วันศุกร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Author : Devon Brown

When you think about it, getting people to join your MLM program has to do with just 2 things1. Exposure2. SalesLets keep this simple.Your goal in Network Marketing is NOT to make sure that you 500 bottles of wonder juice sitting in your garage. Your goal is to get other people in your downline. The more people in your downline the more money you make. Its as simple as that.So...The question now becomes:"How do we get people in our downline?"The answer comes down to doing 2 thingsPart 1Expose your business to as many people as possible.Generally speaking (if we use the 80/20 rule), if you expose your business to 100 people then maybe 20 will express interest in your opportunity.Part 2Take the 20 who have expressed interest and then make a sales presentation to them. If we're using the 80/20 rule again then 4 of them will actually join your business.It goes without saying that now those four who just joined your business must now do the process that you just did.So riddle me this batman...How do we automate this process?There are many ways to Expose your business:1. In home meetings2. Talking to friends and family3. Placing classified ads4. Handing our CD's or DVD's to strangers on the streetBut are any of these automated?Likewise...there are many ways to "sell" someone on your business.1. Take them to a live conference call2. Make a personal sales presentation3. 3-way them to your uplineBut are any of these automated?The reason I'm talking about automation is because as the title of this article is: "Expose, Sell, and Repeat the Process"But if the process is neither simple nor easy then it's not going to be very repeatable.It comes down to asking yourself the right questions.The question we should be asking ourselves is:"How do we make the processes of exposure and sales automated so that we can make the duplication process as simple/easy as possible for people to accomplish?"As I've stated in other articles I've written, Ease and Simplicity are two of the keys to success. Unfortunately, the higher ups in most MLM Companies don't seem to understand this little concept.If they did, maybe the industry wouldnt have a 97% failure rate. Devon Brown (a.k.a The MLM Success Renegade) Is one of the fastest up and coming superstars in the Network Marketing Industry. Devon is showing the Network Marketing world why the MLM companies and Gurus have it all wrong! Learn more about Devon, his Ideas On 100% Automatic Recruiting and His Powerful Concept of Simplified Duplication by visiting: Simplified Duplication

Category : General MLM

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Interesting post,

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