วันพุธที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Preventing Identity Theft - 5 Things You Can Do

Author : Joseph Serpico
Unfortunately, the incidence of identity theft has skyrocketed in recent years, even with all the attention being given to the situation. While most people know the problem exists, and agree that one should be vigilant in protecting their identity, they tend to think it only happens to other people. The truth of the matter is that identity theft happens about once every minute - so it can happen to anybody.The sad thing is that there are some very basic steps that could cut down the incidence of identity theft appreciably, if everyone would take them. Here are five tips to help you prevent identity theft from happening to you:1. Shred any personal documents that you discard, including those credit card offers that seem to flood everybody's mailbox. While the image most people have of identity thieves is that they perpetrate their crimes while sitting comfortably at a computer, many are not above a little good old dumpster diving in the hopes of ferreting out somebody's personal info.2. You can give yourself one less type of document to shred by requesting that those pre-approved credit offers stop being mailed to you. Just call the toll-free number 888-5OPTOUT (888-567-8688).3. Protect your Social Security number. Don't give it out unless it's absolutely necessary. Never give it out over the phone unless you've initiated the call, and don't carry your Social Security card in a wallet or purse. A fire resistant safe at home or a safe deposit box at your bank are the best places for it.4. Monitor your credit reports and verify that all the information, such as your name and address, employment, open and closed accounts, account activity and inquiries, is correct. You can get one free report per year from each of the three credit reporting agencies- TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Request one from a different agency every four months. Go to www.annualcreditreport.com to request your free report.5. Take care when using the Internet. Create passwords that cannot easily be discovered. Don't use any words that appear in the dictionary. Be sure that any e-commerce sites you utilize are secure. Look for the closed padlock in the browser, and try to stick to well-known, major sites. Be careful when downloading free programs or files, and be absolutely sure to always have a firewall and anti-spyware program running. An antivirus program is mandatory for many reasons besides identity theft, so have one of those too.Of course, there's no way to be absolutely sure one has prevented identity theft. In today's society, our personal information is recorded in many places, such as government, employment, medical and other records, that we have little to no control over. However, taking the five steps listed above will go a long way towards helping you put the odds in favor of your never having to deal with the scourge of identity theft.Joe Serpico is webmaster and publisher of the identity
theft prevention site. For more information on how to deal with and prevent
identity theft, please
visit www.identity-theft-prevention-site.com
Category : Legal:Identity-Theft
