วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Where Do I Begin?

Author : Graham Harris
The most effective part of any process is to begin. To start.But we put so much effort and waste so much energy into avoiding to start. We find other jobs to do. We tell ourselves we are not ready, yet. We need more time. We find hundreds of reasons to stop us doing what we want to do. Graham always finds he needs a cup of coffee or there's a chore that has to be done now! Julie is always keen to take the dog for yet another walk!What's your major avoidance tactic?But start? Now there's a thing.It doesn't matter what we think. Every day, on every occasion we have to start.Imagine if you hadn't started. Imagine if instead of listening to and accepting your intuition and natural tendencies you had said, No I don't want to stretch my legs. I don't want to change. I don't want to move. I like this foetal position. I'll just stay here a while longer. I don't care what all my antennae are saying.But you didn't when all the natural pieces fell into place you corresponded and accepted it was time to get born.You didn't say hang on a minute I just want another cup of coffee. I'm too busy at the moment; ask me next month. You just got on with it.You didn't wait until everything was right. Until everything was in place. YOU JUST STARTED:You just got on with it.Now when faced with a similar option, to give birth to a new idea or a new project do you listen to your natural self? Do you go with your feelings or do you do what your head tells you?Do you stop yourself?Why?Why do you do that?What is it in you that when everything is set up to go. The feeling in your stomach says yes. Your intuition says Yes. Everything is set up for you to act. Everything is waiting for you to play your part……….You say No?You have everything you need but your head says No.The rational you has clicked in.Instead of letting your intuition, mind and body tell you what to do. You let your head take over. Instead of listening to your natural self, your feelings, you decide to follow the rational you, your head, the logician, because the thinking process is the best.Is it?An old business parable followed by many business men says:To gain commitment to a new way forward you only need one good reason not hundreds.
However, if you can find hundreds of reasons to go ahead with a new project but only one reason to say no. The odds are that no is the best way forward.Everything is ready for you to fill your space. But you don't go for it. Why not?What stop you?Our guess is the thoughts that stop you are all about other people and/or the fear of losing something.Have you ever noticed that we are all hung up on the concept of material progress? Everything has to get better every minute of every day. A bigger house. A better car. More technological gizmos etc. etc. etc.Whatever happened to self progress? The concept that in order to continually grow I must start many projects. When I do something new I must accept that my performance will gradually improve as my skills improve. The concept of practice makes perfect. Or did we ditch that when we were children. It only applies to children. Adults don't need to practice. They are naturally perfect at everything they do first time.Everything has to begin somewhere. Every time we begin something, something old falls away. Our lives change.Is that your fear?The bottom line is: to get better, to improve, to fulfil your dream, to enjoy your passion. You have to begin.What about now?Mark Twain said:"The man who does not read has no advantage
over the man who cannot read"Therefore the person who doesn't start but has all the ideas in their head has no advantage over the person who has no ideas at all.What do you need to start?Good LuckGraham and Julie
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http://www.desktop-meditation.com. It's free.
Keyword : begin,start,ready,avoidance,tactic,birth,new,idea,reasons
