วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

What You See (in Your Mind) is What You Get

Author : Bill Gluth
Imagine the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen. Imagine it sinking below the horizon of that deep blue ocean or dropping behind that massive, snow capped peak.How did that make you feel? It probably brought a feeling of peace to your heart. You felt the emotion of what it was like to be there; reliving that experience once again; almost like a min-vacation in your mind.In the same way you pictured this event, so too do you create the outcomes in your life. The moment-by-moment pictures you paint relative to your daily activities actually create the results you experience.What did you think about your day when you woke up this morning? How about as you got ready, or on the drive in to the office?Your day will go in direct proportion to how you think about it.Remember that sales call that you felt "Man, I got this one in the bag!" Then, lo and behold, you wrote the order. The same can be said for those times when you felt that a deal wasn't going to happen.In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles wrote, "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe."A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created."In 1910 the study of Quantum Physics was not yet established, yet genius thinkers like Wallace Wattles knew the secret of how to obtain desired results. Because of Quantum Physics, we now know that all matter is made up of molecules of energy and that matter is manipulated with our thoughts and corresponding actions.But before energy is spent, focus and clarity must be achieved or your results will not be what you want. And the longer you remain unclear, confused and cluttered in your thinking the less likely it is that you will ever reach your dreams and goals in life.If you don't know what you offer, aren't clear about what you want in life or just don't feel good about the direction you're heading, coaching is the least expensive and quickest way to get on track and reach your greatest goals.Here are the steps to take to realize your greatest ambitions.1. See your abilities, talents, passions and desires from another person's point of view. Often, you can't see the forest for the trees because you are too close. Hiring someone to help you see the BIG picture will change your perspective immediately. Spinning your wheels day after day is both frustrating and counter productive.NOTE: A friend cannot help here because they bring bias about you based on past experience. You need an outside point of view if you hope to break through.2. Start at the end result you want to achieve and work backwards. This is called backward target planning.3. Create a plan on paper and follow it. When conditions change, modify the plan and move forward. Plans are maps that keep you on course.4. Remain flexible to take advantage of new discoveries and information but stay focused on your ultimate big picture thinking.Your life is worth the effort it takes to stand out from the crowd and live your inherent strengths, greatest passions and personal genius. It's never too late to begin. How about starting today?Bill Gluth is "Your Talent in Business Expert" and a professional speaker, trainer and consultant. He is the first person to specialize in developing "talent" as a competitive business strategy.Bill brings clear, simple and focused action steps to any business building program. He spotlights a step-by-step process for unleashing your talent in business so that you can learn how to be unique in a commodity driven world and stand out in any industry.Find out more about Bill Gluth's Small Business Training Services by visiting http://www.developyourvision.com
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