วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Five Steps to Better Employee Management

Author : Cavyl Stewart
Hiring employees is a huge responsibility. Before hiring anyone,
be sure to carefully analyze your needs in terms of extra
assistance.Once you've gotten through the hiring process, there's still much
more you must do now that you've become an employer. If you're
like most small business owners, you just don't have time to do
all you're supposed to be doing when it comes to managing your
employees.The article aims to outline five steps you can take right now to
better manage your employees. Failure to complete these steps may
one day lead to trouble for your business – trouble that could
easily have been avoided.Step #1 – Publish a Company HandbookMost employers do nothing more than chuckle at the mere mention
of a company handbook. Who has time for such frivolousness?
Besides, no one reads them anyway. If these are your thoughts,
then think again. Make time to create a company handbook and then
make every employee read it. Also have every employee sign a
statement saying that they have read the handbook. Place the
signed statement into their personnel file where it will remain
should you ever need it.Step #2 – Create Files for Sensitive Employee DataYou will have a lot of employee-related documentation to keep
track of and you must have a place to store it all, safely, and
away from prying eyes. Payroll information, health insurance
information, certifications including expiration dates,
performance reviews, and kudos from happy clients as well as
negative comments from clients or supervisors are just some of
the documentation you need to maintain.Step #3 – Create a ScheduleIf you operate a business with "normal" business hours and just a
few employees, you might think that creating a schedule is
unnecessary. But unless there is a schedule, you can only assume
that your employees know when they need to show up to work.
Creating schedules is a good habit to get into, especially if you
plan to have a lot of employees on your payroll. Create a work
schedule for your employees and put it where they will see it.Step #4 – Perform Periodic Employee EvaluationsEmployee evaluations or performance reviews tend to be more
important to the employee than they are to the employer.
Employees want to know how they are doing and when they'll be
eligible for a pay increase. There are so many reasons why it's
important to complete employee reviews, including legal ones. An
employee review is one of the few things you have, in writing and
signed by employee and employer, that clearly describes an
employee's performance on the job. Should you ever need to let
the employee go or take other action, you'll have this
documentation to back up your decision.Step #5 – Keep a Safe Work EnvironmentSure you need to keep your fire exits clearly marked and free of
clutter. But there are Federal and state laws with which you must
comply covering everything from the storage of hazardous
chemicals to the posting of bulletins in common areas where
employees congregate. Comply with these regulations before you
end up on the losing side of a lawsuit.Properly implementing these five steps seems like a lot of work
especially when you have little spare time. One way you can
manage your employees and still have time to do all your other
tasks is to purchase software that has been designed to help
manage employees. Spending the time and money to better manage
your employees now will keep you from spending even more time and
money later on, after you've been hit with an employee-related
lawsuit!Copyright © 2004 Cavyl Stewart. Get more software tips, strategies and recommendations to help you better manage your employees by signing up for my Exclusive 100% free, 100% original content ecourse: "How To Survive The Legal Dangers Of Being An Employer." To sign up please visit:
Keyword : hr software, hr, employee
