วันพุธที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Build An Opt In Email List Of 1,250 Eager Subscribers

Author : Codrut Turcanu
If you have ever wanted to discover how you can build your
own opt in email list, now it's your chance to learn the
amazing tactics that I'm using on a regular basis to
generate up to 1,000 opt-in email subscribers, quickly and
easily.FACT: everyone knows that when using email as the media of
your online promotion, you eliminate the need for high cost
advertising.In fact, email is free to use. The paid costs are for the
autoresponder service that helps you to collect opt in email
subscribers and build your opt in email list.One thing is for sure - with an opt in email list, you are
pretty sure that what you are sending out is received,
viewed and read by your leads and not simply being deleted.Here's why: they have signed up for your opt in list and
have consented in receiving the content you promised them.This means that there are constant reminders to your
subscribers about all your promotions: new products and
services as well as any information, tips and resource you
are having. There is also the chance that these messages can
be forwarded to other potential customers as your
subscribers tell their friends and family about you and your
Web Site.Be aware: a subscriber may unsubscribe when they feel that
they are not getting what they wanted or expected from you.
Make sure that they are pretty satisfied with your opt-in
email CONTENT and keep them excited in receiving your future
information.Here are 3 quick tips that can help you to build an opt in
email list of 1,250 eager subscribers:TIP #1 - Create Your Opt In Email Landing PageI bet you've seen an opt in email landing page before: it's
a web page where the main purpose is to get your email
address in exchange for free or paid CONTENT (e.g. an
eCourse, an eBook, updates, etc...)The KEY term here is "CONTENT". If you promise and deliver
great, exclusive CONTENT, you are going to create a
responsive opt in email list of eager subscribers who should
turn into your raving fans and customers.In order to get as many subscribers as you can (your focus
is to have a HIGH opt in conversion ratio - getting a % of
subscribers out of 100 visitors to your site!) you must
create a killer opt in email landing page. Here's how to do
it: spy on your competitors. Watch how they're building
their opt in email landing pages and copy their tactics.
Don't plagiarise them, instead, come up with your own opt in
landing page model.TIP #2 - Create Your Opt In Email Course CONTENTThe BEST way to keep in contact with your subscribers and
send them NEW information via email is with an opt in email
course that you create and upload onto your autoresponder.These email course lessons will be put on follow-up and your
autoresponder will act like an online FAX machine, sending
email after email to your opt in email list.I suggest you create at least 7 email follow-ups packed with
100% exclusive content because unique content is the KING.HINT: the more follow-up emails you write and add to your
autoresponders, the great chances you have to generate more
sales and turn subscribers into your eager fans and
customers.Make your CONTENT interesting and fun. Try to use a little
creativity but do not over do it.Write compelling tips and articles that can be very
informational but light at the same time. If your
subscribers enjoy your articles, they will go to your Web
Site by clicking the links that you recommend inside your
email.I suggest you NEVER come up with CONTENT not related to your
eCourse niche topic. If your web site visitors signed up
with your opt in email list to receive FREE information
about "how to make money online with eBay", do NOT send them
tips on "how to make money offline". That's nonsense.TIP #3 - Promote Your Opt In Landing Page Like CrazyBelieve it or not, the most effective tactic you can use to
promote your opt in email landing page is simply by...Writing and publishing online articles. Once you finish
creating an article packed with red-hot content and NO
advertising, research for top online directories and web
masters who accept article submissions in your niche topic.Here comes the most exciting part: if your article is
accepted and published by an online web site or publication
(e.g. Newsletter/eZine) it's going to bring you FREE traffic
to your opt in email landing page. More than that, if
others are seeing this article and like it, they can also
decide to publish it online, thus bringing you FREE exposure
to your opt in email landing page.You should receive 5-10 opt in email subscribers per day for
each high traffic web site that publishes your article. This
traffic is viral, it grows on autopilot and spreads like
wildfire.Within a month your article could build you a list of 1,250
opt in email subscribers eager to read your offers.Just last month I received 1470 opt in leads to one of my
niche eCourses, so this works, try it for yourself and
you'll be amazed at how easy it is to create your own
profitable opt in email list.Codrut Turcanu is a TOP eMarketer from Romania. Sign-Up For
His $47.97 eCourse For FREE And Discover Five Mega Powerful
Opt-In List Money-Making Tips, Tricks & Techniques.
Category : Business:List-Building
