วันเสาร์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Rising Popularity of Weight Loss Surgery

Author : paul

Weight loss surgery is becoming very popular with each passing day mostly in advanced countries like the United States. Recently conducted research suggests that the number of bariatric, or weight-loss, surgeries rose by 450 percent between 1998 and 2002, with a leap from 12,775 to 70,256 cases. The most popular weight loss surgery known as the laparoscopic, or minimally-invasive bariatric surgery, increased from 2.1 percent to 17.9 percent. Weight loss surgeries are normally meant for dangerously obese people and these surgeries works best when diet, exercise and drug therapy fail. Weight loss surgeries are proven to reduce weight and keep it off, and to improve or cure obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. The risks associated with bariatric surgery are comparable to other major procedures. It has been observed that the risks are higher for patients who???ve attained 65 years of age and older. So weight loss surgeries are not advisable for all obese people. The most commonly done weight loss surgery is known as gastric bypass, in which the stomach size is reduced and the small intestine re-routed to minimize calorie intake. A strict and proper diet and exercise program after surgery is a must to keep weight off for the years to come. According to researchers, the popularity of Weight Loss surgeries is on a rise because along with their medical benefits, the minimally-invasive laparoscopic techniques are more widely available nowadays as opposed to a procedure in which the patient undergoes a major incision. Most of the people want to avail this simple and uncomplicated form of surgery. But unfortunately not all patients qualify for the laparoscopic technique as all surgeons are not comfortable with performing laparoscopic bariatric surgery. But due to the increasing demand of weight loss surgery, number of hospitals performing bariatric surgery, as well as the numbers of qualified surgeons, is increasing for the benefit of people suffering from morbid obesity. So, for people with excess weight that threatens their health, weight loss surgeries are a proven treatment. For more information on Adipex diet pills please visit the site http://www.adipexcart.com

Category : Lose Weight

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Looking for Discount Motorcycle Helmets

Author : Low Jeremy
If you are looking for discount motorcycle helmet choices, it would be good to look for them at helmet specialty shops and stores. But be very sure that every discount motorcycle helmet that you chance upon should be up to safety standards. Do not buy motorcycle helmets just by the price offered but also by the level of protection that it can provide. There are discount motorcycle helmets that are up to the job, it is just a matter of finding them.You must bear in mind that a motorcycle helmet is a very important element of the motorcycle riding experience. They are not used merely for aesthetic reasons but for safety reasons as well. A motorcycle helmet enhances your riding experience to a fun and secure level. A badly chosen helmet may not fit you or work for you properly, thereby lessening your riding experience.Choosing a motorcycle helmet can be difficult for most people. Even the most experienced riders can have a difficult time finding one that they would find suitable for their needs. One of the key issues faced by most riders is the fit of the motorcycle helmet. Riders have different helmet shapes and forms to check out. Not all of them may be able to fit suitably for everyone.There are full face helmets that offer full head and face protection for riders but may not be able to fit properly for some riders. Then there are also open faced helmets as well as half helmets that offer a more comfortable fit for most people but offer less protection if used in the absence of goggles and sunglasses which can help protect the eyes.Another key reason for choosing a motorcycle helmet is the style and appeal. Aesthetic value is what makes some helmets more popular than others. The technology being used in designing them can even become the reason why such helmets are preferred by most. Attractive colors and striking graphic designs can also provide helmets with good saleability. Price also is important to some people when choosing a helmet.If you cannot find a good helmet that would best fit or appeal to your tastes, you can always have one custom made. This way, not only will you be getting the helmet looks that you want, you can also have them custom made to be more comfortable to give you a more enhanced riding experience. No matter what helmet you choose, just make sure that you always put safety and protection on top of your list when you do your choices.This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Motorcycle Helmets, please visit http://motorcycle-helmet.articlekeep.com
Category : Automotive:Motorcycles