วันเสาร์ที่ 2 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Where Are The Leaders?

Author : Fred Tutwiler

There is a disastrous state of leadership in our national government. Our political system has devolved to a state of territorial agenda, short-sighted positioning and religious manipulation. Kind of like what one would expect in a new government such as Iraq. But not here! Let's see here: a disastrous military engagement, global terrorism, global warming, a chaotic immigration system, corruption, out-of-control health care costs, irresponsible deficits, and an energy policy that ensures our addiction to foreign oil for decades. In the midst of these urgent challenges, our elected leaders selfishly busy themselves with partisan politics and maneuvering to ensure control of one party over the other, all the while sabotaging each others efforts to deal intelligently with these serious issues. This isn't about Democrats or Republicans. This is about charlatans of all persuasions.The biggest impediment to leadership in our government is that America doesn't elect "leaders". We elect "managers". We put people in power who are well-suited for popular elections, but don't have a clue what it means to "lead". They know what it means to "get promoted" and "keep their jobs". Ugh! Think about it. A manager is primarily responsible to his "boss", and, ideally to the organization. He's "interested in" the customer's needs, but mainly because responding to those needs in a cost-effective way promotes the success of the company. And make no mistake about it, to a manager the life and health of the organization is everything. Yes, some managers do grow disillusioned with the organization, and leave it. But those who stay have a vested interest in the organization, MUCH more so than they have to the customers or any particular "customer service" policy. Isn't that what we're seeing in Washington? Our elected Representatives tow the "party" line, they do what their "bosses" tell them to do, or else they won't get that bonus (aka "earmark") or promotion (committee assignments!). If they want to keep their jobs, they do what the organization (aka, "their party") wants them to do. They help each other out and they always try to stay in front of the competition. Like the manager, our elected officials are first and foremost committed to keeping their jobs and getting promoted. And I don't care what bill of goods someone may be trying to sell, the point of view from the "keep my job" reality is COMPLETELY different than the point of view from the "do what's best for the customers" reality.One of the fundamental elements of human nature is that we will always focus our attention, both consciously and subconsciously, on whatever we are measuring. That which we measure, therefore, determines what actions we will take and the quality of those actions. If achieving the measured result is important enough to us, or if we can rationalize it enough, we are extremely tolerant of the unintended consequences of those actions, even if we would NEVER choose to produce those results.Map all of this on to the black comedy unfolding in our nation's capital and it appears that we have elected an army of well-meaning people who has a value system based on self-promotion, survival and keeping the boss happy. Well, that value system may be fine if you're hiring a summer manager for your ice cream store at the beach, or even if you want a loyal partisan to manage your car plant in Iowa. But it totally sucks for hiring someone who is going to have to deal with complicated political, economic and environmental challenges that plunge entire regions of the world into death and chaos.We need to stop putting managers in positions that demand leaders. We need people of courage and vision, and we need to reward them for being willing to upset the status quo, rather than punishing them as soon as they say or do something that ticks off our little corner of the neighborhood.Leadership is about finding a way to cause excellence and greatness. Nobody said that is an easy task. So what? Stop making excuses! I don't give a flying hoot if you, Mr. Congressman, or Mr. Senator or Mr. PRESIDENT, have to sacrifice everything you've got. I don't care how hard it is, or how much ridicule and abuse you have to endure. I don't care if you are frowned upon by your "bosses" or if you miss out on the juicy bonuses. You asked for the opportunity to lead, so LEAD! Fred Tutwiler has worked with companies, individuals and athletic teams, including the 17 time NCAA Champion UNC Women's Soccer Team and the WUSA League Champion Carolina Courage. Fred, The Reality Coach, challenges non-productive views of reality. He is the author of Your MEGAgiNormous Rules: The invisible rules you live by, why they keep you stuck, and what you can do about it. Download Fred's FREE e-book "Why DO We KEEP Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Even When We DON'T LIKE the Result We Get?" at http://www.megaginormousrules.com.

Category : General Politics

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Why One Should Chose A Network Marketing Home Based Business

Author : Jack Foley
There are many advantages for having one's own business but I believe a network marketing home business has to be the crème de la crème. Network marketing above any other online business will continue creating the most online entrepreneurs. Firstly ask any of the successful online entrepreneurs are they happier with the amount of time they spend with their families and the answer will be predominantly yes. That has to be the biggest advantage.Other business people will spend long hours at work away from their homes, away from their family, friends etc.Traffic, business meetings, travel, are going to be significant factors in any other business. These factors keep you occupied which in turn alienates you from the things you enjoy in life. With a home based business, your time is your own. You make the rules and all work is done online, no commuting, no "dressing for the office" etc. You getting the picture yet?Another huge advantage is your taxes. Every democratic government is crying out for entrepreneurs like you to go and do their own thing. Unemployment is a huge factor on which governments are judged by year in year out. If you can make it on your own without working for a public or private body, your going to make a lot of politicians happy. Basically now you are off the grid, able to "earn your own crust", not having to work for someone else that the government also lured into the country/state.So you might ask, what is my government going to do for me in return? Well, by filing your taxes efficiently and by claiming for anything and everything that is related to your own home business, you should in effect pay at most half if not much lower that a regular person who is paying government taxes. This "unwritten rule" really irritates the people who pay government taxes but in my opinion, it is correct. Any individual willing to take a chance deserves to succeed and deserves the perks for doing so.Finally, the most rewarding advantage of network marketing is that you are helping people achieve their dreams. This in my view is the biggest difference between a conventional company and network marketing. Anyone who has had experience working in a small business will tell you that the goal every month was to sell as much as possible at all costs. Customer relationships came second to the bottom line sales figure every month.In network marketing, it’s all about relationships. They are paramount to the success of your business. You must think in this manner as your downline are much more important to what you make this month. Your downline are your long term business builders. Look after them and they will make you very successful. But isn’t it rewarding to know at the end of it that all, the people that made you successful were the very same people that you guided to success. These scenarios are happening every day in network marketing. If you want to become one of these people give your home based business a try, you have nothing to lose only a regret that you didn’t start it sooner!Author Jack Foley works from home in Ireland
For more articles and information about Jack's home business, visit Jack's website:
http://www.residual-income-home-based-business.comCopyright © Jack Foley - All Rights Reserved
Category : Multiple Sclerosis

Not all Fats are Bad

Author : Dianne Ronnow

Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn't necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us.Time has shown us that diets that restrict all fats fail in terms of weight loss. Since the end of World War II, Americans have been told that they need to restrict saturated fat in their diets. So we switched to margarine from butter, and did what we could to restrict fat. We have been constantly told that the reason for our health problems is that we still eat too much fat, especially saturated fats.Since Americans have been told to eat a low fat diet to lose weight, the results are that nearly two thirds of adult Americans are now classified as overweight and more children are overweight now than ever before. Obviously something is wrong. That is because we need special kinds of fats in our diets that we are not getting.If you are like me, you grew up being told that vegetable oils were the good oils and saturated fats were the bad ones. Now we are finding out that it is just the opposite. Diets that are moderate to high in "good" saturated fats and oils such as coconut oil and olive oil are actually very good for us. They raise good cholesterol levels and lower bad cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. As a matter of fact, people who started adding at least 4 tablespoons of coconut oil to their diets every day, have found that they can now lose weight when they could not before on a fat restricted diet. Sometimes the addition of these oils even helps with their health problems.It turns out that the bad guys are polyunsaturated oils, which carry toxic fatty acids (long chain fatty acids or LCT's). These LCT's tend to produce fat in the body. Polyunsaturated oils are the vegetable oils we commonly see in the grocery store, such as soy, corn, cottonseed, rapeseed and safflower.We have been told that they lower cholesterol, but they way that they do is not healthy, as it ends up collecting in the liver. These oils are easily oxidized and damaged by free radicals. When cooked they become rancid in a few hours, even in the refrigerator. This causes damage to our body at a cellular level, the end results showing up as problems like diabetes, cancer, hypothyroidism and heart disease. And if that is not enough, these oils help us to get fat, lower the metabolic rate in our bodies, help suppress the thyroid function and cause our skin to age quicker.Trans-fat is one of the worst bad guys. Trans-fatty acids often appear on ingredient labels as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. It is what they do to vegetable oils to make them into hard fats such as margarine and vegetable shortening. It is used in the prepared food industry in baked goods like cookies, crackers, and most supermarket peanut butter to prolong the shelf life. These bad fats are used almost exclusively in fast foods that are fried. When heated and eaten, they turn into something like poison in your system, because your body can not process this kind of chemically made fat. Trans-fats not only increase levels of bad cholesterol, but they will decrease levels of good cholesterol in the blood stream and trans-fatty acids have been linked to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Fats such as margarine and shortening should be totally avoided, as well as foods items that contain them.The United States FDA is finally catching up to this truth, and by January 2006 they will be requiring food products to label the amount of trans-fat they have in them.) What is frightening is that trans-fats are found in over 40% of the products on our supermarket shelves.The fatty acid chains in coconut and olive oil are medium-chain fatty acids (MCT's) and they promote weight loss by increasing the body's metabolism to create energy. Coconut oil has become popular lately, because it has been discovered that coconut oil is nature's richest source of MTC's. If you decide to add coconut oil to your diet, it is recommended that you purchase virgin coconut oil (VCO), usually found in health food stores, because it from the best part of the coconut and has not been chemically bleached and heat processed. It is better for cooking than olive oil, because olive oil can be damaged by the heat of cooking, making it similar to the other vegetable oils in the body when cooked.Even saturated fat from animals is not as bad as it once was thought to be, especially if it is from organically raised animals (free range and grass fed). Organic butter has a very high conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content, which helps us lose weight and gain muscle. But non-organic meats may still be dangerous because of the way the animals were raised or fed. Most grocery store meats are filled with hormones, pesticides, medicines and unhealthy fat that gets transferred to us when we eat it.Organic grass fed and free range meat and eggs avoid these problems, and give us a much healthier source of protein and saturated fat. Organic saturated fats and oils are actually good for you and should be eaten daily. The body needs these fats for healthy functioning.So, forget the guilt and fry up that range-fed chicken in some coconut oil and enjoy! By Dianne Ronnow ? 2006 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. From "The Enzyme Health Diet Plan", a free ebook found at http://enzyme-health.com.Dianne?s FREE ebook, "Coconut Oil Diet Secrets" reveals how people are losing weight and getting healthier with coconut oil diets. To find out the secrets of coconut oil, go to the web site at Coconut-Oil-Diet.com now!This article may be freely copied as long as it is not modified and this resource box accompanies the article, together with working hyperlinks.

Category : General Food

Mobile Phone Insurance Eliminates Restless Moments

Author : Jenifer Paul
Mobile phone stealing is on rise. Now we are used to buy expensive handsets and personalise it. It is really a great risk if you are not insuring your mobile phone. In case if you lose or damage it accidentally, you will have to pay full replacement cost to buy a new one.There are many benefits of mobile insurance.• If you loose your mobile phone, you can get the replacement soon so that you will not be left without mobile phone for a long period.• Your mobile phone can be repaired or replaced without any cost• You will not be responsible for any calls made by the thief who has stolen your mobile• The insurance coverage will be applicable even in abroad• The insurance coverage includes water damages , fake calls or mobile theft• Your monthly insurance premium will be very low and literally affordable• Once you buy your mobile insurance policy , you will be much relievedOn the other hand, if your mobile phone is not insured, you will be liable to pay all the calls that thief makes on your mobile phone. Moreover, buying a new mobile phone will create lots of inconvenience as you have to notify your friends and relatives for the changed mobile number.If you loose your mobile phone, virtually you can do nothing except informing police and filling in different forms. So, it is always safe to buy and affordable mobile insurance policy to avoid restless moments.3contractmobilephonesorangemobileshop
Category : Computers-and-Technology:Mobile-Computing

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Medical Spa Menu Offers Hope for Long-Term Blemishes

Author :

<b>Medical Spa Menu Offers Hope for Long-Term Blemishes</b><br><p> by: <b>Jenny Drake</b><p><p><p><p>A medical spa menu usually covers a range of services and treatments from pure cosmetic to deeper corrective treatments. <p><p>A basic medical spa menu may include: <p><ul><p> <li>Face Treatments <p> <li>Body Treatments <p> <li>Corrective Skin Care <p> <li>Photorejuvenation <p> <li>Laser Hair Removal <p> <li>BOTOX Cosmetic <p> <li>Restylane <p> <li>Collagen <p> <li>Microdermabrasion <p> <li>Vein Treatments <p> <li>Cellulite Therapy <p> <li>Corrective Peels<p></ul><p><p>Beyond that, some menus include exotic treatments auriculotherapy, herbal medicine, tui na massage and acupuncture, as well as the usual pampering treatments that go down so well. <p><p>As an illustration, here is a summary of the more common offerings: <p><p>Corrective Face Treatments<p><p>Non-surgical corrective facial treatments are designed to reduce common skin problems associated with aging skin, renew and rejuvenate the skin, balance the overall hue/tone of the skin and address mild acne issues. <p><p>Energetic Spa Facials<p><p>Energetic Spa Facials are a holistic way of caring for your skin and work effectively to nourish and maintain overall skin health and well being. <p><p>Photorejuvenation<p><p>Intense Pulsed Light technology corrects or improves a variety of skin conditions, such as rosacea, broken capillaries, unsightly veins, reddened scars and photoaging due to sun damage. The approach is gradual, with noticeable results achieved over several sessions. Treatment hs been compared to the sensation of a small rubber band gently snapping against the skin. <p><p>Botox<p><p>Wrinkles are caused by the contractions of underlying facial muscles every time you smile, laugh, or frown. Botox partially blocks the nerve impulses to them, causing the muscles to relax. After the solution takes effect, the overlying skin is smooth and unwrinkled while the untreated facial muscles still function normally. <p><p>Cellulite Therapy<p><p>This is a non-surgical treatment for cellulite, a little like massage. The treatment increases local circulation to tissue temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite. This procedure is also used after body liposuction to the smooth the skin. A complete course of treatments generally involves two sessions per week for seven to nine weeks.<p><p><p><p><p><table width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=#dddddd><p><tr><td><p><p><b>About The Author</b><br><p><p><p>Jenny Drake has a healthy interest in living life to the full. Her advice and writings are available for free download at Beauty Fitness Lifestyles.<p><p><p><p><p></td></tr><p></table>

Category : Health Organizations

Real Estate Investing - FSBOs vs. Agent Listings?

Author : Dr.Phil Speer
Many would-be real estate investing professionals face discouragement because of the assumption that acquisitions require deep-pockets. Some even believe the myth that nothing-down purchases are impossible.The early 1980s era in real estate investing known as the Zero Down Real Estate Movement was initiated by Robert Allen with his best-seller, "Nothing Down." After observing how commercial properties were acquired with no money down, Allen applied 50 techniques from the commercial real estate industry to the residential property marketplace. He was reportedly paid $1 million advance royalties for his publication, and began holding real estate investing conventions across the country.The Nothing Down era was a startling eye-opener to the public. Very few were aware of Allen's predecessors, like Nick Nickerson, Al Lowry and Mark Haroldsen who wrote books on real estate investing requiring no money. Allen popularized the notion, and it was a strong public draw for his real estate investing seminars.However, some of Allen's convention speakers were ultimately revealed as "con men," and some bellied up. Robert Allen himself went bankrupt in 1996. The public generally concluded that Allen was probably a fraud, and that real estate investing was impossible without deep-pockets.The Wall St.Journal got wind of the Nothing Down Real Estate Investing Movement, and interviewed many investors who were using "Zero Money Down" techniques. The business editor of the Wall St.Journal interviewed me repeatedly (and others who knew of my real estate investing), and featured me in an editorial as one of the most successful investors in the nation who had purchased millions of dollars in rental property without any money.These previous unfolding events are pertinent to the conclusion of how to buy real estate properties with limited funds.I proved that properties could be acquired without cash (or credit) to the tune of $10 million in real estate investments during my first 4 years. I used a $10 bill in the acquisition of many of my properties.Purchases from FSBOs (For Sale By Owners) were possible through negotiations with motivated sellers. I bought millions of dollars in real estate properties without cash or credit by learning acquisition skills that required no money down.On the other hand, real estate properties listed by real estate agents minimally require a down payment that covers the agent's listing fee. These listed properties were no more valuable than the FSBO properties, but the agent fees demanded cash upon acquisition. In the intervening years since the 1980s, I have purchased some agent-listed properties, but my target acquisition continues to be FSBO real estate property from a motivated seller.Phil Speer, Ph.D., started his real estate investing career 25 years ago. Without the availability of credit and using only a $10 bill, he purchased $1 million in properties in his first year, and had accumulated $10 million in properties by his fourth year. He was featured in a Wall St.Journal editorial as most successful investor in the Nothing Down Real Estate Movement, and was honored with a Caribbean cruise as top investor of the year. In his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, he has been a businessman and Human Resources Consultant for 30 years. He is an author, speaker and seminar director. To learn how to profit in real estate investing, even without cash or credit, read his report at http://www.CashinHouses.com/. Subscription is free to his Fix-up Ezine. He and other contributing authors provide free articles and resources on real estate investing at his online “Academy of Advanced Real Estate Investing Techniques” - http://www.AAREIT.com/.
Category : Debt Consolidation

Vagus Nerve Stimulation: What are the Benefits and How Does It Relieve Depression?

Author : Charles Donovan
Vagus nerve stimulation is more effective than antidepressants and is not related to brain surgery or shock treatments. It is a 60-90 minute out-patient procedure, with robust antidepressant affects on the brain.The implant procedure is performed by a surgeon. A pacemaker-like device is implanted in your upper left chest. One lead wire is tunneled underneath your skin and coiled around the left vagus nerve in your neck.The vagus nerve has a direct pathway to hypothalmus and hippocampus in the brain. The implanted generator is programmed to send impulses to the vagus nerve. Stimulating the vagus nerve has been proven to favorably modulate those areas of the brain responsible for mood and depression. There are no pain fibers in the vagus nerve. The patient in the first few weeks after implant, slight voice alteration when the generator sends impulses to the nerve. The nerve gets used to the stimulation and the side effects, if any, disipate over time.This is a therapy for for patients who suffer from chronic or treatment-resistant depression, for which antidepressants drugs have not adequately relieved their depression.The FDA's Medical Devices Panel approved vagus nerve stimulation therapy. Final approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected by the end of June.You can learn more at http://www.VagusNerveStimulator.com. There is a free newsletter to keep you up-to-date on the latest developments.Charles Donovan was a study study subject in the FDA investigational trial of vagus nerve stimulation and chronic depression. He is the author of Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression and founder of the VagusNerveStimulator.com Web site.Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression is available on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com and at http://www.vagusnervestimulator.com/book/
Category : Sociology

วันพุธที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Career as a Motor Home Delivery Person

Author : Lance Winslow
Did you know if you love to travel or want a job driving for a living that you can make money delivering motorhomes? It is true. And it makes sense for those who love to drive but do not want to deal with people like they would if they were driving a bus, taxi cab, limousine or coach. Of course you could get a job as a truck driver too, but delivering motorhomes is nice because they are generally new or very nice.How much do they pay you? Well often if you drive one across country you can make $2500 or so and they pay for the gas and pay you 40% up front so you can buy fuel have some cash and then get paid the rest when you drop it off. And best of all many people get to drive some very nice vehicles and they give you money for a return airline ticket.Of course most pocket this money and find a motorhome to drive back the other way and get paid going both ways. So they can make $5,000 per two weeks driving each way. And still have plenty of time once they get back to enjoy their own home until they need some more money. What kinds of people take these jobs? Well people with good driving records who are not afraid to travel and enjoy the open road of course. Consider this in 2006."Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Category : Business:Careers-Employment

Ways To Combat Worrying

Author : Karen Hastings, Hertfordshire

Worrying can make you physically anxious for example, increase in heart rate, butterflies and feeling tense. When people experience the physical symptoms of anxiety, this usually leads to more worrying about the symptoms, creating a vicious cycle.There are lots of practical steps you can take to combat your worrying and to break the vicious cycle. These are techniques that I share with my clients at my NLP and Hypnotherapy practice in Hertfordshire.Identify and clarify the worrying thought: Often worrying thoughts are experienced as several fleeting ideas and images that race through your mind. Spending the time writing down exactly what it is that is worrying you brings the thought out into the open. This in itself can show the worrying thought up as being less scary then when it was just in your head. Sometimes these thoughts are so automatic and quick that I will spend time at my NLP and Hypnotherapy practice, Hertfordshire helping clients identify worrying thoughts.Explore what the worse thing that could happen would be if the thought was true: Often you will find that it is much easier to cope with a clearly defined worst outcome, then the product of your imagination, which is usually fantasy based and much worse!Look at the thought logically: This involves examining the objective evidence of whether the thought is true. Create two columns on a piece of paper and on one list evidence to support the thought and under the other list evidence that disputes the thought. This is a process that is used at Hypnotherapy, Hertfordshire. The therapist works with the client to elicit the evidence, using a series of questions designed to help the person broaden their view of the situation.Another point of view: Try looking at the worry from another perspective. For example, what would you advise a loved one who was concerned over the same thought. Also think about other times in your life when you would feel different about the worry.What are the benefits or losses of holding onto this thought: Look at whether holding onto your worrying thought helps or hinders you.Over-generalising: Are you viewing the situation/self in all or nothing terms e.g. complete disaster------- totally perfect ? Actually rate your thought out of 100% to remind yourself that your worry is probably somewhere other then complete disaster on a sliding scale.Take Action: Rather then passively worrying which does not benefit you, look at whether there is anything you can do about the situation. Make a list of action steps that you can take.Free time: If you are always worrying then become stricter with yourself and how you spend your time. Dedicate a set time to worrying, ensuring that within your time you set goals for action or work on your worry by going through all the steps to combat worrying already discussed. Then set dedicated time each day for relaxing - time where you will practice distracting your thoughts from worrying. Becoming proficient at a good body relaxation technique can be really useful. About The AuthorKaren Hastings is a NHS experienced mental health occupational therapist, Master NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist. Karen uses hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire, along with cognitive therapy and NLP approaches. For more information about Hypnotherapy or NLP, Herts visit http://www.karenhastings.co.uk

Category : Self Improvement

Daily Simple Tips To Improve Breast Health

Author : Julie Walker

Medical experts recommend the following measures to best protect your breasts while maximizing your overall health: Sensuality and sexuality are not opposed to or the enemy of spirituality. Celebrate the sensuality of your body!Expose your breasts to sun and moonlight. It feels good to experience the sun, sea, and air on the rest of your body at topless beaches or in the privacy of your back yard!Eat a little of soy-based products, such as soy milk, tofu, and tempeh regularly can help blocking the tendency for breast tissues to bond with extra estrogens that can cause disorder in healthy the functioning of breast tissue.Do not smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products - Like alcohol, smoking has been linked to breast cancer.Eat a well-balanced diet - Include lots of fruits and vegetables, and keep your intake of fried foods, red meat, and junk food to a bare minimum. Prevent taking hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be conscious of products that are in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and cookies - even health-store brands.) Cook with olive, peanut, sunflower, or sesame oils and butter or - better still - clarified butter (ghee) on bread.Color TVs, microwave ovens, and computer screens release radiation that can cause damaged tissue. Use protected computer display terminals and try to keep a good distance like 3m away from your TV. Do not stand right next to your microwave. Try to avoid using microwave, and use healthier cooking methods like your over or stove as more nutrients will be kept.Enjoy nurturing yourself. You need to massage your breasts and/or pamper yourself with a massage or your favorite spa treatment. It is a MUST survival skill.Do not use underarm deodorant that contains aluminum salts or other compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system.The above information is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start". It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each technique, in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost, and potential impact on insurance coverage. The ebook version of the book is now available at: http://www.breastenhancementbook.com ANBES.com is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 Minutes ... While stock last! Consists of Pueraria Mirifica. Hurry Click Here Now> http://www.anbes.com/article/ Julie is the customer service guru of ANBES.com. Get latest Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 minutes. Go to: http://www.anbes.com/article/

Category : General Women

วันอังคารที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Probate Records

Author : Josh Riverside
All important documents which are used in the probate process are known as probate records. The first category of records relate to personal properties which are to be submitted to the court.The will should state what assets are involved, who are the beneficiaries, who will be the personal representative, guardian for minor children less than 18 years old, someone to manage children's' property [if the heirs are minors or young adults], signature of witnesses, signature of self and endorsement by the notary.Courts and law firms give out prescribed forms for writing a will. Today, there are not only printed books, but also e-books, CDs and computer software, all available for developing a will. Software is a bit more expensive than book versions. [All these versions come within an approximate price range of US$25 to 50].The next important document is proof of assets, which are in decedent's sole name. These can include bank accounts, securities, Individual Retirement Accounts, life insurance policies/premiums, employee benefit plans, foreign property, Social Security benefits, IRS Tax Refunds and US Savings Bonds.The second category includes administrative papers which are necessary in any probate. These include "Petition for probate of will and Letters testamentary" or a "Petition for letters of administration", which is submitted along with the prescribed filing fee and the death certificate.The judge conducts probate proceedings, appoints a person to handle the probate issue and execute the will or administer the assets respectively. Then issues the order sought. Both the above mentioned letters are known as "letters". Some courts call this letter "Notice of appointment".When necessary, the judge holds hearings and clarifies queries raised by issuing written directions called "orders." For instance, there is an order to pay the decedent's debts and taxes and divide the rest among the beneficiaries.The next important record is Notice of administration. This is also known as "Notice to creditors". This is a notice given by the personal representative after identifying, gathering, appraising and safeguarding probate assets, for publication in a local newspaper. This is done so that every body, particularly creditors if any, will come to know of the current position of the properties. It enables the creditors to take responsive action by claiming the amount due to them by filing a `creditor's claim', to get back any money owed by the decedent. In Washington and some other states, `Notice to creditors' is optional.Then the Personal Representative disburses the property to all the heirs and beneficiaries, and obtains a document signed by them. This document, known as "Receipt and Waiver" signifies that the heirs and beneficiaries have received their respective share of the estate.Next, the Personal Representative submits all the Receipts and Waivers and a Declaration of Completion of Probate to the probate court.Finally the court issues an Order for transfer of property to heirs and beneficiaries. This is the epilogue of the probate episode.Probate provides detailed information about probate, how to avoid probate, probate court, probate law and more. Probate is the sister site of Free Last Will And Testament Packages.
Category : Legal:Living-Will

Never Ever Show You're Jealous

Author : Samantha Stevens

O.k., you're standing there all alone at a party and in the far
corner of the room your boyfriend is talking to some groovy
chick. She's coming onto him and much to your dismay, he doesn't
seem to be bragging about all how happy he is in his
relationship with you. In fact, he even seems to be encouraging
and indulging the shameless slattern's disgusting, desperate,
gall-filled pleas for sexual attention. So you a) burst into
tears and run from the room b) go up to him and drape yourself
around his neck so she can't miss the fact that you and him are
"together" or c) stand there and repeatedly tap his shoulder
with your finger going "Um honey, honey, honey, I have to talk
to you ... until he finally is forced to turn around and scream
in your face "WHAT!"

Actually, none of the above are the right answers.
Unfortunately, the minute you display jealousy, you convey
neediness and insecurity and according to Jungian psychiatrist
William Rock Penfield, people of both sexes find this extremely
unattractive in a partner. What they really find attractive is
something called "the unattainable." That is why your boyfriend
is flirting with the gorgeous interloper in the first place. He
knows he belongs to you and therefore she becomes attractive
because she is unattainable. Another reason we flip out, and
become jealous is because we know we've already been "attained".
The person knows he already "has you" so there is nothing to
chase... no thrill to the hunt... the cupid's arrow has already
met its mark and now you are about as sexually exciting as a
carcass thrown in a burlap sack.

No,the best thing for you to do in such a situation, is to
mirror his behaviour. Make yourself unattainable. Replace
thoughts like "No, no, no ....please don't do this to me." and "
Please, please. Stop. Stop flirting with him!" to "Oh so you
think you have this relationship in the bag do you.... while
here's me brushing my breasts up against your best friend's arm
and here's me batting my eyelashes at that guy you hate and
here's me smiling and waving at you like nothing's wrong ...
nothing at all!" Make like you're the wild unpredicatable one
--like what he's doing doesn't matter --like you could leave
this party at any minute with his successor. Before you know it,
he'll be the one casting you the anxious looks, as you dirty
dance with the cute guy you just met near the fridge. If he
doesn't, maybe you should consider leaving the party with the
new guy. Or girl.

Because this mirroring trick works on both sexes. What doesn't
work is begging, pleading, crying and trying to blackmail the
person into never doing it again, later, when you get home in
bed. Who wants to be with a needy, whiny jealous person. What a

Category : Organizing

Best Motorcycle Eyewear is not just Coincidence

Author : Maricon Williams
Purchasing the best motorcycle apparel such as an eyewear is neither luck nor coincidence. It takes the right reason to back up your choice of eyewear. To help you decide, here are some pointers to consider.


When it comes to lens, it is better to choose polycarbonate over glass. The former is shatterproof so you need not worry about debris entering your eyes when collision happens. Glass debris can leave a person blind so avoid it. Also consider bigger lenses so as to give you bigger eye coverage thus, maximizes your eye protection.

Color of the lens also matters. You have to coordinate it with various conditions of a given ride. Use clear lens at night and rainy days or in times when clean vision is indispensable. Yellow or amber tint can be used on foggy and low light driving conditions. Grey or smoke, on the other hand, you can use it on sunny a sunny ride. Lastly, the colors green, blue or brown can be used if you want a tweaked view when you ride.

There are different types of coatings. The first one is the Ultra-violet coating. It protects the eyes from harmful UV rays of the sun. Polarized coating is another type. This coating greatly reduces glare and allows you to see in the most blinding situation. This can help you avoid perilous road mishaps. Scratch resistant coating is another type.

As the name implies, this coating is made to protect your eyewear from scratch, pricks and the like. When you accidentally drop your eyewear, you will be secured that it will not be scratched. This is to be avoided because a scratched lens impairs vision. Even a light scratch can cause eye fatigue, that is.

Another type is the transitional light adjusting which adjusts the lens color so as to give more shade in bright conditions. Finally, another worth-having type of eyewear is the non-reflective inside coating. It eliminates the reflection inside the lenses.


If you are into sunglasses, choice nylon or plastic frames and never metal. The latter do not hold up to the rigors of riding. It can even get bent easily. Another factor to consider is the frame’s design. Look for a contoured bend to go with your head.


Your eyewear must have a snug fit to achieve the best protection. Be sure that the eyewear rests on your ears comfortably. Not too tight yet not too loose. A nose piece must be snug enough but will not leave marks on your nose.

Be sure to get bigger protection in order for your eyes and your eyesight to be free from probable risks.

Living Life from the Inside Out

Author : M. Beth Page
What would life look like if we stopped for just a moment and took a break from the pace of our daily lives and asked ourselves what we wanted? Would the response be, more of the same, less of the same, or perhaps, something completely different?Listening to the voice of our wise heart and the messages it offers is simple. However, we make it hard to "take" the time to be with our true selves. The precious insights we have about life can be discovered in challenging times, quiet times and joyful times. Dawn Brown, Author of That Perception Thing!, reminds us that we can learn through pain, or we can learn through joy. The secrets to igniting your passion for your ideal life exist in the moments of joy.Too often, we are on the brink of exhaustion, heart ache, or burnout before we ask ourselves what we really want. Rather than experiencing a crisis of self, I invite you to create some quiet space for reflection. Consider booking a date with yourself and find a quiet place to reflect and complete the following exercise.Begin by placing your feet flat on the floor and letting your hands rest comfortably in your lap. Close your eyes and take three deep cleansing breaths. Begin to visualize yourself in a sanctuary of your own creation. Take a look around, where are you? What is around you? Is this place familiar to you? Note the details of your sanctuary. There are no editors or inner critics present in this sanctuary. This is a safe place. You are here with the inner voice of your wise self.Now, look forward in time. It's one year down the road. It's the beginning of a new day. Visualize your experience. Where are you? Describe your surroundings. You are on your way to do work that you love and enjoy. What are you doing? Who are your colleagues? What does your office look like? What are your activities on this great day? How do you feel as you experience your day? Pull out a pen and notebook and describe your day with as much detail as possible.Keep your notes from this exercise.
Re-read your notes often over the next month.
Collect data, gather information.
Open yourself to possibilities.
Often, we are living our plan B life, waiting for the right circumstances to execute Plan A. Now is the time. Have you captured your Plan A life – Your dream?If you are on a quest to get more out of your work experience, you are invited to join Beth Page, Laura Min Jackson and Clare Mann as they explore the opportunities for "Getting to the Heart of the Matter at Work in a free tele-seminar on Wednesday July 19, 2006. Clare, Laura and Beth are three contributing expert authors to the new book, "Awakening the Workplace." See below to learn more about this tele-seminar, and to register.Getting to the Heart of the Matter at Work is a free tele-seminar taking place on Wednesday July 19, 2006. Clare, Laura and Beth are three contributing expert authors to the new book, "Awakening the Workplace." To learn more about this tele-seminar, and to register, visit http://www.dreamcatcher-consulting.com/update.htm.
Beth Page is the founder of Dream Catcher Consulting, an individual coaching and organizational consulting firm which uses a collaborative model to maximize individual and organizational outcomes. Learn more at http://www.dreamcatcher-consulting.com.
Category : Business:Change-Management

Men Are Worried That Their Penis Does Not Measure Up

Author : Philip Lim
Most men are very concerned with penis size, and how their penis measures up to other men's. Because of this, men have tried all sorts of ways to enlarge their penis. Some can be harmful and can cause discomfort to them, while many others are expensive or simply ineffective.Studies have shown that most men are interested in penis enlargement. In fact these studies show that most men are not satisfied with their penis length or their sexual performance. They are also dissatisfied with the firmness of the erect penis, but are unwilling to talk with their doctor about what they perceive as a problem.Many men are convinced that their penis is not large enough to satisfy their lover. This leads to an overall lack of confidence when making love, and this lack of confidence often leads to a softer erection, which feeds the problem by often leading to feelings of inadequacy. This can even lead to relationship
problems as these feelings take root and deepen.Feeling that you are an unsatisfactory lover leads to a lack of desire to have sex, which the woman in your life may interpret as sexual rejection. This can lead to further misunderstanding regarding sex and the relationship, and often leads to serious problems between couples.The adult entertainment industry is full of ads for products and programs for the enlargement of the penis. The products include pills, creams and sprays that claim they will cause penis growth. These claims range from the scientific to the outrageous. Below we talk about penis enlargement methods
that DO NOT WORK:Over the last few years, advertisements have been popping up for creams that claim that they will enlarge the penis with regular use. Do they work? Medical evidence has demonstrated that no topical preparation can do more for you than to increase blood flow in the area, which may aid in other programs and may also assist in erection firmness, but these preparations can do nothing on their own to promote actual penis enlargement.One of the most common products advertised for penis enlargement is the penis pump. It can be seen on sale on the internet, in adult bookstores and magazines. The pumps work by creating a vaccuum around the penis and bringing blood to the tissue. This can assist men with extremely poor circulation to have an erection. There is no actual medical evidence that penis pumps cause any actual increase in the size of the penis. Some men
may even find that if they use a penis pump over a period of time that they will be unable to get an erection without using the pump.Men have used this method of penis enlargement for hundreds of years. Basically you hang weight from your penis in order to stretch it. Many ancient and tribal people practiced this method. Does it work? Over time, with regular use, you can achieve greater length using this method. The drawbacks include a thinner penis, and because of the stretched tissue, often
less ability to achieve and maintain an erection. This method can also cause decrease in blood circulation to the penis, which can lead to serious problems including tissue damage.Surgery is a big step, and an expensive one. More importantly, it can lead to serious complications like infection. It can also lead to scar tissue formation which can cause a misshapen penis. A common form of penis enlargement surgery involves taking your body fat and injecting a small amount into the penis. This does not cause significant change in length, although it can make
a difference in girth.Some men have the connective tissue at the top of their penis cut, which does not actually enlarge the penis, but does cause it to jut further out from the body. Of course, having less support, your penis will not stand up as far from your body as it did previous to the surgery. Penis surgery doesn't change your
ability to get an erection, or the firmness of that erection. This is caused by blood flow in the penis.Philip Lim, editor of Lasting Longer In Bed reveals the amazing
secrets to boost your confidence and make a positive impact on
your sex life. You can learn more at http://www.LastingLongerInBed.com
Category : Aviation

Internet Businesses For Sale

Author : Jennifer Bailey

Making a profit is the primary goal in any business enterprise. The same holds true for Internet businesses for sale. Profit is the excess of income over expense. Profit is an objective indicator of productivity, and a solid basis for growth, expansion and survival. Profit enables a businessman to realize his other objectives too.Not all enterprises are interested in making profits. For example, hospitals, schools, charitable institutions and government agencies are not basically concerned with the acquisition of profits. The non-profit enterprises customarily rely on gifts, endowments, receipts from money-raising projects, and subsidies. In profit-making enterprises, profit should not be the end in itself. Profit should be the beginning--acting as seed money for more products, more plants, more dividends and more opportunities.Growth is another primary objective of Internet businesses for sale. A business should grow in all directions over a period of time. An enterprise which remains stagnant for a long period is presumed to suffer from an organic defect. The strategies adopted to achieve growth are adding more products/markets, diversifying into new areas, increasing market share, expanding markets or cutting down costs and increasing productivity.Providing quality products and services is yet another objective of Internet businesses for sale. Those who insisted on and persisted in quality survived competition and stayed ahead of others on the market. Persistent quality earns brand loyalty, a vital ingredient of success. There are other business people who believe in quick money. Quick money comes through short cuts. These are the people who give us leaky taps and adulterated goods. Such enterprises will not survive for long.To earn market leadership is yet another objective of Internet businesses for sale. To earn a niche for oneself in the market, innovation is the key factor. Innovation may be in the product itself, its advertising, distribution, or any other aspect of the business. Small Business For Sale provides detailed information on Businesses For Sale, Small Business For Sale, Internet Businesses For Sale, Franchise Business For Sale and more. Small Business For Sale is affiliated with Business Loan Brokers.

Category : General Business

How To Boost The Performance Of Your PC To Play Video Games

Author : Gregg Hall
Many people these days use their computers for a variety of things, not just work or research but for fun as well. You know that you like to play computer games, but if you are going to play them you should consider getting the accessories to make your gaming experience better and increase the performance of your game playing.Most of the games that you play will be much easier to play with a joystick. If you are serious at all about optimizing your game playing you need to go for a good one here. There joysticks available that will include up to eight programmable buttons and will also include gaming software that will even allow you to program it to particular games. Get one that is easily plugged in, via USB preferably and one that allows for multiple adjustments.If you are playing games on your computer a good mouse is not optional, choose a wireless optical mouse to get the best performance. Having an optical mouse will help give you an edge over those who don't have one. Again one that hooks up via USB is preferable, but be aware that since these types use batteries they will need to be replaced frequently.Some of the console games will require a gamepad and many of those you get for your computer will be set up identical to the ones for the console game players. Make sure it fits well in your hands, look for a USB connection and take the time to play with them in the store if you can to get a feel for which one you like the best.A high quality speaker system with at least two speakers and a subwoofer are a must have for gaming. I am not saying you have to buy the most expensive set of speakers you can find, but you need quality to be able to get the most out of the gaming experience. The difference in the sound between average speakers that come with a computer and a set of more high performance gaming oriented speakers is night and day.You may also want to include a headset, especially if you are playing late at night and are sharing your home with someone, or you still live at home. With a headset you can play all night and no one will know, until they try to wake you in the morning!You must have lots of RAM. That's short for random access memory of course, and if you have any intention of playing games with intense graphics, and I know you do, then don't cut yourself short here. This is a simple fact, more RAM is better period.Gregg Hall is an author and internet marketing consultant living in Navarre Florida. Find more about Video Games and Video game accessories at http://www.videoandcomputergamesplus.com
Category : Computers-and-Technology:Games

Bowyer to go Aboard KHI #2 Chevrolet Silverado

Author : Noah Scott

Clint Bowyer, the popular NASCAR driver will start his first race this season behind the steering wheel of the No. 2 Camping World Chevrolet Silverado truck for Kevin Harvick Incorporated (KHI) at the upcoming NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series that will take place at the Atlanta Motor Speedway in Georgia this weekend."I'm really excited to get back behind the wheel of a truck. I had a lot of fun last year in the Truck Series and I was really happy when Kevin and DeLana asked me to drive for them in a few races this season. It's great that Camping World has come aboard as a sponsor. Hopefully we can bring them a lot of success." says NASCAR driver Clint Bowyer."I'm looking forward to racing in Atlanta, especially since the track is similar to Texas, where I got my first Truck Series win last season. I'll be pulling triple duty, so hopefully I can start the weekend off right with a good run in the Camping World Silverado." he further explains.In addition, this year's NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series will be the stage for the racing debut of newcomer Cale Gale, joining KHI along with the team owner and driver, Kevin Harvick. So KHI should get a GM repair manual for their Chevrolet trucks. Clint Bowyer's driver skills at the 2006 NASCAR Truck Series made him to score a number one finish with 148/148 laps at the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth aboard the Silverado truck owned by Davil Dollar. He also obtained a top 10 slot during a race in Martinsville Speedway and took the seventh spot. This 2007 season, Clint is back behind the steering wheel of the No. 2 Camping World Chevrolet Silverado truck owned by co-driver Kevin Harvick and hopes to be the first NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series champion.Meanwhile, Charlie Wilson Crew Chief of Atlanta Motor Speedway commented:"We have Clint Bowyer in the No. 2 Camping World Chevrolet Silverado this weekend. He will drive the same truck (chassis No. 012) that Kevin raced at the California Speedway.""We are using the same set up in the No. 2 Camping World Silverado that the No. 33 AES Silverado has. Ron (Hornaday) has always run well in Atlanta and with the set up that we are using; Clint will run really well also." he added. Along with the No. 2 Camping World Chevrolet Silverado for KHI, Clint Bowyer is also the current driver Jack Daniel's No. 7 Chevrolet Monte Carlo in the NEXTEL Cup Series and the No. 2 BB&T Chevrolet Monte Carlo in the Busch Series. The Richard Childress Racing owns both of these two trucks. Noah Scott is a 30 year old native of New Jersey, writer, and car fan - having grown up with both parents being auto enthusiasts. He works for an automotive consultancy firm and regularly contributes articles to car magazines.

Category : General Autos

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Advertising Schools

Author : K. Monteith
Advertising Schools teach students how to promote goods and services through marketing, publicity, sales promotion, and public relations. The goal of advertising is to inform, persuade and remind consumers.There are no official qualifications for Advertising professionals; however a Bachelor of Science Degree in Advertising with a broad liberal arts background is preferred. A formal education in Advertising emphasizes the creative and visual sides of selling, as well as the technical and business aspects of advertising. Students learn to perform market research and develop new marketing strategies. They also learn about sales and other types of promotion, as well as pricing and product development.Career possibilities are unlimited for Advertising professionals. Available positions include media services, account services, creative services, copywriter, Internet advertiser, direct response advertiser, and many more. Professionals may seek a position with an Advertising business (ad agency) or the in-house advertising department of a large company.Generally, advertising professionals work a 40 hour workweek. Annual salaries range from $20,000-$55,000 or more, depending on education and qualifications.If you would like to learn more about the creative and lucrative field of Advertising, find the advertising school that suits you by searching the many options found at www.schoolsgalore.com.DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.comCopyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved
K. Monteith in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for SchoolsGalore.comK. Monteith is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with SchoolsGalore.com. Find Advertising Schools at SchoolsGalore.com; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.
Category : Reference-and-Education

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Achilles Heel of the NASA Space Shuttle Fleet is Highlighted in the Novel Deorbit the Space Shuttle: Stem Cell Rescue

Author :

blood spraying the white cabin walls of Space Shuttle Atlantis flashed across television screens worldwide begins this near-future techno-thriller, a provocative novel by Tulsa, Oklahoma author Neil Mavis that dramatizes the terrifying possibilities of a space shuttle rescue mission gone awry. Space shuttle Atlantis is stranded when the Achilles heel of the space shuttle - a single point of failure - has been damaged. Mavis verified the shuttles Achilles heel during discussions with a NASA space shuttle commander.Deorbit the Space Shuttle: Stem Cell Rescue (Heuristic Publishing; Publication Date: April 11, 2005; $16.95 ISBN 0-9763863-0-5) is a thought-provoking and page-turning novel that showcases timely topics such as private spacecraft, medical marijuana, and stem cell research in zero gravity. With only a few hours left for the shuttle crew, Scott, a NASA outsider with an almost impossible idea, suggests a risky plan that has never before been considered. The government backpedals because Scott has a marijuana arrest, and no academic credentials. Senator Graff reverses his support to rescue Atlantis when he learns his candidacy will be ruined if Scott uses the technology the senator intentionally scrapped.In a thrilling race against the clock, and no other options remaining, Flight Director Glen Minns reluctantly agrees to Scotts rescue plan in spite of Senator Graffs protests. The rescue could doom the Senator, and the manned space program, along with Scott and his mother. In a surprise ending, no one will know until it's too late to turn back.Contact Information:Heuristic Publishing1611 S. Utica #140Tulsa, OK 74104<a href="http://www.heuristicpublishing.com" target="_blank">http://www.heuristicpublishing.com</a>

Category : General Environment

What Happens if You Die Without Making a Will

Author : Simon Markham
If you die without making a Will in the UK, the state will decide who gets what and how much, so those who you would want to benefit may get far less than you hoped.Your estate (your property and all belongings) are frozen and become subject to the law of intestacy. You are said to have died 'intestate', meaning everything you own will be valued, tax paid at 40% if worth more than £275,000 (as at August 2005) and then shared out to your surviving spouse or relatives or given to the state if you don't have any.The problem with this is that neither you or your family will have any say in the matter if you didn't make a Will. The beneficiaries and the share they receive will be decided by the state and the whole process can takes months or even years because you didn't take the time to make a Will.Whilst the law and complete strangers decide how your belongings are shared, your surviving spouse or partner has all the usual household and living expenses to pay. If you are the main breadwinner they will probably be on a reduced income. Your surviving spouse or partner may not have access to money, she or he would normally have a right to if you had made a Will, because the assets could be frozen until all the formalities have been sorted out. If you have got a valid Last Will and testament it should take no longer than three months to complete the legal process and release your assets to the people who you chose.So Who Gets What if You Die Without Making a Will?When someone dies without making a Will or Last Will and Testament, their estate (all their property and belongings) are distributed according to the law of intestacy. This is where, in effect, the state writes your Will for you and is most likely not to meet your wishes. The following outlines the basic rules that decides who gets what:If you are married at the time of your death
Your spouse will get everything if you left less than £125,000. If more than £125,000 is left but you leave no children, parents or siblings, then your spouse will still get everything.If you are married with children at the time of your death
If you die leaving a spouse and children, then your spouse will get the first £125,000 and your personal effects. The remainder is divided as follows: your spouse gets a life interest in half and the other half is divided between your children. A life interest means that your spouse is entitled to the income on that half for their lifetime and on their death it will automatically pass to your children.If you are married without children but have parents or siblings
If you die with no children, but have surviving parents or siblings, then your spouse gets the first £200,000 plus personal effects and the remainder is divided two ways. Your spouse will get half and the other half goes to your parents. If your parents have pre-deceased you, this share is divided between your siblings.If you are not married at the time of you death
If you leave children then it will be divided equally between them.
If there are no children but your parents survive you, then everything will go to your parents.
If there are no children or parents, then your siblings will receive everything.
If you leave no children, parents or siblings, then your grandparents will get everything.
If none of these people are still alive, then it will be divided among your uncles and aunts.
If there are none of the above then your estate will pass to the Crown.Notes:
When using the term 'children' this includes illegitimate and adopted children but not step-children (unless legally adopted). Joint property generally passes to the surviving joint owner.Copyright © Make Your Will - Free Guide to Making a Will in the UK http://www.make-your-will.co.uk All rights reserved.Please feel free to publish this article online provided that the article and this copyright statement remain unchanged with live links.
Category : Clothing

Buy US Postage Stamps Online

Author : Lloyd Lewis

Buy US Postage Stamps Online

For those interested in large quantities of mail, the Internet
is offering today great opportunities to buy US Postage Stamps
Online at higher volumes and special cost-effective prices.

In order to buy US Postage Stamps Online you must enter one of
the many websites that allow users to select their postage
stamps and print them from their own computer, no matter the
location around the world.

There is a small monthly fee that makes this very new mail
service, Buy US Postage stamps Online, more convenient for all
industry users.

More than that, when shopping online, user have the special
opportunity to buy extraordinary specialty stamps that usually
are not available at any post office.

The online services let users print official United States
Postal Service postage directly from their own personal
computer. All they need is a good printer and special piece of
hardware for a business, provided by your buy us Postage Stamps
online provider.

You select your postage stamp, print it and put it on the mail
package. After that, you have to simply hand it to the mail
carrier and your mail is on the way.

This easy procedure and the significant low fees have brought
more and more customers to postage stamps websites.

They are satisfied by the easy to follow procedures and the
extra options available, such as printing shipping labels or
professional looking mail envelopes.

Some websites offer special insurance for their users in order
to protect their valuable items. In other cases, the free
delivery confirmation allows you to easily keep track of sent

Other common features permit easy tracking of postage spent with
client codes and easy reporting. It seems that nothing is
impossible with the new online mail services and more and more
customers are attracted by them.

Category : Travel Tips

Maximum Cardio

Author : Jeremy Likness
Depending on your goals and body type, different amounts of cardio may be required. A lean “hard-gainer” trying to add mass may benefit from only one or two cardiovascular sessions per week. On the other hand, someone like myself who is extremely prone to storing fat and sensitive to carbohydrates may require 3 or more sessions in order to maintain peak physique. Since you can only get better at a particular exercise by performing it, those interested in running marathons or participating in endurance events such as a triathlon must increase their frequency of cardio in order to prepare for the event.MAXIM 1: Your body type and goal for training will dictate the type, frequency, and length of your cardioWhen your goal for cardio is general health, you have a few decisions to make about what type of cardio you will perform. Many people enjoy taking long, slow runs. Enjoying cardio is important, so if you find an enjoyable method of cardio, there is no reason why you should discard it. The same decision should influence your choice for timing. Many people claim that you must perform cardio first thing in the morning and/or on an empty stomach to see maximal benefit. I disagree. If you have trouble waking up or putting a full effort into morning cardio, and will get a much more vigorous workout in the evening, then why not do it then? Perform cardio when you feel the best, when you are ready and know you will stick with it and give it 100%.MAXIM 2: Find cardio that you enjoy, and do it when you feel you have the most energyThere are many styles of cardio. There is some debate about what cardio is best for you. People preach about training in the “zone” of a particular heart rate for maximum fat burning benefit. While it is true that your body will utilize more fat for energy during this period, this is not the entire picture. Moderate cardio means your body will recover quickly - your heart rate will return to normal within a short period. Intense cardio, which elevates your heart rate beyond the “zone”, may not burn as much fat during the exercise, but your body will take longer to recover. Your body must process waste and your heart rate will remain elevated for hours after the bout of exercise. You will burn more calories throughout the day, and therefore you will receive a superior benefit.To better understand this, let’s consider a situation where you burn 200 calories during exercise. You have a choice: you might burn those calories walking at a brisk pace and reading a book, and it will take you 1 hour. Or, you might burn those calories performing short sprints followed by periods of moderate jogging, and you will burn those calories in 20 minutes. While the “hour” cardio kept you in the “zone” for fat burning, guess what? The 20-minute cardio elevated your heart rate and took you into an anaerobic zone where your body accumulated an “oxygen debt” - a need for oxygen and fat burning to help flush waste from your system and recover from the intense exercise. So during a 24-hour window, you will burn MORE than the 200 calories, and therefore be closer to your fat loss goal.While there is no hard, scientific evidence to support this next maxim, I truly believe in it. I have witnessed this not only in my own transformation, but also with countless others as well.MAXIM 3: The less time it takes to burn the same amount of calories, the more calories you will expend later that dayThis maxim may seem confusing, but it’s very simple. It means that if you are going to burn 200 calories, when you burn that 200 calories in 20 minutes instead of 1 hour, your metabolism will increase throughout the day and you’ll end up burning MORE than 200 hours when that day is done. This is why high intensity interval cardio, like that recommended in David Greenwalt’s book, The Leanness Lifestyle or the “20-Minute Aerobic Solution™” which is recommended by Bill Phillips in Body-for-LIFE™ is so effective - it burns the most amount of fat in the shortest period of timeJust because high intensity cardio may burn more calories doesn’t make it superior to moderate cardio except with respect to calories burned. There is some evidence that you may improve your cardiovascular health more quickly with high intensity cardio, but this is no reason to discard your long runs. If you have a busy schedule and wish you fit 3 short, 20-minute sessions, then intensity is the way to go. If, however, you truly enjoy your long bike ride or jog on the weekends, then go ahead and do it - you will still be improving your health and burning calories, and if it is something that you enjoy, you will stick with it! Remember, too, that if you are training for a marathon, all of the 20-minute high intensity cardio in the world will not prepare you fully to run 20+ miles. You must perform the moderate, long duration cardio to prepare your body for the event.This leads us to another maxim. Your heart rate can provide you a lot of information about your training. Over time, your resting heart rate should decrease. Mine went from the high 60’s to a current value of 48 due to my cardiovascular conditioning. When you train with weights, you can use a heart rate monitor to see what your target heart rate is (weight training will take it to the anaerobic levels, or about the maximum heart rate you would want to train at) - this will provide much better feedback than a generic formula. By tracking your heart rate, you can monitor your effort. If you train today at 160bpm then have a lousy day and don’t feel like you’re receiving any benefit, use your heart rate as a guide. As long as you are pushing hard enough to hit that 160bmp mark again, you know you are getting at least the same intensity from your training as the time before.MAXIM 4: Use your heart rate as a tool for feedback about your progress, not as a “RULE” for fat loss (i.e. the “zone”, etc)Many people are very intrigued by the readouts on machines when they perform cardio. Unfortunately, those numbers are based on generic equations that fit the “general population” rather than you as an individual. For example, calories burned are based on your weight. A 200-pound person at 8% body fat will have the same formula applied as a 200-pound person at 30% body fat. However, the more that you train and the leaner you are, the less calories you will burn during the same activity. In this example, the 8% person will actually burn fewer calories than the 30% person, due to their level of health and amount of lean mass. There are also issues with metabolism, activity throughout the day, nutrition, and many other factors that are not taken into account.Does this mean that the readouts are worthless? Not at all. In fact, they are very useful. When I did my morning run this morning, the readout said that I burned 610 calories in 30 minutes. While I may not have truly expended that amount of energy, it is a great reference for me. Why? Because the next time that I perform cardio on that machine, I’m going to push myself harder and try to burn 650 calories. Again, I may not actually be burning 650 calories, but you can be certain that if the readout gives me that number, I will be working harder next week than I did today. So it is a great tool to gauge your own progress. It is also a great tool to mix up your style of training. If I do a high intensity workout and burn “400” calories, then I know if I come back and perform moderate training, I can shoot for “400” calories and expend about the same amount of energy during the activity.MAXIM 5: Do not take the readouts on cardio machines literally - use them as a scale to gauge your own progressIt is interesting to learn the various ways that different styles of cardio expend energy. A slow, moderate run may take 45 minutes to burn 400 calories. However, the same amount of calories might be expended in a 15 minute, high intensity run. This is due to the fact that your heart rate becomes extremely elevated, and your muscles begin performing extreme work in order to help you accelerate through the intense periods. On the same token, a “slow” jog on a steep incline may burn the same amount of calories. In this situation, your body is fighting against gravity, so again you are still performing “high intensity” effort despite the slower pace.As a final ingredient, consider variety. I can guarantee that if you always use the treadmill, your body will become so efficient at using the treadmill that you will begin to burn fewer calories doing the same workout. On the other hand, if you perform treadmill work one session, stair climber work another session, then go for a jog, you will continue to see the benefit of increased calorie expenditure. If your training permits, try to build in as much variety as possible. This will keep the fat melting off and continuously improve your cardiovascular condition.MAXIM 6: Variety is key - whenever possible, vary not only your style of training (i.e. moderate, high intensity, etc) but also the terrain or equipment that you train onI often have clients complain that they don’t have access to the right equipment to perform much variety with cardio. If you simply purchase an inexpensive jump rope, you can easily train two different exercises: jogging, and jump roping. Now consider different styles of training: moderate (low intensity), high intensity interval training, and just high intensity training (where you try to elevate your heart rate and maintain that throughout the duration of the exercise). This alone provides 6 different possibilities for a cardio session, which is more than enough variety to change things throughout your training cycles.Cardiovascular exercise is an important component of general health. While certain people may require different amounts and types of cardio, everyone should engage in at least a little cardiovascular activity each week. There are many methods for training which all have their advantages. You should learn what works for you and what you truly enjoy so that you will continue to perform cardio and reap benefits of good health.Don’t let someone fool you into thinking cardio isn’t necessary. Even if you are in top shape, a little cardiovascular exercise can still benefit your general health. The key is to change the style and frequency of cardio to suite your lifestyle and fitness goals. Consider various styles of training, different terrains, and new types of equipment to train on. As always, learn your body and don’t use any one else’s rules to dictate your training. Keep a good journal, and find out what works for you. Peak cardio is a sure way to move closer to your peak, natural physique.You deserve to hear this topic covered in amazing detail as part of the 5-CD audio program, Lose Fat, Not Faith - pick up your copy online at Natural Physiques today!Jeremy Likness, the CEO of Natural Physiques (a division of Golden Summit Inc) is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Specialist in Performance Nutrition. He has coached clients around the world to lose fat, gain muscle, and live healthy after losing over 65 pounds of fat himself. He is the author of the internationally-selling e-Book, "Lose Fat, Not Faith" that has been sold in over a dozen countries. Visit Jeremy at http://www.naturalphysiques.com and join him on his weekly coaching call at http://www.become-your-best.com.
Category : Running

Fight Cancer With Broccoli Sprouts

Author : Jeannie Crabtree

Fight Cancer With Broccoli SproutsBy Jeannie CrabtreeMom was right to insist on us eating our vegetables. She knew they built health and gave us the minerals we need.Take Broccoli sprouts. Broccoli sprouts are rich in a compound that provides significant protection against breast cancer and colon cancer. The compound is called sulforaphane glucosinalate.Sprouts grown from certain types of broccoli seeds contain up to 50 times more of this compound than mature broccoli.I have read that a brand of sprouts developed at John Hopkins University is guaranteed to have 20 more times the SGS compound than the mature broccoli. This one is called BroccoSprouts. You can purchase broccoli sprouts at your local health food store or grocery store.It is possible that Broccoli sprouts could carry thebacteria that make you sick - salmonella and e.coli, so you may want to take them out of the container when you get them home and soak in a bowl of water with a few drops of grapefruit seed extract for three or four minutes.Don't put the sprouts back in the same container unless you soak that as well. After draining them for a few minutes store them in the refrigerator.With Breast cancer and Colon cancer so common these days, be sure to add in this protective food, assisting your body to fight off illness and cancer.--------------- Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac. shares health answers that work, tips, nutrition suggestions and research in her newsletter and health blog. http://www.health-doc.com

Category : Cancer Treatment and Prevention