วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Make More Money by Marketing to Fewer People!

Author : Laura Howard
Focus on fewer people AND make more money?This doesn't seem logical. However, it's true. If you dare to focus your efforts on a select group of people you will enjoy more success and it will be easier and more fun!The key is to claim a niche -a select group of people whom you serve to the point where you become an expert. This results in being better known, getting great referrals, having greater success and making more money!Just think for a moment about a favorite article. The one where you would swear the author was writing directly to you, as if he had a video camera into your world. That's what it's like having a niche.Imagine the energy you'll have by only working with those ideal clients that make your heart sing!Claiming who is your ideal client is easier than it might sound.==============================================
Step One: Do the "internal research."
==============================================Discover your gifts. Know that you are a consultant with unique professional and life experiences and a way of being in the world that is unlike anyone else. And there are people out there who want it just the way you serve it!Ask yourself:What am I passionate about?
What do people say they love about me?
When does it feel like I am playing?Build your business around these strengths and passions, and leave behind those areas you don't love (but think you "should" offer). Build your business around what you love. It takes courage to focus only on the areas you are great at!==============================================
Step Two: Imagine your calendar is filled with those clients who put a big smile on your face.
==============================================What do they all have in common?List the top 10 characteristics of these ideal clients.
List their top 10 dreams. What do they wish for in their lives as they sit and look out over the ocean on vacation?
List their top 10 worries. What wakes them up at 3am and has them tossing and turning?
And now, list 10 tools and resources you can offer them to make their situation better.Utilize this information in creating and marketing your services directly to them. Just like that favorite article - your ideal clients will be saying, "Wow, she is talking to me! I've gotta call her!"==============================================
Step Three: Create a vision story 5 years in the future.
==============================================Imagine you are working only with clients who bring you joy! Write how you are doing this work and living your life passionately and with ease because you have found your gift.When you dare to build your business around your gift and what's important to you, then you show up with radiance and vitality, and you become a client magnet.==============================================
Step Four: CREATE a Niche.
==============================================Once you've claimed it, then you CREATE it. Our challenge to you is to get clear about your niche, and for six months PLAY with it. Every time you write an article, lead a workshop, talk to others about your work, do it with your ideal client in mind. We guarantee your passion and clarity will be enrolling!Have the courage to follow these steps and you'll propel your success AND love your business!Laura Howard, CPCC, and Gerina Gaffney, CPCC, AICI, CIP, co-lead a six-month life- and business-changing telecourse called Entrepreneurial Success Skills for Image Consultants. For more information, see http://joyfulmarketing.typepad.com/entrepreneurial_success/.

Laura Howard also leads a six-month program for business owners and entrepreneurs of all industries. Contact Laura at CoachLaura@JoyfulEntrepreneur.com for more information.
Keyword : marketing, business, clients, get more clients, profit, ideal clients, niche
