วันเสาร์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Identity Theft is Rather Silly if You Think About it

Author : Lance Winslow
You know the idea that someone would want to steal someone else's identity and become them is rather interesting philosophically speaking. In my life due to successes in sports, business, politics, writing and other various endeavors I have had people come up to me and say; I wish I was you. And I am thinking no you don't you dummy?Sure you might like the trappings of success, the victory, notoriety, money, etc., but I guarantee you do not want the adversity that comes along the way. In sports the grueling workouts, pain and unbelievable commitment. In business you certainly do not want the 27 years straight, 17-hour days with no days off. And in the build you up and tear you down game of politics, well you certainly do not want to incoming stones. As far as writing, few have the commitment to sit down and write 6111 articles so I doubt they would want that either.So you can imagine how philosophically intriguing to me it is to think about this stupid identity theft issue we see now, as criminal try to car-jack your credit rating and become you temporarily in order to get boatloads of free stuff and risk being locked up in the slammer you see. It has occurred to me that those who wish to hijack someone else's identity ought to also if and when caught walk in there shoes for a year or two and see what it is really like.In fact I believe if someone steals someone's identity they should be also made to pay off all their bills, loans, do their work and become that persons slave for two to three years and then see how they like it. Well that ought to teach them indeed, consider this punishment for identity theft criminals and you will be glad you did. Consider this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Category : Legal:Identity-Theft
