วันพุธที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

How Gasoline Is Making An Independent State Dependent Upon Others

Author : Wycliffe Williams
The US is becoming more dependent upon others for her oil needs. The ironic thing about this sad state of affairs is that those who like us the least, we depend upon the most for oil. They are cognizant of the fact that America's insatiable thirst for gasoline has increased 45% over the last 50 years…and continues to rise…unabated!We have spent centuries building up our world leadership position. Many countries big and small have in the past, looked to the US for leadership. Unfortunately, these same countries now view us as a toothless tiger because of our dependence upon others for oil.Couple that with our sad history of being easily drawn into a war, but always finding it so difficult to get out. And there you have it. A nation whose bark is worse than its bite.For instance, a whopping 60% of our petroleum needs reach our shores from other countries. Many of these countries are not friendly toward America.It is important for us to extricate ourselves from this self inflicted, dependent state we find ourselves in. Everyone must do their part. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. If we each do a little, we've all done a lot.We, as consumers are firmly planted on the demand side of the equation. Can we do something to decrease demand? Oh yes we can.Decreasing our usage of these oil products would have the effect of lowering demand. Once demand is lowered, the super tankers that ship oil to our ports will be making less and less trips.This would have the effect of tipping the supply side in our favor. Why? The cost of each barrel of oil would drop. That's good news for us.This would have the wonderful effect of putting less of our dollars into the hands of the unfriendlies. Since they spend those dollars to purchase weapons of death and destruction to use on Americans anyway.Unfortunately, our current trend of gasoline usage points steadily upward. The Weekly Statistical Bulletin from API shares some shocking statistics. They say that on a daily basis we have demanded over 9 million barrels of gasoline.If that doesn't shock you into action, maybe this will. We have demanded those 9 million barrels for the last 12 consecutive weeks. Its time for action. Do your little bit.On our single most demanding week, we ordered a record breaking 9.5 million barrels on one particular day. The previous record breaking day, was when 9.4 million barrels were requisitioned. This statistic was left lying in the dust.I don't know what the cause is but last year this time we used 8.5% less gasoline. Again, those gas guzzling SUV's have a lot to do with the 8.5% increase.Let me try and put our foreign oil imports into a more simple perspective.
From the beginning of May 2006, to the end of August 2006, our total gasoline imports have come in at the staggering average of 1.4 million barrels per day. This 18 week period is unprecedented in our gas import history.Now here's the shocker. Before May of 2006, the records indicate, that only 5 weeks had imports above this level! We are depending more on our foreign oil imports.Fossil fuels take millenniums to make. We are using up the fossil fuels at an alarming rate, and the US is leading the way. It's important to remember, once the fossil fuels are gone, they are gone forever.We must do something in our little corner. Bob Proctor said it best, when he told us, "It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective?"Wycliffe Williams travels a great deal for his job. He took positive action so that his country wouldn't be so dependent on enemies for oil. Isn't it time for you to take some positive action too? Click the link time4u2savegas. Its on my website www.wyclefinnovations.com above the dotcomology banner. You can make a difference.
Keyword : gas,oil,dependent upon others for oil,world leadership,petroleum,consumers,oil products,
