วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

What Exactly is It that You Sell in Your Small Business? Why a Wrong Answer is Costing You Money

Author : Jeremy Tuber
So what do you sell? Dumb question, I know – but humor me.Answer out loud if you need to, "What is it that you sell?" I'll bet you that you're wrong!Chances are, 86% of the small business owners that answer this question are going to provide an answer that is severely limiting their ability to gain more customers, more market share and more revenue. Are you one of those people?Let's take a quick look at some right and wrong answers, for example, you are a(n):1:
As an accountant you think you sell tax services – ouch, not what you want to sayAs an accountant you really sell peace of mind, time, hassle and frustration savings, avoiding the dreaded audit, and expert knowledge that will help your clients get back as much money as possible from the government.2:
As a personal trainer you think you sell workouts to clients – oh that's not goodAs a personal trainer you really sell the feeling of looking better, feeling better and performing better in life. You are selling a whole new lifestyle and a whole new person. You help clients move through life with more strength and less pain. You are selling self-esteem, confidence and even a little sex appeal.3:
As a computer tech you think you sell computer trouble shooting – stop the bleedingAs a computer tech you really sell increased productivity with a faster, smoother running machine, security that the computer is virus free, security that the irreplaceable data is backed up and secure, expertise in helping to provide your clients with invaluable advice on what technology to invest in.Starting to get the picture? So, what exactly do you sell again?Small business owners often get all mixed up in selling the features and benefits to their clients rather than the true value to the client. If you knew this already, congratulations, if you not only know this but you're marketing it as well – you're really ahead of your competition!If you need help in this area, call me at 480.391.0704 and let's talk about how to get your marketing materials to say what you REALLY want them to say.I help small businesses build more confidence and credibility into their business brand. Through marketing and design initiatives; I help you feel better about your company. Making you feel good about your business gives you more confidence and less anxiety when you are networking, promoting or selling your business. If your business needs the reliability and talent of an in-house marketing and design department but doesn't want additional employees, salaries and benefits, give me a call at 480.391.0704 - I have a new approach for you.If you are looking for more free insight and inspiration, you'll want to get in on the "Can-Do Confidence Builder". Emailed weekly, the Confidence Builder provides you with essential marketing and design insights that help you get the most out of your investment and help you to stay one step ahead of the competition. Email me at comments@candographics.com and asked to be added to our list or visit http://www.candographics.com
Keyword : brand, advertising, marketing, advertising, small business, graphic, design, phoenix, promotions
