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4 Scientific Strategies to Become Brilliant At Anything

Author : Destin Lucas
In this brief article we will explore four methods that real
world achievers use to outshine their peers and become history
makers.1. Get the Basics RightIn sports it is a well-known fact, that the greater your
mastery of the basics, the better you will be at that sport. In
fact, mastery of the basics, is often the key factor that
separates great sportsman, from average sportsman. Imagine a
champion soccer player who can't aim the ball properly, or a
basketball player who misses the hoop. They just wouldn't make
the team.Similarly in everyday life, we need to pay attention to the
basics of whatever we are doing. We need to ensure that we have
a strong mastery of the fundamentals. We need to be ready for
the opportunities that life brings us, so that when our time
comes, we don't miss our shot.2. Strive to be the MasterThe great martial Artist Bruce Lee was a master of almost every
fighting style of his day. Not only did he study the traditional
martial arts such as Wing Chun - Kung Fu, but he also studied
western fighting styles such as boxing and fencing. Bruce Lee
was always striving to become the best in his field. He would
put in whatever effort it took, and do whatever he needed to do,
to become the best.Similarly if we want to become brilliant at something, we need
to strive to become the best in our field. We need to observe
what the masters are doing and imitate them. We need to be
committed to continuous improvement. We need to make mastery our
passion and focus.3. Grow in IncrementsIt is easier to walk 10 feet, than it is to jump 10 feet. Almost
all super-achievers developed their success one step at a time.
Richard Branson the British business giant started out with a
student magazine. He then progressed to a mail order music
business. Later he opened a record shop and then a recording
company. He continued along this line, until he had created one
of the largest business empires in Britain.When we think about this, it becomes apparent, that the path to
greatness is completed one step at a time. We generally grow
more when we take baby steps, than when we try to take giant
leaps.4. No Matter What - ContinueHelen Keller lost her sight and hearing while still a young
child. But this didn't stop her from becoming world famous. In
spite of her severe handicap, she continued, and learnt to speak
audibly and hear by means of letters drawn on her hands. She
continued to persist and completed a university degree, before
becoming a noted author. Helen Keller is the world's greatest
example of the power of persistence!No matter what, we need to cultivate the habit of persisting
through trials -- of starting again after setbacks and using our
failures as, an education for success. We need to remember that
more than anything else - persistence is the master key, that
separates the 'haves' from the 'have nots'.ConclusionWhen you apply these four principles, you will begin to realize
that there is a process to becoming brilliant -- and anybody who
follows this process, will become brilliant at the things, which
they want to excel in. And you too, will become exceptional, as
you apply these principles to your own life, until one day you
will look back on your life, as so many others have, and say to
yourself, "I have become brilliant!"Destin Lucas is an internationally-recognized writer, speaker and co-founder of Dawning Truth – a breakthrough success modeling program for dramatically accelerating your personal development. If you want to achieve greatness visit http://www.greatnesscircle.com
Keyword : success,achieve greatness,self development,self growth,achieve goals,be brillant
