วันอังคารที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

L.A.M.P. PROCESS STEP 2: ACT (Part 2 of 10)

Author : Kevin McNabb

PRACTICEA very important lesson about life: in 30 days he can turn almost anythinginto a habit, if you practice it for a few minutes everyday. If you find that the new Habit is not taking hold, it is probably because you skipped a day. That won't work. You can't afford to skip even a single day. If you do, your momentum will drop to zero, and you'll have to start over again. During that first 30 days, if you miss even a day of practice, reset your 30-day clock to Day one and start from the beginning. The next time around, practice every day. By the 30th day, you of giving yourself a new habit. INTERNAL PRACTICEWhen we think of practice, we usually think of what I call external practice, the kind the do with your body. But there is a second kind of practice, one that is equally useful when it comes to developing a new habit and is far easier to perform. I call it Internal practice because you do it with your mind. This is what psychologists call visualization. Which is just a fancy word for practicing with your mind instead of your body. The latest research into visualization proves that your mind can't tell much of a difference between an activity visualizes and when you actually performed. This suggests that you can benefit nearly as much from practicing with your mind and the can from practicing with your body. PRE-MEMORYThe term visualization is misleading. Internal practice is far more than seeing the appropriate pictures in your mind. He must also feel the appropriate feelings, hear the appropriate sounds, tasty appropriate tastes, and smell the a corporate smells. You need to experience a practice session in your mind as if you are actually experiencing it with your body. The more realistic to make your mental practice, the more firmly you fix the " experience " in your brain. Sometimes a mental experience is so powerful that it feels like a memory instead of like something you just dreamed up. I call this kind of intense mental image a pre memory. This is something you " remember " before it happens, because you want to make it happen the way you have " remembered " it. You imagine the pictures, feelings, and sounds of your experience, and the tastes and smells if there are any, as clearly as if they had already happened. Pre-memories are the most powerful kind of internal practice, rivaling the memories you retain from actual experience. Your mind can tell so little difference between what's real and what you imagine that you can use pre memories to create new Habits the same way you have used actual experience to create your existing Habits. All it takes is repetition. To use pre memories to form a new Habit, just ask yourself these three questions:1.What would I see through my own eyes if I were actually practicing my new Habit?2.What would I hear?3.How would I feel?To deepen your experience, ask yourself this question:How would I feel if I really were enjoying this new Habit?Kevin McNabbhttp://tinyurl.com/ysep2a Dedicated to helping people find financial freedomand prosperity on a global level.http://tinyurl.com/2ytxskThis article is available for reprint, with the resource box intact.You can make money with this article by adding PPC ads tothis article, so that you will generate revenue from the click-thru's.Please see additional articles from Kevin McNabb athttp://kmanglobal.blogspot.com/

Category : General Business: Network Marketing
