วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to use Self-Doubt as a Powerful Action Tool

Author : Michaela Scherr

One night last week after everyone had gone to bed, I sat by
myself fully immersed in a self-doubt session. What if my latest
e-book is a dud, what if my articles aren't up to scratch, what
if I'm doing the wrong thing, what on earth made me decide to
follow this path anyway (duh hello, you did...), what if, what
if, and more what if? The 'what ifs' haunted me for quite some
time that night.

So what did I do? Well, I recalled all my achievements, great
and small, how far I've actually come through making mistakes,
great and small, and learning from them. Satisfied with what I
came up with, I dusted myself off, gave myself a stern talking
to and was right as rain the following morning. Self-doubt means
to lack faith or confidence in oneself. However self-doubt can
be used as a powerful 'call to action' tool.

* Work with self-doubt; use it to your advantage. If having a
self-doubt moment or two get some feedback from people you

* Know that you're not alone when having a self-doubt moment. An
element of this is experienced by some of the best known people
on the planet - from top athletes, to movie directors, to
writers etc. The secret is to keep going, learning from what
didn't work and working on how to make it better.

* Learn to have faith and belief in your ability - recall and
link to past experiences where you've been successful, from the
small to the large, making note of any negative mind chatter.

* Write at least five foolscap pages of what your self-doubt
means to you. Write an equal amount of pages of how you will
challenge your self-doubt (and that negative mind chatter) and
send it packing.

* It's okay to cry or tear up some paper into a million pieces
then jump up and down on them (this can feel really good) as
long as it's short-lived. Once a self-doubt cleansing has been
completed, time to brush off and get back to it. This tip works
particularly well for me...

* Strike up friendships with people who have a positive
influence on you and let go of those that do not.

* If stuck in self-doubt mode, it's time for a bit of attitude

Ask yourself "What's important about my self-doubt?"

Continue asking yourself this question until you can go no

When you've reached your final answer ask yourself "What can I
do about this?"

* Be in the present moment. This where you can focus on actively
doing the now stuff instead of lamenting the past or yearning
for something in the future.

* Access inner peace. Sounds clichéd I know, however having this
enables one to keep coping and going whilst chaos reigns
supreme. The peace I speak of is not (although it's all very
nice) about harps, angels, or relaxation music, it's about
accessing a state of being that will help cope with the
'business as usual' happening around you.

Self-doubt can be a powerful tool. Having a self-doubt moment or
two means an opportunity for a bit of strategic planning has
presented itself to you. It can also be used as an opportunity
to double check your facts and figures. From experience, as soon
as all the boxes are ticked, the effects of the self-doubt
moment will start to recede making it much easier to get to

Michaela Scherr
Transformational Coach Brisbane Australia

Category : Customer Service
