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Success - How Long Does It Take To Become Successful? 5 Components To Have Success!

Author : Greg Nicholls
I enjoy microwave popcorn and I really like the fact that it is ready about 2-3 minutes from when I decide that I want some. I am also amazed at how computers have changed over the years; they have become faster and faster as the technology changed. But my favourite, is that I can be walking down the street and decide that I want to speak on the phone with somebody and in 15 seconds I can have a mobile phone call connected.In most cases, I have come to expect that when I want something now, that means I WANT IT NOW! Think about my example above, if it took 2-3 minutes for my mobile phone call to connect a call, or for my computer programs to open, I would likely be really frustrated - it would seem to be forever, but 2-3 minutes for popcorn is ok.As a society, we have developed an expectation of “instant” or “microwave results” and if those results are not met within the time frame we have established in our mind, then we can tend to get frustrated, and maybe quit working towards a successful outcome.“How long does it take to become successful?”Do you think that the inventors of microwave popcorn developed the technology to produce microwave popcorn in 2-3 minutes, or 2-3 months? No, it was likely 2-3 years and guess what, they are still perfecting their success.Although it does happen sometimes, what seems like “instant” or “microwave success” is becoming an expectation for almost everything, usually because the people observing the success of others, do not know about the actual amount of work the person has done before they got there. Those having success were just ready to receive success and that is when it came to them, but they became ready by being a student of some form of personal development.Ok, now it is time to put down the popcorn, stop playing with your computer and shut off your mobile phone so we can get into the five specific components to success. It has been said many times before and here it is again…success is a choice and you can choose to succeed, or you can choose to fail, the good news is the choice is yours to make every single day.Personal Development is actually a general description for the many small changes and choices made in your life daily towards your own personal success. There is a law to attracting success into your life and I will let you know of a movie that I recommend that reveals “the secret” below.Now, success can be attained by following five simple recommendations; if you truly desire success, you will want to make sure that you implement these instructions and practice the five components to success daily:1. Daily Meditation/Visualization of Goals – Specific goal setting and daily review; visualize your Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) goals with the emotion as if you have already have attained them.2. Daily Income-Producing Activities – You can choose to be doing something that will produce revenue right now, if you are just thinking about it or trying to get your ducks in row, you are just wasting time. As Mike Litman says: “You Don’t Have To Get It Right, You Just Have to Get It Going!”3. Study Personal Development – On a daily basis too; you can get plugged into the study of personal development, if you do not, you simply become a reflection of what you are plugged into (news media, negative friends and anything else that can bring you down) you are a product of what you allow into your mind.4. Mastermind With Other Leaders - Have mentors and a coach; people that are having success in the area you want to succeed in people that are willing to teach you and keep you on track. Once you get a hold of them, do not let go! If you let them get away, they will not wait for you to catch up.5. Cultivate The Expectation of Leadership – Leaders lead by example and do not look back and dwell on their failures. Expect excellence from yourself first and do the things you need to do on a daily basis. Then you can expect the same from others; the people that will become successful and contribute to your success by your influence and example. These people will have followed you because you expect leadership and success in yourself and in those around you.While there are no guarantees in life; you can choose to follow the five components to success and implement them into your life consistently. When you do, you will get everything you desire!Success and how long it takes to become successful...You should now understand; the answer to this is totally up to you!Because YOU Deserve Money!Greg Nicholls© 2006. Nicholls Enterprises - www.deservemoney.comYou can now subscribe to the FREE "Deserve Money E-Zine Newsletter" and receive weekly insight and knowledge from Greg Nicholls, visit http://www.DeserveMoney.com and subscribe today!Greg Nicholls, a 36 year old Husband, Father & Entrepreneur brings you weekly information with his free newsletter that will help you understand why you Deserve Money in your life and how to get it! To subscribe to his newsletter, visit http://www.deservemoney.com and begin to benefit from his inspiring insights. Greg is also known for teaching people how to build a successful business while working from home, for more information on how to develop your own successful business right the first time, contact Greg by email at Greg@DeserveMoney.com or call his toll free number from anywhere in North America at 1-800-388-4563 or from outside North America to Canada at 778-786-2287.
Keyword : Success,successful,goals,personal,development,goal setting,attraction,goal,income,mentor,coach
