วันพุธที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Paying for your Child's College Education

Author : Cindy Morus

This is probably the most intensive short-term cash drain on any
family's finances. Unlike most other big- ticket items, such as
homes or automobiles, that can be paid off in monthly
installments, college tuition must be paid out over a relatively
short period of time. With tuition at staggeringly high levels
throughout the nation, a family's commitment to provide higher
education for children can be overwhelming.

Ideally, a long-term plan for college education was initiated
from the birth date of your college-bound student. There is no
better way to ensure a child's education that a systematic
savings plan. But this is not an ideal world, many of us must
finance part of the college education out of the monthly family

Before selecting a college, parents need to: Determine how much
funding can be available from conventional sources such as
savings, income from the family budget, trusts, and part-time
jobs, if more money is needed.

Explore the availability of scholarships, low-interest student
and parent loans, second mortgages, and conventional loans.

Examine their own life insurance policies and retirement
programs to ensure that college funds will be available in the
event of their death.

Cost is not the only factor to be considered when selecting a
college. While private colleges are generally more expensive
than public colleges, they often have a wealth of financial aid
programs that will make the tuition bite less severe. Many state
and community colleges also have scholarships and loans

Libraries and bookstores carry many excellent college guides
that give detailed information on individual college tuition
charges academic programs. Keep in mind that most colleges have
a financial aid office to assist students in determining when
financial assistance may be available.

Tuition and associated fees increase by 6% each year (or more!)

Category : Music

วันอังคารที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

New Jeep Patriot to debut at the Geneva Motor Show

Author : Lisa Ziegler

The Jeep brand is continuously expanding and conquering new territories with the premiere of its new Jeep Patriot at the Geneva Motor Show for this week. The Patriot is Jeeps new entry-level price point in the UK once it finally launches this summer. The Patriot combines interior flexibility and packaging of an SUV but with the performance, fuel economy, handling, and price of a family hatchback. According to Peter Lambert, managing Director of Chrysler Group UK, You cant escape the fact that the new Jeep Patriot looks like a classic Jeep- but there is nothing old-fashioned about the performance and fuel economy of this compact SUV or its state-of-the-art four wheel drive system. He also added, The market place is changing and the Jeep brand is leading that change as the Compact SUV market grows. Our research shows that the Jeep Patriot appeals to younger customers that want more from their traditional family car young families want a vehicle that looks different but still offers plenty of room and practicality, together with great performance and fuel economy.And since safety is becoming the primary priority for customers, Jeep has made sure that the Patriot is loaded with many standard features including side-curtain airbags, anti-lock brakes (ABS), ESP or Electronic Stability Programme with Electronic Roll Mitigation and the Freedom Drive I full-time and active four-wheel drive system. Add to that the top-of-the-line auto parts and accessories like Jeep car cover which boosts Patriots tremendous value. Lambert further stated, Small family cars with four-wheel drive systems are becoming more sought after as they offer better handling and enhanced safety on the road. The higher seating position of the Patriot, together with the new four-wheel drive system that automatically switches from front to four-wheel drive if you lose traction, offers drivers a real advantage in everyday driving conditions. The Patriot is as much at home on wet and icy tarmac as on mud, sand, or snow and still manages to achieve a class-leading 43.5 mpg.The Jeep Patriot is available in two variants: the Patriot Limited and Patriot Sport both are to be offered in the UK and will have a price below the Jeep Compass Limited model. The official launching of the Patriots range in the UK is scheduled in July 2007 and will also include the introduction of a VW-sourced 138bhp 2.0 liter six-speed manual diesel engine and a 168 bhp 2.4 liter petrol engine with a five-speed manual or a CVT automatic gearbox. Lisa Ziegler is a 29-year old native of Waldport, Oregon and is currently working as a senior research analyst in a top Automotive Research Consultancy firm.

Category : General Automotive

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

RSS Works: Hard Metrics to Prove It

Author : Rok Hrastnik
Marketers are constantly asking if RSS marketing works and if this can be proved.It's time to take a look at some real-life RSS metrics from real-life marketers. These will show you what kind of results you can expect to see from RSS.I first presented this data at the Syndicate Conference in New York City, the first conference entirely devoted to RSS.To make a point, we’ll take a look at RSS metrics from 4 different viewpoints, each demonstrating one facet of RSS marketing and a different way of capturing RSS metrics. This data combined will give you the answer of whether RSS marketing is for you, as an addition to e-mail marketing, or not.1. CLICK-THROUGH RATES FROM RSS FEED TO SITE: THE RSS AGGREGATOR SIDERSS statistics should be most relevant when coming from actual RSS aggregators and their vendors, since these people can measure precisely how their users are actually using RSS.Customer Reader [http://www.customreader.com], who just recently launched a desktop RSS aggregator, which marketers can brand for themselves and then distribute to their readers, supplied us with their latest data. This data is based on 3,500 users of their brandable RSS aggregator and on the last [two weeks ago] 48 hours of their reader usage.The most interesting piece of data is the 23% average CTR (click-through rate) from feed to site within last 48 hours, which proves that RSS works in terms of getting readers from the outbout message to the site. RSS users are actually clicking on RSS content!Now, what is the “feed-to-side” CTR? It simply means that 23% of the end-users that subscribe to various feeds, clicked at least once on one of the content items in the feeds they are subscribed to.2. CLICK-THROUGH RATES FROM CONTENT ITEM TO SITE: THE RSS SOLUTION VENDOR SIDEConsidering the different RSS metrics systems and the fact that no marketing tool whatsoever can be measured 100% precisely from the outside tracking service side, seeing stats from RSS solutions vendors is important as well.On this end, some basic stats were supplied from SimpleFeed [http://www.simplefeed.com], the providers of one of the more advanced RSS marketing solutions.The stats are based on an app. 10,000 end-user sample, 30 day average and 4 months of data.They are seeing a 6.8% average CTR from content item [individual content item in an RSS feed] to site and a 150% [1.5 clicks] average CTR from feed to site within 30 days.3. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND CLICK-THROUGH RATES: THE MARKETER/PUBLISHER SIDEAnd finally, let's take a look at the stats from the publisher/marketer point of view.Lockergnome.com is one of the most popular tech sites on the internet.Although they are serving a more tech savvy audience, Lockergnome is an excellent example of the results you can ultimately hope to achieve using RSS.First of all, they are seeing a ration of 5:1 in favor of the number of RSS subscribers against e-mail subscribers, and even more interesting, a 500% better clickthrough ratio with RSS than with e-mail.4. SEARCH ENGINE VISIBILITYThe BTI Group is a smaller VoIP provider and, through their high ranking blogsite [http://blog.btigroup.com/], the proof that RSS works for search engine positioning.Here are just some of their achievements, as a result of their RSS marketing activities …a] 120 page-one search results on important industry search terms
#1 Voip vs traditional phone system
#1 VoIP solution provider
#2 VoIP small business
#2 VoIP architecture
#5 VoIP phone equipment
#6 VoIP benefits
#7 VoIP Small Business costsb] A 75% increase in traffic to the corporate websitec] BTI’s link popularity jumped from 164 in June 2003 to 1312 in December 2004 to 1405 in February 2005OVERVIEWThese metrics clearly show that RSS works for marketers and publishers.This data alone, also considering that RSS clearly gets 100% of your content delivered and actually provides you with an abundance of new marketing opportunities, such as podcasting, should be enough to make you do something about RSS now.Copyright 2005 Rok HrastnikRok Hrastnik is the author of »Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of RSS«, acclaimed as the best and most comprehensive guide to RSS for marketers by leading RSS experts. The complete guide on RSS for marketers: http://rss.marketingstudies.net/index.html?src=sa7
Category : Extreme

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Author : Devon Brown

When you think about it, getting people to join your MLM program has to do with just 2 things1. Exposure2. SalesLets keep this simple.Your goal in Network Marketing is NOT to make sure that you 500 bottles of wonder juice sitting in your garage. Your goal is to get other people in your downline. The more people in your downline the more money you make. Its as simple as that.So...The question now becomes:"How do we get people in our downline?"The answer comes down to doing 2 thingsPart 1Expose your business to as many people as possible.Generally speaking (if we use the 80/20 rule), if you expose your business to 100 people then maybe 20 will express interest in your opportunity.Part 2Take the 20 who have expressed interest and then make a sales presentation to them. If we're using the 80/20 rule again then 4 of them will actually join your business.It goes without saying that now those four who just joined your business must now do the process that you just did.So riddle me this batman...How do we automate this process?There are many ways to Expose your business:1. In home meetings2. Talking to friends and family3. Placing classified ads4. Handing our CD's or DVD's to strangers on the streetBut are any of these automated?Likewise...there are many ways to "sell" someone on your business.1. Take them to a live conference call2. Make a personal sales presentation3. 3-way them to your uplineBut are any of these automated?The reason I'm talking about automation is because as the title of this article is: "Expose, Sell, and Repeat the Process"But if the process is neither simple nor easy then it's not going to be very repeatable.It comes down to asking yourself the right questions.The question we should be asking ourselves is:"How do we make the processes of exposure and sales automated so that we can make the duplication process as simple/easy as possible for people to accomplish?"As I've stated in other articles I've written, Ease and Simplicity are two of the keys to success. Unfortunately, the higher ups in most MLM Companies don't seem to understand this little concept.If they did, maybe the industry wouldnt have a 97% failure rate. Devon Brown (a.k.a The MLM Success Renegade) Is one of the fastest up and coming superstars in the Network Marketing Industry. Devon is showing the Network Marketing world why the MLM companies and Gurus have it all wrong! Learn more about Devon, his Ideas On 100% Automatic Recruiting and His Powerful Concept of Simplified Duplication by visiting: Simplified Duplication

Category : General MLM

วันอังคารที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

For your Information (FYI) - Bankruptcy

Author : Robert Hanania
People view bankruptcy as a wake up call and well they should because that means they hit the bottom of the barrel and are now scratching the bottom - for more cash! If you believe misery loves company be secure in the knowledge that there are at least 1.5 million people in there with you, that's how many filed for bankruptcy in the last year. Anyone can over-extend themselves and many do for more reasons than I could count.Filing for bankruptcy is not only used by the lower and middle class but the rich as well. Famous people have fallen into the hole and climbed out, people like:
Donald Trump, Filed in 1990 - Kim Basinger, in 1993 - Burt Reynolds, in 1996 Rembrandt, in 1656. I am not sure about the last one; he may still be trying to dig his way out!In the old days they would send people to debtors prison or even put them to death (not in America though), treating them like criminals. In these more civilized times the government not only banned this kind of barbaric action but made into law rules to protect us.The bankruptcy code, also known by title 2 of the United States code (11 U.S.C.,101-1330), has been put into place to protect the rights of the individual and corporations, giving them a fighting chance against dept collectors, bankruptcy courts having the final word. There are basically two kinds of dept, secured an unsecured. Secured is where the creditor has some kind of collateral, be it your car, boat, house, or any material thing of value that they can take possession of if the dept is not paid. Unsecured is simply just the opposite, where the creditor has no collateral at all. In this case if the dept is not paid all they can do is use a collection agency where they call you day and night. Also you have to watch out with an unsecured dept because if the balance is large enough the creditor can put a lean on your property by getting a court order. This will prevent anyone from selling their house and moving away in an attempt to hide from creditors.If you or anyone you know is behind on payments there is something they should know. Since 1997 the government stepped in to stop dept collectors and collection agencies from harassing and threatening people in the middle of the night and using unethical collection practices. The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) makes collections agencies follow certain guidelines. These are things collectors must do:
*Stop contacting you if the request is in writing and you dispute the dept in writing.
*Within 5 days of there first contact they must send you a letter stating the outstanding dept and creditor.
*If you want to dispute all or part of the dept the collection agency must stop contacting you until the creditor responds to your inquiry.
*If the collection agency wants to take you to court for the dept owed on behalf of the creditor it should summon you to the county where you now live or where you first singed the contract.Now, don't be alarmed just because a creditor threatens to sue you because most times it is just meant to scare people into paying on depts.Under the act (FDCPA) there are many things collection agencies can't do, some of which are:
*No calling you at work
*Indicating they may be working with the federal government
*No calling your friends or family
*Implying that you may go to jail, garnish your paychecks unless the dept holder plans to do itOur government, in its infinite wisdom reasoned a long time ago that if they send everyone to jail there is zero change of collecting on any dept on behalf of a creditor. You probably have heard of someone that has had there wages garnished, that is creditors who get a court order to take a piece of their check until the dept is paid. This is a common practice in states that allow wage garnishment and there is little you can do about it except for contacting an attorney. Did you know if you have an unpaid school loan or owe the IRS they don't even need a court order to garnish wages, even in states that normally don't allow this? You can bet on it, they can also take your tax refunds!As for personal property, in cases like a store dept (store credit card, personal check or payment plan) on an item like major appliances or furniture you may have bought they still need a court order to take it back, unless you let them in anyway. That's right! If you let them in without a court order they can come and get it back! Many times if is just not worth it for them to re-possess items because they have to go the process of getting a court order and pay someone to carry it out. Also it may be harder to sell a used item that may be stained or damaged. One final word on this point, remember on secured loans and cars there is a definite risk of repossession if the loan (mortgage or car finance) is not paid. There is usually too much money involved here for creditors to loose so these payments should be on top of your 'to pay' list!If you find collectors are not playing by the rules you should call an attorney or the Federal Trade Commission's response center at 1-877-382-4357 (FTC-HELP)
You can check out FDCPS's website at www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/dcpact.htm for more info.Robert is the owner and operator of this website: http://www.newmortgagefinance.com and a true fanatic of learning and sharing 'how to' material and info. If you love anything 'do it yourself'' you should visit this website and http://www.fileanddatarecovery.com.
Category : Finance:Bankruptcy

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

See the Birthday of Britney Spears & Other 1980s Star Babies

Author : Michael Cree

The 1980s was a glorious decade to say the least. This decade initiated great cultural and technological advances which still are shaping the world in which we live today. Companies launched in this decade include CNN, MTV, USA Today, and technology unleashed in this decade were the video recorder, personal computer, compact discs, satellite dishes and the grandaddy of video games today - Pac-Man.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the country, babies were nursing, beggining to crawl, walk or talk. These were no ordinary babies - but Star Babies. Of course at the time they were oblivious to their potential and the influence that they would later have on the lives of all of us. What made these Star Babies different from all the other children who share the same birthdates? Was it destiny, luck, hard work or a combination of all of these? You decide - meanwhile here are the birthdays of the top young stars of the early 1980s.

YOUNG STARS BORN 1980 - 1982

BORN IN 1980

1. Ashanti ( Douglas ), R&B Singer, 10/13/1980

2. Chelsea Clinton, Former First Daughter, 2/20/1980

3. Christina Aguilera, Pop Star, 12/18/1980

4. Christina Ricci, Actor, 2/12/1980

5. Michelle Kwan, Figure Skating Champion, 7/7/1980

6. Venus Williams, Tennis Champion, 6/7/1980

7. Jessica Simpson, Singer, 7/10/1980

Born In 1981

1. Alicia Keys, R&B Singer, 1/25/1981

2. Anna Kournikova, Tennis Player/Model, 6/7/1981

3. Barbara & Jenna Bush, First Daughters, 11/25/1981

4. Beyonce Knowles, Pop Star, 9/4/1981

5. Britney Spears, Pop Star, 12/02/1981

6. Craig David, R&B Singer, 5/5/1981

7. Elijah Wood, Actor, 1/28/1981

8. Ivanka Trump, Model, 10/30/1981

9. Jessica Alba, Actor, 4/28/1981

10. Josh Groban, Singer, 2/27/1981

11. Julia Stiles, Actor, 3/28/1981

12. Justin Timberlake, Pop Star, 1/31/1981

13. Natalie Portman, Actor, 6/9/1981

14. Paris Hilton, Celebrity, 2/17/1981

15. Serena Williams, Tennis Champion, 9/26/1981

16. Roger Federer, Tennis Champion, 8/8/1981

17. Nicole Ritchie, Celebrity, 9/21/1981

BORN IN 1982

1. Anna Paquin, Actor, 7/24/1982

2. Kelly Clarkson, Pop Singer, 4/24/1982

3. LeAnn Rimes, Country Singer, 8/28/1982

4. Leelee Sobieski, Actor, 6/10/1982

5. Tara Lipinski, Figure Skater, 6/10/1982

6. Andy Roddick, Tennis Champion, 8/30/1982

List compiled and copyrighted from various sources. Every effort was made to insure the acuracy of this list, but can not be certain of 100 percent acuracy. This listing may be copied in its entirety and displayed but must contain the following notation: Courtesy of Shop Femina: http://www.shopfemina.com

About the author:

Michael Cree was married in the 1980s and has two sons born in the 1980s. He is also the webmaster/owner of Shop Femina http://www.shopfemina.com

Category : Kids & Teen

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Interview for "Fragments of Reality" author Peter Cajander

Author : Juanita Watson
Today, Reader Views is talking with Peter Cajander, author of "Fragments of Reality: Daily Entries of Lived Life" from Helsinki, Finland. Peter is talking with Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views.Juanita: Thanks for talking with us today Peter. Please tell your readers what "Fragments of Reality: Daily Entries of Lived Life" is about.Peter: Thanks Juanita. It's a pleasure talking with you. The book is really about the everyday life we're living but often too distracted to see or observe ourselves. It tells and talks from a bit of a different angle about issues we all ponder and face in our lives.Juanita: What inspired you to write your book?Peter: The book came about in a relatively short period of time while a lot was happening in my life. I simply wrote down some of my personal observations that occurred during my various daily activities. I was compelled to share those issues that we all have in common but seldom speak or talk with others.Juanita: Hearing that "Fragments of Reality" unfolded when there was a lot happening in your life makes me wonder….do you think it takes a certain level of external pressures, or life experiences to push one to pondering the deeper meaning of life?Peter: Often that is the case. We very seldom do anything voluntarily. Many times the 'big' turning points or crises are the required changes that enable us to renew ourselves.Juanita: What topics to you discuss in "Fragments of Reality"?Peter: The book is about life and life is about everything. It has over 100 articles and poems ranging from happiness, relationships, love, death, money to tranquility and meditation to name a few.Juanita: You refer to the behavior of the mind not being completely trustworthy. What are some of the ways our mind plays tricks on us?Peter: Our mind distracts us from being in the very moment. Either we worry about the past or think about the future. But all those are just images and illusions in our mind. They are not real. We cannot change the past and the future has not yet arrived, still we are seldom here, right now. Everything happens only in the moment. How much of your life do you miss by not realizing it?Juanita: Why does the mind trick us in these ways?Peter: Mainly it has to do with the fact that we do not know who we are. We are afraid of being in the moment, with ourselves. We would rather fill the void moments by mp3-players, radio, or talking with someone. We are plain and simply restless, in our mind as well.Juanita: How long have you been contemplating the inner musings of mind and soul?Peter: I have always tried to have an open mind and observe things around and within. It's more like a state of mind or being like a child that is curious about everything and always asking silly questions.Juanita:"Fragments of Reality" is a collection of your deeply insightful, personal observations. What importance do you put on journaling and writing, and why? Would you suggest others write as a form of self exploration?Peter: Writing is just one way of expressing among others. It has its limitations compared to a live dialogue. However it is a great way to share ideas and experiences. For example, weblogs are a wonderful new way of writing that also enables better interaction directly with the readers. The style in weblogs can be very informal and therefore it could lower the bar to get started. If you haven't already, you definitely should at least give a try!Juanita: Your book is titled "Fragments of Reality." What is reality, and how can people having the same experience, and at the same time, have differing perceptions of that reality?Peter: Everybody has a different reality. It is based on our personal history, knowledge, experiences, assumptions, cultural background, observations, and so on. We only see and hear what we know.Juanita: Who has influenced and inspired you on your journey?Peter: I've been inspired by people in all walks of life - from great artists, musicians, philosophers, statesmen, but also by ordinary people. Every human being can be a source of inspiration – even the nature itself. Can you see it?Juanita: Do you think it takes a certain amount of contemplation, or inward thought to achieve true happiness?Peter: I think so. Trying to find happiness outside of oneself is a never-ending quest.Juanita: We seem to be living in a world that puts full priority on this external quest. Why do you think we are finding ourselves living in a world, and a time, with this many distractions?Peter: We are not outside of this world. We create this world. Therefore the distractions are out there as long as we prefer to have or need them. It is very easy to look outside and blame the circumstances or give excuses for not doing something because of some distractions. It requires a bit more character to make your own decisions and take life into one's own control, baring the consequences as well.Juanita: What have you found to be the key point to remember in one's pursuit of harmony and tranquility?Peter: First of all you have to be honest to yourself. Then all it takes is to be aware in the moment. Sounds easy but the trick is not to forget this while living…Juanita: Is it really possible to change our thought patterns and beliefs that lead us away from peace and harmony?Peter: Yes it is. The first step is to become aware of our repetitive thought-patterns and models. This is not easy and often the people around us can see them more clearly than we ourselves. The first chapter of the book is called 'Belief System' and it focuses on identifying some of these in order to help us to pinpoint them in our own thinking.Juanita: Peter, what have you found to be the meaning/s of life?Peter: To know ourself.Juanita: What are your hopes for readers of your book?Peter: Pick and choose. Select a topic of your current interest and ponder about it. I have received very good feedback from many readers who are reflecting on the book's topics in their daily lives and getting new insights and realizations. Enjoy and explore!Juanita: How can readers find out more about you and your endeavors?Peter: Naturally the book itself tells something about me. You can also visit the web-site http://www.fragmentsofreality.com/ for more information and contact me directly as well.Juanita: Peter, thank you for talking with us today. You've given your readers much to contemplate and hopefully they will be inspired to obtain a copy of "Fragments of Reality" and continue their explorations. Do you have any last thoughts for your readers?Peter: Thanks a lot Juanita. Sure, don't take life too seriously. Smile and have fun!Juanita Watson is the Assistant Editor for Reader Views.
Category : Self-Improvement