วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The FA.S.T. Track to Success

Author : Rodney Muhammad
Do not think that because there are not hundreds of pages the information is not
powerful. I have chosen to not waste your time by using unnecessary words and
fluff just to impress. In addition, I expect you to think long and hard on the four
principles I am going to reveal to you and take your studies of this material very
serious.You should know that we are all in the business of people and
everything we do rests on how we interact with people. However, where do the
kinds of people that will most impact your life in a great way come from and how
would you recognize them
if you saw them?FINDYou must first Find the proper candidate to be in your life. Now there is something
to be said for reaching out to large numbers of
people, however I want you to develop the tools necessary to see a good person
long before you actually approach them. I call this technique,
"Prospervation" where
you learn to observe the prospect long before contact. A common mistake is being
self-absorbed to the
point of mental blindness. At the very
point in your journey that you become comfortable with who you are and where you
are in life, always knowing that there is more, yet operating in a perpetual state of
gratitude you will have reached a condition of "flow" or what some would call: "Being
in the zone." Once you achieve this state you will notice the difference in the way
others stand, walk, the motions they make and how to determine if they are in a
proper place in life to receive what you have to give them."Prospervation": "The science of observing the prospect before contact".Begin to spend more quiet time just people watching. Try going to the park or the
mall, just sitting, and watching the movements of the people. This exercise will
allow you to practice without the pressure that some feel while prospecting. Just sit
back and watch the people. Begin to notice the difference between the confident
and the timid. Now to do this you must be in a heightened state of "Empowered
Awareness". You must, become fully connected to all of your sensory awareness
(sight, sound, smell, taste, and feeling). Now if you begin to create a sense of
moving twice as fast as everyone else you will begin to notice their movements will
begin to slow down.Now start to notice a few of the external clues that people give to the internal dialog
that they have. Watch for movement in the jaw area of the face and attempt to
notice the person mouthing words. Watch for movement of the head as well. If you
can, notice the breathing as well as the posture. These things will serve as clues to
each person's internal state. This is something you must practice often in order to
develop proficiency at it. Getting into a heightened state, cutting off your own
internal dialog and truly observing…will yield the results you seek.You are looking to find and identify those persons that are leaders, big thinkers and
those that are the most empowered about life. You can spot them easily if you use
strategies I have just given you. Now that you have found a great prospect by using
the "Prospervation" technique and since I know that you have taken the time to
create a great opening when approaching people, it is time to act.ASSESSYou must now begin to Assess the persons particular abilities.
The actual skill that you are required to access is the person's ability to follow
directions. When I began to purposely
connect with people one of my mentors asked me to perform a simple task: To
get equipment that would enable me to record our phone conversations. He
explained to me that doing so would enable me to listen to the our calls as
often as I needed and allow me to critique myself when reaching out and connecting
with others, which would
ultimately lead to faster growth. He also gave me a time and day to give him a call
and informed me that we would talk further then. Well, I found the equipment I
needed (which was very inexpensive) and called him as scheduled. Now the very
first sentence that he spoke was in the form of a question: "Did you get the
equipment so you could record our conversations?" Absolutely I replied. He then
informed me that a large majority of the people he connects with fails that simple
test.The purpose of his requesting I perform that task was two fold.1. There is a definite need to record your important personal calls as well as any
business calls (with the agreement of the other party). This will enable you to really
hear yourself.2. It was a simple test in following directions. Connecting with people has very little
to do with what you think and a lot to do with what is best to do. If
you can accurately follow the directions of those who have achieved even the
smallest amount of success connecting with people…it should be obvious that if you
would like to really like to have great people in your life and influence over them,
would be wise to know that you just might not know what you think you know.So learn to assess the ability of the person to follow basic instructions to full
completion. Any sign of resistance calls for a different method of approachinig the
person and will
serve to lengthen the time it takes for the individual to "get it" and for you to extract
any benefit from the relationship. If you have found
someone that is eager to learn and mentally submissive enough to follow basic pre-
prospecting instructions then you just might have a leader and a great helper on
your hands.SHOWOnce you have determined that you have a potential helper in your life, it
is now
time to show them some things. This is often called, leading by example. Being
kind to
others, helping others, giving to charities or volunteering.The importance of showing the new person in your life what can be done that is
most empowering to life is not to produce
clones but to generate a familiarity of flow for them. If you are reading this, you are
someone that knows the value of flowing. Connecting with people is something
we live and showing them the empowered way is something we do. You are
showing the person that every
moment of everyday we are connecting with people. We just need to insure that we
are intentionally connecting with empowered people.The new person in your life must see the value in the process of empowered
thinking and action. Find joy in the adventure.
Your energy and excitement about life will rub off on many in your life.
If you consider yourself a leader, which I know, you are, and then show them the
way and if they follow then good for them and if they do not...no worries. Live
cheerfully and fear not.TESTNow it's time for the new person in your life to run a
few laps of they're own. In the early "critical" stages of people
building, it is suggested that you pay close attention to the movements of the new
person. Do not simply leave them to fumble along in your life without your
guidance.Your contact with the person should have given you an excellent view into what
behavioral style that most dominates with them. Now if you are not familiar with
understanding how to identify and interact with different types of people. Then I
strongly suggest you immediately get yourself a book on personality types and if
put into practice you will enhance all of your communications with others. It has
done wonders for my life. Now once you have learned about the behavioral styles
you will
have insight as never before. I cannot stress the
importance of the proper mixture of people to keep your life flowing and moving in
the proper direction. Just as with food, the improper
combining of people can bring a stomachache to remember.Here are some testing tips that you can use. Remember you connected with them
and just like any
precious jewel, they have a healthy expectation to be cut, buffed and put on display
in your life.• The ability to meet and call at predetermined times absent of excuses for failure
to do so. Like going to Lunch and Dinner or just a walk in the park.• The consistency of follow through. (Once tasks are assigned you do not have to
contact them for the results…they contact you).• Show a willingness to learn more about themselves as well as others.Now these are just a few areas to check and I think you get the point. There must
be systems in place if you expect to progress in your life and increase your
effectiveness in the world. I am sure that you have
taken plenty of tests in your life thus far. It is a vital component to accessing a
person's ability to perform certain tasks at a particular level. Remember through
each process that you are qualifying the person to be a part of your life and there
are some, which will not qualify for advanced time in your life.Always remember that no matter what else you do in life you must…Cultivate the
Courage to Roar!Rodney 'Asaad' MuhammadBrilliant and thought provoking E-articles from Rodney 'Asaad' Muhammad for those
needing more courage. http://www.meetthegoal.com
Keyword : Success,Track,Prospecting,Pro,Powerful,Sales,MLM,prosper,call,ability,networker,test,show,access
