วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Struggling With Personal Issues - Surrender!

Author : Fran Buckless
Lately, I have been struggling with some personal issues in my life and have also enlisted the support of good friends to remind me of who I am, and what I value, and how I can find my own truths in difficult situations.The 1st thing I do is to meditate, and get into a very still place. Then I ask my Higher Power to give me insight into whatever has come up for me and I feel powerless over. I then remain still and quiet, and SURRENDER to the process - knowing that I will get the insight that I need either that day or shortly afterward. If I can stay out of my own way and don't try and manipulate what my ego wants - surrendering has never failed to give me my truth. However the key is SURRENDERING(which those of us who like to be in control find difficulty in doing)-and then having the courage to believe what you hear and know to be the truth of your soul and act on it. The answer is always there - if we are willing to listen.Below are some other things to help you find the truth when you need answers, and fear starts to take over. I hope you find them helpful when you are faced with challenges.When in a quandry over a decision do the following: no matter what anybody asks of you, put your hand on your heart and listen before you answer. You absolutely cannot lie to yourself when you do that.The truth has and will continue to set you free.Let true peace surround you, fill you, and guide you.Your genuine truth from your heart is the voice of God.I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends that always hold me in a space of love when I feel lost, afraid, and can't find my truth - knowing that I will reconnect with my Spirit. I am truly grateful for each one of them.I am also blessed to have friends that are committed to working on their tough issues so they can grow and transform their own lives. Being surrounded by like minded people, who love you warts and all, and are clear that they don't have to rescue you but just be there for you. Isn't it time you started to attract these people in your life? Be the change you wish to see in your life.Fran Buckless has been a coach and educator for over 30 years. She has just started a newsletter, "All About Caring", on her website http://www.myallaboutcaring.com. Her goal is to remind people that there is someone out there that cares about them and their needs. Fran comes from a spiritual background, and believes in helping others through a variety of ways. If you need a "pick me up" or something that will make you "think", read one of her articles. She is just like you, and will try to relate some of her experiences knowing that there are others who are going through the same thing. She is also committed to helping you find other people who come from integrity in a variety of fields-----people that you don't have to search for but can trust. If you like honesty, you will like what she has to write about. She is truly inspirational, and has a bigger heart than anyone I know.
Keyword : spirituality, surrendering,truth,fear,meditation,listening courage,friends
