automobile auctions will accept payment in the form of cash, credit card or check. The winner will also have to pay for sales tax in addition to how much was the winning bid.Seized car auctions happen in different venues several times a year. Becoming a member will be a good idea so that the customer is informed of the event and money can be prepared.A car is a long term investment since the owner will need to put gas, oil and other things to make sure it is running efficiently at all times. There is no distinction here if this is bought from a car dealer or if this was won in a seized auto auction.To search for cheap repossessed cars, please visit http://www.buy-cheap-cars.info.
Keyword : seized car auctions, seized auto auctions

Checking Your Engine Coolant

Author : Kum Martin
The coolant level of your engine should be checked frequently. You car not only uses this coolant to keep your engine from overheating, but on many cars it also provides lubricant for the water pump. Without lubricant this pump may fail, leaving you with an undesired expense.Only check your coolant level when the engine is cold. Absolutely never open it when the engine is hot.First, locate your coolant tank. Note the fluid level and compare it against the marks on the side of the tank to determine if you need more coolant. It should be between the "low" and "full" marks. If it is too low, or you can't see any coolant in the tank at all, you should add more coolant.Make sure that you use kind of coolant recommended by your manufacturer, and you may need to mix the coolant with water before it is added. Consult your owner's manual to determine this. Also note that engine coolant is extremely poisonous, but tastes delicious to household pets, so be sure to keep them away from it.To add the coolant, simply open the over flow tank, pour the coolant in, and reseal it. If you find that you must do this frequently, or you see coolant leaking from the bottom of the car, you may have a more serious problem and you should consult a mechanic.Though different vehicles may require different kinds of coolant, all need it to continue running. Check your coolant levels frequently to keep your car working right.Check Out More Articles:body cars nissan 350z,
nissan pathfinder 1994 reverse gear problem,
flowmaster exhaust 2005 nissan frontier
Keyword : Car, quotes, price, automobile,kelly,new, used,tips, Nissan

Toyota Prius Could Go Full Line

Author : Tom Bailey
Toyota Motor Corp., the world's top seller of gasoline-electric autos and the second top automaker worldwide, may turn its mighty Prius into a full line of vehicles. This move is intended to triple its hybrid sales in the United States.US will account for more than half a million hybrid cars and light trucks. According to Jim Lentz, executive vice president of Toyota U.S. sales unit, "The automaker plans to sell worldwide each year by early next decade. Prius-based models might include a wagon and a smaller car.""For us to do 600,000, there will probably have to be Prius and derivatives of Prius that are selling in the neighborhood of 300,000 to 400,000. We don't have any plans to do that right now, but that's the direction that nameplate can go, because it is that strong," Lentz said at the Specialty Equipment Market Association trade show in Las Vegas.So far, among auto giants, Toyota is making the most aggressive promotion of gasoline-electric vehicles as the best obtainable option to control fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. In 2005, the automaker sold 235,000 hybrids globally. The number is four times more than the sales of Honda Motor Co. The latter is the second ranking automaker in said segment.One of Toyota's prides in terms of hybrid technology is Prius. The vehicle is the world's first hybrid that is commercially mass-produced. It went on sale internationally in 1997. In the US, Prius is linked with environmentalist and liberal politics. It is famed by celebrities who want to pursue environmental cause.The 2004 model of Prius is a redesigned version. Said car is based on Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD). Two years after, Prius is given minor cosmetic changes to boost safety and ergonomics. Finally, the 2007 version of the vehicle is given new features and enhanced Toyota car parts to make it more sophisticated, high-performing and safe.Moreover, the Touring edition of Prius is given bigger and sharper-pointed 7-spoke, 16-inch alloy wheels with plastic hub cab cover, elongated larger rear spoiler, firmer suspension, integrated foglights and advanced headlights for added protection and power.Tom Bailey is a consultant for one of the country's leading auto parts stores. He is also an editor of a reputable publishing company in his area. He is currently based in Atlantic City, New Jersey with his wife and 3 children. You can visit Toyota car parts for more information.
Keyword : auto parts,Toyota car parts,Toyota parts,auto parts Toyota

Toyota Introduces A Breathtaking New Corolla

Author : Mark Clarkson
Toyota Motor Corp. has recently introduced Corolla, the first new version of its best-selling compact van sedan which has been stricken off its lineup since 2001. Since then, the automaker has not produced said car model. However, lately, the automaker has been busy modifying Toyota Corolla parts in order to pave way for a high-performance sedan than can serve as a mighty rival to other vehicles in same category. The latest Corolla will be introduced in the United States in the year 2008 by Toyota's president, Katsuaki Watanabe.According to automotive analysts, Toyota is moving closer to overtaking the world's largest automaker – General Motors Corp. In its aim to move a notch higher, Toyota is releasing a thrilling new Corolla that can efficiently compete with Honda Civic and Nissan Tiida Latio. ``The Corolla will obviously put pressure on the Tiida and the Civic,'' says Ashvin Chotai, London-based automotive analyst for Global Insight Inc."The Corolla is basically Toyota's bread and butter. The automaker's success is led by models such as the Corolla," says Yoshihiro Okumura, general manager at Chiba-gin Asset Management Co. Said company controls assets amounting to about $365 million.Toyota Corolla, which was launched in 1966, accounted for 19 percent of the automaker's sales in the previous year. It was also reported by the automaker that the figure was increased by 8 percent to 1.39 million units in 2005. It is quite comparable with Toyota Prius hybrid which yielded a total of 175,000 sales. Nowadays, Toyota expects to sell 12,000 Corollas a month in Japan."Toyota's Corolla has a major impact on its profits and volume,'' says Yasuhiro Matsumoto, senior analyst at Shinsei Securities Co. "There's no way that demand for Japanese fuel- efficient vehicles will deteriorate, especially in North America,'' he further added. Matsumoto estimates that automaker's profit margin is approximately 300,000 yen ($2,540) for the Corolla.Toyota will sell two versions of Corolla in Japan. The first version is a sedan called Corolla Axio and the second will be a station wagon dubbed as Corolla Fielder.Mark Clarkson is a 35 year old marketing consultant for a leading auto parts store. This native of Denver is also an offroad enthusiast. Check this out Toyota Corolla parts for more information.
Keyword : auto parts, Toyota parts, Toyota Corolla parts, 92 Toyota Corolla parts, Toyota Corolla performance

Buying a Used Car: Avoiding the Scams

Author : Andrew Dillan
There are a few things that you should always look for if you are buying a used car. Here are the tips that you will need not to get a lemon.1. Warranty FactsYou can sometimes get a car that is still under warranty. If this is the case, check with the warranty (perhaps call the number in the warranty book) to ask if there is anything that you need to do to keep the warranty when you buy the car. This often just involves sending out a letter with the purchase information to the dealership.If you buy from a car dealership, you can often get warranties on used cars. If you want peace of mind when purchasing, consider this option for sure.2. Warning SignsIf the odometer reading doesn't match the wear and tear of the car, then you should definitely ask for some records.If there is any vagueness about getting the service records for the car, you might want to walk away.3. Getting a Good PriceBecause the cost of new cars is going up, there is more of a demand for used cars. This means that some dealerships believe that they can take more money than the car is worth. There are a few things that you need to do to get a good price.Do your research; check online and in used car guides (often available at the local library) to find out what the prices of cars listed online to sell are. If you are uncertain about buying a car online, then don't. Often purchasing a car online means that it will come from a long distance, and as such, you will have to pay exorbitant shipping or delivery costs, which will not be worth the money that you are saving off the sticker price.4. Making the PaymentsInstead of getting a car loan from the dealership and paying the dealer or the seller monthly payments, consider taking out a loan from the bank. You will often get better interest (or financing, as it is called with cars) rates. Go to a bank or credit union before you go shopping for your car. Salespeople will try to talk you into going with the dealership's rates; you will be better off if you already have your financing set up. Credit unions can sometimes offer even better rates than banks on loans and are an often-overlooked choice.5. The Information to GetIn Ontario, and in some states, you can ask to get the used vehicle information package. This will have the details of the previous maintenance and ownership history of the car.Always do a complete visual inspection of a car. Even if you are buying a car from the internet, buy one from your province or state so that you can go and check it out first. Alternatively, agree with the seller that you have the right to return the car for a full refund (including shipping) if it does not meet your standards.6. What not to TrustDon't judge the use of a car by it's brakes; a dealer can buy new brake pads for less than $10, which is often an easy fix for a car.If a car has rear-door-hinges that are very worn, it might have been used as a taxi, and you should probably find another one. Check the roof of the car to see if there have been any holes filled in; this could have been a sign for a delivery vehicle. They also often have been used a lot.Be careful if a car looks like it has been freshly painted. This could mean that it has been in an accident that is trying to be covered up.7. And finally…Buying a used car can be a great deal for you. You can save money on the car itself, and you can get a safe means to travel. Remember, the condition of the car is more important than if it has had multiple owners, or even the odometer reading. Good luck shopping!For information on how to get a loan for a used car, visit http://www.theguideto-carloans.com/used_car_loans/ The Guide to Car Loans. The more you know in advance could save you more money when you buy!
Keyword : car,used,buy,pay,finance,financing,percent,apr,auto,automotive,purchase,purchasing,money,save,loan,n

How Green is Your Driving? Behind the Wheel from the Emerald Isle!

Author : Robin Piggott
Gone are the days when we carried on with our lives irrespective of what was happening in the world. Events in other hemispheres that we are unaware of affect us all. It is certainly not possible to be aware of all the life changing events happening elsewhere all the time, despite the advantages of the Internet revolution, but we at least can be aware of happenings in our own country and certainly in our own space or sphere. Every Driver Can play a part and Should play a part in the never ending quest for Safety, Economy and Eco awareness not forgetting that Learner Drivers frequently find themselves out of their depth! Everything Counts! And Some!This is not a bad philosophy especially when focused on Driving, Driving Habits and looking after our precious four wheels! Every action that we take when behind the wheel has a consequence whether it be letting another Driver know what we are about to do or showing some consideration to another Driver in difficulty or taking full control of a situation that can spin out of control in an instant. Being able to take control of a situation is a highly essential skill in today's driving environment and stems initially from correct training at the outset followed by a conscientious and determined effort at increasing awareness.Focus Counts! And Some! Most Learner Drivers, naturally, tend to focus on the things going on in their immediate proximity, usually due to a fear of colliding with some object or other. Focus often goes no further than the vehicle in front or the one immediately behind! Being able to further extend your visibility, mentally and physically will equip you with the skill to stay out of other driver's mistakes which lead to accidents and heartache. Usually one Driver makes an error… sometimes serious… sometimes fatal and other drivers get sucked into the vortex inadvertently. It is natural to then blame the other driver for your own misfortune when with good observation skills you could have proceeded unscathed.Accidents Count! And Some! A common accident is when one driver decides to carry out a manoeuvre without looking or checking his or her space and then has two following vehicles (usually too close) combine to make a three car collision. Quite often it is the car in the middle which comes off worst sustaining damage front and rear. Driving much too close to a vehicle in front is one of the easiest driver faults to rectify…it doesn't take a PHD to ease off your gas pedal if you see other traffic slowing down and to get into a regular habit of checking other driver's speeds so that it becomes an automatic brain function .Braking Counts! And Some! What you don't need is to be training your brain to stab at the brake pedal at every available opportunity. Drivers that brake before every bend or twist in the road or many metres from an obvious stopping situation like Traffic Lights or a hold up in Traffic are a danger to all other drivers and are using their Brakes about 80 % more than they need to. You use your brain first and foremost to assess what is going on ahead (and behind) and if it requires that you slow down then you come off the Gas Pedal immediately and a more gentle slow down is the result and a much much longer life for your Brakes.Green Counts! And Some! Another added bonus is that when you are reducing the gas pedal pressure you are burning less fuel and emitting less noxious gases into the environment as well as protecting your engine. Talking about noxious gases; here in Ireland currently we have almost incessant road works and road renovation and refurbishment with the attendant temporary Traffic Lights and Flagmen. If it is obvious that the delay is going to be a long one then while you are Waiting for Green why don't you Act Green and switch off your engine. Again this saves fuel, your engine and the environment. Any long delay and you should switch off the engine and give your hard pressed feet a breather.None of these techniques, when learnt and practised, put any strain on the brain or on your pocket and will benefit every Driver, Young or Old, Beginner or ExperiencedRemember… Everything Counts! Robin Piggott is a Driving Instructor in Ireland who brings four decades of experience to his Astral Driving School based in Limerick. His newly refurbed Learner Driver web site can be found at http://www.astraldrivingschool.ie.Here you can find a treasure trove of everything for the Learner Driver and also pages for the visitor who is contemplating Touring Ireland by Car. Try out the Free Seven Part E mail Mini Course"Passing the Driving Test First Time".
Keyword : Green,Eco,Driving,everything counts,Learner Drivers,brakes,driver,

Forget the Bike and Accessorize Yourself with Harley Davidson Clothing

Author : Low Jeremy
After you have purchased your priceless Harley-Davidson, it is now time not to think about modifying it. Your Harley-Davidson has its own image of toughness and ruggedness and would not need any alteration. What should you be thinking of is how to match yourself to the bike and not the other way around.Of course you would buy things that match your personality- that of course include your bike. And you somehow have to think what type of Harley should you buy based on who you are. Well, you have done that already. Now, its time to dress up and hop in your Harley.Having said that, you should start looking Harley-Davidson clothing.Here are the Harley-Davidson clothing must haves that should be included on your shop list:The Black Leather Jacket - It may be quite obvious to you that you should wear something that would protect you from the wind, dust, and sand. And you might be aware of the trademark Harley-Davidson black leather jacket. Have it and you are almost a complete transformation.The Black Leather Pants – After the jacket comes the pants. Black leather pants is extremely popular clothing not only because it complements the jacket but also because it completes that whole Harley-Davidson rider effect. Be mindful that you are not a cowboy and you do not ride a horse for you to wear jeans. You are riding a Harley it deserves only the black leather pants.The Black Leather Boots – You must have watched at least one of several "Terminator" movies. And you must have noticed what Arnold Schwarzenegger is wearing on all of his "Terminator" movies. And oh, don't forget the bike. Have you bought the same model? Anyway, "The Terminator" is wearing black leather boots aside from his black leather jacket and pants. Have you seen yourself in that look?The Harley-Davidson Helmet – Of course, while you ride, you need some head protection; thus the helmet. Many might not feel like wearing one but you must accept the fact that you can never tell when would accidents strike. And when it does, you should come prepared. And the Harley-Davidson helmet is the one you should have.The Goggles – Whether you use it to keep the dust out of your vision or have it as an added Harley look, goggles are good Harley accessory.These five would be enough complete the list of your Harley-Davidson clothing must haves. Your tasks is to search for them whether online or offline.This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Harley Davidson, please visit http://harley-davidson.articlekeep.com
Keyword : Harley Davidson Clothing, Harley Davidson, Harley Davidson accessories

Touring Southern California Mountains on a Motorcycle

Author : Lance Winslow
Touring Southern California on a Motorcycle can be very fun and somewhat hectic too. The traffic in the city is outrageous and it is your basic free parking lot although they have the tenacity to call it a Free Way? Luckily on a motorcycle you can cut lanes and move pretty fast thru traffic on the freeway, but watch out for the pissed off motorist in traffic who wishes to open their door suddenly because they are angry at your ability to pass between the cars.Touring Southern California Mountains on a Motorcycle is much more fun, as you are away from traffic and there are so many scenic routes to take. There are mountains all around the LA Basin, San Diego, San Gabriel Valley and West Valley. It is a spectacular place to ride and it takes months just to ride all the roads there. And they are so much fun, you want to go back and do it again and again.Once on top of the mountains you can look down on civilization and your mouth just drops as to the size of it all. But 460 square miles of concrete and 16.5 million people in the greater LA area of Southern California cannot be wrong. They live there for the great weather and indeed it is. It is truly amazing that so close by there are so many great places to ride. There is no place like it, so we will see you there soon touring the Southern California Mountains on a motorcycle. Seeeee Ya!Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philospher and perpetual tourist
Keyword : Touring, Southern California Mountains, Motorcycle

Why The Cadillac Escalade Has Such A Huge Following

Author : Gregg Hall
With the birth of the first Escalade in 1999, General Motors provided a luxury Sport Utility Vehicle through their popular Cadillac model. The interest in SUVs has increased since the late 90s with consumers searching for intriguing full size, higher end selections. The 2003 Cadillac Escalade came a long way from the basic model, successfully competing against rivals in the German and Japanese SUV market.The growing concerns of an effected environment, as well as the gas guzzling nature of a sport utility vehicle makes some shy away from the thought of purchasing an Escalade. This has not stopped well known personalities from jumping on the band wagon. Not only can they afford the expensive cost to maintain and fix these SUVs, but use these vehicles to make a trendy fashion statement.A Definite Status SymbolThe ownership of a Cadillac Escalade has become something of a status symbol throughout the years. They are showcased within music videos to denote wealth and flashiness. Movie stars and other celebrities, such as Paris Hilton own one in their personal collection of cars. The Escalade model is also quite popular among athletes. Former Golden State Warrior player, Chris Mills prefers the design of this particular SUV, which was also purchased by more than five of his fellow teammates. Top draft picks from an array of NFL teams have acquired a Cadillac Escalade with their newfound wealth. Besides on the road, this popular model also appears in various movies, commercials and music videos.Customizing Your VehicleA popular trend in today's society (in regards to cars) is personal customization. Car owners have shaped and transformed their factory models to suit their own tastes and style. A common upgrade on SUVs is to add larger wheels or chrome rims. Some exchange their factory engine for one that is equipped for racing. One of the more popular customizations is to choose a custom paint color or add visual detail to the body. This allows car owners to fully express themselves through their vehicle.When considering the purchase of an SUV, you will find three different choices that were introduced in the 2003 Cadillac Escalade. Each model possesses an appeal that usually attracts a certain type of customer. There is the standard Escalade Wagon option, as well as the Escalade EXT Pick Up Truck. One of the more expensive choices is the Escalade ESV, which features a lengthy base.2003 Cadillac Escalade UpgradesLike all car models, General Motors is constantly tweaking their line of vehicles to push the envelope within the car industry. This was seen in some of the improvements made within the 2003 Escalade product line. Some of the features attached to this vehicle include Rear Wheel Drive; power assisted pedals; an improved 4 Wheel system; as well as 5.3L V8 or High Output Vortec 6000 V8 engines. In 2003, the EXT Pick Up Truck was introduced to the public. It gave consumers the ability to accommodate a total of five people and featured the convenience of four doors. This model also provided a High Output 6.0L engine as a standard. It will be interesting to see some of the other improvements that come out in future models.Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Cadillac Escalade accessories at www.autopartsandaccessoriesplus.com
Keyword : cars, trucks, SUVs, Automobiles, car reviews

The Benefits of Donating Your Car

Author : Mariah Cruz
Do you have an old vehicle that you no longer drive? If that vehicle still runs, do you plan on doing anything with it? If not, you may want to think about donating it. Car donations are rapidly increasing in popularity. Each year, a fairly large number of individuals and businesses make the decision to donate the cars that they no longer need or what. Why is that? Because there are literally an unlimited number of benefits to donating your car.Perhaps, the greatest benefit of giving your car away, as a car donation, is that you will be helping out a charitable organization that needs it. Many of the receivers of donated cars are non-profit organizations. These non-profit organizations often work to help those that are in need. For instance, many cities have local food pantries. Volunteers may not only need to collect food, but deliver the food to those who need it. Without a vehicle, volunteers may be unable to complete all of their tasks. Your car donation could prevent that from happening.When giving your car away as a donation, you should also be proud. This is another benefit to donating your car. Most individuals, who do donate their cars, are left with a feeling of selflessness and pleasure. Not all individuals make the decision to donate their cars. In fact, if given the opportunity, many car owners would choose to sell their car before donating it to charity. You should be proud of yourself for making to decision to help someone else before helping yourself.Another one of the many benefits to donating your car is that it is relatively easy to do. In fact, when it comes to car donations, you will find that you have a number of different options. First, you could contact all local charities and ask if they would like to acquire your car, as a donation. If you do not have the time to do this, you could contact a company or organization that specializes in car donations. Once they have your car in their possession, they will then search for a charitable organization who could use it. Although you will not necessarily know where your car will end up, you will find that using a car donation company saves you time and maybe even money.As mentioned above, you should be proud of yourself for making the decision to donate your car, instead of selling it for a profit. While it may have been difficult to do, you will not necessarily receive nothing for your good gesture. Depending on whom you donate your vehicle to and the vehicle's worth, you may be able to receive a car donation tax deduction. It is important to note that you will not be compensated for the whole cost of your car, but it will be better than receiving nothing at all.As you can easily see, there are a number of different benefits to donating your car. No matter which charitable organization it ends up with, it is likely that your car donation will be put to good use.Mariah Cruz is a writer for Car Angel . com where you will see abundant amounts of information on things such as a Car donation and other related information.http://www.carangel.com
Keyword : Car donation

Classic Chevy's - 1956 Chevrolet - Part 2

Author : Steven Farber
Chevrolet planed to keep its remarkable reputation for style, more power and more refinements going strong in 1956. "The Hot One's Even Hotter"! "Loves to go - and looks it!" declared one 1956 ad campaign. The 1956 Chevrolet was bigger and more important looking. Although the basic body shell that was new in 1955 remained the same, detail changes were made to increase the car's already large appeal.Major styling changes involved the grille, tail lights and side trim. The 1955 Chevrolet grille was very clean looking and the lattice work effect remained on the '56 but it was widened, parking lights were enlarged and it was raked slightly in on the bottom. At the rear, large chrome plated tail light housings were added. Each housed a round pointed tail light, a rectangular backup lamp and a small reflector. Access to the gas tank was through the driver side tail light housing. Larger front and rear chrome bumpers gave the illusion of greater length. Stainless body moldings were redesigned on all three body styles. The moldings served as a natural division points for two-tone paint jobs that were very popular on the 1955 and 1956 Chevy.Chevrolet offered 19 different body styles on the Bel Air, Two-Ten and One-Fifty, three more than in 1955. A new Bel Air Sport Sedan 4 door hard top, Two-Ten Sport Sedan 4 door hard top and a Two-Ten Beauville 9 passenger 4 door station wagon were added. The best seller among the '56 Bel Air's was the four door sedan and Sport Coupe. The 1956 Sport Coupe 2 door hard top has always been a very popular car among collectors. The Nomad was back in 1956 and was described as a sport station wagon due to it 2 doors, great styling and color choices. The 1956 Chevrolet color options were 10 solid colors and 14 two-tone combinations. Popular solid colors were onyx black and matador red, while india ivory / dusk plum and india ivory / twilight turquoise were popular two-tones.The new "Super Turbo Fire" V-8 was the existing 1955 Chevy 265 cubic inch with a special power pack kit consisting of a special intake manifold, higher lift cam, dual exhausts and a four barrel carburetor. This kit increased the horsepower to 205 which was 14 percent above the 1955 engine at 180 horsepower. If you wanted more power Chevrolet offered a 2-4 barrel (2-four's) that achieved 225 horsepower. In 1956 Chevy was beginning to win the horsepower war both on and off the race track.Accessories were a big hit in 1955 and with the 1956 Chevrolet. For the first time you could add seat belts. All weather air conditioning was an option at $430.00. Other items included compass, traffic light viewer and Kool Kooshions.The 1956 Chevrolet is often overlooked and it shouldn't be! While the 1956 Chevrolet did bring a number of first, it can not compare with the previous year or the following one, as the best was yet to come. The 1957 Chevrolet (Part 3)Steve Farber is an author and auto related web site publisher. Learn more about the "Hot One's"! GM's Classic 1955 Chevrolet, 1956 Chevrolet and 1957 Chevrolet at his three web sites by viewing lots of seldom seen "Vintage Chevy Ad" pictures of body styles, body colors, interior colors. Plus, engine specifications, prices and production figures.
Keyword : 1956 Chevrolet, Chevrolet, Chevy, Classic Chevy, 1955 Chevrolet, 1957 Chevrolet, Bel Air, Nomad, con

How To Select The Right Car Audio System

Author : Allison Thompson
It is certainly difficult to imagine a car without an audio system in it. Certainly a car audio system is as important to any owner and the range available to choose from is just gigantic. Many car audio systems are comprised of many parts for example head units, amplifiers, speakers and an auxiliary input device and they all work together to complement each other and will not work on a stand alone basis.The head unit is like the brain or central processing unit of a computer and through this unit it controls such things as tuning, volume, bass and equalizer etc. There are various types of head units out there, some which only allow you to play tapes, CDs or the radio, whilst others will provide you with a choice. There are some devices which can hold numerous CDs (a CD changer (usually held in the boot area of the vehicle)) and gives you the option to move between the CDs without having to take the CD out.As for the speakers, which certainly a very important part of any car audio system as you do want to hear what is playing. Yet again there are many styles out there from say the cone version through the ribbon version, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages (this is something you will need to look at more closely). At a later stage I will write an article relating to this area of the car audio system. Also where you place the speakers within your vehicle can make all the difference as well.Next we come onto the amplifier, which allows the system to amplify or increase the signals from the unit to make them audible. You will find that there are various models of these also available from the mono, to the stereo right through to the multi-channel version.When looking at purchasing a car audio system the ranges available start from the more basic style through to the very high end quality systems or if you want something a little more funky you can get that also. Although a basic system will not normally be too expensive and the sound quality is usually quite good, the components it is made of are only of a standard quality. Also when looking at a car audio system you need to decide on what it will be used for, say for example you decide you do not require a tape player but are after a CD player then it is better to spend your money investing in a good quality CD player rather than a cheap combination model (tape & CD player).If you decide to purchase a basic system then only allow for front speakers and avoid getting rear ones.The more advanced models that are now on the market are not only more compact in size, but may come with or without a remote control and various other features that you can not begin to comprehend.However, you purchase at the end of the day will all depend on your budget and personal choice and whether you which to build your own unit or buy an system already for installation. You may find that many of the brandied name versions are more expensive, although they do come with a guarantee and are usually much easier to service. For such things as speakers it is always advisable to purchase speakers a reliable and tested manufacturer (don't forget if the sound quality is bad, you've wasted money which can have easily been put forward to purchase a better set of speakers).Allison Thompson a work from home mum living in Spain who has set up a number of site with her husband Mark to provide you with all the latest information on in car entertainment. If you would like to learn more
please visit www.ideabase.info/caraudio
Keyword : Car Audio System, Car Audio, Car Speakers, Car Radio, Radio, CD, CD Changer, Installation

What You Should Know About Motorcycle Helmet Visor

Author : Low Jeremy
Having a helmet on when riding a motorcycle is just one of the things that the person needs to protect the head when one is cruising along the road. The individual will soon discover that having a visor is important because this can protect the eyes from wind, dust, dirt, rain, insects and debris that may be thrown from the vehicle ahead.There are two types of visors that can be purchased for the helmet. The first is the detachable kind while the other is already built in. The one needed will really depend on the road conditions one faces everyday and the type of bike one is using.For instance, motorbikes that have a windshield will only need the type that will protect the eyes. Those who don't should probably get the face shield type since this will provide cover for the entire face.Most of the visors out in the market are made of plastic. The individual should probably choose the kind that is transparent and not tinted since this could pose a problem when riding the motorcycle at night.It is also a good idea to choose the kind that allows air to pass through inside so that it will not fog.People who prefer the transparent one should find a helmet that is big enough to accommodate the sunglasses one will be using especially when it is sunny outside. The pair worn should be shatterproof and free of scratches since could also pose problems when keeping an eye on the road.The person does not have to buy the same brand of visor as the helmet. There are some available that have made this compatible with any. All the customer will have to do is choose which model and the color of the shield. These are usually available in black, white or smoke.The average price of a visor in the market today is less than $20 a piece. The individual can check out the local sporting goods store or order this item online.Riding a motorcycle is considered to be much more dangerous than driving a car. Studies have shown the number of those injured has gone up by 12% in the past year.Should the person still want to feel the thrill of having the wind pass from the front of the motorcycle to the back, it is advisable to invest in a visor. This small accessory could be the only thing protecting the individual against dirt or debris coming towards the biker.This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Motorcycle Helmets, please visit http://motorcycle-helmet.articlekeep.com
Keyword : motorcycle helmet visor, motorcycle helmet

Consumer Tip; Saving Money on Car Detailing

Author : Lance Winslow
With the price of fuel these days we consumers are in a pinch and looking to save more money when it comes to our automobiles. It is important to take care of the exterior of your car and have the paint waxed. Many people like to have their car detailed as well and this is not cheap.In the United States the average cost for a full detail if you get one and a car wash is just over $150 and so it can set you back a bit. The average cost to have your car detailed at a detail shop is $140, but the average price to have your car detailed by a mobile auto detailer at your home or office is $130.This means on average you can save over $20 by having your car detailed at your home or office by a mobile detailer. Plus you might find it more convenient, as you do not have to sit and wait at a car wash to have your car detailed or be without your car while it is at an auto detailing shop.This is your consumer tip saving money on car detailing. If you decide to get an express detail and at car wash you will find at the prices generally about $50 and a mobile detailer will charge you about $40 for the same service. The average price for a simple hand wax is about $40 just about anywhere and about $25-30 with a mobile car wash and detailer.If you will shop around you may find even better deals at either the car wash or with a mobile car wash and detailing service. It pays to plan ahead, and shop the discounts and shop price. Please consider this in 2006."Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Keyword : Consumer Tip, Saving Money on Car Detailing

Trailer Buying Guide

Author : Derek Chastain
Thinking about buying a cargo trailer, horse trailer or even a motorcycle trailer but aren't sure which trailer to buy? As you might have realized, choosing a trailer now-a-days can be perplexing. It's not surprising given the amount of trailer manufacturers and different types of trailers available.There are many factors to consider when purchasing a trailer. One of the first considerations is to choose an established trailer manufacturer. As with most everything, you usually get what you paid for, so try to choose the best trailer that you can afford.Deciding on what type of trailer you need for your application will help in narrowing down the manufacturers. There are trailers for almost every conceivable type of cargo, from motorcycles to horses to concessions. If you have to haul it, then there's a trailer made to haul it or at least one that can easily be converted to do the job.After choosing a manufacturer, figure out what size trailer you'll need. Trailers come in several different widths and lengths. If you're considering an enclosed trailer, you'll also need to consider the height of the interior. If your trailer towing needs require that you spend very much time inside the trailer, choose one with enough interior height to keep you from bending your neck or back when standing.Open or Enclosed TrailersThe next step in choosing a trailer is figuring out whether you will need an open or an enclosed trailer. An open trailer is one which exposes the cargo to the outside elements. If inclement weather isn't a factor for your cargo, then an open trailer may be the most economical choice. Open utility trailers can range in price from about $900 to $2500 new.Open utility trailers are well suited for many applications including small landscaping businesses that are just starting out and need a way to haul their landscape equipment. As their business grows and they decide to move up to an enclosed trailer, the open utility trailer will still be incredibly useful for hauling all sorts of material such as mulch, rock and plants.Another plus for open trailers is their weight. Open utility trailers tend to be lighter and provide less aerodynamic drag than enclosed trailers.While open trailers are economical and very useful, they do not provide the protection from the outside environment that an enclosed trailer will. Enclosed trailers also offer an added measure of security because the trailer functions as a portable, lockable storage building.Enclosed trailers tend to be heavier and less aerodynamic than open trailers. Enclosed trailers usually cost in the $1600 to $5000 range new, but can go much higher.Single or Tandem Axle
Once you've decided on either an open utility trailer or an enclosed cargo trailer, you'll need to decide whether the trailer should have a single axle, dual axle or possibly even three to four axles.Single axle trailers have just one load bearing axle. Trailers with single axles come with and without brakes, but as a general rule of thumb, most single axle open and enclosed trailers come without brakes. If you plan on hauling more than 3000 lbs, trailer brakes need to be considered. In fact, it's a legal requirement in most states.Anything heavier than 3000 lbs should be hauled on a dual axle trailer, be it an open or enclosed trailer. Dual axle trailers use two load bearing axles and usually feature either leaf springs or independent torsion bar suspensions. Brakes are recommended for dual axle trailers and again may be required depending upon where you live. Also, dual axle trailers tend to track more accurately than single axle trailers over varying road surfaces.Rear Access
If you decide on an enclosed trailer, next you have to decide on either a ramp rear door, double rear doors or one single barn-type door. Choosing the type of rear access will greatly depend on the cargo you intend to haul. If you're going to be hauling a motorcycle, race car or any other type vehicle, then a ramp rear door will provide the easiest loading and unloading method.Be sure though when purchasing a trailer with a ramp door that the ramp is spring assisted as some of the ramp doors can be very heavy. Ramps are also nice for hauling furniture or other heavy items where you'll be using a dolly to load and unload them.If you will be using the trailer quite often and will be in and out of it, then a ramp can become rather cumbersome. Enter double door trailers. It is much easier to open the doors, step in and get the tool or item you need and then step out and close the door than it is to drop a ramp every time you need access. Too, you have to consider the clearance needed for opening a ramp rear door.Single barn type rear doors are usually found on smaller enclosed trailers and are comparable in convenience to double rear doors.Trailer manufacturers are aware of the ramp issue and most now add a side door for access to their enclosed trailers giving those that require a ramp the best of both worlds.Trailer Brakes
In addition to the various types of trailers, there are several types of trailer braking systems.Electric braking systems are the most common type of braking systems found on trailers today. These type braking systems connect the brake system on the tow vehicle to the brake system on the trailer. This is accomplished by installing a brake controller inside the tow vehicle. The controller senses the braking force of the tow vehicle and in turn activates the brakes on the trailer.A hydraulic surge brake system consists of an actuating cylinder that is usually integrated with the trailer tongue assembly. As the tow vehicle applies its brakes, the "surge" of the trailer towards the decelerating tow vehicle compresses the surge actuator. As this cylinder is compressed, force is applied to the master cylinder and from there to the braking cylinders.Surge braking systems are more expensive and usually only needed if you'll be using several different tow vehicles that would each require a brake controller.Electric brakes are usually preferred over surge brakes because their operation is independent from the tow vehicle. If for some reason the tow vehicle loses its brakes, there would not be enough deceleration surge to activate the surge brakes. However, with electric brakes, the driver could manually activate the brake controller thus allowing the trailer to slow the entire rig.In some states, any trailer with brakes is required to have a breakaway system. In the event that the trailer becomes disconnected from the tow vehicle, the trailer brakes would apply automatically to stop the run away trailer. Trailer equipped with electric brakes carry a separate battery to activate the breakaway systems. Surge brakes use a cable that locks the breaks in a breakaway situation.Informed Buying
The most important aspect of buying a trailer is to be an informed buyer. Ask lots of questions. Any reputable dealer will be glad to answer your questions and in fact, should ask you a lot of questions regarding your intended cargo load. Ask about the warranty. Does the manufacturer stand behind its work? Most established manufacturers offer a very good warranty program and will go out of their way to satisfy a customer.To help you in your search for the perfect trailer for you and your cargo, visit http://www.trailershopper.com where you'll find hundreds of new and used trailers for sale by individuals and dealers.
Keyword : trailers, cargo trailers, motorcycle trailers, enclosed trailers, utility trailers

Pontiac Vibe 2004: The Weekly Driver Review

Author : James Raia
An 18-wheel vehicle will always win, and every truck driver knows that.
But there I was on a freeway entrance ramp, with a slight advantage on
a huge transport vehicle and momentarily battling with a truck driver
who just didn't want a 171-inch long Pontiac Vibe showing him up.I accelerated, but the truck driver did the same and there wasn't a choice
to make. I slowed down, braked slightly and moved into position behind
the truck as the end of the ramp and a restraining wall drew quite near.
Within a few seconds, disaster awaited. But I remained calm, and the
Vibe handled the maneuver smoothly.The brief, unsettling moment provided one of several impressive
experiences with the sporty wagon/mini SUV.My test vehicle was the standard Vibe with a 130-horse power 1.8-liter,
four-cyclinder engine and a four-speed automatic transmission. The
second-year offering from Pontiac is also available in GT and All-Wheel
Drive (AWD) models that include ABS brakes as standard equipment.While slightly shorter than a Honda Civic sedan, the Vibe's body is taller
and wider, and its versatility and practicality are readily apparent. Add
good gas mileage, spacious front and back seats and cargo area, and a
few unique features and the Vibe holds up well with against its
competitors -- the Chrysler PT Cruiser, Mazda Protege5, Subaru
Impreza Outback and Toyota Matrix.In fact, the Vibe and Matrix are built in the factory and share many of the
same features.Unlike some SUVs and wagons with restrictive vision, the driver of a
Vibe sits higher than the seating standard in many sedans, and the
result is a nearly panoramic perspective. The car maneuvers and
corners with confidence and while not known as a quick accelerator, the
Vibe has a sporty around-town feel. It fits easily in tight parking spaces
or around restrictive areas.For me, the vehicle's best attribute -- its SUV space in a little-engine-
that-could-package -- was showcased in four diverse scenarios:1. I offered a ride to a friend who needed a cargo-carrying vehicle to
pick-up his newly purchased 27-inch flat screen television. The TV was
packaged in an oversized box and I lowered the back seats as the
warehouse delivery person brought the TV to the back of the car. We
didn't need the extra space. With the back seats in their standard
position, the box fit fine, albeit it snugly.2. With winter upon us, I rely on a local Pak & Save firewood supplier.
With the back seats down, two 4x4 loads of wood fit in the Vibe's cargo
area. Despite its small outside appearance, the Vibe has 57.2 cubic feet
of cargo space.3. My wife is an artist. During my week with the Vibe, one of her local
shows had ended and she needed to bring home several large clay cat
sculptures. They were easily positioned in the back seat and we used
the safety belts for their transport, just as if they were human
passengers.4. On a weekend day trip, I drove three passengers to the gold-mining
city Nevada City, Calif. The Vibe accelerated well and maneuvered with
confidence as we made the trip into the Sierra Nevada foothills.Beyond varied driving scenarios, the Vibe offers clean, straightforward
and efficient instrumentation and several options not found on more
expensive vehicles.An upgraded audio system includes an easy-to-operate XM digital
satellite radio and a power sunroof is touted as a "Moon and Tunes"
package. The "Power Group" package includes remote keyless entry,
power door locks, power windows and cruise control.Another nice feature: the front passenger seat folds forward flat, with its
back panel designed as a work table. It rests within a foot of a 115-volt
AC power outlet for a laptop computer plug or other electronics.2004 Pontiac VibeSafety Features -- Dual front air bags, daytime running lamps,
lap and shoulder safety belts.Fuel Mileage (estimates) -- 29 mpg (city), 34 mpg (highway).Warranty -- Basic, 3 yrs./36,000 miles; Drive train, 3 yrs./36,000
miles; road assistant, 3 yrs.,/36,000 miles; rust, 6 yrs./100,000 miles.Price Range -- $16,485 - $23,260.James Raia is a syndicated journalist in Sacramento, California, who
writes about sports, fitness, travel and lifestyle topics as well as the car review colum, The Weekly Driver.To read more car reviews, visit: The Weekly Driver
Keyword : Pontiac Vibe, 2004 Pontiac Vibe, Vibe, Pontiac, The Weekly Driver, Car

A/C Acts Like A Heater!

Author : Tommy Sessions
This is definitely air conditioner weather.I had a customer in here last year with his a/c not
putting out cold air.I raised the hood, that always helps, and looked at the
compression. The clutch wasn't turning.I disconnected the switch at the low pressure cut- off
valve and took a bent paperclip, in the shape of a
horse shoe, or a "U" for those of you that never bought
your horse any shoes.I inserted both ends into the slots in the plug, and,
wooden, the compressor clutch started turning.I hooked the gauges to the a/c lines and opened the
valves to read the pressure.Pressure was fine.I replaced the low pressure cut-off valve and the a/c
cooled the vents inside the truck down to 39o.The customer looked at me rather oddly and said, "I had
it checked last week and they wanted $1200 to make it
get cold."I hope they were just giving him an estimate for a
complete rebuild job, just in case it needed it.Tommy Sessions has been in auto repair since 1970. He publishes Auto Repair Answers Newsletter so you can learn how to keep your vehicle looking new, running safely and efficiently, while you save money and time...also, learn how to avoid shop rip offs. Don't be at the mercy of the dealerships and auto repair shops...they will have more respect for you.
Keyword : article submission, articles, writers, writing, publishing, ezine, email marketing, email newsletter, email

You Have A Legitimate Insurance Claim But You Foolishly Got Yourself A Legal Begal - - Now What?

Author : Dan Baldyga
YOU MUST STAY ON TOP OF THAT HOUND DOG FOR TWO HUGE REASONS: First because that's the only way to make sure he does his job correctly. If you don't watch him like a hawk you could end up on the short end of a very long stick! And second, because most Legal Beagles think they're overworked (if you don't think so just ask them!) and they incorrectly feel they don't have the time to spend on your case today, tomorrow or even six months from now. The truth is you've signed his Contingency Fee Agreement so he knows you're in his back pocket and someday, when he decides to make his move, you're still locked in. Most have convinced themselves they're too busy to fuss with your case for awhile. Unless you bug them on a regular basis they'll let years drag on before it gets settled.If you've entrusted your case to one of the larger Legal Beagle dog houses in town (a big mistake) you've probably been passed on to a fumbling puppy just out of law school. Huge firms handle thousand's of top-dollar cases. Yours will be on a slow assembly line with that puppy sniffin' at pant legs and nippin' at heels, acting as though he knows what he's doing. You gotta stay close because the youngster you've been stuck with has little experience and he usually doesn't have the foggiest idea how to properly handle your claim.You must stay active, throughout the whole process, no matter which Legal Beagle you hire. Demand that you receive copies of all correspondence that are sent out on your behalf, request you be copied in on everything sent to your Beagle from the insurance company or its lawyers, and insist on eye-balling the medical records sent to your lawyer (by your attending physician, the hospital emergency room, etc.) to make sure they're correct. (If they don't go into detail than the typically sloppy reporting, by attending physicians and other medical people, will be bedding you down with a rattler. If you don't want to die of snake bite you must return those Medical Report's to your "doc" and tell him he's gotta be more specific or you're gonna end up with a helluva lot less money than you should!).The only way you'll ever be sure your Beagle is being straight with you is if you insist on all of the above. Also, if your lawyer knows you're keeping close tabs on your case, he'll put it on the "front burner", keeping it off the "back burner" - - where the majority of his cases are usually cooking - - under a very low flame.You must know what's going on with your case at all times and if you're considered to be a pain in the butt than so be it. Make it known to your Beagle that you're not going to let your case disappear into a bottomless pit . What I'm telling you here is very simple: Don't let your case drag on and on. If you stay on top of things it'll get settled much sooner!When your medical treatment is finished tell your Beagle and insist that he immediately gather up your records, and organize them into a "Settlement Package". What I mean by that is, a collection of your medical bills and reports, a list of all physical damages, with a thorough explanation of each, etc. Once done your lawyer should get that into the insurance company's hands just as soon as possible.The first settlement offer should be made to him no later than 3 weeks after that "package" has been sent to the insurance company. If it isn't find out why. Be a pest, call that Beagle and push him. Your case should be settled within 6 weeks. If it isn't you tell your lawyer, "Sue the bugger's." To do that should take no more than an hour or two to complete - - even the puppy can do it. Those papers should be ready in a week. It's not asking too much for the suite to be filed by the time another week passes. But, this will only happen if your Beagle is humping away and staying on top of things. Lawyers need to be pushed by their clients or they'll sit on their butt's doing other "stuff". Most of them wait forever to move on a case when they could have had the job done in several months.DISSATISFACTION WITH YOUR LAWYER: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Those words, written several hundred years ago by Shakespeare, still sums up the feelings of a lot of people. That's because Legal Beagle's don't bother touching base with their client's. Telephone messages aren't answered right away - - sometimes never. The way most lawyers treat their clients leaves them feeling ignored and powerless!So, what's the solution? A "Give Him Hell" letter to your lawyer, sent Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested, will get his attention, and in most cases (unless he's a blazing idiot which some of them are) assure a prompt phone call. The letter should clearly state your complaints, and also your thoughts about hiring a new attorney - - quick like a bunny - - if the necessary steps aren't taken.CHANGING LAWYERS: This is a very difficult move so it must be well thought out. The following are some facts you must be aware of:The new lawyer will ask you to contact the old lawyer telling him to turn your file over. If you have foolishly agreed to pay some of your old attorney's costs (above and beyond the Contingency Fee Agreement you've signed) the two of them will have to work that out. The old lawyer may agree to wait and not be paid his costs until the new lawyer has settled your case, but (and this is usually the way that ball bounces) he may not! If that's the situation you may have to pony up some big bucks before he turns your case over to the new lawyer.The new Legal Beagle will want to review the file a soon as possible to determine if he wants to take it on. If it looks like some money can be made, the new lawyer may take it, but that's a long shot. Why? Because your case has to be an outstanding "goodie" - - with a huge payoff potential for the lawyer's "Contingency Fee". Both Beagle's (and there's no way out of this one) will have to split that fee. If there's not enough money to go around the second lawyer won't be interested in taking you case. If that happens, you're gonna be left with an upset attorney. Chances are he'll let your case slip intoLimbo for years to come. That's the risk you take when you try to dump your Beagle. Insurance companies react in various ways to a change in lawyers. They may view the switch as a sign that your case, or you, are a "problem". There's no doubt that the switch will tell the insurance company something is wrong. If they smell smoke, they'll suspect a fire is probably blazing. This can result in an increased reluctance to settle. On the other had, the new lawyer may breath needed energy into the case, causing the insurance company to start thinking seriously about settlement - - but that's a long shot. I wouldn't bet on it.THE BOTTOM LINEBe sure to pick a good Legal Beagle to begin with, because you're probably gonna be stuck with that hound dog right to the bitter end!DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this claim tip is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga nor ARTICLECITY.COM make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever; NOR do they purport to engage in rendering any professional or legal service; NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is the INDIVIDUAL'S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN SAID SERVICES.Dan Baldyga's fourth and latest book Auto Accident Personal Injury Insurance Claim: (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at http//.www.autoaccidentclaims.com or http://www.caraccidentclaims.com.Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved.About The AuthorFor 30 years Dan Balddyga was a claims adjuster, supervisor, manager and also a trial assistant. He is now retired and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle claims so they will not be taken advantage of..dbpaw@comcast.net
Keyword : car insurance, cars, auto insurance

Bigger Power with 2-Strokes

Author : Thomas Yoon
In our last publication, we touched a bit on 4-stroke diesel
engine. Today, let's touch on 2-strokes.What is a 2-stroke diesel engine?As the name suggests, these engines work on reciprocating
actions of pistons. One stroke means one linear motion of the
piston in one direction. When the piston moves in the opposite
direction, that is counted as another stroke.For a 2-stroke engine, the piston has to move up, and then down
to complete one cycle of the engine. In those 2 strokes of the
piston, the crankshaft will have turned 1 revolution.The 2 strokes of the piston is to complete 4 stages of the
combustion cycle - air intake, compression, combustion and
exhaust. As you might have known, in order for a fire (or
explosion) to occur to power the engine, we need a fuel, a
heat source, and oxygen coming together at the same time.Remember how the crankshaft and the piston moves in a cylinder?
The reciprocating movement of the piston is converted to rotary
motion by means of a crankshaft. The piston reciprocates between
Top Dead Center and Bottom Dead Center inside the cylinder liner.One of the most prominent feature of a 2-stroke engine is the
presence of air intake ports on the cylinder liner that will
enable fresh air to be led in for combustion.These air inlet ports are cut into the cylinder liner somewhere
at the lower end of the latter. In a typical design, the air
inlet port are located about 35 degrees from the Bottom Dead
Center (BDC).In many designs, the fresh air that is introduced into the
cylinder is also used to drive out the spent exhaust gases
inside it. Many designs make use of scavenging air fans like
electric blowers or turbochargers to slightly pressurize the
intake air before the latter is introduced into the cylinder.In order to allow the exhaust gases to be expelled from the
cylinder, exhaust ports are often cut into the cylinder just
like the air intake ports. A typical design will have the
exhaust port located about 50 degrees from Bottom Dead Center.So, let's describe our engine stages at the combustion space
between the piston top and the cylinder head.From Bottom Dead Center (BDC), the piston, full of fresh
air, moves up the cylinder liner until it covers up the air
intake port. The air intake process stops.The piston moves further up. It then covers up the exhaust
port on the cylinder liner. The exhaust process stops.The piston moves further up. The air inside the combustion
space is compressed and becomes hot. The piston has nearly
reached Top Dead Center at this point.Highly atomized fuel is then injected into the combustion
space. The fuel burns rapidly causing an explosion inside
the combustion space. The explosion causes a tremendous
rise in pressure and the piston is pushed down towards BDC.As the piston moves down, the exhaust ports uncover about
50 degrees from BDC. Exhaust gases are thus led out from the
cylinder. The pressure inside the cylinder drops immediately.The piston moves further down. At 35 degrees from BDC, it
uncovers the air intake port. Fresh air is then led into the
cylinder.The piston then reaches BDC. Because of the momentum
created from the force of the explosion, the piston reverses
in direction and moves upwards towards Top Dead Center (TDC).The process then repeats itself.In some designs, the exhaust gases are removed through an
exhaust valve, located at the cylinder head and very similar
to the 4-stroke engines. This type of scavenging is called
uniflow scavenging. The timing of the valve opening and
closing will be controlled by a camshaft, push rods, rocker
arms or other similar devices.Well folks, why do we want to squeeze all the strokes into
2 cycles? That could be discussed further...Make "hard-to-find" Tools "easy-to-find". You can only Produce
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Keyword : diesel engine, 2-stroke, tdc, bdc, crankshaft, cylinder, liner, combustion, piston, camshaft, fuel

Auto Tools Basics: How to Change a Spark Plug

Author : David Demetre
As befits one of the most vital parts of your vehicle's engine, your spark plugs require replacement every 24 months or 30,000 miles to maintain optimal fuel economy and engine performance. You can save some money by doing it yourself.The interval varies depending on your vehicle's make and model. A vehicle equipped with the newer platinum-tipped spark plugs can go as far as 100,000 miles before plugs require replacement. Replacing your own spark plugs is relatively easy, as you'll see from the instructions listed below.The first thing you'll want to do is gather all the tools you'll need. Of course, you'll start with a set of new spark plugs. Add a 3/8" drive spark plug socket, extension and ratchet driver, a spark plug gap gauge, and a brush or rag and set aside some time.Now we're all ready to gap your spark plugs. Correct spark plug gaps can be found on the engine specifications decal underneath the hood. It's a good practice to stick with the brand of plugs originally installed in your car at the factory. For Ford products they are Motorcraft, in General Motors products they are AC Delco; Chrysler products use Champion. Refer to a parts guide to find the correct spark plugs, or ask the salesperson in your local auto parts store.Okay, let's get to work.Never change your spark plugs without the engine being cold. Wait two hours after driving to let it cool off. Grasp the plug wire by the boot, give the wire a twist and cautiously pull the spark plug wire out of the end of the spark plug. Don't pull the wires themselves or you may damage them. TIP: changing the plugs one helps avoid mixing up the spark plug wires.Use either a bicycle tire pump or an air compressor and pump a few bursts of air to rid the spark plug area of dirt, dust or gravel. Alternatively, clean off the old plug and the area around it with a rag or small brush. These steps help prevent any foreign material from falling down into the cylinder when the plug is removed.Remove the plug by turning it counterclockwise with a spark plug socket and ratchet. Spark plug sockets have rubber linings that prevent damaging the plug's ceramic case. Crack it loose, spin it out until it's off the threads, and take it out by hand.OK, time to set the gap of the new plug with a spark plug gap gauge (Remember the proper gap is specified on the engine specs decal underside of the hood). You can buy a gap gauge at your auto parts store. Slide the correct thickness wire or feeler between the inner and outer electrodes at the tip of the plug. The feeler will slide between the electrodes with a slight drag when the plugs are properly gapped. If the gap isn't right, slightly bend the outer electrode until you achieve the right gap. Ensure the outer electrode is inline over the inner electrode.Next, have a look at the cylinder head threads. Are they in good condition, clean, and free of dirt? New spark plug should freely screw into the cylinder head by hand. Any binding of the plug is an indication of debris or damage in the thread. TIP: lube the plug threads with a little grease or spray lubricant before you install them, this will make for an easier removal at your next spark plug change.Insert the new plug into the spark plug hole by hand and turn it clockwise until it's snug. After finger tightening the plug, firmly torque it with your spark plug wrench/socket. Be careful not to over-tighten the plugs.Reattach the correct plug wire to the new plug with a twist on the boot until it's firmly seated on top of the plug. You should feel and hear a click as the wire positively clamps onto the spark plug.Repeat all the steps for the other plugs. Even taking your time this job will probably take you less than an hour. And that's it for another two years or 30,000 miles!David Demetre is an author and the webmaster at http://www.Carrom.us, a premier source of Custom Car Floor Mats
Keyword : auto tools, spark plug wrench, spark plug gap gauge, how to change spark plugs

Cleaning Latte Stains from Your Car

Author : Lance Winslow
Coffee stains are by far the most common stains found on the seats and floors of cars today. Most new cars have carpet stain resistant carpets installed from manufacturers. Most cars now have some sort of Scotch-Guard Type protectant, however Scotch Guard stopped manufacturing its product for a year and a half due to environmental costs at one of its factories. So for a while many Detailers at Dealerships were out of their supply.
Our company bought a huge supply after they announced that they were not going to make it anymore. Now other companies have replaced the gap in demand and they have started supplying the industry once again. Any carpet with this coating can clean a coffee stain with little more than warm water and a rag. Now days, with Starbucks and it's relationship with the consumer people are no longer driving through McDonalds trying to spill the coffee and sue for millions using the floorboards as proof for months while attorneys file frivolous lawsuits.http://lawandhelp.com/q298-2.htmThe new consumer is getting all kinds of fancy coffee drinks with all kinds of ingredients and they are much tougher to clean. 60% of all stains in the cars are coffee stains of some type. If a carpet has a coffee stain, pure black coffee. Then here is what to do. Also works for Soda (most). Moisten the area with Folex or some spot remover wipe with warm moist rag and you are completed. If not perfect try this step a few times and then dry out the mat or area where stain was. Use a carpet brush to re-align the carpet fabric the proper direction. Now through in some foam, or milk, half and half or any possible combination and your job is a little more complex. And those Mocha frappachinos with whip cream and caramel sprinkled on top. Well now you have the stain from Hell. If there were a hell, for a detailer it would be a lifetime of cleaning up those spills from mini-vans.For these types of spills here is what you do. Scrape any total excess build up with a plastic razor blade. Yuk, Then use Folex or your favorite spot remover product. We like Folex available at any janitorial store, great stuff and 20 years of good service to our team. Then if you are still frustrated and challenged try a foam type cleaner like spray n' wash and wipe. Then you will be left with a horrible and stubborn white ring for the Latte Scenario. Use a carpet brush on the carpet and a netted wax pad on fabric seats. Saddle Soap then Orange Bottled Lexol or try Leatherique Product on Leather seats;http://www.leatherique.com/products.htmalso a great site for many interior products ishttp://www.Topoftheline.comThey also have tips to assist you in your Interior Detailing Cleaning Search. After completed with carpets or fabric seats it is wise to use warm water and wipe the area of residue and use a hair dryer or Shop Vac blower to remove the excess moisture.Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Keyword : latte, coffee stain, car interior, auto detailing, car detail, tips

Secrets of Washing Buses and Limousines

Author : Lance Winslow
How do you wash a bus? Well, there are many types of buses such as: School Buses, Charter Buses, Church Buses, Shuttle Buses, Military Buses, Greyhound Type Buses and there are the buses that do tours, custom, gigantic buses that are really plush. The fronts of the buses always have lots of bugs and they are hard to clean. But generally they are not as hard to clean as the sides. And the greyhound style buses are hard to clean because they have those little ripples in the skin. Every time you hit another bodyline it is hard to get it clean. What you have to do is soap from the bodyline down by hand with a mit. There is no other way to do it. You can try brushing it sideways, but that is just not going to be as easy as you think.Some of the buses that work for the cities have advertising on them. When you are cleaning the advertising you want to make sure you do not blast it at too close a range or use too much harsh soap on it because you will discolor their advertising and that makes them upset. The stainless steel part of the bottom of some buses is really hard to clean, so what you need to do is go back and forth and hand soap it. You have to really watch this part because you get a little corner and you will miss a spot. It really shows up every time you miss any little spot on a bus, so you are going to have to hand soap the sides and brush the backs and you are going to have to use a little extra chemical cleaners. And pay extra special attention to what you are doing. The fronts are rather easy. However you are going to have to rinse and dry off every single window. What a pain in the neck. Even if you are using de-ionized water, when you spray the top of a bus it usually has soot and things like that that roll back down and get on the windows. If you do not rinse and dry the windows this will leave water streaks.Ok, let's generalize about buses. I don't care if it is school buses, shuttle buses or tour buses, you are going to have to dry the windows. There is just no other way around drying the windows. There are RTD buses, Metro buses, the kind of buses rapid transit systems use, town transportation buses, county buses and city buses. With all of these you have to dry the windows and you pretty much have to do a good job on them because people ride in them and those people look out the windows.The wheels need to be cleaned. This is something people always look at. If you are going to miss wheels, miss them on the driver's side not on the passenger's side because the passenger's side is where the passengers get in. That has to be the cleanest side. So, make sure if you are going to miss a spot, miss it on the driver's side, not on the passenger's side. School buses, you know, obviously the windows leak. So do not spray exactly, directly at the windows, ok? Be careful with that. Just be smart about it. Charter buses, you are going to have to clean that inside back bathroom area. It is not that hard to clean, use a little window cleaner and wipe it up real quick. There are lots of big flat surfaces on buses. If you pay attention to the ripples and the bodylines and you hand soap the bottoms of them they will come off perfect every single time. This is what is important.Washing Limousines (Exteriors)Limousines, how do you wash a limousine? Well, if you do it in the sun you better do the sunny side first. And be careful because you are going to water spot the vehicle. A lot of limousines have vinyl tops. You may not have to soap the vinyl top. All you have to do is spray it with water and dry it off. Use a separate towel on the top to make sure any excess vinyl dressing from a previous cleaning is on only one towel. Make sure you don't use that towel to clean the windows. Make sure you always do the whitewalls and you clean in those rims on those limousines. You are going to have to spray the whitewalls and you are going to have to spray the rims. You may want to spray them at the same time and then come back and blast the rims when you are wetting the vehicle on your initial rinse. You may want to do limos one at a time. There might be a lot of chrome on a limousine. Even if there is not that much chrome, on the chrome that is there, you want it to shine. You better make sure your towels are dry when you are drying a limousine. You want to make sure the windows are done well. Go over them after the wash with window cleaner. There just cannot be any excuses. It is a big, black vehicle and it has got to be done right.Limousines (Interior)Fragrance, in the interiors of limousines is a very sensitive issue. Go light on fragrance or use none at all. Be very careful with fragrance. If the customer complains about the fragrance, you could lose a contract. Vacuuming is a little different in limousines. You have a big area. It is kind of like vacuuming a living room. So have the right attachment for your vacuum cleaner. Inside windows on limousines, be careful. There are counters and little areas where they have the wet bars. You have to wipe all of that stuff off on the inside of the limousines. If there are spots in the carpet you are going to have to clean them with your carpet spot remover. You have to kind of walk on your knees. You do not want your feet touching the carpet in the limousine. You are just going to put more spots inside, because remember, it takes a little more water to wash a limousine so you have a greater chance of tracking mud inside.If you are doing it by yourself, or the person that is cleaning and blasting the rims is the one getting inside the limousine, you have got water on your shoes and you have got some gook from the rims. You do not want to get that on the carpets. Each time that limousine is cleaned it has to look like it is the first time anybody has driven in the limousine. That is what they are shooting for. Kind of like a hotel room, it has to look as if the hotel room is basically so clean that you are the first person that ever rented it. For further advice contact the Bus Wash Guys; http://www.Buswashguys.com and ask for the training director if you get into a situation you just cannot figure out how to clean.Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Keyword : washing buses, limousines, wash techniques

Gas Pump Money Saving Tips

Author : Leroy Chan
Gas Pump Money Saving TipsGas prices are zooming sky high with no ceiling in sight.
Do you remember when a gallon of unleaded cost $1.25?These days, it's more important than ever to stretch your
dollars at the gas pump.Here are ten gasoline buying tips to help you do that.1. Shop AroundPrices vary among stations that sell the same brand. Find a
station that sells your favorite brand cheaper. Prices
between brands can vary. You can save money by switching
brands.2. Use a Gasoline Credit CardSome give a 5 to 10 percent rebate on purchases.3. Buy Gasoline in the MorningGasoline is denser during the morning when temperatures are
colder. Gas pumps measure and charge by volume, not
density. You'll be getting more solid fuel rather than
vapors for your money.4. Buy Gas from a Busy StationBusy gas stations refill their underground tanks often.
Slower stations don't. Therefore, their tanks may have
stale contaminated gas. Older fuel is poorer on fuel
economy and performance.5. Turn the NozzleTwist the gas pump nozzle 180 degrees when done. This can
add up to an extra four ounces to your tank.6. Stop Using High-Octane GasHigh-octane gas costs more than regular. If you car isn't
pinging, use regular unleaded. You'll save up to 20 cents
per gallon.7. Avoid Topping-OffThe pump needs time to draw out the full amount. It doesn't
get it when you Top-off. You pay extra for these short-
burst of fuel. Wait until your tank is at least half-full
before you fill it up.8. Avoid Stations That Just Refilled Their TanksThe refilling of underground tanks stirs up particles that
lay at the bottom. If these particles get in to your gas
tank, they can cut the fuel efficiency of your car.9. Pump Your Own GasUse the self-serve rather than the full-serve pump. Full-
serve gasoline costs more. You save money pumping gas
yourself.10. Tighten the Gas CapTwist the cap until you hear it click. This prevents
gasoline from evaporating and escaping.Final ThoughtThese ten tips are easy to apply. Remember to use them each
time at the gas pump. You'll be stretching your gas
dollars.Leroy Chan makes available a special report that exposes the
tricks drivers must learn to avoid paying too much for a
tank of gas. Information on this and more can be found on his site:
Keyword : Gas prices, rising gas prices, gasoline stations, cheap gas

How to Buy a Used Car at 90% Savings Off the Book Value

Author : Steve Li
To buy a used car is a great idea for saving money. Everyone knows that a new car lost 65% of its value in the first 5 years. But the case would be more extreme for a 1 to 2 years old car, it will lost its value 30-40%.If you don't mind to drive a used car (I mean a 2 to 5 years old car, it looks pretty new) rather than a new car, you may save much money to pay many other bills. If you want to keep the car not too old, you may resell it after driving for 2 to 3 years and buy another newer one. The value of the car will only drop 15% or less for a 5 years old car. Therefore, your driving cost for 2-3 years would only be 10-15% of the car's original value.The price quote above was only the price you buy from an ordinary car dealer. However, you can buy it much cheaper through some special channel.Have you ever heard that around the country, hundreds of thousands of vehicles get repossessed by various institutions ranging from banks to US Customs, and everyone of those cars is going to be sold at an auction, online or traditional. Usually, before, only car dealers with a special license could benefit from these incredible savings, however, with a membership at some special organization, you can join the ranks of the lucky ones and find bargains that you could only dream of. Almost nothing will be out of your range as a member of this site - you will be able to get a car you always wanted but could not afford to spend so much money on.By the way, many people may ask why wouldn't everyone buy a car this way, instead of the usual going to the dealer or classified ads routine? The secret is : because this is a very protected source of revenue for the majority of car dealerships and is not advertised to the general public. But, if you are a member you can have access rights to the direct source and buy your vehicle with up to 90% savings off the book value price.In conclusion, buy a used car through a special organization can help you save up to 90% off the book value. You can keep the car pretty new according to the strategy I suggested. So enjoy a pretty new car with an affordable price.About The AuthorSteve Li is the webmaster of http://cheapcarfinder.yourbestchoices.com.By subscribing to his twice-weekly ezine get a FREE REPORT "Driving To Savings: Car Tips To Save You Money", send a blank email to: mailto:carfinder@yourbestchoices.com.stevelkw@hotmail.com
Keyword : auto,car,car buying,auto dealership,buying a car,used car,car lot

Several Crucial 2005 Accident Facts

Author : Daniel Baldyga
Every driver should always have the 5 following items in their vehicle at all times!A paper and pen to take down notes in the event of an accident.A list of all emergency phone numbers.A disposable camera to record evidence at the scene of an accident.A list of medical conditions or allergies you may have.A set of cones, warning triangles or emergency flares to alert other drivers of an accident.(These above items can be kept in the glove compartment, or in the trunk, of your vehicle).SEVEN DEFENSIVE DRIVING TIPS#1. Always wear your seat belt. (Records indicate that 63% of people killed in accidents in 1999 were not wearing seat belts). On the average, inpatient hospital care costs for an unbelted cash victim are 50% higher than those who wore belts. (In 2003 there were an estimated 6,356,000 car accidents in the United States. Plus there were 2.9 million injuries and 42,643 we killed).It has been predicted that if Americans could reach 90 percent seat belt's worn (by the end of 2005) we would have saved over 8 billion bucks.#2. Understand the effects of drugs and alcohol on your body.#3. Be patient. If you're fatigued you must stop driving !#4. Be courteous, rather than aggressive, toward other drivers.#5. You must look both ways twice before crossing an intersection. (Don't speed into an intersection the instant the light turns green. Another driver may be running a red light).#6. Always check the "blind spots" before changing lanes.(It's a fact of life that your mirrors are hardly ever adequate).#7. Leave enough space between yourself and the motor vehicle ahead of you. (When traveling and/or even when stopped).YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGESWhen you bring your motor vehicle to a repair shop, it's important to keep in mind that different shops offer disparate damage appraisals. Because of this it's always to your advantage to obtain several estimates prior to getting the damage repaired.YOUR PERSONAL INJURY DAMAGESYour personal injury may not be felt at the scene but it can absolutely become apparent at a later date. After you were involved in an accident you must visit a physician. The physician may be able to identify injuries you've not yet noticed.To insure your personal safety (no matter what others may say) be sure to visit your physician after ANY motor vehicle accident you may have been involved in !DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this article, "SEVERAL CRUCIAL 2005 CAR ACCIDENT FACTS" is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process. Dan Baldyga makes no guarantee of any kind whatsoever, NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired, it is THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain said services.Dan Baldyga's third and latest book, AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at http://www.caraccidentclaims.com or http://www.autoaccidentclaims.com. This book reveals "How To" handle your property damage claim so you won't be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula). THE BASE FORMULA explains how to determine the value of the "Pain and Suffering" you endured - - because of your personal injury!Copyright (c) 2005 By Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights ReservedDan Baldyga - Author