วันเสาร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

What is Your Legacy?

Author : Matthew Tuttle
How will you be remembered after you are gone? Perhaps you don't care or perhaps you haven't thought about it. Maybe, if you are like me, you have thought about it quite a bit. Two events in my life really got me thinking about this issue. The first was at my grandmother's funeral. She lived in a small town in the south and I remember looking back on the funeral procession and seeing that it stretched as far as the eye could see. That small town must have been shut down that day. Then came my father's funeral. I remember a stream of people coming up to me, many whom I didn't know, telling me stories of how wonderful a person my father was. I wondered how many people would come to my funeral and what they would tell my children about me. What will your legacy be? Here are some questions to ask yourself.How is your estate plan?Do you have a will? If not, you have chosen to leave your assets to your heirs in the most confusing and time consuming manner possible. If so, that's a great first step but it may not be enough. A well thought out estate plan leaves your belongings to your heirs in the most efficient manner while taking into account their different needs and wants. Your will might cover large items but what about the small stuff lying around your house? If have heard horror stories about siblings who no longer talk because of fights over trivial items not included in the will. Have you left your home equally to your two children knowing full well that one will want to live in while the other will want to sell it? People do things like these all the time, yet it's a recipe for disaster.Are you properly insured?Will you leave behind enough money for your family to maintain their lifestyle or a stack of bills? A simple rule of thumb measure to figure out if you have proper insurance is cut in half and drop the zero. For example, if you have $500,000 in life insurance you divide that number in half ($250,000) and drop the zero ($25,000). This is how much annual income your heirs could expect to receive from the life insurance proceeds. This example ignores a number of variables but it is a good starting point in figuring out if you have proper insurance.Are you making smart choices with your money?Are the choices you are making with your money today in line with the kind of legacy you want to leave? Are you teaching your children to be financially literate? If you want to be charitable what are you doing to achieve that goal? If you want to help with your grandchildren's education how are you doing it? You can use your money to accumulate as many possessions as you want but after you are gone it is all meaningless. I will never forget going through my father's effects after the funeral and seeing tie collection that he was so proud of. Unfortunately, they were too outrageous for me to wear and my brother doesn't wear ties.What are you doing to make the world a more beautiful place?I recently read a book to my daughter entitled "Miss Rumphius". It is the story of a young girl who tells her grandfather that when she grows up she wants to travel to far away places and live by the sea. He informs her that there is a third thing she must do, something to make the world more beautiful. When she grows old she has traveled and lives by the sea but something is missing. She realizes that she has done nothing to make the world a more beautiful place. So she starts spreading flower seeds all over her town, and in short order flowers were blooming everywhere. What are you doing to make the world more beautiful?Matthew Tuttle is the author of "Financial Secrets of my Wealthy Grandparents". For more information, or to sign up for his free newsletter, please visit http://www.matthewtuttle.com.
Category : Finance:Estate-Plan-Trusts
