วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Are You Following Up With Your Massage Therapy Clients?

Author : Amy Roberts
You know getting more clients is not the easiest thing in the world. Some Therapists can feel daunted by even the mention of it. It is an important part of your massage business growth. You know, you can start this process by simply working on the clients you do have.One of the things I notice globally is that Therapists can be too afraid to follow up- or even still- not know what to do. You have to remind people about you. By constantly reminding them of you, you will have a better chance of client retention. Your rebooking rate will be higher and your clientel will most likely refer you new people, simply because they themselves are having more treatment more often.One of the ways I recommend to do this is by contacting the people who haven't come back in the past 6 months. You may even want to adopt a policy that all those people who have not come in the past 3 or 6 (you can decide the time) months, that you have a follow up letter, or a phone call.If you choose to do a follow up letter then you may want to say something like this:'Dear client,Did you know it's been 6 months since your last massage treatment with me? That's a long time to go without work on those shoulder muscles, they must be aching again by now…….etc etc……Putting up with aching shoulders for a long time can be detrimental to you because it can develop into a constant ache that won't go away, and even manifest into other things, such as tight neck muscles and the great chance you have of getting tension headaches. It all depends on what you do and how actively you stretch those muscles of course and keep them warm. So and so, if tight aching shoulders is something you don't want, then call me today for your massage therapy treatment to get rid of that pain so you can function well again…..'You get the drift. You need to educate people as to why they should come back. Not just "give it a go." Or "try it out." Those sentences don't instil a sense of desire in your clients mind, or the fact that you can help them with those aching shoulders. It's a bit lack lustre to be honest with you.Take that passion of yours- which I know you have for massage therapy- and turn it into great client problem solving words when you communicate with them. I know you really do want to help them, from the bottom of your heart. That's why you must understand that following up on a regular basis with clients you have not seen in a while is important. Sometimes the reason is through nothing you have done; sometimes people just get busy and need a prompt to do it.Best wishes,
Amy Robertswww.massagetherapymarketingsuccess.com
Keyword : massage, massage therapy, home business, massage home business, massage therapy marketing
