วันศุกร์ที่ 18 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Astrology: What is It?

Author : Michael Russell
Astrology is a science, which, together with the knowledge gained in astronomy, observes and records how celestial bodies and zodiacal influences affect life on our planet. Generally it is related to the effects upon humans, but also takes into account mineral life, vegetable life and animal life. The influences from the planets and beyond form complex patterns, much like weather conditions, and also indicate calm or turbulent atmospheres-but these are beyond the visible range of influence.The science is based upon the fact that at any particular point in time, a chart may be drawn up which records and focuses upon all the different incoming influences and energies upon the particular life concerned, and in this case, we consider an individual person. These vibrations which could be seen to correspond to different instruments in an orchestra, establish a co-operative and harmonious invisible climate to which that individual life has opportunity to respond, or, in the case of clashing energies, adverse conditions which the individual must learn to deal with.All energy, although invisible, is a power. The sun's light we can see and its power we can feel as we can to a lesser degree, the moon's energy. But that of the other planets, although it exists, is not obvious to the average person. However, since early history, we have acknowledged their subtle power and even named them as gods named in our days of the week.Regarding the influence of the other far galaxies and celestial energies, we must rely upon what the science of Astrology gives us as a basis to understand how human beings react to them. There is no better place to start our observations, but with ourselves, at the moment of our birth.At that very moment, there were astronomically calculated positions of the sun, moon and all the planets. The other planets were in particular location according to the system which designates different areas of the sky and to which have been given names of the zodiacal signs. And according to the hour of your birth, there was one of these twelve signs rising above the horizon. This is placed in your Astrological Chart as your Rising Sign and it is just as important as your well known Sun sign which we determine by the day and the month of birth. In the middle of all these influences we take our first breath by which we assert the beginning of our life.The influences which existed at the time of our birth however, are very strong and affect our personality, our basic temperament, early family life, and determine a great deal of our instinctive attitudes in thought and feeling, beyond those that develop through our environment. However, regarding human life it must be understood that each person by their free will, can react positively or negatively in any situation as we do under changing weather conditions. These initial influences will pervade much of our life as we live to capitalize on our good fortune and learn to cope with the difficulties in our circumstances.Although a professionally drawn up horoscope is seen as a set pattern, it should be understood to have certain flexibility. It is like a blueprint which the individual by use of free will, modify, utilize or alter the inherent tendencies and pattern of his life.Any experienced astrologer will confirm however, that the fundamental ingredients in the make up of a personality will not change quickly or easily. This allows certain confidence in analysing character and in predicting future circumstances.Astrological science can be applied in many ways - including personal health, psychology, relationships, analysing national conditions or in matters regarding world trends and events. Once the principles are known there is opportunity to apply the knowledge in the avenue of your personal interest in consultation with a professional astrologer.To quote Astrologer Dayne Rudhyar: "The young people...hope to find in astrology not only answers to poignant personal problems, but even more, some sort of inner security. Many of them...refusing to participate in a culture increasingly dominated by a de-humanized and de-natured approach to knowledge, long to discover their place and function in a more-than-human, universal or cosmic order."Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Astrology
Category : Arts-and-Entertainment:Astrology
