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Business Marketing: Shocking 100 Million Dollars Business Marketing Secret Revealed

Author : I-key Benney
Do you have a website?Do you have any business?Are you currently marketing any product or services online or offline?Are you making as much money as you deserve to make?Are you currently financially secured?Read on because I have powerful news for you.Have you made 100 million dollars in cash from your website or any business?If you answer no to the last question, you need to hear what I have to say, so pay a close attention.Hundreds of millions of people have websites today that are not making any money for them.They have tried many different types of business marketing such as search engine marketing and optimization and web site promotion, banner ads, FFA ads, e-mail marketing, linking, e-zine ads and other website promotion, internet marketing, online promotion, internet promotion, internet marketing online, web site marketing, direct marketing and website sales promotion and failed.Are you one of these people?Are you doing any business marketing for any product, program or service?Have you tried various types of business marketing and failed to get rich from your product or services?Would you like to discover the ultimate business marketing secrets that can help you succeed?If you answer yes, rejoice because at last, you may now have the ultimate business marketing solution to this problem.One business marketing problem that all website owners or marketers or business owners have in common is the difficulty in locating the people who are interested in buying their products, programs and services.In this article, you'll discover how I stumbled to a powerful business marketing book that has a solution to this serious marketing problem.5 years ago, I stumbled to a very powerful secret way to make money, known to only millionaires and billionaires.After testing it, I created a program from it and called it "Mscsrrr: the millionaire secret cash system, generate $1500 weekly for life".You may have seen one of my websites on the internet.I was so excited by this powerful money making "secret" that I decided to make it available to the public to help others.But after setting up a website to promote it, I was hit by the harsh reality of business marketing and internet marketing online.I was getting zero traffic! No traffic, no website sales. I was a failure in all the internet marketing online that I tried: search engine marketing optimization and sales marketing, banner ads, FFA ads, e-mail marketing, linking, e-zine ads and other internet marketing, internet marketing online, online promotion, website promotion, online marketing, business marketing, direct marketing, web site marketing and internet marketing solution..I bought and read many internet marketing e-books from many internet marketing gurus.I was making sales but not enough to get rich from! What I mean by rich is generating $100,000-$1,000,000 in website sales.For this reason, I embarked on a 1 yr research on internet marketing online, website promotion, online marketing, business marketing, direct marketing, web site marketing and internet marketing solution.You may have seen any of the several hundreds of my articles on web site marketing, internet marketing solution, internet marketing, internet marketing online, online promotion, website promotion, online marketing, business marketing, direct marketing and website sales posted at hundreds of thousands of websites all over the internet.A week a go, I had some free time, so I decided to continue to do this online promotion, website promotion, online marketing business marketing, direct marketing internet marketing, internet marketing online, web site marketing, internet marketing solution research.That was when I stumbled to the most powerful business marketing "secret" I have ever known during the past 20 yrs.I discovered a little known guy (VJ) who used this insiders' ultimate business marketing weapon to rake in 100 million dollars in 2yrs by the age of 28 yrs!Not only has this guy (VJ) made 100 million dollars with this exciting powerful business marketing "secret", but he is crazy enough to share this sizzling hot business marketing "secret" with the rest of the world.After reading his letter, I could not eat or drink or sleep until I blasted my order out to him.Within 3 days, he rushed this heavy package containing his business marketing book to me.It is as big as the telephone book, very neat, very impressive, very well written, concise, to the point and over flowing with fantastic business marketing secrets on how he used this ultimate business marketing "secret" to create 100 million dollars fortune in 2 yrs.Yes, you guessed right. I had to drop everything I was doing to devour this book.Usually it takes me forever to read a small book.But in 2 hrs, I surprised myself by how fast I devoured this 310 paged business marketing book brimming with the most fantastic secret marketing information I have ever been lucky to find anywhere.Inside this magnum opus, nitty-gritty business marketing book, you'll be amazed to discover the most powerful marketing secrets and tips on internet marketing solution, online promotion, website promotion, internet marketing, internet marketing online, web site marketing, online marketing, business marketing, direct marketing and website sales, and how the author used all these business marketing knowledge and skills to make $100,000,000 in cash in 2ysr!There are many people who claim to be internet marketing, internet marketing online, web site marketing, internet marketing solution, online promotion, website promotion, online marketing, business marketing, direct marketing gurus (sorry, I will not name names) or offline marketing gurus.They are full of talk, talk, and more talks. But little to show for it.And they invite you to their seminars and try to charge you $1000, $2000 or even $5000 for outdated and stale information on internet marketing, web site marketing, internet marketing solution, online promotion, website promotion, online marketing, internet marketing online, business marketing, direct marketing and website sales.Most of them are full of fluff. Very cheesy. I know all of them and may be you do too.I don't know any of these so called gurus who have personally made 100 million dollars with his/her online promotion, website promotion, online marketing business marketing, internet marketing, internet marketing online, web site marketing, internet marketing solution, direct marketing and website sales secrets by the age of 28!
(Another Bill Gates in the making?)I have never thought it wise to pay them $5000 no matter what internet marketing secret they may have. Perhaps I have been a fool. Or may be not.However, what I can tell you is that, at last, I have found a guy who not only talks the talk, but has walked the walk and made 100 million dollars cash as proof that he knows what he is talking about.What other proof do you need?
(As for me, 100 million dollars proof is good enough for me.)This is the kind of money that gets my juice flowing real fast.What about you?To illustrate to you the power and the genius of this marketing god, the writer, VJ, the creator of this ultimate business marketing "secret", here is an excerpt of his letter at his website, in his own words:"No matter how hard I tried, it always seemed like I wasn't going to amount to anything real important in life. And this really sucked because I had a passion for the finer things. I wanted the gold Rolex, the sporty Mercedes, and the Million-Dollar Mega Mansion!But when I looked in the mirror, I didn't like what I saw. I was convinced the good life I wanted was just a dream.But that was all about to change. Seriously- by the time I was 19, I had a brand-new Corvette. At 20, I had 2 brand-new Mercedes Benz automobiles. And at 21, I was the proud owner of a Rolls Royce Silver Spur!By the time I turned 28... I made over $100 Million in gross sales. I profited over $50 Million. I owned two homes- one of them was 14,000 square feet and had a seven-car garage, a billiards room and a resort-style pool with an underwater bar! And I paid cash for the home!In my garage, I had a red Lamborghini Diablo, a yellow Ferrari 360 Spider, a white Bentley Arnage Red Label, about 4 Mercedes, and a 12-passenger Lincoln Town Car Limo!My checking account had over $10 Million in it. I was earning $400,000 in pay each and every week. That breaks down to $80,000 a day... or $10,000 an hour! And those figures were if I worked 5 days a week for eight hours a day, which I didn't!In the year 2002, I made more money than the CEOs of Federal Express... eBay... Amazon.com... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear Tire- COMBINED!
Yes-COMBINED.In the May 12th, 2003 issue, Forbes Magazine listed their top paid 500 CEOs in America. Of their prominent and prestigious list of the 500 CEOs, I made more money than 483 of them.$17,549,000 MORE than the CEO of Starbucks.$13,030,000 MORE than the CEO of Target.$17,225,000 MORE than the CEO of Motorola.Now, this may all seem like I'm some rich (&zxc$3@) bragging about how rich I am... and you're partly correct. I am bragging! But more importantly, the reason why I'm telling you about all this is that this course is about getting rich very quickly. If the talk of obscene money makes you feel uncomfortable, or even angers you, maybe you do not really want to be rich.The reason why I'm telling you about all the toys I had when I was just 28, is to prove to you that if a guy like me... with a learning disability... a bad childhood... and no formal education can get filthy rich by the time I was
28... you can absolutely follow in my footsteps and build yourself your very own empire of wealth!"Even Gary Halbert says, "……believe it or not, much of this information is so electrifying; it was unknown even to me."Gary Halbert is recognized all over the world as America's numero uno marketing authority.Can you imagine Gary Halbert admitting in writing that VJ's book and marketing power secrets are electrifying to him? I need not say more.So, if you're tired of having websites that are not making any money or tired of making nickels and dimes and tired of all the lousy promotional secrets from the so called internet gurus (that don't work), and you're finally ready to turn over a new leaf and get serious about creating real wealth from whatever products, programs or services you currently market, may be you should consider finding out more about VJ's super secret business marketing book.In this unique powerful business marketing book, VJ has been very kind to reveal so many dynamic business marketing secrets he used (never before revealed in one book) : the products he sold to make 100 million dollars in 2 yrs, how he promoted it, when he promoted it and how you can duplicate his success.Would you like to know the exact business marketing "secrets" on how to find hundreds of thousands and even millions of buyers for your products and services?Would you like to get your paws on the exact business marketing "secrets" on how to market any product to hundreds of thousands and even millions of people who really need them?Would you love to be a millionaire, the easy way?If you answer yes, rejoice because VJ's book has the ultimate business marketing "secret". (http://www.maychic.com/vj )If you know the business marketing "secret" on how to locate hundreds of thousands and even millions of people who are hungry and thirsty for your products and services, you can generate millions of dollars easily and get rich, like VJ!Please feel free to copy and use this article at your website, e-zine or e-mail it to your friends and please retain the author's resource box below.Thank you.Warmly,Ikey Benney, CEOTo discover the jealously guarded nitty-gritty, high octane, marketing "secret" of a little known friend of I-key who made $100,000,000 in 2 yrs at the age of 28, please click on the link: Business marketing (http://www.maychic.com/vj)
Keyword : Work at home business opportunity, online income opportunity, online income, work at home business,
