วันพุธที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Headlight Repair Made Simple

Author : David Maillie
Most people don't realize how important their headlights are and actually take them for granted. Headlights are what allows you to see at night and, according to the National Institute for Highway Safety, are the number one reason for night time accidents. Dim, cloudy, ineffective and improperly aimed headlight lenses in need of varying degrees of repair are the culprit. "An average of 9 out of every 10 cars on the road today has dirty or yellowed headlights that greatly reduce vision and need to be replaced, repaired or professionally cleaned," AAA Foundation for traffic safety. Not only does this make it difficult for you to see, but it also makes it difficult for other drivers to see you. This greatly multiplies the risks of an accident and is just not safe. Cars or trucks with bad headlights in need of repair are simply down right dangerous. These same headlights can easily be fixed with a little headlight repair. This same headlight repair can also help avoid numerous accs and make for greater driving safety.How does one go about headlight repair for their car? First off and the easiest of the repairs is to restore cloudy headlights. 90% of cars have some degree of cloudiness and damage to the lenses which will diminish light output. This can easily be fixed with a headlight repair kit from MDWholesale.com. Their headlight repair kit has been proven so effective that it is backed by numerous government agencies and it even earned a federal patent. It is a very economical alternative to replacing the headlights which can cost as much as $300 each. "Clean the headlights or have them professionally restored and repaired (our department uses MDWholesale.com headlight repair on all our police cruisers and department vehicles. Dirty headlights will decrease visibility by as much as 90%," New York Police Traffic Division's Traffic Safety Team. Headlight repair works to restore your cloudy headlights to new again and will increase your safety at the same time.A second important item is to have your headlights properly aimed. Headlights that are improperly aimed can throw off depth perception, make it harder to see, and increase night time glare. Glare from oncoming cars is also a big factor in night time crashes. Even if your lenses are only slightly off the mark it can still greatly reduce your ability to see and greatly increase night time glare. A quick inspection can reveal whether your lenses are correctly aimed or not. For a small fee they can quickly calibrate and correct your lenses. Proper aiming and calibration of your headlights is an essential part of headlight repair.Brighter bulbs should be made standard on all cars and an essential part of headlight repair. After removing the cloudiness and correctly aiming your lenses, you should look into some of the brighter replacement bulbs that have greater illumination fields and have higher light output. With recent advances, xeon bulbs and similar are not very expensive and can greatly increase your field of vision and your safety at night. They normally start at around $5-$10 a piece and will increase your light brightness by as much as 35% or more. Brighter bulbs add a nice finishing touch to a proper headlight repair. It not only looks better but will be that much safer.There you have it, headlight repair made simple. If enough people realize how important this is maybe they would follow these steps to fix and repair improperly lit, broken and cloudy headlights and they would no longer be the number one cause of night time accidents. And hopefully many unnecessary car accidents and fatalities would be avoided.For more great information, tips, safety and money saving products please visit: Headlight Repair
Keyword : headlight repair,safety, night time driving safety,headlight
