วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Actual Impact of Price vs. Value!

Author : Daniel Wadleigh
As stated before, the two ways to increase market share are:1) Lower your price, or2) Add value.How to add value is described in the "Main Manual" as well as "Advanced Marketing", but, here is the field experience numbers of how many potential customers are swayed by price or by value. In a study done for Carrier Corp, regarding the buying tendencies of the overall consumer base, the following percentages and conclusions were discovered.For retail products/services to consumers: 26% cared only about price, they wanted no frills. 17% cared only about benefits, they wanted all reasonable frills but, 57% could go either way, depending upon which way it was presented to them! The conclusions- If you only sell on price you have 26% going your way, and, possibly up to 74% going your way, unless someone else presents more frills, even at a higher price!If you sell boxes that are price sensitive, it takes a lot of sales to cover overhead. If you bother to learn to "add value", and, learn to communicate it in a manner that says "buy from me or it will cost you and it will hurt", you will get to breakeven a lot faster and the profits will be substantially higher and more consistent.Low price is a way of marketing, but, it is both a hard and dangerous way. Hard because of constant concern and pressure to make overhead; dangerous because it's easy for competition to come along with a bigger budget for advertising, or, lower prices, or, added values with high perceived value and low hard costs.Learn, as stated elsewhere, in this manual to identify what your customer really wants and add supplemental benefits that address the increase of what they want to get in the first place. example: if they want a bicycle, give them "How to make your bicycle last twice as long", or, "Bicycle trails in your town", or, "How to save 10% on repairs"Daniel Wadleigh is a nationally published marketing consultant and has programs for start-up and existing businesses including effective web sites, e-mail/database, other non-internet ways to drive them to your website, and low cost ways to get more new customers.Go to: http://www.more-new-customers.com to get free copy of "Marketing to Men vs. Women- the 8 different responses" and a Free copy of "Market Research- 7 Questions to Ask to Start-up and 7 to Ask to Improve Any Business."
Keyword : marketing,start-up,web creation,small business,retail,web hosting,grow profits,strategic planning
