วันเสาร์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Identity Theft is Rather Silly if You Think About it

Author : Lance Winslow
You know the idea that someone would want to steal someone else's identity and become them is rather interesting philosophically speaking. In my life due to successes in sports, business, politics, writing and other various endeavors I have had people come up to me and say; I wish I was you. And I am thinking no you don't you dummy?Sure you might like the trappings of success, the victory, notoriety, money, etc., but I guarantee you do not want the adversity that comes along the way. In sports the grueling workouts, pain and unbelievable commitment. In business you certainly do not want the 27 years straight, 17-hour days with no days off. And in the build you up and tear you down game of politics, well you certainly do not want to incoming stones. As far as writing, few have the commitment to sit down and write 6111 articles so I doubt they would want that either.So you can imagine how philosophically intriguing to me it is to think about this stupid identity theft issue we see now, as criminal try to car-jack your credit rating and become you temporarily in order to get boatloads of free stuff and risk being locked up in the slammer you see. It has occurred to me that those who wish to hijack someone else's identity ought to also if and when caught walk in there shoes for a year or two and see what it is really like.In fact I believe if someone steals someone's identity they should be also made to pay off all their bills, loans, do their work and become that persons slave for two to three years and then see how they like it. Well that ought to teach them indeed, consider this punishment for identity theft criminals and you will be glad you did. Consider this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Category : Legal:Identity-Theft

EPO - The Endurance Athlete's Steroid

Author : David Petersen
Read the sports section of any newspaper lately and you will no doubt see the headlines dealing with Lance Armstrong’s alleged use of EPO. Apparently, he is accused of testing positive for having used the substance to enhance his performance during several Tour de France cycle races. Actually, the use of EPO in endurance exercise is nothing new and it has been recognized as an ergogenic or performance enhancing substance for several years. This article aims to provide some basic information on EPO, its mechanism of operation and the dangers involved with its use by athletes.What is EPO?EPO is an abbreviation for erthropoetin. Contrary to many of the articles currently in the media, erythropoietin is not a drug â€" it is a peptide hormone produced naturally in the body, manufactured and released from the kidney. The role of EPO is to stimulate bone marrow to manufacture more erythrocytes (red blood cells). This has the effect of increasing the hematocrit - the percentage of blood by volume composed of erythrocytes. Special oxygen sensitive cells in the kidney are able to determine the concentration of oxygen in the blood, and this is the suspected mechanism for its release into the blood stream.A good example of EPO’s working is the effect of increased altitude on blood oxygen concentration. As altitude progressively increases, atmospheric pressure decreases. Therefore the amount of air at altitude decreases, decreasing the available oxygen (nitrogen, carbon dioxide too) needed for respiration. The kidney cells detect this decrease in oxygen and release EPO into the bloodstream to stimulate the production of more erythrocytes. Erythrocytes contain a protein called hemoglobin, which via the blood circulatory system transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body and to a lesser degree carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it is exhaled.Why do athletes use EPO?Actually, the main use of administrating exogenous sources (not produced within the body) of EPO in humans is to treat patients suffering from anemia, especially those with kidney failure and those undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. However, with the recent great increase in genetic engineering technology, synthetic or recombinant EPO (rEPO) has become readily available and has come to be abused by athletes â€" especially endurance athletes. The theoretical logic for its use as an ergogenic aid in athletes is this: if you increase the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood (erythrocytes) above normal levels, then it follows that the muscles will receive more oxygen and be able to perform better and generate more power for longer periods of time, thereby significantly improving performance.This logic explains why some endurance athletes train at altitude or participate in the forbidden practice of “blood doping” as a means of boosting the number of erythrocytes. Blood doping involves drawing blood from an athlete to induce anemia, waiting a few weeks to allow erythropoietin to restore the hematocrit to normal levels (~ 45% men, ~ 42% women), and then reinfusing the athlete’s stored blood thereby boosting the erythrocyte density. Administration of rEPO is capable of producing performance benefits comparable to blood doping and significantly better results than several weeks or months of altitude training. An athlete may boost their hematocrit levels 3-4% within 4 weeks with rEPO use. As a result of this ergogenic effect, several athletic governing bodies have frowned upon blood doping and rEPO use, as they are essentially methods of cheating.How do you test for EPO abuse in athletes?Testing athletes suspected of rEPO abuse is complicated and may in large part explain athletes like Lance Armstrong’s predicament. Although there are some protocols for the detection of rEPO, unfortunately at this time it is difficult to perform these tests with a very high degree of accuracy. rEPO has very slight biochemical differences to EPO produced within the body and is detectable in urine, but its half-life is so short, it is usually undetectable within 12 hours of administration. Another method of detection is to measure the athlete’s pre-competition hematocrit and percentage blood composed of reticulocytes (immature erythrocytes). Sports governing bodies like the International Cycling Union have placed a ceiling on athlete pre-competition hematocrit values at 50% (that is 50% of the blood volume is erythrocytes) and reticulocyte values at 2.4%. Reticulocytes begin to appear in the blood immediately after a rEPO dose and then later mature into erythrocytes. The value of 50% is “theoretically” proposed as the maximal hematocrit that can be achieved though natural physical conditioning means.This method of setting a ceiling value is somewhat flawed however, as it may discriminate against the very few exceptional athletes (Lance Armstrong included) having a naturally higher training-induced hematocrit. In other words, it may be difficult to discriminate between a superior athlete with a genetically higher hematocit that may have boosted their levels “naturally” by performing altitude training and one that received the unfair advantage from simply taking several doses of rEPO. In the future, it is likely that rEPO and anabolic steroid hormone manufacturers will be required to attach an identifying chemical “tag” to their products to assist with detection.What are the dangers associated with uncontrolled EPO abuse?As with most ergogenic substances, there is usually a downside associated with their use. Although its recent track record is relatively clean, the health risks associated with its uncontrolled rEPO use have in some instances proven deadly. There is a strong link between the deaths of several Dutch cyclists and their apparent use of rEPO in the early 1980’s. The explanation for the deaths is suspected as an excessive proliferation of erythrocytes, producing a condition known as polycythemia.As the hematocrit increases, the other main component of blood called plasma decreases. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood, and under normal conditions forms about 55% per unit volume. In a condition such as polycythemia, the blood becomes thicker - almost sludgy, making it increasingly difficult for the heart to pump blood though the body. Again is unclear of the exact cause of the deaths but it is likely that heart attacks were responsible. The increased viscosity of the blood also increases blood pressure and the risk of a clotting incident like a stroke. Just as the temptation exists for the use of any performance-enhancing product, there is the associated temptation to experiment with ever increasing doses, so the risks associated with rEPO use by the inexperienced user are quite real.In conclusion, this article has aimed to provide some basic information on EPO and it effects on exercise and sport performance. Although there are some disadvantages associated with its use, it is probably the most effective ergogenic substance available today for endurance events. The benefits of rEPO on endurance-type exercise are comparable to the effects of anabolic steroids in events that rely heavily on strength and power. The future usefulness of EPO remains to be seen; but as science and technology advance, it is likely that rEPO may be replaced by less detectable and more effective substances such as recombinant hemoglobin and possibly even injectable genes.David Petersen is a Personal Trainer/Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and the owner and founder of B.O.S.S. Fitness Inc. based in Oldsmar, Florida. More articles and information can be found at http://www.bossfitness.comNOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this note, author information and all LIVE website links as above.
Category : Coaching

Hurricanes and Audio Internet Streaming

Author : Lance Winslow
Have you consider adding audio Internet streaming to your web site? What kinds of sounds might you put on your web site to entertain your web site visitors? There are all kinds of things no doubt, which are part of your industry or perhaps famous quotes, which might fit nicely in the context of your web site and go along with the venue.One thing that people tend to like it is hurricane winds and you can usually pick up a sound bite or two on the Internet for free. It is quite simple you can cut and paste the sound bite and look for commonality on the sound waves so that you can find a place to loop it so it does not take up too much space or cause problems with Internet users who wish to listen to it.It appears that during the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season that Internet users searched the word; Hurricane; more than any other word on Google. And if that means that people will come to your web site and listen to be hurricane audio Internet streaming if you put it up. This is good to know and it might be something that is very interesting to what is going on in the world and something that will be enjoyable for the Internet users to which visits your site. It is really easy to do and it does not take up too much space and you can loop a little sequence and everyone will love it. Consider this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Category : Business:Audio-Streaming

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Amazingly true, earn money with lousy videos

Author : Doctor Wealthy

If your looking for a new ethical easy way to earn money you should look no further. Doctor Wealthy creates a guide on how to earn money with lousy videos, He doesnt care about fame he just wants to expand his business while keeping a low profile. Doctor Wealthy dont play games like most of the guys, he doesnt get people hyped by fake bank statements and checks. He simply lets you decide for a full 60 days to see if you can or cannot make money with his guide. However if you cant follow the simply instructions laid in his guide he will advise you to go see your doctor to see if your brain is working since you couldnt follow his simple instuctions His guide isnt something from the scammers corner, his rich and legit. Apparently theres been a couple of jealous gurus assaulting his website only because he makes more money with a strategy that they didnt want to be revealed. He doesnt BS like these guys he decided to offer people the real deal, a actual guide t make money and its so simple a little kid can follow the simple instructions laid out. People like doctor wealthy rarely come out to give people the legit money making system, most of the guys are scammers. His guide is nice simple and short and to top it off he offers 60 days money back guarantee. If you,ve been scamed then i suggest you visit Doctor Wealthy (WWW.DOCTORWEALTHY.NET) this guys dont play games. he wants to show serious people serious money.Visit Doctor Wealthy's site and you can see what his really talking about, I find him very intersting his guide is nice and simple for making money. When you buy his guide just dont get mad you never thought of the strategies youself, i nearly broke a window. Well enough said if you really want to make mone you should to Doctor Wealthy's website (WWW.DOCTORWEALTHY.NET) P.S. You better hurry up doctor wealthy's guide isnt going to stay cheap forever. You shoul act fast to get your copy of the guide i got mine.

Category : General EBooks

Why Talking A Golf Training System Isn't Always The Answer - Part 1

Author : myemails888

Golfers will do anything they can in hopes to play better golf and hit the LONG ball. Am I right? Are you in this group of golfers? If so, I?m quite confident to say you?ve taken a golf training system / lesson or or two. Golf training lessons can be very effective in getting you back on track, if your swing has gone south. But, not always....Why is that so? Let me explain...How many golf training or lesson have you taken, only to be more frustrated, disappointing at your scores & performance and hitting the ball worse than before that golf lesson? Do you know why this is happening even to veteran golfers? It can be many different reasons, such as too many swing thoughts and possibly your behavior; making drastic changes that require hours at the range and hitting thousands of balls; or lastly, your body just can?t effectively move in the way it needs to, to make a mechanically correct golf swing, and many more hidden reasons....I?m inclined to say that for the majority of golfers, especially the older golfer, it?s the last reason above. Your body just can?t move the way it needs to. The question now is, why is that so? Why can?t your body do what you know it needs to do to swing the club correctly? It can drive you to the point of quitting the game. But there is hope. There is an approach that will almost 100% of the time correct this problem. Do you want to know what it is? It?s addressing your ?physical body and your mind limitations?. That?s what?s keeping you from a great game of golf. Do you know that hypnotherapy and even the misconceived NLP can improve your game of golf?Do you ever get on the course and just feel like you can?t make a full backswing? Or, it just feels impossible to maintain your golf posture and ?stay in your swing?? No amount of golf training systems or lessons or hitting balls will correct this. The reason is your "physical and mind? issue, and until you work on it, it will never get better. I?ve seen it time and time again. Golfers walking off the course in pure disgust. They?ve taken many golf training systems or even paying tons of money for lessons that they already knew, hit balls at the range, and even bought the latest, greatest titanium drive; and yet still can?t play like they think they are capable of.Stay tuned for Part 2 of "Why Talking A Golf Training System Isn't Always The Answer?"Eddy's website is about golf and its secret golf training system. Please visit golf training system for more information. Eddy's website is about golf and its secret golf training system. Please visit golf training system for more info.

Category : General Sports: Golf

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Designing your Web Site for ALL Browsers

Author : David Bell


วันอังคารที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Become a Bodybuilding Champion - The Art of Bodybuilding!

Author : Greg Ryan
Yes, bodybuilding is an art! As the Potter molds the clay, so does the individual sculpt the body and mind. To the naked eye, most only see the exterior finish, to the champion; the art is in their history and in Rome.The sport of bodybuilding dates back to the Roman days of the gladiator. While what may seem as meaningless posing and superficial gazing to some, to others who participate and understand reaches far deeper into the roots of tradition.Bodybuilding is unique in that it combines the unknown elements of human nature with nutritional science, exercise and psychology. As different as a finger print is the outcome of ones process of becoming a champion. A true champion believes the art of bodybuilding lies not in his/her external stature, but in the depths of their purpose for doing so. And for the true champion, greatness needs no explanation!The sport of bodybuilding is about preparation, presentation and perseverance. To be a champion bodybuilder one must connect history with present day purpose. Without this one will never understand the true meaning of what it takes in becoming a true bodybuilding champion.Preparation:Proper preparation consists of three elements: consistency, variety and efficiency. No matter what your goals are; consistent training, eating right and recuperation time all play a vital role in becoming a champion. There are no short cuts or off seasons!Presentation:As important as the preparation is the presentation. Whether it is a running event, game or bodybuilding competition it matters not, what is important is that moment in time on display. While many unknowns abound during your time in the spot light, presentations can be mastered by prior visualition of the event, studying event criteria and asking for advice from those before you. As any champion knows it only takes seconds to become a second place finisher.Perseverance:With out hard work champions are at best mediocre. There can be no seasonal or part-timers. Taking short cuts will only by you time to when you will pay the price either physically, mentally or potentially.Personally, in the beginning I did not know I would be a champion, but what I did believe was sooner or later I would end up in Rome. Rome was not built in a day nor are champions. With a one day at a time attitude, in my mind it was only a matter of time to be where others only wished. Proper planning prevents poor performance!It is only you who can become what only you can believe! Be a champion!START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY!
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Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith,
and high profile fitness expert.
Category : Coaching

The Hidden Benefit Of Computer Certifications

Author : Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933
The web is covered with stories regarding the benefits of professional computer certification, and most of them are backed up with salary surveys and the like. While thereÂ’s certainly nothing wrong with making more money and having better job prospects, thereÂ’s one benefit of certification that many candidates forget about.


You canÂ’t pay your rent with confidence you canÂ’t pay for gas with confidence you canÂ’t pay for ANYTHING with confidence, right? So who cares, right?

Wrong. The confidence you build from truly earning a certification, whether itÂ’s an MCSE, CCNA, or CCIE, cannot be purchased, borrowed, or stolen. It has to be earned.

What do I mean by “truly earned”? First, I’m referring to those little documents out there generally referred to as “braindumps”. If you buy one of these things and happen to skate by a certification exam, did you learn anything? No. Did you learn anything? No. Are you going to be effective on the job? No. As I tell my students, when you’re standing in front of a server or router that isn’t working, and all eyes are on you to troubleshoot the problem, the correct answer is not “B”. There is no multiple choice.

Secondly, IÂ’m referring to the hope that the certification you earn was earned by taking a demanding exam.

Now, you’re probably thinking “okay, Chris has lost his mind. I should HOPE the test is demanding?”

Yes, you should. ThereÂ’s nothing more useless than earning a certification thatÂ’s easy to get. ThereÂ’s no feeling of pride, of achievement furthermore, if everyone else has that certification, what value does it have?

I can speak from experience on this one. Those of you relatively new to the field may never have used NT 4.0, but the MCSE NT 4.0 was the certification that ended up causing a lot of damage to the value of professional certifications. EVERYBODY had one. The tests were repetitive and far too simple, there were no simulation questions, and the exams required no real hands-on experience.

As a result, my MCSE NT 4.0 had little value. I also felt no sense of pride in achieving it.

Thankfully, exam vendors and authors seem to have learned their lesson. Cisco exams are not easy to pass, and the initial Cisco certification, the CCNA, demands hands-on knowledge and experience. Microsoft is (finally) adding simulator questions to their certification exams as well, and the MCSE exams have gotten tougher as well.

So if you should happen to fail an exam along the way to the top Ââ€" and almost all of us do Ââ€" just keep in mind that if the exams were not demanding, they would have no value.

After all, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Choosing Cameo Jewelry

Author : Blue Crockatt
Since cameos have been first made people have loved them & worn them. It makes such amazing jewelry that it just wont ever become outfashioned. It is certainly a mark of prestige for many & sophistication but anyone can wear a cameo. May it be on a velvet chocker or a stunning ring it just goes with any style. Now a days cameos are either hand sculpted from shell or other gemstone or molded out in many different materials.When it comes to choosing between handcarved or not you will be confronted with different types of marketing pushing either one. Handcarved pieces of course are all unique, some ladies profiles (as you will notice) are not really perfect. You might end up with a little weird nose or chin and you will definatly pay big bucks for handcrafted pieces made out out of genuine shell or gemstones. Still, for many those are the real thing & they wont consider anything else.If on the other hand, you don't mind the material as long as it look good & is durable you will be pleased to find many at affordable prices. Those very detailed perfect cameos are being molded mostly out of resin. You will find them in a variety of sizes & colors such as blue, purple, violet, green, carnelian, black, pink & more. Those are durable & you always get that perfect profile in beautiful details.Also the style is to consider, anything can figure on a cameo but mostly women are represented. Some have long wavy hair, other large hats, mostly young beautiful women with lots of grace. Also, flowers are a commun thing to find on cameos, may it be along with a lady's profile or on their own. Roses are the most represented along with carnelians. Many animals are also represented like horse, butterflies & more.You can also find your astrological sign with or without the sign's inscription written next to the zodiac design.For some great exemples of resin cameos visit the following link, you will find a variety of cameos to choose from with every item:http://www.sterlingsilverart.com/index.php/cPath/37All those may be mounted in rings, pendants, pins, earrings, bracelets and much more so there is a lot to consider when purchasing a cameo piece. Shop around & you will surely find many different styles & yours for sure!Silversmithing artist knowed for her beautiful selection of handmade personnalized caduceus jewlery & much more!
Category : Shopping:Jewelry-Diamonds