วันเสาร์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Colon Cleansing

Author : Edwin John
Colonics are one of the best types of medicine. They clean up deposits of old toxemia. Colon cleansing reduces the formation of new toxemia from putrefying fecal matter.Most noticeable to the patient, a colonic immediately alleviates current symptoms by almost instantly reducing the current toxic load. A well-done enema or colonic is such a powerful technique that a single one will often make a severe headache vanish, make an onsetting cold go away, end a bout of sinusitis, end an asthmatic attack, reduce the pain of acute arthritic inflammation, reduce or stop an allergic reaction.Enemas are also thrifty: they are self-administered and can prevent most doctor's visits seeking relief for acute conditions.Diseases of the colon itself, including chronic constipation, colitis, diverteculitis, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, and mucous colitis, are often cured solely by an intensive series of several dozen colonics given close together.Contrary to popular belief, many people think that if they have dysentery or other forms of loose stools that a colonic is the last thing they need. Surprisingly, a series of colonics will eliminate many of these conditions as well.People with chronic diarrhea or loose stools are usually very badly constipated.A century ago there was much less scientific data about the functioning of the human body. Then it was easy for a hygienically-oriented physician to come to believe that colon hydrotherapy were the single best medicine available. The doctor practicing nothing but colonics will have a very high rate of cure and a lot of very satisfied clients. Most importantly, this medicine will have done no harm.Somehow people of our culture have a deep-seated reluctance to relate to the colon or it's functions. People don't want to think about the colon or personally get involved with it by giving themselves enemas or colonics. They become deeply embarrassed at having someone else do it for them.People are also shy about farts, and most people have a hard time not smiling or reacting in some way when someone in their presence breaks wind, although the polite amongst us pretend that we didn't notice. Comedians usually succeed in getting a laugh out of an audience when they come up with a fart or make reference to some other bowel function. People don't react the same way to urinary functions or discharges, although these also may have an unpleasant odor and originate from the same "private" area.The average person has a prolapsed (sagging) transverse colon, and a distorted misplaced ascending and descending colon. In a medical survey done, X-rays were taken after each series of 12 colonics on patients. Most patients experienced so much immediate relief they voluntarily took at least four complete series, or 48 colonics, before their X-rays began to look normal in terms of structure. It also took about the same number, 48 colonics, for the patients to notice a significant improvement in the function of the colon.The X-rays showed that it took a minimum of 12 colon treatments to bring about a minimal but observable change in the structure of the colon in the desired direction, and for the patient to begin to notice that bowel function was improving, plus the fact that they started to feel better.Read More at

Category : College

China includes 5 More Cities to its Homegrown 3G Trial

Author : Shushmul Maheshwari

Cellular News on February 12, 2007 reported Wang Lijian, Spokesperson, the Ministry of Information Industry, saying that China has taken its trial networks for a homegrown 3G mobile phone technology to five more cities, increasing the total number of cities that are testing the technology to ten. Wang reported the testing for TDSCMA (Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) would take place in Tianjin and Qinhuangdao in the east, Shenzhen and Guangzhou in the south and Shenyang in northeast. Shanghai, Beijing, northern city of Baoding, southern city of Xiamen and eastern coastal city of Qingdao are already under the trial phase of TDSCDMA. It is reported that China started to include more end-users in the tests in these five cities in early November 2006.The ratification that the TDSCMA tests are being taken to next stage comes after local media reported China Mobiles parent company, China Mobile Communications, is planning to roll out 3G services before October 2007 end. This state-owned enterprise will invest over $1.9 Billion (15 Billion Yuan) to construct its TDSCMA network in 2007.China is supposed to be waiting for its locally developed TDSCMA technology to pick pace before opening up its 3G market to overseas players. The China government earlier restated that China will issue 3G licenses for operations slated to be launched by the 2008 Beijing Olympics.According to RNCOS report, China Telecom Sector Analysis (2006-2007), the landscape of 3G is gradually becoming cleared in China. Features of 3G mobiles are extremely beneficial for manufacturers, carriers, and end-users. Moreover, 3G ranks over the 2G in terms of cost. The cost of 3G services is half of 2G and the price of 3G-enabled mobile handset is just 120% of 2G. With the betterment of network construction, an increased number of 3G subscribers will be able to get access to the market, and in around next 5-6 years, the fraction of 3G subscribers in China will become 40%. The research report also discusses the emerging technologies, factors affecting the expansion of these technologies, strategies adopted by key players, and future outlook of the China telecom market. About RNCOS:RNCOS, incorporated in the year 2002, is an industry research firm. It has a team of industry experts who analyze data collected from credible sources. They provide industry insights and analysis that helps corporations to take timely and accurate business decision in today's globally competitive environment.For more information visit: http://www.rncos.com/Report/IM065.htmCurrent Industry News: http://www.rncos.com/blog RNCOS, incorporated in the year 2002, is an industry research firm. It has a team of industry experts who analyze data collected from credible sources. They provide industry insights and analysis that helps corporations to take timely and accurate business decision in today's globally competitive environment.

Category : General Technology

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to rekindle your teen's interest in reading

Author : Janice Wee

Why should teenagers read?A person, young or old invariable learns from reading. Typically, one would Read non fiction books to acquire knowledge Read fiction books to improve language skills.Unfortunately, even teens who used to love reading as children may lose interest inbooks when they reach their teenage years. The possible reasons for this are many. It could be due to a lack of time. It might be more fun surfing the net, shopping orplaying computer games. Then there are the other distractions that modern life has to offer.Maybe it could be because reading is no longer enjoyable. They read what the subjects theylearn in school dictates. They lose the joy of reading as they associate readingpurely with studying for exams. A way to go is to introduce fun books that teens would love. Notice howmovies like Spider-man captured the attention of teens as well as other agegroups alike. The romance subplot, fantasy elements and excitement keeps theaudience at the edge of the seats. If only books could be like that.Comic books come close. Very often, comic books are put in section for teensand educators may frown on them as they are not half as beneficial as novels,but are they? Why do many teens prefer to flip through a comic book than anovel?Easy reading. Fantasy stories that provide an escape into a more interestingworld?Problem with comic books is that they are mainly graphics with few words.Don't pick up much language skills reading comics. At least not as much asnovels or short stories  but they are a whole lot more fun than most slowmoving novels.If only there are well written books, novels or even short stories that holda teens attention as well as a comic book. These are hard to find but do exist.I'm a comic book fan myself. Going through fiction works at the bookstore,besides the movie adaptations (yawn) I found some interesting books based oncomic books. One I loved was a very well written collection of short storiesabout Spider-man. It had the fantasy elements of a comic book but as ananthology. Books like these are a great way to reintroduce the love of readingto a teenager.Another series of books that teens would love is the newly written sfxfantasy series. The books are based in a fantasy world, with a romantic plotthat teens can relate to, as well as fantasy elements that would keep themturning the pages. Introduce your teenagers to fiction books like theseand rekindle their interest in reading. So far the book Warrior Girl is a coming of age romance, super-hero style that teens would love. The second book, Lost In Another Realm continues the love story started in Warrior Girl and builds on the fantasy elements. The story climaxes in the epic fantasy The Dark Warriors. Written with the imagination and fantasy elements found in comic books, but with the elegance of a novel, books like these will help rekindle a teen's interest in reading.You can find these books a http://www.lulu.com/sfxfantasy . The official site for the series is http://www.sfxfantasy.com

I'm a writer and love reading fantasy books. I started the sfxfantasy series which presents comic book style plots and romances in novels. The official site for the series is http://www.sfxfantasy.com

Category : General Home and Family: Parenting

Success, in who's eyes?

Author : shane111

What drives us to succeed? Is it the money, fame, or is it something deeper than this? And who deems us a success? Is it our friends, family or is it the intimate world we have created for ourselves? The answers to these questions can often be hard to find yet they are usually staring us right in the face. Many things drive different individuals to succeed in many diverse areas. Let?s take an Internet marketer for example. Most people would look at an Internet marketer and view them as just being in it for the money. While this may appear to be true on the surface, often looks can be deceiving. There are a choice few who actually just want to help others succeed in this area. Yes their services may come at a small fee, but this is not why they do it. You do not do what you do for free right? And just because you earn an income at what you do does this mean you are just in it for the money? Of course not, don?t be ridiculous, right! I believe that ?money? has given the Internet marketer a bad wrap. There are some of us out there who are just trying to help others out and show them the ropes. We need to make a living so in-turn we charge for our services. So who deems someone a success? Well there can be an array of individuals. Often, we look to our peers and family as a gauge for our success. This is a shame. The only place we need to look is in the mirror! If you truly find purpose in what you do and love it, you will know that you are a success without others having to tell you so. You will feel it and this feeling will exude through every tiny little pore. This emanation will be plainly visible to others and therefore pronounce your success without uttering a word. Success does not come from a book you read, a seminar you attend or from your peers. It comes from within. Certainly books, seminars and peers can help drive you to succeed, but ultimately it is you who make the decisions that set you apart from the rest. It is these decisions from deep down, ones from the heart that truly count. If you study success stories like Warren Buffett or Michael Jordan, they are different because the looked within themselves and not to the outside world for their success. They trusted in their own desires and worked hard to make them happen. This inner drive is what set them apart and the many other success stories in the annals of time. In closing, do not look to others for their perception of your success. Look within yourself and do what you love. Whether it is Internet marketing, stock investing or basketball, it does not matter. The only thing that matters is that you love what you do! If you love what you do, you will not have to search for success; it will search for and find you!By: Shane Wilson My name is Shane Wilson. If you liked this article, then sign up for my free newsletter and receive one like it on a weekly basis. Sign up at: http://www.platinumaffiliatemarketing.com/Newsletter.htm

Category : Syndication

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Root Canal New York for Successful Treatment

Author : Erzana Jones

Root canal is an extensive dentistry procedure that is undertaken by dentists to correct certain dental problems in individuals. Normally there are around one to four root canals in the human teeth. Root canal treatment procedure is that treatment method which is used by dentists to treat the aspects related to the inner portion of the teeth. The inner portion of the human teeth is hollow in nature and has tissues known as nerve tissues to support the teeth. The tooth receives nutrition through these nerve tissues. Sometimes it may happen that the nerve tissue becomes infected due to certain reasons. If this is not treated immediately the condition can worsen and become very painful. Root canal can be very effectively treated in New York by many professional dentists who are operating in the area. If you have to undergo this procedure just make sure that you locate the best dentist who will successfully do the procedure on your teeth.Since this is one of the extensive dentistry procedures many people fear undergoing this treatment. The tooth is very sensitive and this exactly why people fear undergoing this treatment procedure. If you have to undergo the procedure there are certain things that you must take care of. Listen to whatever you dentist advices you to do, as he is the best person to guide you in the proper way. If the dentist prescribes you to take antibiotics make sure that you take the exact amount of the medicine that he has prescribed you to have. Take anti inflammatory medicine prescribed by your dentist to reduce any inflammation that may take place after the root canal procedure. If you have to undergo this procedure you must know exactly what things are involved for root canal. There are certain risks involved with this dentistry procedure. Root canal treatment procedure may not be successful always. If the condition is severe then even undergoing the root canal treatment procedure may not be able to save the teeth and the teeth can die. If the teeth dies away then extracting the teeth remains the only option for the dentist. Extracting of the teeth means that you will have missing teeth, but this can be fixed very easily through restorative dentistry by a professionally qualified dentist in New York.Though there are some instances where root canal has not been successful, this treatment procedure has been successful in most cases. When you have found out a professionally qualified dentist to undergo the procedure make sure that the dentist is experienced enough to undertake the procedure. Proper after care is very essential if you want to have successful results. The teeth can be sore for several days after undergoing root canal. Pain relievers prescribed by your doctor is perfect for getting rid of this soreness. Rinsing your mouth with hot warm salt water many times of the day can also be very helpful in reliving soreness from the teeth and its adjoining areas. It is best to avoid chewing foodstuff with the affected areas where the procedure of root canal has been performed. Make sure to visit your dentists office regularly for follow up checks as and when prescribed to you. Erzana Jones has special interest in dentistry and health related topics. She has been working for Manhattandental SPA since the last 3 years. For more information about Dentists Manhattan, teeth whitening,Root canal New York or any kind of dental emergency visit www.manhattandentalspa.com

Category : General Medical: Dental

The Best Way To Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic

Author : James

The Best Way To Generate Free Targeted Website TrafficIf you have a website or you promote someone elsed as Text |

Car Video Back Up and Automotive Visual Systems Considered

Author : Lance Winslow
Perhaps you have not been following the new automotive technologies out there these days? We all have seen the back up cameras on large recreational vehicles to assist the driver right? Well now you can get such systems on many high-end luxury cars and SUVs. The car video back up systems are a pretty cool option indeed.But now some automotive manufacturers are taking this concept to a whole new level. Lexus for instance now has a self-parking video system, so you can set it and allow the car to park itself while you watch on the video to make sure it does it correctly you see? Now some day these kinds of electronic video features will be on all cars and eventually all cars should be able to park themselves.Imagine this new Lexus car feature on your current car? You drive up set the system and it will parallel park your car all by its self and then you can put on the final touches if it is not totally perfect and it will tell you; This is good. Boy I’ll say give me one of those! Want to learn more about this; here is a link;http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/clips/lexus-self-parking-car-video-and-review-196551.phpYou will be seeing much more of these car video and self parking systems in the future and this is only the start. As the number of units that are made go up the prices will come down until some day they will be standard on every car. So, consider this in 2006."Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/
Category : Automotive:Mobile-Audio-Video

CNC Router Machine

Author : Peter Vermeeren
The CNC router machine cuts in three directions at once. The precision of the router's cutting relies on the design software, software that provides a two-fold advantage to the router operator.To begin with, the CAD software gives the operator of the CNC router machine the ability to create the design that will be cut into the solid plate.After the operator creates the design, that same operator relies on the computer to send the proper operating instructions. The instructions from the software send signals to the router motor drive. These signals, termed tool path files, allow the motor controls to direct the precise motion of the router drive system.The router bits perform the cutting of the CNC router machine. These bits are similar to drill bits. As mentioned above, the cutting can proceed along three different axes simultaneously. The CNC controls cause the movements of the drill bits to take place in small and precise increments.The cutting along the x-axis moves from front to back. The cutting along the y-axis moves from left to right. The cutting along the z-axis moves up and down. The ability of the CNC router machine to move in 3 directions at once leads to the creation of interesting patterns and shapes.The use of a CNC router machine guarantees savings in time and money. The CNC router machine produces each of its elaborately shaped products in a very small amount of time. In addition, the CNC router machine eliminates the need for an employee to stand at the router. A computer controls the operation of the router. Either the computer linked to the router can stand adjacent to the manufacturing devices, or it can sit at the desktop of the operator.In other words, the operator of the CNC router machine can sit at his or her desk and direct the movement of the device that holds the router bits. The operator maintains control of this device, a machine part that is called a gantry.The benefits of a CNC router machine increase steadily, spurred in large part by the increasing need for the manufacture of prototypes. Prototypes are test versions of a product. The creation of prototypes provides the manufacturer with a way to detect those places where an error in production could occur.The precision of the router allows the operator to detect the scale of any possible manufacturing error. The computer can inspect a prototype and then alert the operator to the precise degree of expected changes in the routed product. The benefits of this precision are magnified by the potential for offline simulation of manufacturing processes. Without access to such precision, the manufacturer would not be able to use the creation of prototypes by the CNC router machine. Thanks to the precision of the router, the manufacturer can use the prototype to plan the needed strategy for an efficient full-scale production.The CNC router machine enables manufactures to utilize the latest technologies in order to achieve their business needs more effectively.More information about CNC machines can be found here: CNC Woodworking Machine - CNC Grinding Machine- Kamikaze News and Articles
Category : Business

วันพุธที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Pay Per Click or Pay Per Human Browser?

Author : Roy Thomsitt
Pay Per Click advertising has been around a few years now. Pay per click is a multi million dollar industry which, as yet, is still in its infancy. There is no telling how big PPC will become in the future, but there are certainly many young players in the business, and new PPC search engines appearing all the time. Should we use the smaller PPC search engines? Should we use PPC advertising at all?Is Pay Per Click Advertising a Valuable Tool?From a personal point of view, the answer to that is a simple "yes". Quite simply, I have used pay per click advertising since 2003, and have got some excellent results. Those results have been mixed, of course, with some very bad results too. But that's advertising for you, online or offline. You try, you test, you monitor, you experiment, all the time aiming to get better and better results.The basic advantage of pay per click is built into its name. Your ad will cost you nothing, except when somebody clicks on it to go to your website. Imagine being able to do that in the offline world: place an ad in a glossy magazine, and only pay each time somebody sends for a brochure or calls your sales hotline. I used to sell advertising in glossy magazines. Advertisers can spend $3000 on an ad and get no response. A small business can spend $500 on an ad and get no response, really hurting their business cash flow in the process.In principle, pay per click is a wonderful idea, but the real problem is in the quality, and the quality can be watered down so easily by fraud. Remember, you are paying for a click. That click could be automated, it could be a genuine person looking for a product like yours, or it could be someone clicking because they are being paid to click.Pay per click advertising is a valuable tool, but you need to monitor with care.Is 9 Cents Per Click Cheaper Than 1 Cent Per Click?My first use of pay per click advertising was with Google Adwords, followed a month or two later by Overture. I have always liked Google Adwords, and it is still my favourite today. It combines high quality clicks, with ease of use and a comprehensive amount of useful management information to help your campaigns. To me, it is way above the others, including Overture.Once I had campaigns set up at Overture and Adwords I let them run, and it was quite a few months before I started to research the smaller PPC companies. Many of the newer entrants in the field offer tempting starting credits and bids as low as 1 cent per click. I must admit, a year ago I was quite excited about getting loads of clicks at a cent a time.The old saying "you get what you pay for" did not enter my head at the beginning, but it soon came to mind as I saw those 1 cent payments rocket. I tried several of the newer PPC search engines, but two in particular just zipped through my funds, and unlike Google Adwords, you could not set a daily budget.I decided to take a closer look at my website stats to see what was happening to those 1 cent clicks. What I did was compare one of the new PPC search engines I was using, with Google Adwords. The comparison was based on whether a visitor to the landing page immediately exited again, or whether they browsed other pages on the site. The landing pages were identical.I already knew Google Adwords provided genuine visitors, as I first used them for a real estate website, and the ads led to sales; big money for small outlay. In effect, I was using Adwords as my proven control.The results of the comparison were very convincing. Over a one month period the following happened:1. From small PPC X, 1187 entered the landing page and 1165 of those exited the site from the same page. That's 98 % were a quick in and out.2. From Google Adwords, 161 entered the landing page, of whom only 44 exited from the same page. That's 27% were a quick in and out.As you can see, only 2% of the "X" visitors bothered looking around the website. If I had got the same result from Google, then I could just say it was because it was a lousy landing page. But I did not. 73% of the Google visitors went on to have a good look around the website, that's 36 times better.So, what do we make of these figures? I used the same keywords for "X" and Google, so I should have had similar results. I have to conclude that "X" was sending very poor quality traffic, Google it's usual high standard.I then worked out the more realistic cost per browser ie the cost of each visitor who stayed at the website and looked around. With "X" I was paying 1 cent per click, and with Google an average 9 cents per click. You will see from the following table the cost per browser for Google worked out much cheaper than "X", less than 1 quarter the price in fact:1. The 22 people who stayed on the website to browse from "X" cost $11.87, or $0.54 per browser.1. The 117 people who stayed on the website to browse from Google cost $14.49, or $0.12 per browser.On the surface, it might always seem the smaller search engines are cheaper. However, it is wise to monitor the reality. If you want real visitors to your website, ensure that is what you are getting. Would you rather pay 12 cents for a genuine visitor or 54 cents?These results are, of course, from one test. You may get different results. I think the lesson here is to monitor very closely what is happening with your paid for clicks. Cheap may mean expensive; expensive may mean cheap but good value.All is not what it seems when you compare prices of Pay Per Click search engines.Roy Thomsitt is the owner, webmaster and author of http://www.change-direction.com, a new website in late 2004, about working online in a home based business. He has a background in offline advertising, with practical experience of working from home in marketing since 1995, plus 2 years of experience with online marketing. He has a substantial background in financial and project management, implementing new office, accounting, computer and management systems. He is an English expat, now resident in the Philippines.
Category : Business:PPC-Advertising

How To Spot a 1969 Corvette

Author : Tom Burgess

Do to the criticism of the 1968 Corvette, Chevrolet worked to resolve those problems for the 1969 model year. Numerous quality control and construction problems were addressed. The door panels were redesigned to increase interior room. Overall fit and finish improved in the '69 model over the '68. In 1969 Chevrolet included a fiber optics system on the center console that enabled the driver to monitor the lights function. The Corvette's engine statistics, including horsepower, torque, displacement and compression ratio were displayed below the shifter. The ignition key moved from its 1968 location on the dash near the upper right corner of the tachometer to the steering column in response to new anti-theft regulations. Power steering had become popular with a majority of Corvettes so equipped in 1969. Shoulder supports are gone so the top of the door panel is narrow and flows straight down to the arm rest. Headrests become standard do to DOT regulations. The steering wheel diameter went from 16 inches to 15 inches while the wheel size increased one inch from 7 inches to 8 inches. Engine choices for the 1969 Corvette were mostly the same with the popular 427 cu. in. 435 hp motor still the king of the hill. The 327 cu in. selection was dropped in favor of the L46 350. Other engine options were still basically the same, with the 350-300hp, 350-350hp, 427-390hp, 427-400hp, 427-435hp, and L88. A very expensive option is offered on the L88 in the form of ZL1. For $4800 over the base Corvette price, you got an L88 with an aluminum block. The side exhaust, which had been an integral part of the Corvette image since 1965 returned in 1969. The back up lights were integrated into the tail lights so the Stingrays only have two red taillights. The front grill is now black. The "Sting Ray" name tag had strangely disappeared from the 1968 Corvette, but reappeared in 1969 as one word "Stingray" to the front fenders above the 4 gills. The four side gills have an optional chrome insert package that make each appear as a chrome louver. The 250,000th Corvette was built in November 1969. Tom Burgess is an avid muscle car enthusiast who has been driving and working on muscle cars for years. Tom enjoys all makes and models of muslce cars from the early 1960's until the early 1970's including the1969 Corvette Stingray. He is now sharing his experience about muscle cars with the enthusiast community.

Category : General Automotive: Classic Autos

Preventing Identity Theft - 5 Things You Can Do

Author : Joseph Serpico
Unfortunately, the incidence of identity theft has skyrocketed in recent years, even with all the attention being given to the situation. While most people know the problem exists, and agree that one should be vigilant in protecting their identity, they tend to think it only happens to other people. The truth of the matter is that identity theft happens about once every minute - so it can happen to anybody.The sad thing is that there are some very basic steps that could cut down the incidence of identity theft appreciably, if everyone would take them. Here are five tips to help you prevent identity theft from happening to you:1. Shred any personal documents that you discard, including those credit card offers that seem to flood everybody's mailbox. While the image most people have of identity thieves is that they perpetrate their crimes while sitting comfortably at a computer, many are not above a little good old dumpster diving in the hopes of ferreting out somebody's personal info.2. You can give yourself one less type of document to shred by requesting that those pre-approved credit offers stop being mailed to you. Just call the toll-free number 888-5OPTOUT (888-567-8688).3. Protect your Social Security number. Don't give it out unless it's absolutely necessary. Never give it out over the phone unless you've initiated the call, and don't carry your Social Security card in a wallet or purse. A fire resistant safe at home or a safe deposit box at your bank are the best places for it.4. Monitor your credit reports and verify that all the information, such as your name and address, employment, open and closed accounts, account activity and inquiries, is correct. You can get one free report per year from each of the three credit reporting agencies- TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Request one from a different agency every four months. Go to www.annualcreditreport.com to request your free report.5. Take care when using the Internet. Create passwords that cannot easily be discovered. Don't use any words that appear in the dictionary. Be sure that any e-commerce sites you utilize are secure. Look for the closed padlock in the browser, and try to stick to well-known, major sites. Be careful when downloading free programs or files, and be absolutely sure to always have a firewall and anti-spyware program running. An antivirus program is mandatory for many reasons besides identity theft, so have one of those too.Of course, there's no way to be absolutely sure one has prevented identity theft. In today's society, our personal information is recorded in many places, such as government, employment, medical and other records, that we have little to no control over. However, taking the five steps listed above will go a long way towards helping you put the odds in favor of your never having to deal with the scourge of identity theft.Joe Serpico is webmaster and publisher of the identity
theft prevention site. For more information on how to deal with and prevent
identity theft, please
visit www.identity-theft-prevention-site.com
Category : Legal:Identity-Theft

วันอังคารที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Skinny on Billboards

Author : Mike McDaniel
Several years back the billboard people put a big
picture of "Sharlene Wells, Miss America" on
billboards all over town. She was everywhere. The
clever use of the girl had two purposes; the first
was to cover up all the unsold boards. The second
was to show the effectiveness of billboard
advertising.Surveys were conducted before and after the one
month showing of Sharlene's pretty mug. Before,
only 1.5% of people surveyed could recall her name
when asked "Who is Miss America". After, the
number jumped to an amazing 12%.The billboard people pointed to this example as
proof of the power of outdoor advertising. It gave
them the open door to pitch hundreds of potential
new customers.If you bought 50 billboards in your town and used
the Miss America approach, people would surely
know your name, too.Here's the skinny on outdoor advertising;
billboards.You MUST Plan Ahead
First, outdoor is not a "quick fix". If sales are
down, you can't quickly put up a few boards to
boost the numbers. You must plan ahead. Lead time
is not short when using outdoor. The best use of
boards is for image building and brand awareness.
They are not cost effective for one time only
sales or non-repeating special events. Billboards
are image builders. Using billboards is akin to
TV, it can mean you have "arrived" as a formidable
business.Most are sold for a minimum of one month. You pay
twice. First for the board location and second for
the media used to put your ad on the board, paint,
paper or plastic.Paints
Painted billboards are the oldest form of outdoor
advertising. They are painted with special
outdoor paint that is weather resistant. Some
outdoor paints are specially formulated to resist
fading. Painted billboards are also known as
"painted bulletins" but most commonly as "paints".Papers
Poster Boards may be the best known. We have all
seen the billboard guy hanging off the ladder with
the swirling wallpaper-like panels being pushed
into place with the big glue broom.Poster Boards are printed on 8 to 30 sheets of
heavy paper, depending on the size. Posters with 8
sheets (6 x 12 feet) are called juniors. Regular
boards use 30 sheets and make a 12 x 25 foot sign,
counting the heavy metal frame. They are
called 30-sheets.Some old timers refer to poster boards as "papers"
and "paper bulletins". Papers look good for about
a month, depending on the weather. Nothing looks
worse than an old paper board, unattended for long
periods where the wind and weather has ripped and
torn the panels torn away revealing layers of old
All the rage now is the use of vinyl on boards.
This allows for better color, longer life and very
fine graphics. If vinyl boards had been available
when they did the Miss America test, people would
still be in love with the lady on the board.Vinyls are printed with a special printer, not
unlike your computer printer. Once sprayed with
the ultra-violet finish coat, vinyls can last for
years. Vinyls are easy to spot. They look brighter
and better than traditional paper boards, Wind has
a tendency to get under them can make them ripple,
as they are normally not glued to the surface, but
attached at the edges. These are called "flex
vinyls" and can be moved from board to board
without damage. Some vinyls are slipped over old
paper boards like a sack and you can see the
outline of the paper board's metal boarder under
the vinyl.Bulletins are the giant boards you often see along
Interstates. They can be as big as 20 x 60 feet or
as small as 10 1/2 x 36 feet. Many of these large
boards are supported by one huge metal pipe in the
middle. Rotary bulletins are the same as bulletins
but are moved every 60 days (hence the term
rotary).Some bulletins are painted, most use
Boards have ratings like TV shows, called Gross
Rating Points (GRP). Each board has a traffic
count, and when divided by the population, the
result is a GRP. Billboard sales are usually made
in GRPs. Meaning you buy a 25 showing or a 50 or
75 or 100 showing. A 25 showing would mean that at
least 25% of the population would see one of your
boards at least once a day. A 25 showing could
take one board, three or many, depending on the
traffic count and the population. It is possible
to buy only one board, but not cost effective.
After you decide to use outdoor, you have to pay
for printing the paper or vinyls and they usually
come in units of 10.The best goal is to get a 100 showing. Studies
have shown that in a 100 showing, advertisers can
reach 88% of the adults 28 times a month. In a 50
showing, advertisers can reach 83% of adults 15
times a month.Cost
For example, a recent 50 showing in Salt lake City
included 84 boards and cost $22,512 for one month
(the 1- Month Rate). Buying that many boards
brought the cost per board to under $275. Don't
expect a rate this low for smaller markets or a
one or two board buy. In most cities the average
billboard costs $400 to $600 a month.Some board locations are stacked. Opinions vary as
to whether top or bottom position is better. Some
boards are "tri-vision" mechanically turning small
panels to reveal 3 different ads every 30 seconds.There are other forms of outdoor. The giant single
pole super boards along the Interstates are best
used for spur of the moment sales "next exit" and
"clean restrooms".Small 4x8 painted boards stuck on a post in a
farmer's yard must be fixed and redone by you
regularly. Let it sag or fall over just once and
you image can go with it.Here are BIG Mike's Tips for Better Billboard
Advertising.+ Buy at least a 50 showing and do it every othermonth. Many times if the board is not sold afteryour time runs out,it will remain up for freeuntilreplaced.+ Be sure some if not most are lighted locations.+ Choose stand alone rather than stackedif you have a choice.+ Don't let the board salesperson selectthe locations for you.+ Buy vinyls instead of paper or paint and bleedthe graphic off the edge (so it wraps around theback of the board). Makes you ad look evenbigger+ Keep the concept short and clever. Offer asolution to their problem, entice them withsomething new. Avoid same ol' same ol'.+ Use the rule of never more than 8 words and onepicture. Remember, most readers will be zoomingby in a car or truck.+ Don't put your picture on the board. Rememberthe cardinal rule of sales. It's not all aboutYOU,it's all about THEM.+ Make outdoor a budget item and plan in advance.Spend most of your time working on the conceptanddesign, 'cause once it's up there, it can't bechanged and will been seen by everybody.Final Thought
FYI - Miss America 2004 is Ericka Dunlap.For more about advertising, get my article
"What the Newspaper Won't Tell You"
MailTo:NewspaperAds@BigIdeasgroup.com©2005 BIG Mike McDaniel All Rights Reserved
BIG Mike is a Professional Speaker and Small
Business Consultant with over 30 years experience,
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Category : Business:Advertising

Blending for the Desired Effect through Aromatherapy Blends

Author : Bryan Josling

Lavender has for long been known to have stress-relieving properties. But few know that lavender when mixed with lemon and clary sage gives a much more comfortable feeling. The mixing here is called blending. Creating an aromatherapy blend is like using a number of vegetables and spices to prepare that delicious curry. Do you need to be a renowned chef to create delicious curries? Not necessarily. Just have an idea of what you want and mix in proper proportions and you are ready to serve the dish.Similar is the case with aromatherapy blends. The desire to experiment and knowledge of oils this is all that one will need in order to create an aromatherapy blend. Within minutes you are ready with your aesthetically and therapeutically correct blend.When using oils or absolutes for the purpose, do the homework before. Proper research on the properties of each oil used must be undertaken to assess if they are synergistic to each other. Certain oils work against the other oil used in the blend. This means that the blend is not producing the desired effect. Use oils which enhance each oils effect.Always use pure essential oils in making an aromatherapy blend. Fragrant oils are available in the market. They serve only to add fragrance to your recipe. Also, because of the presence of artificial elements in the fragrant oils, the aromatherapy blend is susceptible to becoming adulterated.Research on aromatherapy blends may demand time. Those who have found interest in blending essential oils become engrossed in the blending in the same way as a scientist loses sleep in his discoveries. And, thus they are ready to put in as much time in the blending as required. Study well the aroma profiles of each oil. Take a blotting paper and sprinkle a drop of the essential oil on it. See and feel its effect. Note it down on a piece of paper so that you can refer to it in the future. Undertake a similar activity for numerous oils. In this manner, you will have a complete database ready with you.Similarly, while blending note down the reactions that takes place in the properties of each oil. Any of the following three will happen. An oil will completely lose its property. A property will be enhanced. Alternatively, a completely new property will be discovered in the aromatherapy blend. A true blender is one who knows how to enhance or create the desired effect. This may take time. Sometimes, certain properties will become known all of a sudden; somewhat like French chemist Ren-Maurice Gattefoss who hit upon the medical properties of lavender by accident. You will not become as popular in the field of aromatherapy, but your blends are sure going to earn you a lot of praise ion your friend circle. Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils,Aromatherapy Blends,essential oils wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com

Category : General Fitness

Tips on Using Constant Contact to Create Your Company Newsletter

Author : Dina Giolitto
If you run your own business like I do, you don't have much time to spend fudging around with new programs. Here are some tricks I picked up while using Constant Contact's email marketing software to create my company newsletter.First things first: gather up some subscribers!Before you do anything, place the subscriber sign-up box on your website, and anywhere else that your portfolio is displayed online. You can't send out a newsletter if you have no subscribers! By the time you're finished learning the Constant Contact ropes, you'll have at the very least a handful of interested readers—but hopefully, more!Make your visitor sign-up form as simple as possible.You've already lucked out once because someone took time out of their busy day to pay attention to you. The worst thing you can possibly do now is make them work to become a subscriber. To simplify the process, go to Constant Contact's More Features section where you can "Customize Your Visitor Sign-Up Form." Other than their Name, Company Name and State, uncheck all the contact information boxes. You can always take down their information later, if they decide to become an actual client.Write and/or collect your articles ahead of time.If you're a writer, you'll hopefully have some decent material of your own on hand, saved onto your hard drive. If you don't have any articles, now would be a good time to write some. Don't type them directly into your newsletter from scratch. Navigating through an unfamiliar program is a big enough headache without trying to create error-free content. Use a word-processing program you're familiar with, then save and store the files so your articles can be accessed easily, for this or any other project.If you're not a writer and don't intend to become one, go directly to Ezinearticles.com. This website showcases thousands of talented authors offering valuable tips. Many allow you to publish their work without even having to ask (although some require a quick permission request by email). Asking permission to use someone's article is a great way to expand your circle of contacts! Once you've found the articles you'd like to feature, copy and paste the text into a file stored on your computer.Prepare your company logo in advance.Constant Contact allows you to "pop in" your logo and resize it to fit the page using their prescribed measurements. My logo is 300x180 pixels, but you can size yours to whatever specs you'd like. Save it as a .jpeg file and then upload it to your website. You'll be accessing it from this URL later on.I decided that my masthead looked a lot cooler as part of my logo than in boring Arial type, so I designed the name of my publication "The Good Word: Wordfeeder.com's Writing and Marketing Newsletter" right into the logo. With that in mind...Go ahead and break all the formatting rules.You don't have to type the "suggested details" where Constant Contact indicates. If they offer a space for you to type your company newsletter name, but your name is already visible in your logo, just don't type it into the box! If you don't like their "privacy policy" letter, write your own! Go on, break the rules. Delete that line where they ask for the date if you want. Don't add "helpful tips" like they suggest. You know you're a rebel deep down.Set the Global Colors and Fonts before you create your articles (not after!).Your newsletter format should reflect the same style as your website. My font of choice is Arial, color 996600--Wordfeeder's signature Sienna brown. If you're waffling around about point sizes and headline colors, use Article 1 as an experimental template. Type in some jibberish, and a bogus headline. Preview several times, playing around with font sizes until you're satisfied with the whole look. Then preset your Global Colors and Fonts to match. When you're ready to pop in your article, you can be sure it will be designed to your liking.Note: Global Color and Font changes don't affect existing text. If you type your first article in Verdana and then make Arial your Global Font, guess what, your first article is still in Verdana. To save yourself a huge headache, set the colors and fonts BEFORE you enter your content.When entering article text, Control-A, Control-C and Control-V are your best friends.God willing, you already know that these keys stand for Highlight All, Copy and Paste. This is the quickest way to transfer an entire body of text from one file or program to another. Open the original file containing your article, hit the Control-A and Control-C keys in succession. Your text will be highlighted, and then stored in your computer's memory. Now go to Paragraph 1 of your Contant Contact Article template, and do a Control-V. The entire article will flow into the box. Use your down-arrow key to move down the article body and insert html paragraph breaks between each paragraph. Use your Preview screen to make sure everything's lining up."But wait!" you say. "Constant Contact's article format shows one box per paragraph. That means they want me to copy each paragraph at a time into each box." Pah! Constant Contact doesn't care how you create your newsletter. They just want you to sign up for their software. If you really want to, you can copy in each paragraph at a time, but I wouldn't recommend it. Just fill in those paragraph breaks, and the pain of creating a newsletter will be over before you know it.Add images by uploading photos to your website and then pasting the URL into the Constant Contact format.This is an arduous process, and you may not care enough to include pictures, but I like my newsletter to look jazzy, so I use them. You can search for royalty-free images on www.picturequest.com, or you can get photos from another source if you have one. Select images that pertain to your content. For example, I found a picture of a turtle to use with an article about Slow Days at Work. It's up to you how much time you spend on the aesthetics of your emailed newsletter, but I for one appreciate a quality presention so I would say, go all out!Use the Quicklinks as an opportunity for free advertising.Once again, I recommend deviating from the newsletter template. You can link to anything you want here; a selection of product you sell, the writing or design samples of your website, or even the website of a friend or business partner.Don't create a brand new newsletter campaign from scratch each time you want to mail your subscribers.The "Copy Campaign" button is an incredibly handy tool that duplicates a newsletter you've already completed and sent. All you have to do is change the name of the campaign, and replace the former articles, headlines and photos with new ones. So if you had some trouble getting your first newsletter in order, breathe easy. You'll never have to worry about it again. Just take care to update all of the information so you don't accidently send dupes of articles you ran last month!Constant Contact is a bit tricky at first, but with a little patience, you, too can have your own email newsletter up and running in no time.Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at Wordfeeder.com and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.
Category : Business:Ezine-Publishing

The Courage to Live Consciously

Author : Steve Pavlina
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits
in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.
- Helen KellerIn our day-to-day lives, the virtue of courage doesn't receive much attention. Courage is a quality reserved for soldiers, firefighters, and activists. Security is what matters most today. Perhaps you were taught to avoid being too bold or too brave. It's too dangerous. Don't take unnecessary risks. Don't draw attention to yourself in public. Follow family traditions. Don't talk to strangers. Keep an eye out for suspicious people. Stay safe.But a side effect of overemphasizing the importance of personal security in your life is that it can cause you to live reactively. Instead of setting your own goals, making plans to achieve them, and going after them with gusto, you play it safe. Keep working at the stable job, even though it doesn't fulfill you. Remain in the unsatisfying relationship, even though you feel dead inside compared to the passion you once had. Who are you to think that you can buck the system? Accept your lot in life, and make the best of it. Go with the flow, and don't rock the boat. Your only hope is that the currents of life will pull you in a favorable direction.No doubt there exist real dangers in life you must avoid. But there's a huge gulf between recklessness and courage. I'm not referring to the heroic courage required to risk your life to save someone from a burning building. By courage I mean the ability to face down those imaginary fears and reclaim the far more powerful life that you've denied yourself. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of going broke. Fear of being alone. Fear of humiliation. Fear of public speaking. Fear of being ostracized by family and friends. Fear of physical discomfort. Fear of regret. Fear of success.How many of these fears are holding you back? How would you live if you had no fear at all? You'd still have your intelligence and common sense to safely navigate around any real dangers, but without feeling the emotion of fear, would you be more willing to take risks, especially when the worst case wouldn't actually hurt you at all? Would you speak up more often, talk to more strangers, ask for more sales, dive headlong into those ambitious projects you've been dreaming about? What if you even learned to enjoy the things you currently fear? What kind of difference would that make in your life?Have you previously convinced yourself that you aren't really afraid of anything... that there are always good and logical reasons why you don't do certain things? It would be rude to introduce yourself to a stranger. You shouldn't attempt public speaking because you don't have anything to say. Asking for a raise would be improper because you're supposed to wait until the next formal review. They're just rationalizations though - think about how your life would change if you could confidently and courageously do these things with no fear at all.What Is Courage?Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
- Ambrose RedmoonCourage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
- Mark TwainCourage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.
- John WayneI like the definitions of courage above, which all suggest that courage is the ability to get yourself to take action in spite of fear. The word courage derives from the Latin cor, which means "heart." But true courage is more a matter of intellect than of feeling. It requires using the uniquely human part of your brain (the neocortex) to wrest control away from the emotional limbic brain you share in common with other mammals. Your limbic brain signals danger, but your neocortex reasons that the danger isn't real, so you simply feel the fear and take action anyway. The more you learn to act in spite of fear, the more human you become. The more you follow the fear, the more you live like a lower mammal. So the question, "Are you a man or a mouse?" is consistent with human neurology.Courageous people are still afraid, but they don't let the fear paralyze them. People who lack courage will give into fear more often than not, which actually has the long-term effect of strengthening the fear. When you avoid facing a fear and then feel relieved that you escaped it, this acts as a psychological reward that reinforces the mouse-like avoidance behavior, making you even more likely to avoid facing the fear in the future. So the more you avoid asking someone out on a date, the more paralyzed you'll feel about taking such actions in the future. You are literally conditioning yourself to become more timid and mouse-like.Such avoidance behavior causes stagnation in the long run. As you get older, you reinforce your fear reactions to the point where it's hard to even imagine yourself standing up to your fears. You begin taking your fears for granted; they become real to you. You cocoon yourself into a life that insulates you from all these fears: a stable but unhappy marriage, a job that doesn't require you to take risks, an income that keeps you comfortable. Then you rationalize your behavior: You have a family to support and can't take risks, you're too old to shift careers, you can't lose weight because you have "fat" genes. Five years... ten years... twenty years pass, and you realize that your life hasn't changed all that much. You've settled down. All that's really left now is to live out the remainder of your years as contently as possible and then settle yourself into the ground, where you'll finally achieve total safety and security.But there's something else going on behind the scenes, isn't there? That tiny voice in the back of your mind recalls that this isn't the kind of life you wanted to live. It wants more, much more. It wants you to become far wealthier, to have an outstanding relationship, to get your body in peak physical condition, to learn new skills, to travel the world, to have lots of wonderful friends, to help people in need, to make a meaningful difference. That voice tells you that settling into a job where you sell widgets the rest of your life just won't cut it. That voice frowns at you when you catch a glance of your oversized belly in the mirror or get winded going up a flight of stairs. It beams disappointment when it sees what's become of your family. It tells you that the reason you have trouble motivating yourself is that you aren't doing what you really ought to be doing with your life... because you're afraid. And if you refuse to listen, it will always be there, nagging you about your mediocre results until you die, full of regrets for what might have been.So how do you respond to this ornery voice that won't shut up? What do you do when confronted by that gut feeling that something just isn't right in your life? What's your favorite way to silence it? Maybe drown it out by watching TV, listening to the radio, working long hours at an unfulfilling job, or consuming alcohol and caffeine and sugar.But whenever you do this, you lower your level of consciousness. You sink closer towards an instinctive animal and move away from becoming a fully conscious human being. You react to life instead of proactively going after your goals. You fall into a state of learned helplessness, where you begin to believe that your goals are no longer possible or practical for you. You become more and more like a mouse, even trying to convince yourself that life as a mouse might not be so bad after all, since everyone around you seems to be OK with it. You surround yourself with your fellow mice, and on the rare occasions that you encounter a fully conscious human being, it scares the hell out of you to remember how much of your own courage has been lost.Raise Your ConsciousnessLife shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais NinCourage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.
- Amelia EarhartYou gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor RooseveltThe way out of this vicious cycle is to summon your courage and confront that inner voice. Find a place where you can be alone with pen and paper (or computer and keyboard). Listen to that voice, and face up to what it's telling you, no matter how difficult it is to hear. (The voice is just an abstraction - you may not hear words at all; instead you may see what you should be doing or simply feel it emotionally. But I'll continue to refer to the voice for the sake of example.) This voice may tell you that your marriage has been dead for ten years, and you're refusing to face it because you're afraid of divorce. It may tell you that you're afraid that if you start your own business, you'll probably fail, and that's why you're staying at a job that doesn't challenge you to grow. It may tell you that you've given up trying to lose weight because you've failed at it so many times, and you're addicted to food. It may tell you that the friends you're hanging out with now are incongruent with the person you want to be, and that you need to leave that reference group behind and build a new one. It may tell you that you always wanted to be an actor or writer, but you settled for a sales job because it seemed more safe and secure. It may tell you that you always wanted to help people in need, but you aren't doing so in the way you should. It may tell you that you're wasting your talents.See if you can reduce that voice to just a single word or two. What is it telling you to do? Leave. Quit. Speak. Write. Dance. Act. Exercise. Sell. Switch. Move on. Let go. Ask. Learn. Forgive. Whatever you get from this, write it down. Perhaps you even have different words for each area of your life.Now you have to take the difficult step of consciously acknowledging that this is what you really want. It's OK if you don't think it's possible for you. It's OK if you don't see how you could ever have it. But don't deny that you want it. You lower your consciousness when you do that. When you look at your overweight body, admit that you really want to be fit and healthy. When you light up that next cigarette, don't deny that you want to be a nonsmoker. When you meet the potential mate of your dreams, don't deny that you'd love to be in a relationship with that person. When you meet a person who seems to be at total peace with herself, don't deny that you crave that level of inner peace too. Get yourself out of denial. Move instead to a place where you admit, "I really do want this, but I just don't feel I currently have the ability to get it." It's perfectly OK to want something that you don't think you can have. And you're almost certainly wrong in concluding that you can't have it. But first, stop lying to yourself and pretending you don't really want it.Move From Fear to Action, Even if You Expect to FailWhen a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.
- Ralph Waldo EmersonMost of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.
- Orison Swett MardenCourage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.
- John Quincy AdamsNow that you've acknowledged some things you've been afraid to face, how do you feel? You probably still feel paralyzed against taking action. That's OK. While diving right in and confronting a fear head-on can be very effective, that may require more courage than you feel you can summon right now.The most important point I want you to learn from this article is that real courage is a mental skill, not an emotional one. Neurologically it means using the thinking neocortex part of your brain to override the emotional limbic impulses. In other words, you use your human intelligence, logic, and independent will to overcome the limitations you've inherited as an emotional mammal.Now this may make logical sense, but it's far easier said than done. You may logically know you're in no real danger if you get up on a stage and speak in front of 1000 people, but your fear kicks in anyway, and the imaginary threat prevents you from volunteering for anything like this. Or you may know you're in a dead end job, but you can't seem to bring yourself to say the words, "I quit."Courage, however, doesn't require that you take drastic action in these situations. Courage is a learned mental skill that you must condition, just as weight training strengthens your muscles. You wouldn't go into a gym for the first time and try to lift 300 pounds, so don't think that to be courageous you must tackle your most paralyzing fear right away.There are two methods I will suggest for building courage. The first approach is analogous to progressive weight training. Start with weights you can lift but which are challenging for you, and then progressively train up to heavier and heavier weights as you grow stronger. So tackle your smallest fears first, and progressively train up to bigger and bigger fears. Training yourself to lift 300 pounds isn't so hard if you've already lifted 290. Similarly, speaking in front of an audience of 1000 people isn't so tough once you've already spoken to 900.So grab a piece of paper, and write down one of your fears that you'd like to overcome. Then number from one to ten, and write out ten variations of this fear, with number one being the least anxiety-producing and number ten being the most anxiety-producing. This is your fear hierarchy. For example, if you're afraid of asking someone out on a date, then number one on your list might be going out to a public place and smiling at someone you find attractive (very mild fear). Number two might be smiling at ten attractive strangers in a single day. Number ten might be asking out your ideal date in front of all your mutual friends, when you're almost certain you'll be turned down flat and everyone in the room will laugh (extreme fear). Now start by setting a goal to complete number one on your list. Once you've had that success (and success in this case simply means taking action, regardless of the outcome), then move on to number two, and so on, until you're ready to tackle number ten or you just don't feel the fear is limiting you anymore. You may need to adjust the items on your list to make them practical for you to actually experience. And if you ever feel the next step is too big, then break it down into additional gradients. If you can lift 290 pounds but not 300, then try 295 or even 291. Take this process as gradually as you need to, such that the next step is a mild challenge for you but one you feel fairly confident you can complete. And feel free to repeat a past step multiple times if you find it helpful to prepare you for the next step. Pace yourself.By following this progressive training process, you'll accomplish two things. You'll cease reinforcing the fear/avoidance response that you exhibited in the past. And you'll condition yourself to act more courageously in future situations. So your feelings of fear will diminish at the same time that your expression of courage grows. Neurologically you'll be weakening the limbic control over your actions while strengthening the neocortical control, gradually moving from unconscious mouse-like to conscious human-like behavior.The second approach to building courage is to acquire additional knowledge and skill within the domain of your fear. Confronting fears head-on can be helpful, but if your fear is largely due to ignorance and lack of skill, then you can usually reduce or eliminate the fear with information and training. For example, if you're afraid to quit your job and start your own business, even though you'd absolutely love to be in business for yourself, then start reading books and taking classes on how to start your own business. Spend an afternoon at your local library researching the subject, or do the research online. Join the local Chamber of Commerce and any relevant trade organizations in your field. Attend conferences. Build connections. Enlist the help of a mentor. Build your skill to the point where you start to feel confident that you could actually succeed, and this knowledge will help you act more boldly and courageously when you're ready. This method is especially effective when a large part of your fear is due to the unknown. Often just reading a book or two on the subject will be enough to dispel the fear where you're able to take action.These two methods are my personal favorites, but there are many additional ways to condition yourself to overcome fear, including neuro-linguistic programming, implosion therapy, systematic desensitization, and self-confrontation. You can research them via an online search engine if you wish to learn such methods and increase the number of fear-busting tools in your arsenal. Most of these can be easily self-administered (implosion therapy is the notable exception).The exact process you use to build courage isn't important. What's important is that you consciously do it. Just as your muscles will atrophy if you don't regularly stress them, your courage will atrophy if you don't consistently challenge yourself to face down your fears. In the absence of this kind of conscious conditioning, you'll automatically become weak in both body and mind. If you aren't regularly exercising your courage, then you are strengthening your fear by default; there is no middle ground. Just as your muscles automatically atrophy from lack of use, so your courage will automatically decay in the absence of conscious conditioning.Now this may sound overly gloomy, so here's a positive way to look at it. Heavy weights can be a physical burden, but they are helpful tools to build strong muscles. You would not look at a 45-pound dumbbell and say, "Why must you be so heavy?" It is what it is. Heaviness is your thought, not an intrinsic property of the dumbbell itself. Similarly, do not look at the things you fear and say, "Why must you be so scary?" Fear is your reaction, not a property of the object of your anxiety.Fear is not your enemy. It is a compass pointing you to the areas where you need to grow. So when you encounter a new fear within yourself, celebrate it as an opportunity for growth, just as you would celebrate reaching a new personal best with strength training.Catch a Glimpse of Your Own GreatnessEveryone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.
- Erica JongThe highest courage is to dare to appear to be what one is.
- John Lancaster SpaldingWhatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
- Ralph Waldo EmersonSo what do you do with your newly developed courage? Where will it lead you? The answer is that it will permit you to lead a far more fulfilling and meaningful life. You will truly begin living as a daring human being instead of a timid mouse. You will uncover and develop your greatest talents. You will begin living far more consciously and deliberately than you ever have before. Instead of reacting to events, you will proactively manufacture your own events.Courage is something you can only truly experience alone. It is a private victory, not a public one. Summoning the courage to listen to your innermost desires is not a group activity and does not result from building a consensus with others. Kahlil Gibran writes in The Prophet, "The vision of one man lends not its wings to another man." The purpose of your existence is yours alone to discover. No one on earth has lived through the exact same experiences you have, and no one thinks the exact same thoughts you do.On the one hand, this is a lonely realization. Whether you live alone or enjoy the deepest intimacy with a loving partner, deep down you must still face the reality that your life is yours alone to live. You can choose to temporarily yield control of your life to others, whether it be to a company, a spouse, or simply to the pressures of daily living, but you can never give away your personal responsibility for the results. Whether you assume direct and conscious control over your life or merely react to events as they happen to you, you and you alone must bear the consequences.If you commit to following the path of courage, you will ultimately be forced to confront what is perhaps the greatest fear of all - that you are far more powerful and capable than you initially realized, that your ultimate potential is far greater than anything you've experienced in your past, and that with this power comes tremendous responsibility. You may not be able to solve all the woes of this planet, but if you ever do commit yourself 100% to the fulfillment of your true potential, you can significantly impact the lives of many people, and that impact will ripple through the future for generations to come.What is the difference between you and one of those legendary historical figures who did have such an impact? You both had many of the same fears. You both were born with talents in some areas and weaknesses in others. The only thing stopping you is fear, and the only thing that will get you past it is courage. What you do with your life isn't up to your parents, your boss, or your spouse. It's up to you and you alone.Catching a glimpse of your own greatness can be one of the most unsettling experiences imaginable. And even more disturbing is the awareness of the tremendous challenges that await you if you accept it. Living consciously is not an easy path, but it is a uniquely human experience, and it requires making the committed decision to permanently let go of that mouse within you. Going after your greatest and most ambitious dreams and experiencing failure and disappointment, running butt up against your most humbling human limitations instead of living with a comfortable padding of potential - these fears are common to us all.The first few times you encounter such fears, you may quickly retreat back to the illusory security of life as a mouse. But if you keep exercising your courage, you will eventually mature to the point where you can openly accept the challenges and responsibilities of life as a fully conscious human being. Continuing to live as a mouse will simply hold no more interest for you. You will acknowledge within the deepest recesses of your being, I have awakened to this incredible potential within me, and I accept what that will require of me. Whatever it costs me, whatever I must sacrifice to follow this path, bring it on. I'm ready. Even though you will still experience fear, you will recognize it for the illusion it is, and you will know how to use your human courage to face it down, such that fear will no longer have the power to stop you.Embrace the Daring AdventureBefore you embark on any path ask the question, does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it and then you must choose another path. The trouble is that nobody asks the question. And when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart the path is ready to kill him.
- Carlos CastanedaThe deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
- Kahlil GibranInaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
- Dale CarnegieAs you develop a sense of your true purpose in life, you may begin to feel an uneasy disconnect between your current life situation and the one you envision moving towards. These two worlds may seem so different to you that you cannot mentally conceive of how to build a bridge between them. How can you balance the practical reality of taking care of your third-dimensional obligations like earning money to pay your bills and taxes, pleasing your boss, raising your family, and maintaining social relationships with people who can't even relate to what you're experiencing vs. the new vision of yourself you desperately want to move towards. A whole host of new fears may crop up related to this seemingly impossible shift. How will you support yourself? What will become of your relationships? Are you just deluding yourself?The best advice I can give you here is to forget about trying to build a bridge. Focus instead on independently beginning the process of manifesting the new vision of yourself from scratch, as if it were a totally separate thread in your life. If this creates a temporary incongruence in your life, just do it anyway. For example, suppose you currently work as a divorce attorney, but your courage tells you that you must eventually abandon such adversarial work. You envision yourself passionately teaching couples how to heal their broken relationships. But you can't even fathom yourself as a trial lawyer trying to speak about healthy relationships, and on top of that problem, you can't see any way to make a decent living in this new career, at least not quickly. There's just too big a disconnect between this new vision and practical reality. So instead of trying to bridge this gap, just begin building your new vision completely from scratch in whatever time you have, even if it's only an hour or two each week. Keep doing your regular work as an attorney, but in your spare time, start posting anonymously on relationship message boards to give couples advice on how to heal their relationships. Use the oratory skills you developed as an attorney to begin speaking to small groups about healing relationships. Perhaps create a new web site, and start writing and posting articles about your new passion. You don't have to hide the fact that you're an attorney, but don't worry about bridging these two worlds. Live in paradox. Just start developing the new you, and allow the old one to continue in parallel for a while.What will happen is that you'll develop skill in your new undertaking, and you'll eventually be able to support yourself from it, even if you can't see how to do so right away. You may not be able to see a way to support yourself in your new vision right now, and that's fine. Just begin it anyway, doing it for free, without any concern of how to turn it into a new full-time career. Patiently wait for clarity; you will eventually find a way to make it work. Then when the time is right, you'll be able to peacefully let go of the old career and focus all your energy on the new one. At some point you'll be able to commit fully to your new self. Your passion for your new work will eventually overwhelm your fear of letting go of your old source of stability. So instead of trying to transform your old career into your new one, just start the process of building your new one, and let your old one gradually fade. Even if you can only invest an hour a week in your new undertaking, you will probably discover that this hour is more fulfilling to you than all the other hours put together, and that passion will drive you to find a way to gradually grow this presence until it fills up most of your days. The most important thing is to begin now by introducing your new vision of yourself to your daily life, even if you can only initially do so in a small way.No matter how difficult it may seem, make the choice to live consciously. Do not succumb to that half-conscious realm of fear-based thinking, filling your life with distractions to avoid facing what you feel in those silent spaces between your thoughts. Either exercise your human endowment of courage and progressively build the strength to face your deepest, darkest fears to live as the powerful being you truly are, or admit that your fears are too much for you, and embrace life as a mouse. But make this choice consciously and with full awareness of its consequences. If you are going to allow fear to win the battle for your life, then proclaim it the victor and forfeit the match. If you simply avoid living consciously and courageously, then that is equivalent to giving up on life itself, where your continued existence becomes little more than a waiting period before physical death - the nothing as opposed to the daring adventure.Don't die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be. You may go broke. You may experience failure and rejection repeatedly. You may endure multiple dysfunctional relationships. But these are all milestones along the path of a life lived courageously. They are your private victories, carving a deeper space within you to be filled with an abundance of joy, happiness, and fulfillment. So go ahead and feel the fear - then summon the courage to follow your dreams anyway. That is strength undefeatable.Copyright © Steve PavlinaSteve Pavlina
Personal Development for Smart People

http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog (blog)
http://www.stevepavlina.com/articles (articles)Steve is intensely growth-oriented. He trained in martial arts, ran the L.A. Marathon, and graduated from college in three semesters with two degrees. He can juggle, count cards at blackjack, and make damn good guacamole. Steve is also a polyphasic sleeper, sleeping just 2-3 hours per day and only 20 minutes at a time. So chances are good that he's awake right now.
Category : Trucks-SUVS

Promote Your Site through Niche Directories

Author : Lee Munson
Maybe you are a Doctor or a lawyer. You've built an excellent web site that looks good, has the potential to make huge sales and is well optimised for the search engines. You have arranged a large number of reciprocal links, you have submitted to all the free directories you could find and submitted articles wherever you could. Now it's time to sit down, relax and wait for the traffic to come flooding in? NO.As the internet expands it is becoming harder and harder for even the most excellent of web sites to rank well with the search engines. These days it would appear that getting a large number of quality backlinks, with good anchor text, is not a do once and forget operation. Your competitors are out there building links daily so you must keep up.With the huge and growing number of people online looking for goods and services amongst the mass of related websites, niche directories are coming into play.Niche directories are usually much smaller and have far fewer listings than regular paid directories and are almost without doubt a lot slimmer than the mass of free directories on the internet. As a webmaster, this is great news as it makes gaining a good, relevant and visible link to your site a lot easier. For visitors, your potential customers, a niche directory offers a handy way of finding what they are looking for quickly and easily.Although there may be a small cost in submitting to niche directories, their benefit to your site can potentially be huge, offering far greater ROI than, say, a Yellow pages advert or more expensive advertising on a large web site in your genre.If you feel it is time to gain a Niche Listing for your site then there is a handy categorised list at the author, Lee Munson's site - Niche Directories
Category : Gambling & Casinos

Caribbean Travel

Author : Damian Sofsian

The Caribbean, or the West Indies, is a group of islands and countries that are situated in, or border the Caribbean Sea, which lies on the Caribbean Plate. The islands of the Caribbean are located to the south and the east of Mexico. There are at least 7,000 islands, islets, reefs and cays in the region. The term "Caribbean" is used to refer to the islands of the Caribbean Sea, although sometimes those lying on the continental American coastline are included.If a holiday on the beaches is the travelers interest, then the enchanting and exhilarating Caribbean is just the destination to visit. The white sands and frothy waves coupled with the warm Caribbean hospitality make this an ideal vacation spot. This group of islands is a string of various independent island countries that include The Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, St. Lucia and other beautiful islands. Owing to the close proximity to the sea, water activities are a national pastime along with the rhythmic sounds of the Jamaican culture. This is also the birthplace of a form of music known as Roots Reggae.Historically, carnivals have been a part of the Caribbean culture. Its development has risen from the pre-Lenten European festivals combined with African music. On account of the British influence, the primary language is still English.Travel in the Caribbean is generally affordable. As roads are not comparable to what a traveler is used to seeing in countries of the Western World, renting a car is not recommended. Taxis are the best way of getting around the islands. They are easily available in all the islands and the government monitors the fares. It is advisable to determine the fare and the currency quoted prior to using the service. Full day or half-day tours of the island can be arranged with most taxi companies.The Caribbean has lived up to its reputation and a tourists expectations. The warmth of the people and the charm of these exotic islands enchant a visitor to this part of the world. Caribbean Travel Villas provides detailed information on Caribbean Travel, Caribbean Travel Villas, Caribbean Travel Cruises, Caribbean Travel Deals and more. Caribbean Travel Villas is affiliated with Cheap Caribbean Cruises.

Category : General Travel and Leisure

Reviving Vitamin E Studies That Challenge Claims of Wonder Supplement Also Leave Openings

Author : Mike Freije
The last year hasn't been a good one for vitamin E.Once considered a wonder supplement, an inexpensive and harmless pill that might prevent heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's, a flurry of recent clinical trials suggest it does none of those things.Some even suggest there is a small chance it could be harmful in higher doses.Yet while the oily little capsule apparently can't keep people alive longer, it refuses to die, in part because in nearly every one of the recent negative studies some caveat or contradictory finding creates a glimmer of hope.It also doesn't hurt that the dietary supplement industry continues to promote vitamin E and offers experts to refute some of new research."It doesn't go away," said Edgar Miller, a vitamin E researcher and associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University. "Why does it keep selling when there are so many of these negative studies?"The answer appears to be a combination of factors, including years of promising laboratory, animal and epidemiological studies; heavy promotion by the dietary supplement industry; and, more recently, contradictory findings within studies showing no overall benefit.The required daily amount is 22 IU (international units). Many recent clinical trials have ranged from 300 IU to 2,000 IU.Recent clinical trials of high-dose vitamin E have led some researchers to speculate that vitamin E in megadoses may increase the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the bad kind.When cholesterol is oxidated, it contributes to coronary artery disease.There also is some concern that high amounts of vitamin E may displace other beneficial anti-oxidants from that average person's diet.Combining studiesConsider these recent studies: In November, a vitamin E bombshell was dropped by Johns Hopkins University researchers at an American Heart Association meeting.They pooled 19 clinical trials of vitamin E involving 136,000 patients.In 11 of the high-dose trials (400 IU or more), the risk of dying from any cause increased 4%, compared with people taking placebos.Prior to that finding, vitamin E had been considered, at worst, harmless."People take anti-oxidants because they want to live longer," said Miller, an associate professor of medicine. "What we showed is you don't live longer."However, the analysis also suggested that lower doses of vitamin E (less than 150 I.U. a day) were associated with about a 2% reduction in deaths.Researchers acknowledged several potential shortcomings in their study.For instance, they noted that several of the high-dose trials involved people with various chronic diseases and may not apply to healthy individuals.They also said the small size of several of the trials in the analysis and inconsistent reporting of health events prevented a detailed look at the effect of various doses of the vitamin."It's a very flawed analysis," said Julie Buring, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who recently presented her own vitamin E research.She also said the 4% increased risk of death was not "clinically meaningful" and could be a chance finding.Women's health studyOn March 7, Buring and other Harvard scientists presented their own vitamin E study at the American College of Cardiology annual meeting.Once again, the vitamin threw researchers a curve.Analyzing data from the Women's Health Study, a trial involving 40,000 women who got either 600 IU of vitamin E every other day or a placebo, researchers found that it provided no overall cardiovascular benefit such as reduction in heart attacks or strokes.However, an analysis of a subgroup of women over 65 found a 26% reduction in cardiovascular events.Buring said that although the finding was "intriguing," it was not supported by previous research.She added that it needs confirmation.Adding even more confusion, the study found a statistically significant 24% reduction in cardiovascular deaths among all the vitamin E users.Buring also questioned that finding because there was no overall reduction in strokes and heart attacks. She said it was possible that it was due to other cardiovascular causes such as arrhythmias or heart failure, but there was no reasonable biological explanation for that."People should look at that further, but it could be chance," she said.Buring concluded that vitamin E was neither harmful nor beneficial in preventing cardiovascular disease.A surpriseAbout a week after the Women's Health Study, another controversial vitamin E finding was presented.The study involved 9,500 people aged 55 and older with vascular disease or diabetes who were followed for an average of seven years.It found that 400 IU of vitamin E a day provided no protection against cancer or major vascular events such as heart attacks or strokes.In addition, the study found a disturbing 13% increase in heart failure cases and 21% increase in heart failure hospitalizations.That was the first time that vitamin E had been associated with an increased risk of heart failure, said lead author Eva Lonn, a professor of medicine at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario."I am not convinced about the harm," Lonn added.Indeed, a recent small study of heart failure patients taking a cholesterol-lowering statin drug suggested that vitamin E actually increased the statin's ability to improve blood vessel function and lower inflammation.Lonn and the other researchers said a review of all heart failure events in large vitamin E clinical trials "is strongly recommended."Confounding the heart failure finding was what appeared to be a statistically significant 28% reduction in lung cancer cases, although in a secondary analysis of the data the benefit seemed to disappear."The numbers are small," Lonn said. "We think it's a chance finding."The researchers noted that other larger vitamin E trials showed no lung cancer benefit.Alzheimer's researchThere still is some hope that vitamin E might help prevent Alzheimer's disease, although in May a clinical trial of 769 patients with mild cognitive impairment found it was of no benefit in delaying the progression to Alzheimer's.In that trial, the patients took a mega dose 2,000 IU a day for up to three years, according to the findings in the New England Journal of Medicine.Other vitamin E / Alzheimer's trials are ongoing.The anti-oxidant vitamin enthusiasm of the 1990s is being tempered by clinical trials, according to a JAMA editorial that accompanied the Women's Health Study results."These hopes are now confined to modest expectations for specific disorders and there are concerns about adverse effects," the editorial said.Mike Freije from Health Shop

Category : Motivation

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Washer Woes: Part 2 - How To Replace A Water-inlet Valve

Author : Tyler Anderson
Getting your clothes clean is all about water temperature and choice of detergent. If you have trouble regulating your washer's water temperature, your water inlet valve may be at fault.This article follows up on the first article: Washer Woes: Part One – Water Temperature. If you've already read Part One and are still having problems regulating your washer's water temperature, read on to learn how to examine, test, and replace your water inlet valve.Water enters the water inlet valve through two hoses that originate from the hot and cold water taps in your wall. Solenoids inside the water inlet valve respond to the temperature selector switch and create the selected water temperature. The mixed hot and cold water exits the water inlet valve through a common hose, filling your washer with the correct temperature of water.Never attempt any repairs or maintenance on your washer without making sure the power to your washer is disconnected – you could be seriously injured if the power isn't disconnected.The water inlet valve is located at the back of your washer (inside the cabinet). Before examining the water inlet valve, check the water flow. Shut off the water taps (at the wall) and disconnect the hoses from the back of the washer. Place the disconnected end of each hose in an empty bucket and turn on the water. Now check the flow of water and to make sure the hoses aren't blocked.If the water flow appears to be correct, remove and examine the water inlet valve. The valve is held in place by two screws. Remove the screws and then disconnect the valve's washer fill hose by loosening the clamp that holds the hose in place on the valve.Now that the valve is removed, use a small, flat-head screwdriver to pop out the valve's inlet screens. Carefully inspect and clean any debris from the screens. Be careful not to damage the screens - they cannot be replaced. If the screens are free of debris, the next step is to test the valve.To test the water inlet valve, locate the wires attached to the terminals on each solenoid. Label the wires prior to removal so you can remember how to reconnect them. The wires are secured in place by metal slip-on connectors. When disconnecting the wires, use needle nose pliers to remove the connector from the terminal. Pull the connector, not the wire. If the terminals and connectors are rusty or corroded, replace the valve.If the connections are fine, test your water inlet valve for continuity. You can do this with a multitester. Set your multitester to the ohms resistance scale X1.Each solenoid has two terminals. Test one solenoid at a time by taking each of your meter's probes and touching one to each terminal. Readings can be different for each brand or model, but if you get a result of infinity, then the solenoid is damaged and the valve should be replaced.To replace the old valve with a new one, connect the fill hose to the new valve and secure it in place with the screws. Attach the wires to the solenoid terminals, and the water hot and cold water hoses to the valve openings. When everything is secured, turn on the water. Check the water inlet valve and hoses for leaks before turning on your washing machine and running it through a cycle.Sometimes there is no way of knowing what is wrong with your water inlet valve and replacing it may be the only solution. If you find this repair difficult to do, or if you don't have an ohmmeter or a multimeter, contact a service technician.Tyler Anderson is a writer for Total Appliance Parts: Helping you repair your washer and other major appliances. Learn how to repair your own appliance and find parts for your washer, dryer, refrigerator and more at EasyApplianceParts.com.Read Washer Woes: Part 1 – Water Temperature.
Category : Home-and-Family:Home-Appliances

End-Time Bible Prophecy Book Release: The Computer Age In Prophecy: Did The Bible Predict The Internet? By Ray L. Edwards

Author :

If you enjoibly studying the end-time prophecies of the Bible then you will want to add The Computer Age In Prophecy: Did The Bible Predict The Internet? to your library. Even if you have never read the Bible before you are bound to find this book very thought provoking.The Computer Age In Prophecy: Did The Bible Predict The Internet? is the first print-published book by author Ray L. Edwards, a native of St. Kitts, West Indies and resident of Endicott, New York. The subject matter of the book was shared by the author in many Bible Prophecy seminars that he conducted both in the United States and the Caribbean. It was the high interest expressed by these seminar attendees that motivated the author to share these revelations with a much wider audience.This is how the author, Ray L. Edwards, himself describes his work on Bible prophecy:This is a book that was demanded to be written. Every time I shared the amazing revelations presented in this work I was hounded by many seminar attendees afterwards who wanted to know where they could get their hands on more of this type of information. At least now I have an answer for them rather than just a promise. I could now say to them, Read The Computer Age In Prophecy: Did The Bible Predict The Internet?This 120-page paperback is available through all major online booksellers and can be ordered by bookstores at wholesale through Ingram Book Group. You can read the first three free preview chapters of The Computer Age In Prophecy online at <a href="http://www.computerageinprophecy.com/sample.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.computerageinprophecy.com/sample.pdf</a> and sample the unique and clear writing style of Ray L. Edwards for yourself. You may download the full ebook version from a link at the end of these preview chapters.Get yours today and experience a new angle to a very old Bible prophecy.The Computer Age In Prophecy: Did The Bible Predict The Internet? By Ray L. EdwardsISBN: 1-4184-2813-2 (Paperback)ISBN: 1-4140-8581-8 (e-book) , AuthorHouse

Category : General Domain Names