วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Myth-Guided Franchise Marketing: Disspelling the BYOB! Myth

Author : Sean Kelly
The "BYOB!" MythImagine this television commercial: a bunch of teenage kids in a house, eating junk food, playing video games with rap music blasting. The narrator says: "Hey kids: tired of listening to your parents? Why not do whatever YOU want to do! Join the Army!"Ludicrous, right? (Imagine the kids' surprise when their hair gets buzzed off, they're issued identical uniforms and that whole "reveille thing" is explained for the first time.) No one in their right mind would advertise so foolishly, would they?That would be like recruiting a franchisee, one who must faithfully comply with a system of rigid rules and guidelines, with ads that say :"Entrepreneurs Wanted!"
"Imagine the freedom! Imagine the opportunity!"
"Promote yourself to President!"I call it the OYOB! (Own your own business!) and BYOB! (Be your own boss!) marketing myth. To see if you've been infected, check your own marketing materials for these tell-tale phrases: "Own your own business!" "Be your own boss!" "Achieve financial freedom!" "Fire your boss!" "Take control of your life!" or similar variations.It's not easy to avoid. Believe me, I know. I've probably written more franchise brochures than anyone on the planet, and it's hard work to avoid the easy slogans. But make no mistake: falling into the BYOB! trap is one of the most dangerous mistakes franchisors make. And it's the cause of much of the conflict in franchisor/franchisee relations.Many franchisors attract prospects with the promise of freeing them from oppression and giving them the chance to gain control. There's only one problem: Franchise systems are built on adherence, not independence. Franchisors want implementers, not rebels. They often recruit individuals who are yearning to break free from their harness, but as soon as the contract is signed the franchisor expects them to docilely slip into their harness.Requiring conformity, adherence to an established system and a shared identity is not a bad thing. That's what gives franchising its power. So why do franchisors often attract the wrong people by setting the wrong expectations?The mything linkWhy, you may ask, do we sell the opportunity to join a conformist system via a dream of individualism? Why have we, as an industry, perpetuated the link between BYOB! and franchise ownership?First, because it's an easy sell. It makes your ad copy pop. The dream of being freed from day-to-day tyranny is a powerful one. Telling one's boss to take this job and shove it is the real American Dream. It's Easy Rider. It's Thelma & Louise. It's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Unfortunately, it promises about the same outcome.Second, too few franchisors have actually given much thought to their franchise marketing message. They tend to just say what everyone else says: B.Y.O.B.! Many commission marketing research and branding platforms at the consumer level; more need to create a thoughtful strategy and platform for their franchise brand.The third reason for the prevalence of the myth is the influence of commissioned franchise salespeople and brokers who are compensated for short term sales, not the long-term franchisee performance or satisfaction. By the time the franchisees start storming the castle, the commissions are spent and the salespeople are long gone.Another reason for this myth could be that many who founded and lead franchise companies are, indeed, entrepreneurs and project their own values onto the franchise prospect. They assume that what would motivate them would motivate a prospect. But the fact is that few founders could survive very long as franchisees of their own systems. Those who are looking primarily for implementers should not seek entrepreneurs. One franchisor per system is enough (and, according to some, still one too many).Be all that you can be... with our franchise.The Army's effective recruitment advertising does not say "Be your own boss," or "Do what you want." It says "Be all that you can be," and, more recently, "Be an Army of One." It appeals to the individual's self-interest: Communicating what the prospect will gain, what he or she will learn, how joining the Army will make him or her look to others and feel about his or herself. But it sells the benefit of being part of something greater than oneself, of being disciplined and following directions. Above all, there is a regard for the brand, the team, even the rules themselves and the benefits they provide.Ultimately, the importance of avoiding the BYOB! myth goes beyond effective recruitment and setting realistic expectations. Its importance goes directly to establishing and preserving the trust between franchisor and franchisee that is critical to their mutual success. As Peter Birkeland states at the end of his recent book "Franchising Dreams," establishing high levels of trust with franchisees is the most critical problem for franchisors. "For those who cannot achieve that," states Birkeland, "The problem of control is a never-ending battle of wills."How franchisor's can avoid the B.Y.O.B.! myth1. Develop a franchise brand positioning platform. Recognize that your franchise is a separate (though interrelated) brand from your consumer brand, and develop a franchise brand development platform. The platform is generally a document of 10-20 pages that commits to paper the brand identity of the franchise program, specifics of the target franchise prospect, enumerates the benefits of the franchise program in terms that relate to the prospect, and includes a 25-50 word description of the franchise program that everyone in your organization, franchisees included, should eventually be able to recite from memory.2. Be sure your marketing communicates the franchise brand position. From your lead generation materials (print ads, postcards, in-store messages, mini-brochures, digital brochures, website) to your follow-up materials (franchise brochures, videotapes, email messages, eBrochures), personal interactions and even the portrayal of franchisees in consumer advertising should be consistent with the Franchise Brand positioning.3. Get your salespeople and brokers on-board. Experienced, reputable salespeople and brokers can be useful in generating interest and following up, but you must be careful that the prospects they bring you - and the prospects you sign - match your profile, are adequately capitalized, have a clear understanding of the franchisor/franchisee relationship and have realistic expectations.4. Be honest. In franchise sales, honesty truly is the best policy. The prospects who respond to dreams of freedom and easy money are the ones you will spend the most time and money dealing with. Smart franchisors want smart franchisees. And smart franchisees respond to the truth. If you're still working toward excellence, tell them where you are in the process. Then keep working toward it.5. Re-sell your current franchisees. To calculate how many times you need to re-sell franchise owners, add up every royalty check they'll write and add 1. Continue to promote and reinforce your vision of the franchisee/franchisor relationship internally, and try to positively help those who are the farthest from buy-in in selling their franchise or exiting the system.Sean Kelly is founder and President of IdeaFarm, a leading franchise marketing and brand development company. He is also the founder of FranchiseMarketing.com. For more information visit http://www.ideafarm.NET, or reach him at seankelly@ideafarm.NET.
Keyword : franchise, own your own business,business opportunity
