วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Mastering The Power Of Expectation: What You Deeply Expect, You Will BECOME!

Author : Pete Siegel
A profound law of bodybuilding, and of life, is “What is expected, tends to be
realized.”Take a moment here and think about what you expect from your workouts.
For example, what do you usually expect when you go to the gym regarding:• Your performance level?• Your commitment/passion level?• Your intensity level?• Your set/rep completion drive?• The results your overall workout will provide you in terms of size progression?• Strength progression?• Definition progression?I, of course, can go on and list 20 more workout related factors. The point
here is that, in a majority of cases, you’ll find your expectation going into a workout
many times translates into experiential fact of life.Your Personal Expectation StyleSo what do you usually tend to expect regarding your set/rep performance
and overall results as you head into a workout?
Do you expect the best - or the worst? Do you expect success and completion - or
problems and/or difficulties? Do you expect proficiency and power - or vacillating
focus and conviction levels? Do you expect a lot of, and from, yourself (expecting a
full degree of commitment and intensity will be generated each set) - or do you
(honestly) hardly expect anything at all?And here’s an essential point I want you to get â€" if your expectations are
not strictly positive, success suggestive, and confidence based, they’re literally
keeping you from developing the true degree of mind/blowing muscularity you, no
doubt, actually can!New Expectations Which Empower YouHave you ever had a workout that was beyond - way beyond - your
“normal” range? Of course you have; you’ve likely experienced this workout
dimension numerous times.Was this a once in a million thing that just “somehow” happened? Or, was
it power and determination generating through you, that you didn’t even know you
possessed?I’ll tell you right now, it was the latter -- it always is! And what would
happen if you began to expect through this part of you? What would happen if your
expectations were of peak performance, and sustained intensity for each of your
workouts? Hmmm…interesting, huh!Go ahead and employ the following, and, as such, revel in your ability to
project positive expectations which incite muscular progress.
Before you begin your workout:A.) Know your full set/rep game plan (what exercises you’ll be performing, and
the number of sets and reps you intend to do for each).B.) Let your eyelids gently close, and vividly imagine yourself feverishly,
purposefully driving the body part you’ll be training to peak contraction with the
first exercise you intend to perform. See, sense and experience yourself completing
all intended reps for this first set of the exercise you’ll be performing.C.) Now, project yourself toward the end of your workout; imaginatively stand
in front of one of the gym mirrors, and envision your physique a striking reflection
of what you know you’ll produce this workout through doing every set you perform
in the manner you just visualized. (Take your time here and really envision - and
f-e-e-l - your overall expected workout results.)D.) Richly sense the ability, drive and power within you to make what you just
imagined, your physical fact of life.
Then take a long deep breath, let your eyelids open, and begin your workout.
Start expecting this new way now (the entire A.-D. pre-workout process should take
you 20-25 seconds). And you’ll quickly find your workout performance, and
results, will start conforming to your new, expecting the best tendency.Remember: expectations are your choice, and your responsibility. Go
ahead now and make them pay you a decided, muscular impacting profit…starting
with your very next set!Author, clinician, and national TV therapist, Pete Siegel is America's foremost peak
performance hypnotherapist. Go ahead now, and review his highly acclaimed
confidence building and Think & Grow BIG Muscle building programs at
Category : Philosophy
