วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

It's Never Too Late to Develop a Roadmap

Author : Roxanne Ravenel
Occasionally the entrepreneurial surf can get a bit rough. Whether it is an unexpected expense that dips heavily into our reserve, or a "a sure thing" that just never seems to materialize, we must constantly make adjustments or risk being dashed to pieces in the waves. Okay, the imagery might be a bit harsh, but the marketplace is, too - especially for entrepreneurs. The explosion of small businesses continues, but a good percentage of these businesses fail to stay in the game for a 2nd or 3rd year.How can we increase the likelihood that our business will succeed? Planning and research are crucial. If you did not develop a business plan before opening your doors; develop one now. As painful and tedious a prospect as this may seem - it can play a huge role in your future success. Developing your business and marketing plan (Thought you could just hang up your shingle and people would show up, did you?) will serve as a clear blueprint for your success.Developing these two crucial business documents will force you to ask tough questions that you may never have considered like: Who is your competition? What differentiates you from them? Who is your target market? How will you reach them? What are your mission and goals? What are your company policies?While hiring someone to draft these documents for you is an option - the time that you spend researching these questions will be well spent. The answers will help you navigate the waves and stay afloat for a long time to come.While preparation is essential - there are some situations for which you just aren't prepared. How can you learn from these experiences and protect yourself from getting burned in the future?Visit the Think You're SOHO Smart? Blog for tips on "burn" prevention for entrepreneurs.Roxanne Ravenel is the President/Owner of SOHO Support Solutions LLC, a full-service Copywriting & Virtual Assistance Firm. Her firm produces business articles and a variety of marketing collateral for small to medium business organizations and independent professionals, through strategic collaboration of a team of experienced copywriters and other professionals in a variety of complementary fields. Visit http://www.SOHOSupportSolutions.com/ to learn more about her firm's services.Copyright © 2005 Roxanne Ravenel
Keyword : entrepreneurs,small,business,startup,business,plan,marketing
