วันศุกร์ที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Defensive Driving: The Basics

Author : Robert Thatcher
It is a fact that though drivers can control most of their actions most of the time, they are totally powerless when it comes to the actions of others drivers. They simply do not know what other drivers on the road are going tot do. This is why it is very important for drivers to learn the special skill called defensive driving. So if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from accident, then it is highly advisable that you take defensive driving courses. Such classes offer a wealth of information when it comes to preventing or fixing road mishaps.What is defensive driving? Simply put, it is a way of driving where the driver takes every possible precautionary measure in order to prevent accidents or untoward incidents from occurring. Defensive driving is probably the best way to ensure the safety of a driver and his or her passengers,Below are some of the basics of defensive driving:Be ready with every possible situation that might happen on the roads. Constant preparedness is probably the best trait of a very good defensive driver. Before driving your car make it a habit to check the tire pressure, and the water, oil and gas levels. It is also important to check the lights and mirrors. It is also wise to make sure that you have all the necessary documents pertaining to your car with you before leaving.Avoid showing road rage. You should also, as much as possible, avoid other drivers showing signs of road rage. Don't react to the anger of other motorists. Always keep your head cool.
The color of your car is very important in defensive driving. You are in a better position if your car is brightly colored. Advantageous colors in defensive are red, orange, yellow or other brightly colored. Because they are easily seen, bright colored cars are les likely to get involved in an accident.Remember to always use your headlight while night driving. It is very stupid, not to mention illegal, to drive without the headlights on at night.Always follow the three second rule of driving. According to this rule, a driver must always be at least three seconds of driving time from the driver in front in all conditions. Drivers should be five second behind the driver in front during bad conditions.Never follow a vehicle, especially big trucks and busses too closely. By doing so, driver swill be sure to have perfect visibility.Always avoid being in the blind side of other drivers. If an accident happens, It is pretty sure that you certainly cannot blame the other party for what has happened.As much as possible, drive with a companion. This will ensure hat someone will be there with you in case something happens.While on the road, avoid getting close to cars that are broken down or has damages. These cars are most likely run by irresponsible drivers. You can bet that they are not defensive drivers.The above are just the basics of defensive driving. To know more about defensive driving and how it can save you money, your car and even your life, then consider enrolling in a defensive driving school soon.These are only a few of the defensive driving rules that are out there. You will find a wide range of them as well as places to take defensive driving classes on the web.Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides defensive driving resources on http://www.aboutdefensivedriving.info.
Keyword : defensive driving
