วันศุกร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to rekindle your teen's interest in reading

Author : Janice Wee

Why should teenagers read?A person, young or old invariable learns from reading. Typically, one would Read non fiction books to acquire knowledge Read fiction books to improve language skills.Unfortunately, even teens who used to love reading as children may lose interest inbooks when they reach their teenage years. The possible reasons for this are many. It could be due to a lack of time. It might be more fun surfing the net, shopping orplaying computer games. Then there are the other distractions that modern life has to offer.Maybe it could be because reading is no longer enjoyable. They read what the subjects theylearn in school dictates. They lose the joy of reading as they associate readingpurely with studying for exams. A way to go is to introduce fun books that teens would love. Notice howmovies like Spider-man captured the attention of teens as well as other agegroups alike. The romance subplot, fantasy elements and excitement keeps theaudience at the edge of the seats. If only books could be like that.Comic books come close. Very often, comic books are put in section for teensand educators may frown on them as they are not half as beneficial as novels,but are they? Why do many teens prefer to flip through a comic book than anovel?Easy reading. Fantasy stories that provide an escape into a more interestingworld?Problem with comic books is that they are mainly graphics with few words.Don't pick up much language skills reading comics. At least not as much asnovels or short stories  but they are a whole lot more fun than most slowmoving novels.If only there are well written books, novels or even short stories that holda teens attention as well as a comic book. These are hard to find but do exist.I'm a comic book fan myself. Going through fiction works at the bookstore,besides the movie adaptations (yawn) I found some interesting books based oncomic books. One I loved was a very well written collection of short storiesabout Spider-man. It had the fantasy elements of a comic book but as ananthology. Books like these are a great way to reintroduce the love of readingto a teenager.Another series of books that teens would love is the newly written sfxfantasy series. The books are based in a fantasy world, with a romantic plotthat teens can relate to, as well as fantasy elements that would keep themturning the pages. Introduce your teenagers to fiction books like theseand rekindle their interest in reading. So far the book Warrior Girl is a coming of age romance, super-hero style that teens would love. The second book, Lost In Another Realm continues the love story started in Warrior Girl and builds on the fantasy elements. The story climaxes in the epic fantasy The Dark Warriors. Written with the imagination and fantasy elements found in comic books, but with the elegance of a novel, books like these will help rekindle a teen's interest in reading.You can find these books a http://www.lulu.com/sfxfantasy . The official site for the series is http://www.sfxfantasy.com

I'm a writer and love reading fantasy books. I started the sfxfantasy series which presents comic book style plots and romances in novels. The official site for the series is http://www.sfxfantasy.com

Category : General Home and Family: Parenting
