วันเสาร์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How Green is Your Driving? Behind the Wheel from the Emerald Isle!

Author : Robin Piggott
Gone are the days when we carried on with our lives irrespective of what was happening in the world. Events in other hemispheres that we are unaware of affect us all. It is certainly not possible to be aware of all the life changing events happening elsewhere all the time, despite the advantages of the Internet revolution, but we at least can be aware of happenings in our own country and certainly in our own space or sphere. Every Driver Can play a part and Should play a part in the never ending quest for Safety, Economy and Eco awareness not forgetting that Learner Drivers frequently find themselves out of their depth! Everything Counts! And Some!This is not a bad philosophy especially when focused on Driving, Driving Habits and looking after our precious four wheels! Every action that we take when behind the wheel has a consequence whether it be letting another Driver know what we are about to do or showing some consideration to another Driver in difficulty or taking full control of a situation that can spin out of control in an instant. Being able to take control of a situation is a highly essential skill in today's driving environment and stems initially from correct training at the outset followed by a conscientious and determined effort at increasing awareness.Focus Counts! And Some! Most Learner Drivers, naturally, tend to focus on the things going on in their immediate proximity, usually due to a fear of colliding with some object or other. Focus often goes no further than the vehicle in front or the one immediately behind! Being able to further extend your visibility, mentally and physically will equip you with the skill to stay out of other driver's mistakes which lead to accidents and heartache. Usually one Driver makes an error… sometimes serious… sometimes fatal and other drivers get sucked into the vortex inadvertently. It is natural to then blame the other driver for your own misfortune when with good observation skills you could have proceeded unscathed.Accidents Count! And Some! A common accident is when one driver decides to carry out a manoeuvre without looking or checking his or her space and then has two following vehicles (usually too close) combine to make a three car collision. Quite often it is the car in the middle which comes off worst sustaining damage front and rear. Driving much too close to a vehicle in front is one of the easiest driver faults to rectify…it doesn't take a PHD to ease off your gas pedal if you see other traffic slowing down and to get into a regular habit of checking other driver's speeds so that it becomes an automatic brain function .Braking Counts! And Some! What you don't need is to be training your brain to stab at the brake pedal at every available opportunity. Drivers that brake before every bend or twist in the road or many metres from an obvious stopping situation like Traffic Lights or a hold up in Traffic are a danger to all other drivers and are using their Brakes about 80 % more than they need to. You use your brain first and foremost to assess what is going on ahead (and behind) and if it requires that you slow down then you come off the Gas Pedal immediately and a more gentle slow down is the result and a much much longer life for your Brakes.Green Counts! And Some! Another added bonus is that when you are reducing the gas pedal pressure you are burning less fuel and emitting less noxious gases into the environment as well as protecting your engine. Talking about noxious gases; here in Ireland currently we have almost incessant road works and road renovation and refurbishment with the attendant temporary Traffic Lights and Flagmen. If it is obvious that the delay is going to be a long one then while you are Waiting for Green why don't you Act Green and switch off your engine. Again this saves fuel, your engine and the environment. Any long delay and you should switch off the engine and give your hard pressed feet a breather.None of these techniques, when learnt and practised, put any strain on the brain or on your pocket and will benefit every Driver, Young or Old, Beginner or ExperiencedRemember… Everything Counts! Robin Piggott is a Driving Instructor in Ireland who brings four decades of experience to his Astral Driving School based in Limerick. His newly refurbed Learner Driver web site can be found at http://www.astraldrivingschool.ie.Here you can find a treasure trove of everything for the Learner Driver and also pages for the visitor who is contemplating Touring Ireland by Car. Try out the Free Seven Part E mail Mini Course"Passing the Driving Test First Time".
Keyword : Green,Eco,Driving,everything counts,Learner Drivers,brakes,driver,
