วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Affirmations – The Art of Positive Affirmations

Author : Keith Londrie
In our previous article I outline how to make money with "Money to Be Made Online", and overcome negatively charged affirmations that may have and adverse effect on your life. Today I'm going to talk about how positive affirmations can change your life. There are some important aspects to creating positive affirmations. We're going to build on the previous topics discussed. Previously we learned a few guidelines, let's go over them briefly.Affirmations should always be positive. If, for example, you want to quite or stop something, don't mention the bad habit you want to stop. Instead, try to create sentence using words that define the desired state you want to be in AFTER you quit or stop your bad habit. Take, for example, binge eating. Instead of affirming "I no longer am a binge eater", you should say "I eat a perfect amount of nutritious food every day". If you'd like to decrease the amount of cravings you get to eat, you might say "I crave small portions of nutritious and healthy food".We previously discussed the other important factors of creating affirmations such as present tense, and using your everyday language. If you don't think in the manner your affirmations are created, it won't "hit home" as efficiently. If you're normal everyday mode of speech is simple, create simple sounding affirmations. You should also be aware of the way you affirm emotional states to yourself normally, and emulate the tone of voice internally when repeating your consciously created affirmations.Be sure to also create your affirmations in the present tense, and don't include future or past tenses. Ok, now that we're up to speed, I'll give you some examples and try to answer some frequently asked questions. Many people ask me "What should my affirmations be about?" The response I most often give to inquiries is this: Always try to make your affirmations have positively charged emotions. For example, "I feel great, I feel full of energy, and I feel secure".People also ask "Are there any things I should consistently include in my affirmations?" My typical response to this question would be that: "Your affirmations should include how you like your life to be. For example, when trying to create prosperity with "Money to Be Made Online", I said things such as: "I am a successful person, I attract wealth and success, I work with other successful and positive people".There are various approaches to creating affirmations. An alternative method is to use them to counter your negatively charged affirmations. If, for example, you catch yourself saying something negatively charged to yourself, have a pre-made positively charged affirmation that counters, balances, the negative thought. Use the pre-made affirmations to counteract the negative aspects you feel about yourself. It may take weeks to months, but you'll notice changes after a while.People tend to ask "How long will it take?" I usually inform them to be patient, and I'll talk about the time it usually takes to see effective changes a bit later. The next question I'd like to address is: "What are some real life examples? Has this technique worked for you?" I'll give you a real life example by telling a short story.I was fresh out of college when I found myself in debt, and had to pay bills. Even though I had a job, the interest from my bills made the process creep along very slowly, and I was eager to get out of debt as quick as possible. I decided to enter the business of selling products online at a discounted price. At first I was lazy and just copied other online stores, selling their products for a small commission. I wasn't making much money, and was about to quit.During those times, I had streams of negatively charged thoughts, such as "Maybe I'm not cut out for this stuff, I can't do it, My store isn't as successful as others". All these negative thoughts, if allowed to continue, would've continued my path to failure in the online world of business. However, I used the technique outline above.I started counteracting each negative thought with a positive one. After a while I noticed that I didn't feel bad about my store anymore, but was a little lazy and insecure about taking the risk of investing some money for advertising, and launching a store where I bought products straight from the distributor, like all the other big stores. I created affirmations for those setbacks as well, and before I knew it I was making good money, and was able to pay my bills.Wouldn't you like the same types of success? Whether you're making money online with "Money to Be Made Online", or have a job in the corporate world. Affirmations can help you succeed! Taken from real life experience I've explained how negatively charged thoughts can affect your life, and how to change that effect with positive affirmations. I hope you'll join me in the next update. I'll be discussing with you the refinement arts of creating more powerful and life changing affirmations!Until next time, I hope to see you in the lands of success and happiness!Keith Londrie II is a successful Webmaster and the owner and publisher of moneytobemadeonline.com A website that specializes in providing tips on how to REALLY make money online that you can research on the internet in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home. Visit http://moneytobemadeonline.com/ today!
Keyword : make money, make money online, selling, learn to sell, how to sell, how to make money online
