วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Opportunity's a Knockin

Author : Justin Herald
There's that old saying that "opportunity knocks". But for many, opportunity always seems to miss them. My theory: If opportunity isn't knocking, build a door! By that I mean don't wait for opportunities to present themselves to you; you need to go out there and create an environment where opportunity has a chance to grow. A lot of people want to know what is around the corner in their life's journey before they take the next step. This is such a shame as it is the fear of the unknown that should heighten our awareness to grasping every opportunity and taking it as far as we can. It is the experiences that we haven't prepared for that make us better and stronger human beings.Every now and then I get the odd sour sack telling me that the only reason I reached a level of success was because I was just "lucky". Well truth be told, I guess I was lucky to start off with. I was lucky that I only had $50 to my name. I was lucky that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. And I was lucky that I had to learn the ropes very quickly. You see you can't just write some people's success of by throwing out the old "luck" line.
The one thing that I did know was that I was sick and tired of getting nowhere in my life. The opportunity? To make a change and to try to get myself out of that.
Now I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that it was up to me to make the change. I saw this as a great opportunity to take control of my situations.You will find that when you back yourself and step out, opportunities will just start popping up around you. But the difference between this and the person waiting for an opportunity to present itself before they start something is that with action comes opportunity.
Looking at others who seem to experience success often and casting an opinion of their "luck" is so short sighted as you don't know what effort they have put into their success.Recently due to my exposure with my articles, speaking engagements and book sales I have been contacted by numerous media outlets for me to get involved in their projects. Now I have to say, this is not something that I have been working on for years, this is just a by-product of me doing the best I can in the areas I have concentrated on.
You see as you excel, the opportunity for you to go above and beyond what you may have even had planed for yourself.
Just because you are at a certain stage in your life right now, does not mean that you have to stay there or you have to cope with what you are given each day. This is why we all need to source out opportunities in our lives, so as we can turn our situations around.
Don't wait for them to come to you, go out there and create opportunities for your life.
Remember though: Opportunity may not look like you think it should. It may present itself in a way that may cause you to dismiss it. My biggest successes in life have been what most people would have dismissed as a stupid idea.
You are in charge of you own life so make sure you are ready for whatever comes your way.ustin started a business at the age of 25 with only $50 in his pocket. 6 years later it was turning over $25 million. he is the author of 4 international best selling books. His first book "Would you like Attitude with that" still sits on book shelves around the world 3 years after its release. His website, http://www.justinherald.com gets over 30,000 hits each week. In 2005, Justin was voted the "International Entrepreneur of the Year"
Keyword : motivation, opportunity, success
