วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Listening - A Life Skill for Success!

Author : Joanne Robinson
When I decided to have my web site built, I discovered 5 web site
designers whose portfolios I found professional and creative. On
approach, four of them asked me to fill out time consuming forms
detailing my needs and objectives but none took the time to call me.
However, the fifth designer started his sell by calling, listening to my
needs, asking questions and following up with a detailed proposal. He
called again for feedback and asked further questions about my needs.
It was this coupled with his professional approach why I decided he was
the one I wanted to work with.Whether you are dealing with a client, business associate, parent,
spouse or child you cannot expect to win business, be understood or
bring out the best in others unless you learn the art of listening correctly.
Most people who experience difficulty in their relationships, whether
business or personal, sincerely believe that they are listening to the
other person but a closer look will tell you that most communication
conflicts are fuelled by an inability to fully engage in listening.Can you remember at time when you were listened to? How great did
that feel? Well, good listening has a positive influence and can increase
your success with others. There is something deeply gratifying about
being heard and can be the key to improving the quality of life for
another human being. You will also be armed with a deeper
understanding of the people you are in daily contact with and better
equipped to meet their needs. Now isn't that something worth pursuing?So, if you are ready to improve your listening skills, first take on board
that listening isn't something you do but who you are. By this I mean,
how genuinely interested in others are you? If you are only looking to be
heard, have no real desire to take on board another's point of view and
only want your own interests taken care of, you will reap resistance from
others. So if you want to be heard ensure you take the time to listen as
well!Secondly, check your body position. We might say we are listening with
our ears but our body position sends out a non-verbal message as to
whether we are fully engaged. Having a correct body position helps us
to retain what is being said, so adopt a good attentive posture by:Ensuring you are facing the person when you are talking to them, don't
sit facing away or walk into another room saying you can still hear them!If seated, sit comfortable and lean forward at times to show that you are
interested.Use hand gestures, smiles, nods and eye contact to let the other person
know you are listening.Thirdly, don't cut in half way through their conversation, attempt to finish
what they are saying or jump straight in with your response. Check for
clarification first, summarising helps ensure that you have gained all the
facts!Fifth, be assertive! If now is really an impossible time to talk then let the
other person know! Book a time when you can both sit down
uninterrupted, you will be appreciated for your honesty far more then
showing distraction!Six, use open-ended questions, by this I mean questions that invite the
other person to share more, rather than issue a yes or no response. For
example:Open ended: What could you do instead? What do you think would
happen if? Is there another way of?
Closed: Is this the right way to do this? Are you all right? Do you want to
do that?Seven, don't be quick to give advice unless it is asked for. Learn to be
comfortable with just being there, asking good questions and getting to
know the heart of another individual!Being listened to increases self worth because it sends out a message
to the other person they are worth the time and are significant.Now that's a sure way of winning people!Joanne is a qualifired Life Skills Coach, Counselor and Facilitator in
Weight Managment offering group coaching and individual support to
women. Though her emphasis is on supporting women in hurtful
relationships, her life skills services are for all women and include
Career Development and Weight Management. Her on line services at
http://www.donnaintera.net also offer free sign up to
devotionals and articles to help you gain the tools to over come your
problems including workshops and coaching to women who want to
develop their full potential.Sign up today and begin living your life free, inspired and
Keyword : listening, lifeskills, building relationships,
