วันเสาร์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Help! My Old Colour Photo has Turned Pink - 5 Minute Digital Fix

Author : Gary Wilkinson
Almost all of us will have seen this particular photographic problem, namely, your old colour photographs appear to have taken on an overall pink or blue tint.This is primarily due to the chemicals within the various layers of the photographic paper starting to breakdown, often due to age, and the way that the photographs have been stored.In many cases it is due to reactants in the environment (remember acid rain?) causing a chemical reaction which results in the fading of certain colour pigments in the photo.Pink and blue colour shifts are commonplace.Luckily, these colour shifts can be easily corrected, using your favourite image manipulation software, in such a way as to be able to produce an acceptable corrected image.In the example image on our web-site the "before" image of the house clearly shows a colour shift to pink.Before we start using any of the image manipulation software tools we first need to access the photograph in question and determine the steps we need to take.What do you know about the photograph in question?Well ... it's a house with a front lawn of grass, a few bushes and flowers, what appears to be a blue rubbish or compost bin, and some (right now) pink edged clouds.What else ... ?If you know the actual house, as I do (it is my sister's), I can tell you the window frames are painted white/cream and the front lawn is always in good condition, lush and a deep green.
The bricks are a sandstone colour and because this house is in the North of England it is fair to say that the colour of the sky when the photo was taken would most probably have been a bit grey/white and overcast.The point of this exercise is to use "your mind's eye" to try establish what the original photograph would have looked like and the end result you want to match as closely as possible.Basic Correction MethodThe Basic Correction method described here can restore colour faded or tinted photos and eliminate almost all of a particular colour cast.The simplicity of the Basic correction method is that it only uses one command from Adobe Photoshop CS, namely the Levels command.The "After" image on our web-site does still have a slight pink edge to the clouds, but the final image is more than acceptable for printing.The source of the your problematic image may have come from a scanned negative, scanned print or digital camera image all converted to an image format (most probably .JPG pronounced "jaypeg") that can be opened in your image manipulation software.I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS, but almost all other image manipulation software packages have similar tools so the method described should be repeatable with your own software package.Step – 1Select the Levels command in Photoshop using Image->Adjustments->Levels.A pop-up window will appear showing what appears to be a "mountain range" which is correctly called a histogram.Below the histogram you will notice small black, grey and white arrow sliders.What does the Levels Histogram tell us about the photo?Well ... the black arrow to the left hand side is well away from the "mountain range" telling us that the photo contains no (or very little) pure blacks.Similarly, the white arrow on the far right tells us there is no (or very little) pure whites in the photo.We already know this because the white areas of the photo as we perceived the original to be (i.e. the clouds and window frames) have the pink cast to them.Also notice in the bottom right hand corner of the pop-up Levels window there are three "eye-dropper" buttons, one filled with black, one with grey and one with white.These can be used to "sample" your photo and pick out where it is perceived the original black, grey and white areas of the photo are.
These eye-droppers are what we will use in the basic correction of the photo.Which one to use I hear you ask? Well it depends on the photo. I tend to favour using the grey eye-dropper first since I can usually evaluate a photo and find a mid grey part to sample from.If your photo has a definite area of pure black or pure white then try the corresponding eye-droppers.Remember one of the best tools to be using here will still be your eyes.In our example image on our web-site I am going to use the grey eye-dropper and sample the cloud just above and to the left of the house roof-line because I think in the original this would have been a mid grey in colour.Step – 2Click on the middle eye-dropper button and then moving the mouse cursor to the photo, left click on the bottom side of the cloud.What happened?The histogram shape changed and you will notice that most of the pink colour cast has disappeared.The clouds still have a tinge of pink to them, but on the whole the photo is starting to look like I think it should.Overall though, the photo now looks a little flat.Step – 3Let's have another look at the histogram.Notice the black and white arrows still tend to be at the far left and right of the "mountain range".Left Click and hold on the black arrow and drag towards the start of the "mountain range" and watch the photo.Repeat this for the white arrow on the right hand side.The resulting photo has now been given a bit of a boost in contrast and more closely resembles what I think the original photo would have looked like.In many cases, the technique of using just the Levels histogram and eye-droppers can produce an acceptable corrected image.There is still a slight amount of pink in the bottom of the clouds of our example image, but the aim of the exercise was for a basic correction method using just one tool from Photoshop CS.Less than five minutes of digital image manipulation to produce an acceptable corrected image.If you find the steps being taken are a little hard to understand in this text based article, you can click on the link at the end of this article to see the same method explained on our website with the aid of example graphical images.© Gary Wilkinson 2005 - All Rights ReservedYou can see this correction method complete with example images at Correction of Colour Faded or Tinted PhotosFeel free to re-print this article provided that all hyperlinks and author biography are retained as-is.Gary Wilkinson is a photographer, photographic restorer and the owner of a photographic retail business. He is also the publisher of the http://www.restoring-photos-made-easy.com website, where other methods of correcting common photographic restoration problems are discussed.
Category : Arts-and-Entertainment:Photography

Where is the Best PR Value?

Author : Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in
your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy
would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 725
including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003.

Where is the Best PR Value?

by Robert A. Kelly

Wherever the fundamental premise of public relations is

Look at what it suggests. People act on their own perception of
the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors
about which something can be done. When we create, change or
reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-
desired-action those people whose behaviors affect the organi-
zation, the public relations mission is accomplished.

What a positive message for those business, non-profit and
assoc- iation managers who don’t really understand the role
public relations can play in helping achieve their
organizational objectives. Nor, that reliance on public
relations’ fundamental premise even identifies the tools they
need to put such a plan into action.

If, sadly, you are one of those managers, here’s how you can
make up for lost time and actually boost your chances of
reaching your organizational goals.

Make the time investment needed to identify and rank, as to
their impact on your organization, those important outside
audiences whose behaviors really do help or hinder your
operations. Let’s talk about the one at the top of the list.

It’s really crucial that you know what members of that “public”
think about your organization. Obviously, you must ask them!
Interaction is really necessary if you are going to identify
percep- tions likely to lead to negative behaviors. For example,
wrong- headed beliefs, misconceptions, inaccuracies and even

And while you’re talking to these audience members, keep an eye
or an ear on local talk show and newspaper columns for the same

The results of such opinion or perception monitoring are the
very data you need to establish your public relations goal. For
instance, neutralize that rumor, clear up that misconception or
correct the inaccuracy.

And the very same goal will stand as your behavior modification
objective so that you can measure your progress.

But here, the question always arises as to just how you will get
to that goal. You need a strategy to show you the way, and you
have three choices: create opinion/perception where there may be
none, change existing opinion or reinforce it. Fortunately your
goal will identify which strategy you should select.

Still, nothing happens until you write a truly responsive
message and transmit it to members of your target audience. You
must convince them that what you discovered in the way of
rumors, inaccuracies, misconceptions or wrong-headed beliefs is
simply not true. But do try for believability and clarity. And,
above all, make your message persuasive and compelling.

Meanwhile, a whole stable of “beasts of burden” await your
pleasure â€" communications tactics capable of carrying that
hard-won message direct to your audience members’ eyes and ears.
And there are scores and scores of them in that stable â€"
articles, interviews, newsletters, personal meetings, op-eds,
emails, speeches and brochures among many others.

Impatience always grows at this point as you wait for signs that
your public relations program is working. But that’s the signal
to once again interact with members of your target audience. The
difference the second time around is that you’re looking for
signs that their perceptions of your organization have been
altered by your message through its aggressive delivery system.
So get out there and, again, ask lots of questions.

If things aren’t moving fast enough for you, you may want to add
a few more communications tactics to the mix, as well as
increasing their frequency. Your message should also be vetted
again for factual validity and clarity.

Gradually, the perceptions, and thus behaviors of your key,
target audiences will begin moving in your direction, leaving
little doubt as to where the best PR value can be found.

I can tell you from personal experience that there is no more
satisfying moment in the practice of public relations.


Category : Fitness Equipment

How To Write Your First Article

Author : Gwen Tanner

So you've heard that writing an article can be a great way to promote yourself, your website and your products, but you have no clue how to get started. You see hundreds of article directories that you are just dying to submit an article to, but you just have even one article to submit. Where do you start?First, lets understand what parts of an article are needed before submitting to article directories. Your article should usually have five sections:1. Title. Your title should indicate to the reader what the article is about. Try using a catchy title to make the reader curious to find out more about your topic. Look through various article directories and make note of the headlines that capture your attention. Try to model your own headlines after those that you found interesting and made you want to hurry and click to read the article.2. Introduction. You should dedicate one paragraph for the introduction. Use the introduction to build upon the headline and explain the content of the article without giving it all away. Try to use your introduction as a roadmap through your article so the read will know what to expect. Also, use the introduction to build rapport with your reader - use it let them know you understand their problem and that you are about to offer them a solution.3. Main Content. Your main content should breakdown and elaborate upon your introduction. Instead of giving an overview as you did in the introduction, begin developing each of your points. Support your points with examples, anecdotes and resources to create variety for the reader.4. Conclusion. The conclusion of your article should be one or two paragraphs that sum up information presented in the main content. Learn to create a conclusion that sticks in the mind of the reader. For example, in how-to articles, point out the benefits of following your directions and let them know how to proceed next. 5. Author Resource Box - Always give yourself credit for being the author of the article. Use the author resource box as you business card. Include your name, your expertise and your website address. Double-check that your website address is properly linked and try to keep track of where you post articles so you can update your links if your website address changes.Now let's look a simple article that anyone can write. One of the easiest articles to write is a "Top 10 Tips..." type article. 1. You will start off with a catchy title to gain attention such as "The Top Ten Tips for Making Extra Cash".2. Next will be your introduction perhaps explaining to the reader that you understand their need for extra cash, and how you plan to help them. 3. The ten tips with their detailed explanations will form the main content.4. The brief summary recaps the information and gives them an action item - tell them to immediately apply these ten tips so they can start earning extra cash!5. Include your author resource box information. At the minimum include your name and website address.So now you understand how you can jumpstart your way into article writing for self-promotion. Now go and start writing!----------Gwen Tanner is the owner of HaveInfo, a directory of informative and educational articles. For more training on internet marketing, writing and computer skills visit MyTrainingCenter. Gwen Tanner is the owner of HaveInfo, a directory of informative and educational articles. For more training on internet marketing, writing and computer skills visit MyTrainingCenter.

Category : General Writing

Surival of Largemouth bass

Author : Chris Bowser
Bass fishing is like any other sport, if you have the knowledge and the understanding of the opponent it allows you to be more successful. You can look at it like Turkey hunting, the more the hunter understands the trails, water areas, food areas and habits of the Turkey the easier it will be for the hunter to locate them. The same is true with Bass fishing, the more you understand the Bass, the circumstances and conditions you face the more successful you will be at catching them. Here are a few factors of a better understanding of the bass.SURVIVAL: Largemouth bass need three elements to survive:Food, Oxygen, and cover.If any one of these elements is not present in a body of water a bass could not survive, just by knowing why these three elements are so important for a bass’s survival will help you to become a more successful angler.The first element we talk about is FOOD. Believe it or not, shad is NOT the 1st choice of a bass. Shad is a very common food for the bass as well as other natural baits, however the number 1 food choice of a bass is a crawfish (also know as crawdads, crayfish, etc.). A few years ago a study was done where 100 shad and 100 Crawfish were in a tank of water with all species of bass (Spotted, Smallmouth, Largemouth) and Surprise the crawfish were eaten 8 to 2 over the shad. A couple of reasons for this are that the crawfish are a very easy prey for a bass to catch and they are fairly easy for bass to find. Studies show that there are actually more crawfish found in vegetation areas than around rocky areas (or as some may know as Rip-Rap).A bass will eat just about anything at any given time such as: Mice, Ducklings, Frogs, Rats, Snakes, Worms, Salamanders, Grubs, Lizards, Insects, Leeches, Baitfish, etc. This is one reason there are so many different shapes and types of artificial baits on the market today.The next element is OXYGEN. Oxygen is an element that any living creature needs to survive. The main reason a bass fisherman angler should pay attention to oxygen is that a bass requires it to survive. By knowing water oxygen content in various areas and angler will develop a better understanding why a bass acts the way it does under the many different conditions. When a bass has a limited supply of oxygen, it tends to get more disoriented, and much slower or lethargic. The “Key” in understanding the rules of oxygenic water is that the cooler the water, the more oxygen content and the warmer the water the less oxygen content. The more oxygen a bass can get usually during the warmer months the more active it will be. Usually during the summer when the water temperature hits the 80 degree mark or higher, the oxygen in the water will start to diminish.What does this have in common with bass fishing? Well, a bass will usually do one of two things in a condition such as this. A bass will drop down to water that is cooler for a larger supply of oxygen, or a bass will usually head for vegetation areas because of the constant producing of oxygen that aquatic plants provide. This usually happens in spring, summer and early fall.Here are some areas where ample supplies of oxygen can be found:Power. Plants- because of the constant discharge of oxygenic water.
Deep. water areas- the deeper the cooler water a better supply of oxygen.
Around. Trees, Sump, & Log areas-because of the porous wood will hold oxygen.
Rivers-. because of the constant flowing of the water.
Vegetation. areas-remember, the deeper the cooler water a better supply of oxygen.
Mouths. of Creeks- again, because of the constant-in-flow of fresh water.
Wind. Blown Banks- a constant oxygen source, these are just a few areas there are many more…And the third element is COVER. Cover is an extremely important element when it comes to a bass for many reasons here are a few of the most important ones.One reason would be for protection. A bass , being known mostly as a “Ambush Fish” will use cover such as vegetation, rocks, stumps, trees, fall-downs, structures, docks, holes, etc….to dart out after it’s prey. A bass really is a lazy-by-nature type of fish and will extend the least amount of energy for the greatest amount of benefit. Bass fish are known as territorial fish and will not travel a long distance.A second reason a bass fish needs cover is because a bass does not have eye lids like you or I and prolonged exposure to the Sun’s rays, a bass will eventually go blind. The next time you see someone bass fishing; you will usually see the bass being caught in a shaded area, and in and around covered areas.For more information visit Bass Attacks LLC website at http://www.bassattacksdvd.com, by email chris@bassattacksdvd.com, or by phone call 1-888-802-4277.Chris Bowser
Category : Weddings

วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Use Ecards To Increase Sales

Author : CD Mohatta
Marketing Professionals try all the resources at their command to get new clients and to retain old clients. Client relations are one of the most important functions of a marketing professional. Here is a suggestion. Use ecards to increase sales by getting new clients and retaining the old. Let me tell you how you can do that.There are many ecard websites on the Internet. Out of them, few offer ecards for business. You will get free ecards, professionally made that look beautiful. The ecards in business section are generally available in the categories of thank you, Season's greetings, To clients, Sorry etc. in other sections of the website you will get ecards to wish birthday, ecards for Holidays and other topics.One of the most important factors that affect the client relationship is communication and making the client feel that he/she is highly valued. During every Festive and Holiday Season, use Holidays ecards. After every few weeks, send an ecard to an old client that says Thinking Of You. After every sale or referral, send a Thank you ecard and for any mistake send a sorry ecard.Avoid sending single line emails to clients. Send ecards. When they will view the ecard, they would appreciate the care that you have taken to select and send the card. You will win their good will and make them happy. In every business, one needs to be one step ahead of the competition. Use ecards to do that.CDMohatta writes for ecards, greeting cards and online cards. The subjects include - Business Greetings , Halloween Ecards and Birthday Greetings

Category : Business:Email-Marketing

Job Performance Appraisals

Author : Jimmy Sturo
Job performance appraisals are needed in order to provide information about performance rankings. This information helps in making decisions regarding salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, transfer and demotion. In addition, job performance appraisals provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of subordinates. This information helps to review the performance of the subordinate, rectifying performance deficiencies and to set new standards of work, if necessary.These appraisals play a pivotal part in providing information that helps to counsel the subordinate. The information helps to diagnose deficiency in employees regarding skill and knowledge; determine training and developmental needs; prescribe the means for employee growth; and suggestions for correcting placement. Moreover, job performance appraisals prevent grievances and disciplinary activities.Performance appraisal aims at attaining various purposes. The first purpose is to create and maintain a satisfactory level of performance. The second purpose is to contribute to employee growth and development through training, self and management development programs. The third purpose is to help the superiors to have a proper understanding about their subordinates. They also play a significant part in guiding employees to job changes with the help of continuous ranking. The fourth purpose is to facilitate fair and equitable compensation based on performance and to facilitate for testing and validating selection tests, interview techniques through comparing their scores with performance appraisal ranks. The last purpose is to provide information for making decisions regarding layoff and retrenchment; ensure organizational effectiveness through correcting the employee for standard and improved performance; and suggesting the change in employee behavior.Every organization has to decide upon the content to be appraised before the program is approved. Generally, content to be appraised is determined on the basis of job analysis. Content to be appraised may be in the form of contribution to organizational objectives (measures) like production, cost saving, return on capital etc. Other measures are based on behavior, which measure observable physical actions, movements. Then there are objectives which measure job related results, like amount of deposits mobilized. Finally, there are traits which are measured in terms of personal characteristics observable in employee job activities. Content to be appraised may vary with the purpose of appraisal and type and level of employees.Performance Appraisals provides detailed information on How to Write a Performance Appraisal, Job Performance Appraisals, Performance Appraisal Software, Performance Appraisal Systems and more. Performance Appraisals is affiliated with Manufacturing Performance Management.
Category : Business:Workplace-Communication

The Essential Gay Dating Tips

Author : David Touri

Whether you are gay, bisexual or bi-curious, finding that perfect date can be a daunting task, especially if you are stepping out fo | Dr the first time. How should you dress? Where should you go? What should you say or not to say? One thing is for sure, remember to be yourself and be relaxed. Below are a series of gay dating tips aimed at helping you make that date a real success.The top gay dating tips:1. Location, location, location! Choosing a meeting place is extremely important. Agree to meet at a place that is neutral, not too far from your dwellings and be familiar with the area. You would want to also choose a place that is not too noisy or rowdy, more like a quiet bar where you can both communicate and be heard effectively.2. Concentrate my dear! Dating can always be extremely tense and nerve racking, especially if you are the quiet or shy type. One point to remember is to listen carefully to what your date has to say, this will enable you to relate and connect more easily.3. A little bit of give and take: Share the conversation, ask as many questions as you like, feel free to talk about yourself, but also be courteous and listen to what the other person has to say.4. What was in the past is better left in the past: Do not dwell in the past and absolutely refrain from mentioning your past relationships and negative experiences. Remember, every first date is a new beginning and should be treated like one. So, feel confident and be optimistic, stick to the present and the future. Show your date that his time is now and that you have no left over baggage.5. Radiate: Show your inner glow and be positive. There is nothing like a positive and optimistic person. It shows a good level of confidence, which is definitely attractive in many peoples eyes. Bury your negative thoughts and think positive.6. To hump or not to hump? It has been proven time and time again that one night stands or hi how are you, lets have sex encounters do not last the test of time or more than 24 hours for that matter. If that is what you are seeking, fine, but just play it SAFE, otherwise you may want to concentrate further on the conversation and leave sex for another time. This will show that you are genuinely interested in your date and wish to take matters further.7. Easy come, easy go: There is no need to rush the situation. Take your time, give yourself and the other person time to breath and discover how you truly feel about each other. It is not advisable to become too serious too quickly at an early stage in the dating process. This might easily scare off the other person who may not feel ready for a relationship or commitment. 8. Honesty shall set you free: There is no point in beating around the bush. Be true to yourself and your feelings towards this person. If you feel you are not getting the attention you deserve, let yourself be heard. If your interest is not rec>8. Honesty shall set you free: There is no point in beating around the bush. Be true to yourself and your feelings towards this person. If you feiprocated, direct your attention on somebody that will appreciated it. Like wise, if you grow dissatisfied or lose interest in the person, let it be known. 9. R.E.S.P.E.C.T: One of the most important gay dating tips is to treat the other person with the same level of respect as you feel you deserve. There is no point in wasting time and playing games, return their phone calls and speak to them. If you are not interested, have the decency of letting the person know rather than taking them on a roller coaster ride of uncertainty.Meeting someone new is never easy, let alone dating them. We hope these gay dating tips have given you a valuable insight into etiquettes involved with dating. We wish you the very best of luck and hope that you keep these gay dating tips in mind. Jason Sands provides the top four gay sex toys available online, and recommends Match Maker gay dating service for free gay chat rooms.

Category : General Society: Gay / Lesbian

How To Get Your Customers To Fall In Love With Your Products And Services

Author : Daniel Lok
Let me ask you a question, "How do YOU build loyal customers?"The best way to build loyal customers is by using the loyalty ladder concept. I want you to picture an ordinary ladder.Now consider each rung of the ladder. Each "rung" is a "stage" of loyalty a customer may have. There are many different stages of loyalty customers demonstrate at each rung of the ladder:* Raving Fan* Devotee* Member* Customer* Shopper* Prospect* SuspectLet's describe each of these in more detail.SuspectThe suspect is the lowest rung on your ladder, when a customer starts out on your loyalty ladder. This is when customer's are at the very bottom of your ladder. These are people who may or may not want or need what it is you sell. They may not have any money. They are simply people who are not buying.ProspectProspects are suspects who have taken some sort of action like subscribing to your newsletter, giving you their email addresses or those who have asked you for some sort of free information. They are people who may turn into active customers, but aren't there yet.CustomerA customer is anyone who has actually spent money with you. You have to differentiate between your prospects and your customers. This is one of the reasons it is so damn important you segment your lists. You don't want to have everyone on ONE BIG list.At the very least, you should have a prospect list and customer list. You should treat your prospects and customers very differently. You should always give your customers more attention. Give them a better deal than everyone else. Why? They are already paying you for your products and services. Prospects are important, but customers are even more important.MemberA member is someone who buys from you more than once. These are customers that now trust you. They feel they belong with you in some way. Now listen up. Customers who make two purchases are 10 times more likely to make more than someone who makes only one purchase with you. So anyone who is a member deserves special attention, because if they buy twice, they are likely to buy again.DevoteeWhat's the difference between a devotee and a member? A devotee is someone who not only buys from you, but tells other people about you. They send you referrals. They promote you actively. They are happy to be your free sales force because they get so much value from you.Raving FanThe next stage in the ladder is Raving Fans. Usually only 1% to 5% of your customers become Raving Fans. They're one of your most valuable assets. They pretty much own everything you have. And, whatever new products and service you come up with, they will buy without blinking an eye.The Raving Fan will stick with you for years as long as you don't screw up in a major way.There's a very strong trust and bond with you and the Raving Fans. They trust you 100%. They want to see you succeed. They want to see you do well. If a devotee is someone who sells for you, a Raving Fan is someone who can't STOP selling for you. Raving Fans tell everyone about how fantastic you are. They talk about your company. They love you.These days it's more expensive than ever to get a new customer. Most businesses in fact are acquiring their customers at a loss or break-even point. That means you have to get your customers to come back to you and buy again and again.Why? That customer isn't simply profitable to you. They are your most important resource. What you want, what you need is as many raving fans as you can get.You will succeed when you sort your prospects from suspects, move people up from prospects to customers, from customers to raving fans.You need to have a marketing system that automatically moves people up the loyalty ladder as quickly as humanly possible.Sincerely,Dan LokA former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a multi-millionaire. Dan came to North America with little knowledge of the English language and few contacts. Today, Dan is one of the most sought-after business mentors on the Web, as well as a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert. To find out what Dan is up to now, visit him at: http://www.WebsiteConversionExpert.com
Category : Business:List-Building

Recording Tips... Computer Recording

Author : Douglas Taylor
Recording your audio is just about like using a cassette tape recorder. There should be a red record button and play, forward, and rewind buttons like you have been used too seeing for years.Most of the software recording programs works about the same way. The look may be slightly different in each program but most of the basic functions should be similar.If you are using Audacity there are tutorials all over the Internet. Go to your search engine of choice and type in free Audacity tutorials and you should find an abundance of tutorials to help you along.Here are some tips to help you create a professional recording.Try not to get too nervous, it is natural to be somewhat uptight but be as calm as you possibly can.If you make a mistake don't stop, you can edit out your mistakes when you edit your recording.Focus your speaking on getting your listeners attention; you have one shot to get your message across.Print and read your copy before you hit the record buttonMake a test recording, don't worry about any mistakesListen to your recording and decide what sounds good and what does not.
Rewrite your copy using your test recording as a guide.Rerecord your audio using your improved copy.Listen to the recording and make sure it has the feel you are looking for.Recording your own audio on your computer is not nearly as hard as you may think. The main thing is to take action. As long as you are moving forward toward your recording goal it will happen.Doug Taylor has been creating audio online since 1999. If you think that putting audio files on a website will be a lot of hard work and hassle then download a free 16 page special report Mastering Streaming Audio. Visit

http://www.create-streaming-audio.com/csa_ezine.html for streaming audio tips, tricks, shortcuts, and techniques.
Category : Business:Audio-Streaming

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

IRS to Allow Tax Preparers to Sell Your Tax Returns & Financial Privacy!

Author : Mike Valentine
Philadelphia Inquirer of March 21 reports IRS plans to allow
Tax preparers to sell your tax return data to marketers.http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/business/14147002.htmThe IRS is considering a rules change that would allow our
most trusted financial advisors to sell entire tax returns of
consumers to marketers and data brokers! This would not only
be a serious ethical violation and breach of trust by tax
preparers, but may entirely undermine taxpayers trust in our
tax systems in the US.This rules change is apparently proposed at the behest of
Congressman Ed Markey of Illinois who raised privacy concerns
when it was discovered that some tax preparers were
outsourcing tax preparation online to India and other
countries without privacy protections. It was supposedly to
prevent the loss of financial information to identity
thieves. How ironic that the rule change was proposed as a
privacy protection, when it allows outright sale of tax
returns to marketers and data brokers.While so-called notification and consent by taxpayers is
required to allow this sale of information - can you imagine
anyone questioning their accountant about why he is asking
them to sign papers following tax return preparation? Most of
us put full trust in our tax preparers, accountants and
financial advisors when asked to sign documents. (I don't
condone this, it's just the way we operate - every person
should read every document and fully understand them
before signing.)If tax professionals suffer even a momentary flash of
reduced ethical and moral standards during that brief signing
- they may choose not to disclose what we are signing and
count on us to either ask pointedly about the documents or
that we read large sheafs of prepared paperwork to find out
that we are about to sign away our financial privacy along
with signing our tax returns.By now we should all be painfully aware of the endless stream
of data breaches, hacks, and dozens of cases of ineptitude by
data brokers and handlers of private personal financial
information.This issue has somehow escaped much public notice since it
was first proposed by the IRS on December 7, 2005. Here is
the official government notice of the proposed IRS Rule
Change allowing the sale of tax return data by tax preparers
(38 page PDF file).
http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-regs/13724302.pdfThe Philadelphia Inquirer offered an address to protest the
rules change. It's too late to comment electronically, but the IRS
may still consider written comments by mail if you write to:CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG-137243-02)
Room 5203
Internal Revenue Service, Box 7604
Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044.This is so patently offensive that it is difficult to
comprehend. I want to know who convinced the IRS rulemakers
to slip this proposal in so quietly. Did Congressman Markey
have a hand in the rule language or was that a back room deal
with data brokers?Could it be that it was a lobbyist for beancounters who
make their living by doing taxes for median income families?
It certainly isn't likely to have been Ernst & Young looking
for extra little profit centers they might exploit in their
corporate client tax filings.Who would profit most from this? The data brokers and credit
reporting agencies - just follow the money. Who wants access
to broad swaths of taxpayer information? Those who don't
currently have it yet - marketers, and dozens of subsidiary
data brokers who currently don't have access to income
(and spending) data of Americans directly from tax forms.Imagine rich new income streams data brokers would have to
sell information to marketers about our buying habits, airline
preferences, hotel choices, internet service providers,
travel information, cell phone providers - all right there on
our itemized deductions list.A joint press release has been distributed by three separate
consumer organizations calling for removal of language in
the proposed rules that would allow for sale of information
in taxpayer tax returns to third parties for purposes of
selling "Subsidiary Services" to taxpayers. That broad
language is the focus of concern.http://snipurl.com/IRS_Privacy (Consumer Federation PDF)Since many of us are on the current "Do Not Call" list and
out of reach of telemarketing annoyance, you can bet your
junkmail volume would increase dramatically after your
spending habits are so well documented to marketing firms -
right off of your tax forms, which they legally purchased!If this were the only concern - it would be enough to rattle
most Americans trust in our government. But it isn't the end
of the story - we lose control over our financial data and
risk identity theft on a grand scale once the information is
in the hands of marketers. Just stop what you are doing and
go write a letter to the IRS at the address above to demand
that they stop this sellout to data brokers and marketers.Copyright © Mike Banks Valentine March 29, 2006Mike Banks Valentine blogs on privacy issues at:
http://PrivacyNotes.com/privacy_blog/ You can subscribe
to the RSS feed by entering My Yahoo or My MSN at:

Web Content Resource From http://Publish101.com
Category : Finance:Taxes

The Common Ground

Author : Michael Allen

Can your mind be flipped around for a second? To understand whats going on in the world around you, sometimes you have to be able to flip your mind and look at things from a different angle. When Bush visits Indonesia, do you think they welcome him with open arms? When the Pope travels deep into Islamic country, how do you think they receive him? These are the things that will help us all understand.Indonesia is a nation with thousands of islands. Its bordered by Malaysia at one end and Papua New Guinea on the other. To give you a better idea, it sits above Australia and below China. With its population of over 200 million, it is the fourth most heavily populated country. That population is made up of a majority of Muslims.It is a beautiful set of islands, but they have been in turmoil for years. In 1975-1976, Indonesia invaded and annexed East Timor. Indonesia has suffered international criticism throughout the years and only until a peacekeeping force was introduced in 1999 when Bill Clinton cut military aid to Indonesia has the fighting stopped. But, thats not the end of the story. A record was kept of a meeting between President Ford, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and President Suharto of Indonesia in December of 1975. It seems that Suharto had the full backing of the Whitehouse and only a few days later did the invasion begin.Perceptions throughout the years have gotten worse and Bush is now the target of protest and name calling when he visits Indonesia. He has been called a war criminal and a terrorist. Protestors tried to block off American-owned restaurants. There were marches and demonstrations claiming that Bush was wanted dead or alive. A terrorist attack in Indonesia was rumored and I would only imagine thwarted by the show of force when Bush finally landed. All of this activity was over our occupation of Iraq. Yet, our American president is looking to gain some favor from the people of Indonesia. Im sure not everyone was protesting. But, when protests are done on such a major scale, shouldnt that tell us something?Now, the Pope will be traveling to Turkey this week. Turkey is bordered by Greece to the west and Iran to the east. The religious population is once again Muslim. What is it with all the talks in Muslim populated countries? It rings of Prime Minister Blairs resolve to throw aid at Pakistan in order to promote a more moderate type of Islam religion. But, the Pope will be carrying a different message entirely. He will be carrying the question of whether Islam sanctions violence, not what brand of Islam a person should choose. It is an interesting angle taking into account all that is going on in the world. This is the question that has people interested in hearing what the Pope has to say.So, while the Pope is hitting a chord that has people all over the world listening to him, Bushs travels lead him to protests and demonstrations in highly populated Muslim countries. Why might that be? Does it seem as if the Pope, commonly known as hard-knuckled and intellectual, has found some ground where people of other cultures and religions feel invited to step in and discuss the issues? Religion may be the one thing that can pull us all together. And yet, we refuse to talk about it in America.The Pope just might be able to help us learn and get over ourselves. Watching how he addresses issues and closes the gap between us and those opposing us will help us all understand how to rip the band aids off and start the real healing. After all, even though America refuses to admit it, the world is a religious place. Every time a country has tried to put religion on the backburner and make its constituents believe it doesnt exist, a stronger sense in religion was born. It goes with the territory. When you try to deny something so vehemently, it seems painfully obvious that the reverse is true. Is America Safe? is the watchdog for America. We look at what's going on in the world and try to keep you on top of everything so that your world is a bit safer.

Category : General America - Post 9/11


Author : Michele Graziano

Dynamic nasce per soddisfare le richieste del nuovo mercato che
richiede sinergie poliedriche nel campo pubblicitario, del
marketing, del multimediale e del software solution.

In www.dynamicwork.com troverai un partner di fiducia a cui
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Le nostre soluzioni web based sono affidabili, altamente
scalabili e robuste, per garantire performance di estremi

Nel nostro shop troverai materiale informatico e gadget di vario

Category : Cardio

Lodging With Llamas in the Smokies

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Homeschool Info That Every Parent Needs to Know

Author : Low Jeremy
Homeschool is one of the alternatives considered by parents and educators to traditional schools. Although its effectiveness has not yet been proven conclusively, there are sectors that champion homeschooling because it provides a much more flexible process that can be adapted to a child's learning capability.For now, most experts agree that homeschool can be the best alternative for students who cannot cope with ordinary school setting. This system is often given to students who find it hard to keep up with the lessons in class due to slow mental ability or those who have abnormalities and congenital defects that keep them from performing well in school.Below are some of the information that one needs to know before considering a homeschool program for your child.1. Lacking in social componentThis is perhaps the number one argument against the homeschooling program. Because the child is taught at home, surrounded by people that they already know, they may have a problem dealing with people in their surroundings. This is especially true with children that have started the homeschool program at an age when they are still developing their social skills.If your child is at this stage, better think twice before putting him or her in a homeschool program. Unless you can supplant a social component into his program, he will be missing so much in terms of learning how to interact with other people.2. State laws in homeschoolYou may not be aware of it but each state enforces certain rules and guidelines that parents and teachers of the homeschooling program should adhere to. Recognizing the potential effect of the program to the learning and performance of children, the government has chosen to regulate the program. Check with your local government offices for the laws and requirements.3. Support GroupsThere are support groups consisting of parents of children undergoing homeschooling program. Here you will find people who can help you establish a program for your child. They will also be able to provide you with first hand account of their experiences with homeschooling and will be able to advise you in case you encounter some problems.4. Family involvementHomeschooling will not only affect the life of the child who will be undergoing the program but also the lives of the people in the house. Not only will they have to cope with the schedule but also in a way help in the overall learning of the child.This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on home schooling, please visit http://home-schooling.articlekeep.com
Category : Reference-and-Education:Home-Schooling

When And How Jondo Should Start Internet Business

Author : Linggar Sentanu Japra

Huge Traffic Marketing is essential for any business to succeed.
Your business maybe the best of its kind, but it won't produce
any money if nobody knows about it. Without money coming in,
what business have you got? You need to market your biz to
attract huge traffic to come your way. You simply can get no
satisfaction with traffic. You just want more and more. That's
the way it was, is and will always be. You know what? That's
just how you grow your business.

Jondo : "Hi Linggar, long time no see! You are looking good as
always man! I heard you are in internet biz?" Me : "You look
cool yourself Jon! Your long ears are also sharp as always, yeah
you heard that right, man."

Jondo : "I have surfed for sometime now. I looked at those big
names earning big bucks, living their dream lives. I wanna do
that. How do I start, man?" Me : "Jondo my straight-talker
friend, start from where you are now...(Jondo looked
blank)...there are lots of ways, but...let me see...you gotta
have a product, your very own website for selling your product
and get as many visitors as possible to your website."

Jondo : "All I know about net is surfing and reading emails. I
got no product, no website....getting visitors...they call it
traffic on the net, right?...I don't have a clue how to do that.
I somehow knew this net biz was never meant for people like me.
sigh." Me : "You knew wrong this time amigo. You can find other
people's product to sell by becoming an affiliate. You are
normally provided a website and training on how to get
visitors...traffic. All your problems solved. That's not bad for
a start, don't you think?"

Jondo : "You must be talking about affiliate marketing. I read
it before, but didn't quite understand what it meant. Now that
you brought it up, I guess I had better start from there and
learn my way up eh?" Me : "You guess right. One thing about
internet biz is that you have to DO it and learn your way up, as
you put it my friend. You will learn more as you go, do more
things and just keep growing."

Jondo : "When and how do you suggest I should start, bud? Me :
"Start NOW. You could start by clicking the link "I Want My Free
Huge Traffic Monster" below. Follow the instructions there and
keep going. I need to tell you that internet is a fast changing
world where business come and go. What you see today may or may
not still be there tomorrow. What you don't see today may just
appear tomorrow."

Jondo : "That happens offline too, business come and go...O
right, I think I know what you mean. You are saying to grab
every opportunity that comes your way today coz it may be gone
tomorrow, and always be prepared for whatever opportunity
tomorrow will bring you. Correct?" Me : "Yes. When you surf,
always wait till the page fully uploads. This way you won't miss
anything it has to offer. If you see something interesting, stop
to see or click to check out to satisfy your curiosity. Do it
without losing your main focus at what you are doing of course.
New ideas often come this way."

Jondo : "The stories that I read about average Joe and Jill
ending up earning full time doing internet business, making big
money, living a dream house, driving a dream car and lots of
wonderful stuff...are they for real? Not that I aim that high, I
would be happy if I could just cover all my expenses from net
income and safe a bit extra perhaps." Me : "When you read the
stories, you probably notice the "earnings disclaimer" somewhere
at the bottom usually...(Jondo looked blank)...basically it says
there's no guarantee that you can do as good...(Jondo's mouth
shaped an O). You can aim as high as you want, but you must be
willing to pay the price to get there. You will get the reward
you deserve from the effort that you make. Just do it, man. You
can never tell how far you can go."

Jondo : "Ok buddy, I got it. I will take my 1st step of action
now. Internet marketing, here I come! I will call you when I am
in trouble. You don't mind, right bud?" Me : "You do that. I may
not have all the answers, but I will tell you what I know."

"I Want My Free Huge Traffic Monster" link is :
http://www.free-webspace.biz/lsjap/freetm.htm Just copy and
paste it to your browser and press enter :-)

Category : Food & Beverage

วันพุธที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Why buy Art from an On-Line Gallery?

Author : Lori J. Ferreira

Are you intimidated by interactions with the Arty set? You aren?t sure that you belong or that your opinions on a piece will be taken seriously? Not sure if the price that the gallery is asking is reasonable. Well put all of your fears to rest. Art is a very personal and subjective experience. You do not need a degree in an art or design field to know what you like. A piece of work that takes your breathe away may have no effect whatsoever on the next person who views it. We all come from differing backgrounds and experiences. A piece that has wonderful artistic expression and shows a great deal of talent is not always one that strikes a chord with everyone. Your individual taste and what appeals to you and your price range should be the criteria that you rely on most when choosing artwork to accent your home or office.Why buy from an On-Line Gallery? You can shop from the comfort of your own home. All of the pieces feature the dimensions. You can measure the intended space without having to wait to see if it will fit where you plan to display your new treasure. Choose the piece that you fall in love with and have it delivered straight to your front door. All you have to do is hang the painting or photo, or place the sculpture in its designated place of honor. Unlike local galleries an on-line gallery can feature artists from all over the country at the same time on the same site. New artists are profiled regularly so the choices are endless, always new and exciting.The personal touch is only an email away if you have questions about the artist or piece, too. If you prefer to get to know the artist, biographies are available and personal contact is an option at the artist?s discretion. Commissions are also an option. If you have a favorite scene or photo that you would like to see created in watercolor, oil, pastel pencil or other medium for a one of kind original with personal meaning. Choose an artist by reviewing his or her other work to be sure their style is complimentary with your own. A successful outcome can be determined before the piece is started if your taste and the artist?s style are compatible. You can then negotiate a fair price and expected delivery for the commissioned piece. This will assure that you will not be disappointed.Many people feel safe buying a print of one of the great masters? works. This may be a safe way to purchase a work of art, but it also limits your choices. Why settle for a print that hundreds or even thousands of others have when you could own an original one of a kind piece? The price range can also surprise you. The price you pay for one of those prints could be more than a talented, but lesser known artist is selling an original piece for. Sometimes the most rewarding experiences in life are the ones that require you to stretch your imagination and do something that is out of the ordinary.As in any field of endeavor the individuals who choose to participate are talented to differing degrees. Many highly trained artists do not have that indefinable ?it? factor that sets them apart from the pack, while self-taught artists sometimes exhibit it in spades. Many times we think that we know what style of Art appeals to us and try to stick to that genre, but we may come across a new or different artist work that speaks to our soul in a whole new way. Also, what you thought was wonderful in your youth may not be what appeals to your taste as you mature. Art is a fluid experience. State of mind and emotional experience play a large role in your appreciation of it during your lifetime. We all know the great masters of the past. Their images flood our consciousness even if we are unaware of their impact. Art enriches us is ways that are not always obvious. When purchasing a piece of Art go with your heart and your emotions, because ultimately you are purchasing the piece to please yourself. You will get more viewing and enjoyment from it than anyone else. Lori J. Ferreira has always had a love of the arts. She has a B.A. in Theater/Costume Design with a minor in Art History. She has worked in theaters, art galleries, retail and corporate environments. She has created a vehicle to promote artisans and craftspeople online with Lori J Gallery and Lori J Gifts .

Category : Home Decoration

Buying Cycling Jerseys, Shoes And Other Bike Clothing Online

Author : A.Caxton
At one time you could only buy cycling equipment at your local cycle shop, if they had what you wanted or you had to hope they could order it and then you would have to wait for it to come and hope it was the right size, colour or price. Then cycling magazines started to have adverts for the bigger stores and you could post off a cheque and wait for your prized article to arrive. Now things could not be easier, your at home watching the Tour de France on television, you see you hero attack on the mountainous slopes of Alpe-dÂ’Huez, what are those sexy carbon cranks heÂ’s using? They look like FSA or are they Campagnolo, they could be Stella Azurra, which are they? How much will they cost? Where can I get them? Well, get on the Web, put the name of that most wanted item into your search engine and see what it comes up with. The next move can be nearly as exciting as riding your bike up the mountains, thatÂ’s making comparisons of all the equipment, something you probably wont be able to do at your local cycle shop and then ordering it online, the worst bit is waiting for it to arrive.

All the top cycle components, clothing, frames and cycle manufacturers have their own web-sites, once youÂ’ve found what you really want for your bike, most sites can link you to a retail out let, from there, with the use of your credit card you can order the goods on-line, or check out a store near to where you live and if they stock what you are looking for. This is best for items of clothing, shorts and jersey sizes vary from one maker to another and there is nothing worse than receiving your new professional look a like kit and it is too big or small, so get down to your local cycle shop or sports store, try on your choice for size and if all is OK, you can buy it there and then or if you donÂ’t mind waiting and itÂ’s at a better price, order and pay for it online and wait for it to arrive in the post to your house.

How to wear comfortable cycling shoes

There are many cycling shoes on the market, and finding the right ones for you can be hard. Look them up on the web, go through the search engine or if you have a particular make in mind, find them online and if you canÂ’t try some in a shop, this is best, because size can be a problem, one manufacturer size 9 could be a half size bigger or smaller than another company, and most of the best cycling shoes are Italian, so remember that European sizes are very different from American or English sizes, and German shoes are wider and Italian shoes are narrower and you may be looking for a size 44 or 45, so try as many different shoes you can and then make your decision. Very importantly with shoes is which pedal system you are using, Look, Shimano, Campagnolo, Time and all the other systems have different fittings on the sole of the shoe, check up which they have on the shoe manufacturers web-site and then it should then be safe to order them online.

An other good and very important item you could look for online is a cycle helmet, as with most cycling goods there are many different helmets on the market, some times the helmets you see on the heads of the professionals are difficult to find, but anything is possible on the net, just type it in and away you go, it may be that just the helmet you are looking for is available in Holland, get it ordered, it may take some time to come but if its what you want itÂ’ll be worth it. Sizes of helmets, like shoes can vary, so if it is possible to try before you buy, then make sure itÂ’s a comfortable fit, the big difference between cycle shoes and helmets is that helmets come with different pads to go inside so you can make the helmet fit exactly, which could help if youÂ’ve ordered the wrong size, this is not something you can do with cycling shoes.

The net is a great way to find the frame size you want for your new bike, with the new sloping frame designs it can be tricky to know which size to order, all frame designers have their own ideas for what is best, so if you know the top tube length of your present bike then you can compare online with the design dimensions on the manufacturers web-site and then you will know what size to order either at you local bike shop or from your internet supplier. As this is probably the most important and expensive thing youÂ’ll buy for your cycling, and so with online shopping you can make sure you make the right decision.

Top 5 Myths About China

Author : Rosalyn Pan

Over 20 percent of the world's population are Chinese, and by economic standards, China's ascent is only just beginning. The Chinese nation, culture, economy, and language are going to get more and more important in the world during your lifetime.But how much do you currently know about modern China? What you learned at school about China, and what you read in the newspapers or see on the TV news may not be true any more. Have a look at the following generalisations about China and see if you ever heard or believed something similar. Can you open your mind and change your preconceptions about China?Misconception 1.*China is an ancient culture*What? Of course Chinese culture is ancient! One of the world's oldest actually. Yes, but what's modern China all about? China nowadays is a vibrant modern society, with unique pop culture, fashions, arts, tastes, and habits. Chinese people are proud of their heritage, and there is always an awareness of "old China" inside people's habits and tastes. But the real China of today is a fast-moving modern place: the old continues to give way to the new, and and Chinese people are all looking to their future, not resting on the laurels of the past.Misconception 2.*China is backward and poor*By 2050 it's estimated that 50% of China's population will live in the cities, and this is where the focus of national policy is at the moment. Chinese cities are being built up at an astounding rate: every city in China is currently a dazzling scene of infrastructure change - new roads and flyovers, new skyscrapers, new stadiums, new hotels and resorts, and of course new massive ostentatious government buildings. The word "developing" has come to have connotations of 'third world', but in the developing cities of China you can only marvel at the pace of improvement all around.If you travel to the countryside in China, you certainly might have the impression of a 'developing nation': people are still farming the land using pre-industrial-revolution tools and techniques, and people's lifestyles certainly couldn't be described as cosmopolitan. However, what you may not see is that these people's children may well be smart professionals in the city, sending home ever increasing paychecks to their family. Chinese people are ultimately loyal to their parents, and will routinely save and send home large proportions of their salaries. Even if the youth who move to the Chinese cities aren't managers or entrepreneurs, city salaries for even basic jobs are enough in comparative terms to make everyone happy. Everywhere you go in the Chinese countryside, you can see previously lowly families buying cars and building new houses. So the wealth of the cities will filter to rural areas through private channels, regardless of the urban-focused investment policies of the government.Misconception 3.*Chinese people eat Chinese food.*Yes, of course Chinese people eat Chinese food! But do you even know what Chinese food is? Forget what you think you know from your local "Chinese" takeaway. Unless you've spent several years living in mainland China, it's unlikely you have even a clue about Chinese cuisine. The variety is mind-boggling and almost certainly unrivalled in any other country. Expatriates in China will all tell you that every day they are still trying new dishes, even after living there for years. (And since we're on the topic of mythbusting, sorry to be politically incorrect, but actually you can find dog meat restaurants everywhere in southern China and people really enjoy eating it in the winter. On the other hand, in case you are getting a bit worried now, dog is a pricey speciality so it's impossible that you will ever receive a meat dish which is dog meat unless you explicitly ordered it!!)Modern Chinese people in the cities also eat pizza, burgers, spaghetti, sandwiches, chocolate, and all sorts of real international cuisines, not only junk food. Visitors to China who can't use chopsticks, or have a phobia of rice, will have absolutely no problem feeding themselves! (But if you visit China, please be a little more imaginative than to go straight to one of the hundreds of Starbucks springing up in every city.)Misconception 4.*China is a communist country.*Politically, China is still a one-party state and the Chinese people do not elect their leaders. How much does this matter? For a start, China was never the same style of 'communist' government that we associate with Soviet Russia. And the days of Mao are loooong gone! Government in China nowadays is actually much less centralised than in most other countries, with an amazing amount of power in the hands of provincial or city-level governing bodies. These local governments are increasingly competing with each other to improve and enrich their domains, and the effect is a lot more positive than controversy-hunting western journalists' usual portrayals.Are the Chinese people oppressed? Hardly! Chinese society is, any observer would be forced to admit, remarkably free and progressive. In point of fact, most Chinese people couldn't be described as particularly agitated about "freedom" or political change, being more concerned about getting a piece of the GDP pie and improving their lives and their children's lives. The political sentiment which most Chinese people share is a desire for stability, safety, and prosperity - and basically anyone would have to admit the government in Beijing is currently doing a really good job at that regardless of any abstract criticisms of their "communist" political identity.Economically, what is China? People always laugh at the phrase "capitalism with Chinese characteristics" but it's true it's hard to find any description or comparative model for the Chinese system these days. In many ways the Chinese are more capitalist at the moment than anyone else, perhaps because the system has lagged behind in regulating and taxing the explosion of private commerce in the last twenty years. The name "The Wild East" has a certain truth about it at the moment, but things are getting more standardised, the RMB (Chinese Yuan - the currency) is now open to trading, and of course China is in the WTO now. Expect the China pages of your newspaper to get ever more prominent as businesses and governments wake up more to the economic power of the Chinese market.Misconception 5.*China is closed and difficult to visit.*Anyone from almost any country in the world can easily obtain a Chinese travel visa from a travel agent and book a flight to any of China's growing list of international airports. Once in China you can go and stay where you want. It's just as easy as visiting any other country. The only reason your travel agency isn't packed with brochures about visiting China is because those travel companies just don't get it yet... Don't worry - the travel agency will soon wake up!"Yes, but Chinese people don't speak English!" Pssst - can you think of any other popular world travel destinations where the local people, maybe, possibly don't speak English as their first language? Seriously, in the cities a lot of people can help out clueless travellers, and even if you're trying to be independent or adventurous, you'll find Chinese people friendly, tolerant, and generally not scary at all.In terms of other traveller fears about safety, security, and cleanliness, China is already in the top tier of countries in the world to live in or travel to. Frequent travellers to China will back this up: even in the inner cities of China, you can walk around as a highly visible foreigner, and although you may be stared at, you will never feel in any danger or discomfort. (Unless you expected a 'normal' western style toilet - oh dear! - but that's an experience you'll have to find out by visiting China yourself!)*CONCLUSION*Wake up and smell the tea! You need to visit China and experience it yourself: there is no way you will break through the misconceptions and prejudices about China from your armchair. Just a little bit interested in visiting China? To learn about Chinese visas and invitation letters to visit China on business, visit http://www.china-invitation-letter.com/Read more informative articles about modern China and Chinese culture here: http://www.chinamaze.com

Category : General Society: Asian Interests

The Ten Commandments To Creating Amazing Audio Products

Author : John Kiel
1.Thou shall create audio products as the fastest way to come out with a product.Forget about e-books. They take to long to create especially if you're a slooooow typist. You can create an audio product in a day instead of weeks or months with an e-book. If you must create an e-book, do the audio first and have someone transcribe the audio into a word file. You than clean it up and add some chapter heads and an index and Bam! You have an instant e-book2.Thou shall use a headset microphone for your recordings.I find that using a headset mic is a lot more versatile than a standard microphone. A headset mic gives you the freedom to move your head around and you don't feel restricted as far as being positioned in front of a table top mic.3.Thou shall not be afraid to record your voice.Many people hate the way they sound on tape (me included) and feel that they cannot put together a "Professional" product. The first time you hear yourself on tape you are just going to die. It takes practice to actually speak properly. You get struck by the dreaded Uh and Um syndrome and the monotone voice virus but take heart …you can do this. Slow down and concentrate on what you're saying and interject some emphasis and pitch changes to your voice. Bottom line…add some personality.I'll admit I'm no professional speaker myself… It takes practice and you will get better.Here are a couple books you might want to check out:
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie
Secrets of Successful Speakers: How You Can Motivate, Captivate, and Persuade by Lilly Walters4.Thou shall add intro and outro music to your audiosIf you really want to add a professional polish to your products you must add the intro and outro music. You know that cool music you hear at the beginning of the audio just before someone starts the introduction.You could give this site a try: frontandbackmusic.com for some demos.5.Thou shall use different formats for your audio info productA couple of ways to create an audio product is to interview someone over the phone and record it or just do a straight forward gab session on your own. To keep it simple when I'm recording on my own, I write down some bullet points to use as memory joggers to keep me on track during the recording sessions. Also, when using the computer software it allows you to pause so you can get your thoughts together and then just restart the recording process without a skip.6.Thou shall use different listening formats for your audio product.When distributing your audios you have different formats to choose from. You can use .wav, .mp3, .ram files. Wave files take up the most space and are megabyte hogs. Mp3 and ram (real player files) take up the least amount of space and are good for streaming audio on the web. If you are distributing your audio on CD it is best to use wav. That way you will be able to listen to them in any CD player. Here is a little warning when recording your audio projects. Be aware of the space you have on your hard drive. A two hour recording session will take up to 1.3 gigabytes of space in wav. I like to record and edit in smaller intervals and burn them to a CD-RW just to get them off my hard drive.7.Thou shall use cheap resources for your audio.I get all my bubble pack shippers and CD cases off of Ebay. They have some great deals. I get my CD's duplicated at Diskfaktory.com because they can run small quantities of 50. I wouldn't get any more made until you know you have a winner.8.Thou shall have fun when creating your audio productsI have to say I really enjoy the creation process and it's really neat when you go to record a product and can play it back and listen to it on the fly. You get a sense that this thing is really coming together. And when you add the music you really get a sense of satisfaction. Creating audio is really instant gratification when it comes to creating info products. I love it…As of this writing, I'm working with my wife on a product and I'm interviewing her and we are having a blast. She makes mistakes and I make them and we just sit there and laugh. My wife has the UH and UM syndrome so we are trying to get cured of that… But the point is that we are having a good time.Quick Tip: I use a splitter to add two microphones to my computer. You need to raise the volume to get it normalized.9.Thou shall build a audio information empireIf you really want to get a jump start in the information product business this is the easiest and funniest way to do it. As fast as you can record and edit these things the faster you can crank them out and start making some money. Also audio CD and tapes have a higher perceived value and you can get more for them then by just selling an e-book.10.Thou shall learn what software to use for your audios.Software can be expensive. Many of the gurus recommend Sounforge but I prefer a program from Cakewalk called Plasma. This software is half the price of Soundforge and is very versatile.Well there you have it. Some good tips to get you started on building your audio empire.Happy Recording,John Kiel(c)2005 John KielIf you're looking to take a shortcut and you would like me to take you by the hand and show you all the tricks to record audio products, add audio to the web, and record telephone conversations then my new video and audio tutorial course is for you. I even throw in 5 software programs to launch your audio business and at a price you will not believe.Go now to http://www.audioproductsmadeeasy.com
Category : Business:Audio-Streaming

What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site.

Author : Brian Holte

How Audio can Influence SalesAudio can enhance your website by letting your visitor listen to your voice, which is the next closest form of marketing besides a face to face meeting.Who can use Audio? Anyone can use audio, it all depends how knowledgeable you are when it comes to designing your site. For those that need help there are plenty of tutorials on how to place audio on your site all over the internet.Audio and Affiliate Programs-Cause a ripple effect. One commonly used strategy is to have audio reviews of the different affiliate programs you are associated with.Find a product that pays a decent commission, write up a review of the product that you are promoting, use your written review as a script. Record the script in either .mp3 or .wav file. Upload the sound file, the website, and your done!Audio can Increase Conversion RatesIf you are going to use audio clips for the affiliate programs you?ve chosen to promote, you may very well find that using audio can definitely increase your conversion ratio. Keep your Audio file as small as possible. One important part for you to keep in mind is the size of your sound file, if the file is to large it will take ?forever? to download and the majority of web surfers are impatient. Try and keep your audio review to 60 seconds or under. This should allow your webpage and sound file to download at the same time.Keep in mind that you can place an audio clip on your site or inside an ebook, some people like audio some don?t.How Audio helps the visually impaired.It all depends on your preferences, one benefit of using audio on your site is to accomodate the visually impaired. Audio-Learn one step at a time.Granted, creating an audio clip may seem a little confusing at first because you have to get familiar with the software you?ve chosen to use. But like most other tasks in life, practice makes perfect.Audio-How is the file activated?There are a couple of ways in which your visitor can activate the audio on your site. One is by clicking on a link, the other involves placing a small amount of code on your site that automatically downloads everytime you get a visitor to the page you?ve placed the audio clip on.Audio-How about pop-up?s and popunders?You can also create pop-up?s or pop-unders with an audio clip that downloads as the pop-up or pop-under window activates when your visitor goes to exit your site. An example of this would be to use your clip to encourage sign-up?s for your ezine. Audio-Where can you get tutored on this subject?There are many tutorials on the net that teach people how to create pop-up?s or pop-under?s, there are also software programs that make the creation process a whole lot easier. There are also plenty of audio recording software programs out there, some are fr**, others cost money.Final Comments:By no means am I encouraging you to place audio on every page of your site, leave some pages as just plain text, others with text and a picture, and then text, picture and audio. What works for me may not necessarily work for you, but it never hurts to test. You won?t know until you try. Good luck, Brian. Brian Holte is a freelance writer who owns www.theebookking.com He publishes a monthly ezine covering topics related to creating ebooks, he shows you what works for him in hopes of helping you.publish1@telus.net

Category : General Web Development

Protect Your Older Loved Ones With A Senior Alarm

Author : Owen Walcher
A senior alarm is the best way to protect your older loved ones. This alarm is easy for them to use and creates an aura of safety around them that will help ease their mind, and yours, in terms of any emergency events or problems that could take place. Installing one is easy and there are a variety of options available for the type of alarm you may want to put in their home. There are also personal alarms available that can be kept on the person and used in case of emergencies or incidents that may be threatening to the health and welfare of your senior citizen loved ones. The senior alarm is specially designed to suit this purpose.Using one is easy for a senior because it has larger buttons and a large display that allows them to set the code for their home alarm or send an alert with their personal alarm. Learning the basics of both alarms can be helpful because it is never a certainty as to where or when a problematic situation could arise. A senior alarm can be the best case of prevention that you can offer to your older loved ones and can protect them in case of any emergency in which speed and accuracy is of the essence. A call is placed to the appropriate emergency services from the alarm and help will be on the way as soon as humanly possible.More Details On The AlarmWith a personal alarm, it functions a lot like a medical alert alarm and can serve the same purpose, too. It can be worn on the wrist or around the neck in the form of a bracelet or a necklace alert alarm. From this point, settings can be entered into the device that can make it a handy alarm that the senior can use for any purpose of emergency or problem. There are specifications in place that allow them to set the senior alarm to the position that best serves them. Some alarms have a voice activation system that can be turned on with a given verbal command.The home alarm, specially designed for seniors, is a valuable tool to use in the field of defending the home against intruders or directing a call directly to the emergency response teams that are needed. This senior alarm is easily set with a code and can be activated with a voice activation system as well, or can be set off should an intruder enter or any other emergency situations arise.Owen Walcher is a freelance writer, writing home security articles such as Personal Alarms Protect Your Loved Ones. You can find more monitored home security systems articles here: http://www.monitoredhomesecuritysystems.com/
Category : Home-and-Family:Home-Security

Adsense Success Tips

Author : Sam Nyasani
The scramble to make money from adsense is truly on. The internet is littered with information on how to make money with adsense. For those new to adsense and those who want to plunge into this business of making money with adsense, the single biggest challenge is how to scale and get over the mountain of information available and get the most helpful tips. I have searched the internet just to see what there is, but I can tell you that most of the information available on how to successfully make money with adsense is either too simplistic or unhelpful. So what should you look out for when starting an adsense campaign?Almost certainly, running a successful and profitable adsense campaign is complex than it has been portrayed. It is not true that all you need to do is sign up for an adsense account, get some code, paste it on your pages and sit back and wait for the money to start rolling in. If that is what you thought, you are in for a long and frustrating wait. The truth is that you are not going to make any money with adsense.To make the long story short, here are just a few of the most important things that constitute a successful adsense campaign.• Keywords/key phrases
• Content
• Visitors (traffic)
• Site optimization.
• LinksKeywords/Key Phrases.These are the terms that people use to search for information/products/services on the internet using search engines and directories. You need to use keywords or key phrases that will drive relevant traffic to your website. Search engines will use this plus your site's content to determine what ads to serve on your site. This is can also play a role in the indexing and ranking of your site by some search engines. Once again use relevant keywords or key phrases.Content.Very important for any successful adsense campaign. When setting up any website, you want it to rank high and so attract traffic. Search engines have become smarter in their indexing and ranking of websites. They want relevant and quality search results for their users. So of necessity, for any website to rank high, it must have relevant and quality content. Some people can manipulate this but be assured such sites don't rank highly for long. So you must have relevant and quality content. There are many sources for free and quality content on the internet.Traffic.For you to earn good money from adsense, you need traffic to your site. You can get this organically (from high ranking on search engines) or buy traffic. The former is the cheapest because it is free.Site optimization.This includes but not limited to proper use of titles, meta tags, keywords/key phrases, alt tags and relevant content. Avoid excessive the use of flash movies, java script, graphics and animations because search engines do not consider these. It can't be any clearer than that. Follow that cue and you should be alright.Links.Some search engines put a great deal of weight on the number of relevant links pointing to your site, the more, the better. Notice I said relevant links. So do yourself one big favour and I know for new websites it is not easy, find sites to link to you. Search engines consider more relevant incoming links to mean that your site is full of relevant content and that is why sites want to link to yours, naturally this is true. Here is what Google™ says, "PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."For more information on how to make money with adsense go to http://www.mwagitaa.comSam Gitaa Nyasani runs the following websites

Category : Business:PPC-Advertising

How to Jumpstart your Next Writing Session

Author :

&lt;b&gt;How to Jumpstart your Next Writing Session&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;by: &lt;b&gt;David Parton&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I have always enjoyed writing. Sometimes it&amp;#8217;s a problem for me to just sit down and write something. There are days when I choose &amp;#8220;procrastinating&amp;#8221; over &amp;#8220;proactive.&amp;#8221; Putting things off is common with everyone. I am very gifted in this area. ;) &lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Here are 4 areas to focus on to jumpstart your next writing session.&lt;p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;p&gt; &lt;li&gt;Concentration &lt;p&gt; &lt;li&gt;Preparation &lt;p&gt; &lt;li&gt;The First Word &lt;p&gt; &lt;li&gt;Use your notebook &lt;p&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Concentration:&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;There are way too many distractions. Cell phones ringing, blaring car alarms and unexpected visitors are just a few things that can disrupt your concentration. It then becomes easier to justify not writing today.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The best thing to do to encourage creative writing is to make it a ritual. Find a nice spot to write, maybe, in a quiet room in your home where you will be left undisturbed for a period of time. Set a time to work; a scheduled time to write. Stick to it.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Keep reference books and materials close to hand.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Focus on one idea at a time.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;View your next writing session as an opportunity; an opportunity to do something you enjoy. It can be fun. And when you are having fun nobody ever has to tell you to &amp;#8220;concentrate!&amp;#8221;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Preparation&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Once you have your topic: Google it. Read everything you can online and offline related to your idea. Search the net for testimonials, reviews and articles about your topic. Brainstorm related sub-topics.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Give it a rest. Let your subconscious mind percolate and play with the information you provided. Get some exercise. Some of my best ideas come to me while I am out walking around in the evening.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Getting Started&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Where to begin? That blank page staring back can be intimidating.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Just dive right in there!&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Type the word &amp;#8220;The.&amp;#8221;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Type the next word (the first thing that pops into your mind) and the next word.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;At this point, quality is not important. You just want to create a &amp;#8220;flow&amp;#8221; where the words come easily.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;#8217;t stop to edit. Save all your corrections for the second draft. Resist the impulse to rewrite. That will only interrupt the flow and is another way to avoid the task at hand.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you are like me you will have a 2nd, third and fourth draft. You have to get your first draft completed before your have anything to rewrite! Stay focused.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Carry a Notebook&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;As a creative writer, you will be &amp;#8220;hit&amp;#8221; by odd ideas and notions in the oddest of places.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Maybe you are stuck in traffic or brushing your teeth when inspiration strikes.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;You could wake from a dream and have a killer idea.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#8220; I&amp;#8217;ll remember that.&amp;#8221; We say to ourselves, but when next we write there is no access to that memory file.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Just use a notebook. Jot those things down as they come to you. It only takes a moment.&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Capture all your of your ideas as they transpire. Who knows? One of them may be the &amp;#8220;Next Big Thing!&amp;#8221;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;- David Parton&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;table width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=#dddddd&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;About The Author&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;David Parton&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;Now You can Expand your Opportunities with FREE Tips &amp; Resources about Affiliate Marketing, Making Money from Home, Website Development &amp; Self-improvement for Both Sides of Your Brain! Discover... &lt;a href=&quot;http://ExpandingMind.com" target=new&gt;http://ExpandingMind.com</a> &lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;mailto:david@expandingmind.com">david@expandingmind.com</a><p><p><p><p><p></td></tr><p></table>

Category : SE Positioning

Lipid Functions

Author : Dr. Randy Wysong

It can be argued that lipids may be the most important of all dietary constituents since they are required in the highest levels, aside from water, in every living cell. Lipids are a concentrated source of energy providing more than double the amount on a per-weight basis than that contained in either carbohydrates or proteins. They help maintain body temperature through both their insulating effects and the heat generated from their oxidation. They also physically protect and insulate nerves and cushion other tissues and organs.But the effects of lipids are far more profound and far-reaching than these rather simple and well known functions. They are not just fuel to be burned and padding for tissue; they can also be dynamic, complex metabolic biochemicals that enter into an extremely wide range of important physiologic pathways. They are part of glandular secretions, they help muscles recover, they are necessary for growth, tissue repair, and reproduction. They help create culinary interest, provide satiety, carry fat soluble vitamins, are a part of hormones, and they can affect blood clotting, inflammation, respiration, susceptibility to and recovery from disease. (Fig. 1)Clinically, fatty acids are becoming more and more important. Their deficiency, absence, alteration, or imbalance is now related to cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, headaches, hypertension, autoimmune disease, muscular sclerosis, psoriasis, lupus, diabetes, and various other wide-ranging free radical and fatty degenerative diseases.1-5 Lipids serve as important substrates and modulators throughout the body and thus can potentially affect virtually any life process. The effects of lipid malnutrition will thus very likely be increasingly linked to more and more disease conditions as biochemical and physiological mechanisms become increasingly elucidated.[ Functions of Fatty Acids Image ]http://www.wysong.net/articles/lipid/figures/figure1.jpgA more complete understanding of these dynamic functions and of proper lipid nutrition is aided by a grasp of lipid biochemistry. Although the following chapter will challenge readers with little science background, the effort to understand as much as is possible will reap many rewards in understanding subsequent topics. Comprehending every detail of biochemistry, however, is not essential to grasping the practical applications that will be developed later in the book.References available within book text, click the following link to view this article on wysong.net:http://www.wysong.net/articles/lipid/01_article_lipid_chapter_one_lipid_functions.shtmlFor further reading, or for more information about, Dr Wysong and the Wysong Corporation please visit www.wysong.net or write to wysong@wysong.net. For resources on healthier foods for people including snacks, and breakfast cereals please visit www.cerealwysong.com. Dr. Wysong: A former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. http://www.wysong.net. Also check out http://www.cerealwysong.com.

Category : General Medical: Nutrition

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A Personal injury lawyer in New York deals every aspect of the case

Author : Hadiya Robins

Personal injury lawyers in New York are legal masters who help an injured person to get the legal help in getting the compensation through their legal aid. The personal injury lawyer is a qualified professional who has good knowledge and is well versed with the raw rules and handles the injury cases very efficiently. It is the entire responsibility of the personal injury lawyer New York to win the case for the victim and get him rewarded with compensation. The legal process is conceded by the lawyer to help the injured from the case. An injury is always unknowingly caused and anyone can become a victim anytime. Mostly, the injury happens due to the negligence of others. A slight mistake of other person can lead to blunder. The lawyer makes his client aware of laws that one is unknown about it. The laws can further help the client in future. Residing in New York, one can come across many lawyers that are specialized in different law fields but a personal injury lawyer is specialized to save the victims from injuries that occurred.The personal injury lawyer New York helps the victim in being aware of all the procedures that will be followed in the court to win the case. Sometimes the injury happens due to medical malpractice of the doctors or some unprofessional medical persons. A personal injury can sometimes prove very dangerous and sometimes can lead to death also. This is really depressing to know that an injury can become fatal and can take away the life of a person. Anytime in an individuals life, he can come across such tough situations that may drag him in personal injury case. It can happen that one gets hurt because someone has hit him or his vehicle by car and he gets injured. Then, it becomes a legal case and one needs the help of a lawyer. A qualified personal injury lawyer do all possible stuffs to help the victim to reimburse the money from the defaulter. If you are injured then the first and foremost thing is to seek the help of an injury lawyer. The lawyer is one such legal person who will help you to get the compensation. The lawyer will file a case in the court of law. Afterwards, a legal notice is sent to the defaulter to appear in the court on a certain date for the hearing of the case. After completing all these procedure, the lawyer assists the victim and presents his case before the court. These lawyers are like a boon who helps all those victim who are willing to obtain a sum of money from the defaulter as a form of compensation. Any injured person in United States is entitled to get the compensation as it a law and so the legal procedure has to undertaken in the court of law. A law is made for everyone to follow and all have to follow it.The lawyers are so smart that they make out points from the case that is unbelievable for an individual. And this uniqueness helps the lawyer to make the case in his clients favor. If the injury lawyer is highly experienced, then the victim is more sure that the case will come in his favor. You can get the assistance of a personal injury lawyer at any point of time. Whenever you need his help, make a call and tell him entire situation. The instant help from the lawyer makes the case more easier and can lead to fast results. While the lawyers in other specialization do not give such prompt service. Hadiya Robins is a legal expert.She gives advice to clients who are looking for New york lawyer,Highest rated personal injury lawyer, personal injury lawyer New York .For legal advice and to get services of a Lawyer in New York visit www.pulversthompson.compersonal injury lawyer New York

Category : General Government: Legislative