วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

How to Make Success a Habit

Author : Tamara Baruhovich
Want to make success a habit in your life? If you've got determination, it may be simpler than what you think. All you need is a slight change in your thinking pattern. Changing your thoughts will change your beliefs, your expectations, your attitude, and consequently, your behavior. A change in behavior will eventually lead you to a change in performance. And when you perform at your peak, you succeed. It doesn't matter where you are in life, or what you do for a living, if you just modify the way you look at things, the way you think about things, you can achieve success.The following steps can help you develop the habit of success:1. Develop Real Desire.What is really important for you? What do you really want in life? Truly, if you had everything you ever wanted right now, how would that picture look? For some, it may be a brand new home, for others a brand new Porsche. Maybe you want more time with your family, work from home full time or a fancy vacation every few months. Whatever it is, you need to develop true desire for the things you want. This desire has to come not only from your mind, but from your heart, and it should be your driving force. Like a compass on a ship, your desire will guide you through rough waters until you get to your destination.2. Get Rid of Ambivalence and Be Realistic.Ambivalence about what you want will undermine your success. Make up your mind, and be realistic about your desires. You may want to become the best olympic diver, and that is fine if you're 16 and have been diving since you were 2, but… how realistic is that if you are over 30 and have never taken a class in diving? Plan realistically when you think about your desire. 3. Use Your Desire to Get Motivated. Successful people use what they desire as motivation. If you want a brand new home, get a picture of the house you'd like to own. Frame it and hang it over your desk and look at it every time things get though. It will help you see things from a different perspective, and will keep you motivated to move on.4. Spell Out Your Specific Goals.Decide how you're going to get the specific things that you want. This should help you determine what you need to do to get closer to the fulfillment of your desire. Let's say that for you to achieve the home of your dreams, you need to save $25K for a downpayment. If you are like me, you won't get to save that by working for somebody else. So how can you achieve that? By working on an independent venture, either to supplement your income or to replace it altogether. That should be one of your goals.5. Chose Achievable, Simple Goals.Chose simple goals to start, even if they are not impressive. Once you've succeeded at achieving the simple ones, reward yourself and go on to achieve more elaborate goals. Always write them down, and keep them in your mind all the time, no matter what you're doing. Focusing on your goals will help you get through the day. One trait of successful people is their ability to focus.6. Develop a Complete Plan of Action.Break your main goal into smaller goals, and then the small goals into simple steps. Then, give yourself definite deadlines to complete each step. Decide on the first step of your first small goal, and concentrate on it. Do you want to start a business in Network Marketing, but have heard all kinds of stories that make you wonder if it's right for you? Your first step then is to get educated and informed. Gather all of the information you need to help you make a wise decision. Decide on the amount of time you'll give yourself to do this task, and meet your deadline. Stick with your plan. Just do it. This is the attitude of people who are determined to succeed.7. Stay Positive.Successful people have the discipline to stay positive even through rough times. Also, they don't worry about things going wrong. Once negativity steps into your thinking, it can immobilize you and stop you from taking action. Successful people know that worrying is useless. If you think about it, most things we worry about don't ever happen anyhow. Even when some things go wrong, you'll be able to handle whatever comes your way if you have a positive attitude. Don't let imaginary problems stop you from taking action.Determination and optimism can carry you a long way toward achieving your immediate and long-term goals to attain the life you want. When your vision is clear, you don't let yourself get bogged down by temporary problems. Even when times get though and you feel like giving up, your vision will carry you through those moments. Even if you've made mistakes in the past, you'll be able to learn from them, pick yourself up and keep going. Attitude will allow you to navigate your way around obstacles, and keep your eyes, mind and your whole being focused on the big picture. Teach yourself to remain centered and focused, like successful people do. And do whatever it takes to reach your goals, just because what you're working for is worth the effort. Remember your desire?--You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.About The AuthorTamara Baruhovich, writer, webmaster, and business mentor, coaches individuals all over the world, into starting and operating a profitable home business, in either direct sales or Network Marketing. For more information, visit www.EliteTeamLeaders.com and www.e-softwarebiz.info.marketingplanet1@aol.com
Keyword : success,self improvement,motivation,leadership,self help
