วันอังคารที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Effective Tips For Telemarketers

Author : James Yuille
I had a telemarketer call me recently. Here's a rough transcript of the conversation.Think about it…(Telemarketer) Hello, Mr. Yuille?
(Me) Yes?Mr. Yuille, it's Tracy from XYZ marketing (names changed to protect the innocent).
Yes, Tracy,Mr. Yuille, I'm calling to update our mailing list.
Yes,Can I just take a minute to check some details?
Yes, but let me ask you; what do you want to send to me?Ah, well, I'm just new here and all I'm supposed to do is check the database information is accurate. Can I ask you, is your Company name IMA Group and is your postal address still PO Box …(Interrupting) Tracy, let me ask you again what mailing list is this for and what do you want to send me?Uh, well, I don't know. I'm just a casual employed to make these calls …Thanks, Tracy – can I ask you to find out what they want to send me and call me back so I can decide if I even want to be on this list?Uhm, no, I'm sorry but I don't know who I'm doing this work for. I'm calling from home and it's for an agency. If you like, I can delete you from the list.Good idea, Tracy, thanks. Bye.Goodbye Mr. Yuille.There's a very simple message here to anyone running telemarketers: Tell them why they're doing it. It's part of what I call the "Bullet-proofing" process. What it means is that every member of your team has to know what you're about.Each one of them needs to have a 30-second "Elevator Speech" they can deliver on cue to explain your game plan and why it's of benefit for the listener to keep listening. This experience demonstrates the value of opt-in lists!© James Yuille, Brisbane, Australia, 2004.About the author:James Yuille is a sales and marketing consultant and trainer with over 32 years experience. He is based in Brisbane, Australia.
His free weekly sales and marketing newsletter provides topical information for business owners and salespeople. Find out more at http://www.jamesyuille.com
Keyword : Telemarketing, phone sales
