วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Motivation - Getting Out What You Put in Part 2

Author : Rich Lucas
We have previously spoken about how your physiological state can affect you motivation bearing in mind the principle "you get out what you put in" In this article, we can look at how you can feed your mind for motivationLet's look at what we listen to begin with, most of us listen to our car radio/Ipod on the way to work in the morning, we need to pay attention to what we listen to if we want to be sure our motivation will arrive to work intact. Think of the music you listen too, is it catchy, upbeat; positive tunes that make you want to take on the world? Or is it dreary, melancholy music that makes you ask "Why does it always rain on me?" You may enjoy this music, and that's great, I certainly do, but I put it to you. Have you ever seen a highly motivated Goth?! My guess is no, having said that, we all have our own specific taste that motivate and inspire us, just be aware of yours and use it to the full.Also consider that you could use the time you spend commuting to learn. Get yourself some courses or books on tape on subjects that really inspire you but wouldn't get a second look at home because of lack of time/resources. Listen to them as you commute and change dead time into learning time.Next, think about what you watch. If spend the evening before watching mindless television and spent most of it channel hopping, you have neither unwound nor stimulated yourself. You can be stimulated the wrong way by watch explicit or violent programs. These can stir up the wrong kind of hormones and can leave you drained and aggressive, likewise exposing yourself to too much news can be soul destroying, particularly when it is portrayed as nothing positive is happening in the world. Watch things that make you happy. Positive programs that lift your spirits and inspire you. Once again, be aware of what works for you and do it. If there is nothing on the television. Have a read.Reading can be one of the most motivating things you can do providing you read the right material. Celebrity mags and tabloids are the junk food for the brain, fine in moderation but don't try and live off it. Motivation can come by reading self help material, biographies and other positive, inspiring material.The upshot of these two articles is that if you surround yourself with positive people, good food and drink, Inspiring images and words, you'll find it more and more difficult to be de-motivated. Here's to your ongoing successPersonal development expert, freelance trainer, author and founder of supremacy training solutions. I specialise in training delivery and design for businesses. My company delivers intergrated learning facilitation, coaching and ready to deliver training materials on leadership, training skills and personal development. See more at http://www.supremacytraining.com and get signed up to our monthly newsletter
Keyword : motivation,reading,positivity,learning,training
