วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Sow the Seeds of Success

Author : Steve Brunkhorst
We each have different ideas of what success means. We also have different limitations. Yet limitations need not stop us from living our purpose and achieving our objectives.We will be guided by many powerful helping hands when we commit ourselves to success and follow it's laws. Success begins by requiring that we keep our minds focused on our desired outcome, not our limitations.The most important seeds of success are desire, vision, knowledge, honesty, integrity, confidence, resolve, focused action, and persistence. They must be nourished with faith each day.The success we envision can seem far away. The preparations necessary may take time and effort. There may be temptations to quit with the finish line years in the distance. Mentally zoom in and look at your finish line! Experience it internally today.Instead of trying to leap from the starting line to the finish line, we can begin by taking one small step - doing what we are capable of doing - today. Robert Collier said, "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." Small efforts will eventually get us to the finish line.Some skip planning and preparation, want the work done for them, and want the payoff; they will not succeed. We need to take a stand for what we want, commit to it, and then start building our own doors to knock on.Success does not exist inside books. Yet books are valuable in that they catalyze the abilities already inside us. Books wake us up and provide necessary inspiration and education. They nourish and fire up our potential. Then it is up to us to put that knowledge into action and develop discipline and skills. Good books work... only if the reader works.The Creator placed the seeds of success in the exact place they would be needed; they live inside of us, waiting to germinate, grow, and blossom. By living with faith-filled principles, those seeds will grow to bring rewarding accomplishments in the years to come.We will reap only what we sow. Sow seeds of success within your mind and spirit today!© Copyright 2006 by Steve Brunkhorst. All rights reserved. Reprinted from Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve your top potential. Get the next issue by visiting http://www.AchieveEzine.com.
Keyword : success,objectives,desire,vision,knowldge,honesty,integrity,confidence,resolve,action,persistence
