วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Resolving Needs - What Your Employees Wish For!

Author : Martin Haworth
For your people, they want to do a great job - no, really, despite your experiences,
they do. And what might seem to 'the management' the important things,
just don't stack in the day-to-day reality of the workplace.
Here's why.Your people want to focus on looking after their customers, yet there are
many things, often just little things, that get in their way. Removing these little
things they are having to tolerate, allows them to deliver the very best service
to their customers. Yet they are reluctant to get this clear. For some reason.
You need to find out.
So. Ask them!Yet why is this so difficult for some managers? Partly to
do with not wishing to open challenging dialogue; not even thinking there might
be issues or to dismissing needs of their people as irrelevant, amongst others.
These issues, so vital to the well-being of their people and therefore their relationships
with their customers, get missed.So, how do managers get around
this.EasyThey just ASK. They ask in ways that work,
but basically, they just ASK.There are a many ways to do this.
Ongoing dialogue; focus groups; feedback; 360's. But a really simple way to get
to the bottom of what is bothering your people is, one-on-one to simply ask them
this simple question:-"If you had three wishes in your job, what would
they be?"So why do we ask for three wishes? Because
often there are one or two issues that are 'givens'. Like more staff, more pay
etc. Three wishes gives a bit of scope in the replies. If you can, allow your
people to personalise the returns, but only if they want to. Once you've got
your people being constructive around changes - and you let them tell you, you
can respond, often very quickly and make things a lot better.Understanding
the little things, makes a big difference to the people who are vital to your
success - who create the business for you. Don't miss the chance.Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide,
mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He
has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website,

(Note to editors. This article may be edited for use in your publication or
newsletter as long as a live link to the website is included)
...helping you, to help your people, to help your business grow...
Keyword : change,want,wish,feedback,dialogue,relationships,ask
