วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Lead Generation: Prospecting Is Its Own Reward - Not!

Author : Del Laird
Raise your hand if you've tried typical display ads in the newspaper or magazine. How about a nice yellow pages ad? Hmmm. What about sponsoring a local sports team and getting your company name on some banner in the outfield?Can you quantify, with accuracy, how much you spent on each of these lead generation devices and the direct result of their use measured in new customers and sales?How about another question - Why did you select those particular marketing methods? (My guess is you read about it, was told about it, had it recommended to you or some other business was doing it and you figured that was a logical step.)The problem with copying other businesses is that maybe they're copying someone else who in turn is copying someone else who, as it turns out, is copying the marketing of a business on the brink of bankruptcy.I'm of the mind that business owners are IN BUSINESS to make a profit. And I believe each and every marketing effort should BUILD the brand, customer base and of course, the bottom line.So what's a business owner to do? THINK!Don't spend money here and there HOPING it'll drum up business. Invest the time and EVALUATE the advertising method - it's reach - it's ability to sell (or convert a reader into a buyer) - it's cost versus likely reward.Here's a start:Consider direct mail. Grassroot/Neighborhood marketing. Charitable marketing. Co-op advertising. Joint ventures. Endorsed mailings. Free standing inserts. Advertorial copy rather than pretty print ads. Community events. Chamber meetings. Local associations/memberships. Religious channels. Public speaking.Delbert Laird is the host of http://referralengine.blogspot.com/ which is dedicated to providing FREE marketing and advertising systems to develop clients, referrals and profits using his Six Ultimate Business Truths formula.
Keyword : marketing,advertising,business,branding,direct mail
